04/12/1948M 7' April 1�, 1948• The regular meeting of the Prdsident and Board of Trustees of the Villa,-,e of Deerfield was called 'to order by'the7President ?.obart S. Alexander at.8 P. Y. Roll call. Present- Trustee Bdnfield',' Briadt','King, L4eVcuVioj Feterson,and Stanger. Absent. None.7 The minutes of the regular meeting held March 9,­1948 were read and approved. Sealed bids for the construction of a watermain extension were re- ceived, opened and publicly read, as follows:, 'Unit #2 'Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #1 Total RTJ A. S. Scully & Sons, $10668.00. $2398.'00 $4727-50 $6050-00 423843-50 Chicago, Illinois. George D. Hardin, 11546.92 2246.20 5024.00 2881+-50 121701.62 Chicago, Illinois Vincent Di Vito, 16220.00 2390.00 '4137-50 5200.00 27947.50 Chicago, Illinois. Kuch & Watson, Highland Park, Illinois.- 9303,.18 2008.60 3737.00 *1342.00 16390.78 Quigley & Schneider, Highland Park, Illinois 10102.00 2185-00 4442-50 2320,00 19049.50 CLarles, M. Porter & Sons Maywood, Illinois. 9348.57 2203.60 5206.00 2008.20 18766-37 Trusto*6 kler'c'urio made a,=tion which was seconded by Trustee Aterson that we award the contract to Kuch and Watson, Highland Park,* Illinois, as their bid in the amount 'of v*16,390.78 for the four units was the lowest submitted and that the clerk be authorized to-return all of the bid bonds or checks furnished by the unsuccessful bidders, . Roll call resulted as follows."'Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Paterson and Stanger. Nays- Noveo Motion carried. The following bills were read and it vas roved by Trustee Stanger and seconded by Trustee Paterson that they be approved for payment, if, as, and when funds are available.' Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Bradt, Xing, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- None. Motion carried. it George Harrran=,Zr --------------------------- 109.00 Itioller Co.-=-------------------------- - - - - -- 70,951�1 U. Channon Co.------------------------- - - - - -- 2-72 Andravi E. Decker ---------------- ------------- 34-50 Suburban 'Building officials Confe.-en!ae------- 10.00-\ A. H.,Gastfield -------------------------------- 10.00. Rockwell Mfg. co� ------------------------------- 387-00t,., ifto H. Barrett ------------------------------- 30-001"_ -Tames B. Clow & Sons -------------- ------------ 37.00 Ericlb DX Service Station -------------------- 6.78,,, Burgess, Anderson & Tate-------- - - - - -- - - 6.84t\ Natiobal Brick Co *--------------------- - - - - -- 37, OOt- X, A. Frantz--------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- - - - - -- 4.86tz_ George Barnett­: ----------------------------- 4,00-r- William D_,' Johnston------------------ I- - - - - -- .15.0oi- City of highland Park ------------------------ 3648-90ti Frost's Radio & Electric Appliances ---------- 12-31 - ------ H-H Electric CO ----------------------- (- Highland Park News --------------------------- 16-32�,, X32 ji Illinois-Bell Telephone Co --------------------- ?5 Public Service Co ---------------- z ------ ---- 209.71 Reliable Garage -------------------- 4 ----------- 9 1 '12 Deorfield Garage and Service Station--- - - - - -- 27-721- !} Kercer IxLmber Co.------------- - - - - -- --------- 6-53,t\ Marchi Broa ---------- ----------------------- 28.58 -Dahl'a Auto Reconstruction ------------------- - 27 10 American Sanitary Sewer Service -------------- 1080.00 Seago, Pipin, Bradley & Vetter --------------- 369,30t,, 1:artha Jordan------------------ - - - - -- - - - - -- 13.75�_ Deerfield Tezplc Association- 75.00° Salaries for April, 1948 Percy 1"cIaughlin----- - - -- -Y 275.00 A. H. Anderson-=--- - - - - -- 200.00t- william Johnston-- - - - - -- 275.OW:, Lira. C. tlessling--- - - -- -- 150.00 r- . George Stidkeii - - = = -- 225.001 ` Chester ,r O:CO essling--- - -- - -- 5 t-- Erwin Seago ------- ------- 40.00 C. J. Turner ==----- - - - = -- 1 COItN, X1315.00 It was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the rejort'as submitted by Police Magistrate Dan Hunt shoving 0243.00rin fines collected during the month of L:,areh, 1948, be v received and placed on file. . Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustea Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays- None. 'Motion carried. Trustee King 'made a motion which was seconded by Tructoe Stanger that arrest tickets be issued to any residents of the Village`of Deerfield after April 22, 1948 who have not purchased his or her 1948 vehicle o'r dog license. ` Upon roll call the following vote was taken. A Yeas - Txft atee Banfield, Bradt, Zing, Mercurio, Peterson and Stanger. Nays - None. Motion carried. The license committee reported that according to Section 479 of our present ordinances, a license can not be issued to the Sheridan Rifle and'Pistol Club to operate as a Gun club and a motion r:as made by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trusted King that this report be accepted and approved. izoll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Bradt, King, Marcurio,and Stanger. ISays- Trustee Banfield and Peterson. :Lotion carried. _. A motion was made by Trustee Baafiold and seconded by Trustee Peterson that two new =anholes be installed in the Sanitary Sewer System in East Deerfield Road, between M^,adow Brook Lane and the West 5i0xie Drainage Ditch. _ M tiou unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Barfield, Bradte, King, Mercurio, Peterson and StanSer. Those voting "Nay" beine,'None. Trustee Peterson reported 2 quarantine cases during the Month of Mirch and.that.the 'inspection o8 Food dealers has been ccmpleted. It was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Kin- that' the Board authorize the Village Attorney_Erosin.Seaeo to file a complaint with 'the Iliinoia Cor=erce Commisuion and also the Interstate Commerce Commission, if necess be ary, requesting tter passenger service on the Chicago; ,Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas Trustee Banfield, Bradt, King, Mercurio,:..."eterson and Stanger. Nays- 11one. Motion carried. Trustee Stanger made a motion which vias_ seconded by Trustee lercurio that' v,,e grant permission to_ Harry W. Taylor, 132Q 21.; Austin Blvd, Oak Park,' Illinois, to remove an oak tree from the parkway at the ;Iorth End of Lot l in Block 5, Branig .r Bros. woodland` Park Subdivision. _ ._ _ -' __ -- Upon roll'call ih- following vaterti•,as taken. Yeas- Truste;'Ban- field, Bradt, 'rang, ?"ereurio, Peterson and' Stanger. 174ays7 None. Motion carried.''_..._ .. Moved by Trustee King and_seconded by ;Trustee Bradt that the fol- ,,.- law1bg•`ordin;ance fixing the official time with_ in the Village of Deerfield, Lake 'County, Illinois, be passed. ^ _ Motion unanimously carried.._ Those voting _ "Aye" being Trustee Banfield, Bradt; Zing,_ Mercurio,. Paterson and Stani;er. Those voting "Nay"being None. - Oc,li ::iANGF 1sT} TIN" ` T L �u}I��'�LC�I}7ALr 'I:' s 'j1jTiii1j'= TIjv .VILL GE# tOC Dt`ii+i\PIEIDO� t T T -r BL IT ORVAV BY ` 11L li +alDr `r t�:s`L .3�Jis: �' �r +Iiu,"rT LS -OF THE VILE IGr,. op: DLITIFILLI), . Lk t, °`;UAa�"Y� ILF I`10I IX A :section• 1. uhut, fro.:s and aftar� A.brca o clock Pa �.i ht ucvIn s , lIme shall � s s be the aff'ieial ti �0 vIitIiin the :Will :.t,a cif �c�c�rt'icl� for tI O`trans- ` faction .or. all Village businese. All �ral, or. official proceodinz;s of tho IrrosiCeat and Board of, Trusteoc. `an" all, officisal .busi.nes s'. I } o. the Jillsz,, c shall be raE +ala, e s 8 to the ;arovisl -onc Of Llus section; and'wlhon "tin act isa -to be - erformed =by j ' ordinance, resolution or uction of -a � snl.cIp officer or body,. _ 1� such .act nu^t be vcrformad according` to trio -official time as herein Proscribed* ^action 2.. " That all ord nancec -or ,parts of ordinances ; r'. In conflict with .tllla 'ordinanco • bv� �xrid'.*Lho s3a tv a.ro herebywr � p w pealed. _ e f _ Section 3. 1'hi his ordinance ,stall 'be in `full force and s _bffect'froil and after its- passaj;o at d- approval €rccordinL to 1avt' PASSM this ay, 10f E A? !it 0VED this _/ �, cia R �� �s c 13 idcsnt of, t o .V a�;e oI i y eerfiold, Lake county, nd 'Illinois this day of` , A.D.. + `'. • . V Qt3' , 77 t ,e 07 , :roved, seconded and carried to adjot .village Clerk. pre ident of the Board. f