05/11/1948144 May 11, 1948. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trusteos of the Village of Deerffield was called to order By Vhe President Robert S. Alexander at 8 :15 P. M- and the following trustees responded to the roll call_; Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Paterson and Stanger. 'Absent- Npne. The minutez of the regular meeting held April 12, 1943 were road and approited. The following bills were read and a rztion mado by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Peterson that these bills be paid, if, as, and when funds are available. Suburban Building Officials Conferonce --------- w 3-00"- Herman Hertel -- -------------------------- - - - - -- 24.001" George Herrmann, %r.----------------- --- -- - - - - -- 160.00r- Burgess, Anderson & Tate----------------- - - - - -- 4-95r- lamas B. Clow & Sons--------------------- - - - - -= 13.48x- D. N. L. Walther------------------------- - - - - -- 197 900'1. F. T. F.w100.0 Q�, Panama, Beaver, Inc .----------------------- - - - - -- 8.78 v- .! Vant & salig --------------------------------- -- 65.00+ - H -K Electric Co.----------------- -- ------ - - - - -- 60.00 Deerfield Hardware &P 18.09 aint Co.----------- 9999 -- K Neptune Later Co .------------------------ - - - - -- 22.98v- Peter Baker & Sons----------------------- - - - - -- 14.32 ti I:ercer lumber Co------------------------- - - - - -- 10.30.^ 11Iilliam Barrett-------------------------- - - - - -- 10.00 N. Lr4ore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard------------- - - - - -- 100.00t, Sherony Hardware------------------------- - - - - -- 2.25r' Illinois -Boll Telephone Co.-------------- - - - - -- 32,50t", Public'Service, Co .----------------------- - - - - -- 195.92.. Chaster 'rassllnG,Village Collector,Kise-- - - - - -- 66.92 Deerfield Temple Association -Juno rent--- - - - - -- 75.00c' Salaries Percy McLauhlin ----------- t 275.0a, A. H. Anderson------ - - - - -- 200.00t,; 7,mo.Johnston-------- - - - - -- 275.00 Mrs. Co . -- - - -- 150.001, George Sticken,Sr.-- - - - - -- 225.0(k Chester Wessling---- - - - - -- 50.001. Erwin Seago--------- - - - - -- 40.001 Co 7. Turner--------- - - ---- 100.00 1315.00 Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas Truste© Banfiold, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nuys- None. Motion carried. Im I Trustee Banfield made a motion which 'Was seconded by Trustee King that ve authorize the construction of a trailer for the centrifugal pump at a cost not to exceed X150.00. Roll call resulted.as follows. Yeas- Trusted Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Paterson and StanCer. Nays- .1lone.110tion carried. It was moved by Trustee 116rcurio and seconded by Trustee Banfield that the resolution for the installatiox of two ornamental street lights at the intersection of Deerfield and Waukegan Roads, to be paid out or funds under the Motor Fuel Tax Law, be passed. Lotion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee- Banfialf, Bradt, Kinm, Mercurio, Peterson and.Stanger. Those voting ";da,•" being None. Hotion'made by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Banfield that a report on the status of the Callner Building be submitted within fortyeight hours. Roll call resulted as follows - Yeas- All, Nays -None. Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Moreurio and seconded by Trustee Kin,- that the report as submitted by the police magistrate showing 077.00 in fines collected durin the month of April, 1948 be received and placed on Pile. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- All. Nays- None. Motion carried. 1 Trustee Stanger made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Bradt that the ordinance vacating an additional portion of rhittior Avenue in l Golds n's 11orth.Shore Golf Links Subdivision, be passed. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Paterson and Stanger. :days- none. Motion carried. 453 -GG I'S :ln 5/6/43 110. 7i0 APUS iTAGA `.`:I.F,r l3, - :: I.i7I:I`a'T z I10I1"'Fi : APUS iTAGA `.`:I.F,r l3, - :: I.i7I:I`a'T I10I1"'Fi : .- A1.7...O�r i✓ :;r..ii 1.rIr,ilX'ia►.,: 4,1/J4:.r�1.d1LVn..t Eby ordina:i G,0: duly-., pane 66 a.r A roved by, the. IT esa Ida nt and o aru; of .Tx'ustcots : of, thw: Villa-0 of :.. Doerfiald,.,Lrace Count fs Illtnaic f . o:q :, tha, :2.2nd day of October! 1946, which ordinance was thoreaftcr recorded in- Lako County as L'ocumont .1v•.. 1CO3Z6.r, , that portion of 'aid ix-hittier AveMuo _ 1�1n casterly of a' ling extonriod south S'ro., tea nouthwcs'ut s corr,ar' oi' lot' 2 of Atsa► cif auladivieionn� WnE vacated; xuund ,j " . -chool Dintrict No. lot), Lull:o County, , Y Illinois, or Lhc ..` ck.00l` :a ,tatiu t �ordf'ov.,,' ha:�' acquirod ownc� r- ° of Lei; .,1 jp A20 , 4, 5, viz; 13, a' .- tz' f 0 : a `acrid .aubdi �inio : :, iirxcl 1 s ulau tho owner of Lot (;.of Ownoraa. rst Addition, to a ald`VillaA 5ij, of Doorfield, all vvh.ich, lots ::of: ' abut said � hittiel, .f.. ..�cPcool ,Uiz�trict, 1.Ci�. day v .rtuo . of tz4v owaorsh4 c .f �sf „,e ot�v u ar yid of .. itj lots is > n ,the only,F)ro cr.ty,a37r�er...o botht {sld 3Aof.J0aia jhitticr,Av.4 nao ca #:oriy.;di ra;l r :o. rxtCadv; or Gala Lot t .,of ..ac d,-G0ld ;ant at , tort.h Liaoro wolf ;Limn sub.. division1 . and y 'f;1i ; .,the ^s`ald ochboi 'Diatrict 100 t�ila "' to c�xten "its ,;.c14001 1�rou ltAs 00 that c3ro sari z€ ctoa . unc ♦ q o h :t t.L1� i sirif �..M t'l .*iu ii &ovoro'd b�' .. ' '' ,� any public ' stir ect; and It was moved by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee King ghat !' proceedings bo instituted for the foreclosure of the lion of the unpaid insta.11=nts of'the spacial asseGsttants levied against the following described property: ! Lots 1 through 7, Block 1 Lots 1 throughl3, Block 2 Lots 1 throughl5, Block 3" Lots l through 17, Block Lots 1 through 15,.Block 5u hots l through 15, Block 6 in Woodland Manor Subdivision in the Village of Deerfield, Leke County, Illinois, and that the following resolution covering the foreclosure, be passed. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Bonfield, Bradt, Mircurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- None. Motion carried.- iLi�L� curtain~ Snst allu .�t o ccrt �ln :: iecial 1LS2eas rents vl4oh' have been levied a ainst the follovlin;, doscribed property` arc.. unpaid; - H. L. 3i'E_3TL=G::1z 493 -4 Latin 1 throu6h 7, Block 19 i� Lots 1 throu6.h 13, block w, 1 Lot: 1 through 13* Block 3, Lots l thruu6h 17$ Block d, Lots 1 through 15,, dock 5, Lots 1 through 1k,' Block G, in oodland Manor Subdivision of, Deerfield. iota Principal Delinquent uent -- -- - - - %: % PC) AZ '65MEAS 'the Presi.dont and the Trilstcos of the Villa6e of DoerfiQld are willin�;, thrat yroccadin s .be, t tituted %for the*.' s for�;ciasrz�riv...0 ;:qj, xn.:of' t-x uopsic y:{x�Ntalx ente c�i' the afore .._ . ..., r.. said spooial assesnmesnts 1eviec1,.aL,uini5't they above described property; .arid it appearin,, that all oth -,r ri:e}ans of col10Ctin,G. said uz pald special,. aauoc La onts have been unzavaili.ne,; ' BZj AAD IT' 13 111.. TZY i LSOLVED by tho Trustoes�.`of the Vi7.1ao,,o- of Deerfield that .LR,d :1 SE'AGO as .tho Attorney for° the r Villa -c be and lie ia,heroby autb.ori.zed itad directed.to institute proceediaLs _o:,xi behalf .of the Villa6e of Deerfield.fortha .forc-,_: closure of the lien of s eciml assessments aLainst • the .mo GiOSCribe�x . rropertyy, A p� +� T [� �,�r X17 � n m 1 _ y �i �{ /y r ,{, h y +� 'f ,. F p>._..,,,...: ;: B `r• ..;A -D 111 I" i",TtEB f, ViM,l-Xl�i:. ;�i L ii+ill��ED halt. -. J.�Ei�.i.Ll +. °�11�� an Attorne; for tho Villaj:,e3 of Doerfield .bey an d he ys hereby autt- vri.zed• td institute maid 1 }rocaedln a by the filinL, , f corspl.aint ° v.= ° bt�half of thcr Villa e fbr the foreclosur-er of th4 .:.lion of ' evied' aLainst the: - abovo . described property, - " r �' � � ' a } • #^.i-a .{, i.• s.. _. r\ t•`t \ �^ t '� � -,.'� h .+ ` i-". ? j, .° '� ` v �" _ - A �Ti- GrCiZti�'t"�Q11(.`1� Wei rs..wiaa7 ,a't.4%aw w-*r. ',�� ,....r rtis�w:b'.C9`Rc .i fl nols oucta ca. c`= jade 'and provided. ' � .: f-Yi .s.. _. ii �..- ..e441, w. .rr .�.,q„ _ sn .v..w.?+rra+°"""'�'._a. -�.. w ,. ,...,n a .. t. F i`E" .. r w:ran.. rte. r� - t } .�_ -' - a �d�'"i �4Fry„e. wr�:Jx.l ..x. ,tea -.. eAi. ". v-' •F._'R -+� .. � �' �. � t v' - ',r sir