12/10/1946December 10, 1946. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by,the President Robert-So' Alexander at 8 P. 11. with the following trustees re ponding to the roll call -: Bradt,.Ca:.el, Uercurio, -Scott and Stanger., Absent- Trustee Tennis. - The minutes of..the regular meeting held November 12, 1946 were read and approved. Trustee Mercurio rade a motion which was.seconded by Trustee Cazel that the President appoint,a committee to confer with representatives-of the National Brick Co. with reference to smoke and gas fumes and this committee shalX. have power.to take whatever action it may deem necessary. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Nays- None Motion carried. The President appointed,George Scott, P. A..:Tennis and Andrew'Bradt�. to serve on this committee. It was moved by Trustee Bradt and seconded by.Trustee Stanger-.that we rescind the building permit which was issued to 117t11iam Strom for the erection of a house and garage until such time that the owner can prove to the satisfaction of the Building Commissioner that he is complying with the provisions of his permit and when so proven his permit will be reinstated . Upon roll call.the following vote eras taken. Yeas - Trustee:Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and Stanger. Nays- None*. Lotion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Stanger and seconded by.Trustee Bradt that the following bills be paid, if, as and when funds -are available. Roll call- Yeas - Trustee Bradt, Cazel,- Mercurio, Scott and Tennis: j! Nays- None. Motioa carried. Rea le go • ---- -�j. ----------------- -------- 53.04 ; _ -.. ------------- - - - - -- - - - -- 1048 20S3,o 4- Re�'e o?s o Station---------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 4«10 M- A. Frantz---......------=---------------- 1.66 Tames B. Clow &. Sons----------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- , 39.60 Highland Park Fuel Co- g ------------------------ - - - - -- 18.77 National Brick Co.----------------------------- - - - - -- 17.85 {"{ -------- - - - - -- 1 Eric's D -;C Service Station------ - - - - -- - - 68.65 Reed - Randle Tractor Coe ---------- ------------- - - - - -- 85.20 -Mercer Lumber Co.- - - - - -- ------ ,-------------- ---- 12.24 Hanover Fire Insurance Co------------------ -- - - - - - -- 5.75 Stewart, Keator, Kessberger & Lederer,Ine------ - - - - -- 1.49 William Behnke--------------------------------------- 86.40 Horder`s, Inc. ---------------- ------------------- - ------ 5.61 Sears, Roebuck & Co. z- 55.63 G ConsumersCo.---------------------------------- - - - - -- 2.E8 Wadsworth Materials Co.- •--------- - - - - -- 70.40 �. H -H Electric Co ------------------- ------------------- 214.00 LesterTuhrend----- ---------------------------------- 18.00 Seago, Piping Bradley & Vetter------ - - - - -- 60.00 Patten Tractor & Egntpment .Co.----------------- - - - - -- 8.44 Deerfield Hardware & Paint Co------------------ - - - - -- 17.78 Illinois - Bell Telephone Co--------------------- - - - - -- 19140 Public Service Co.----------------------------- - - - - -- 171.34,__ William Barrett-------------------------------- - - - - -- 258.50 Deerfield Temple Association --------- - - -- -- - - - -- - 75.00 1 Salaries Percy Mclaughlin ------------------ $225.00 William Johnston------------ - - - - -- 235,00 Alfred Anderson------------- - --- -- 170.00 Mrs. Chester Wessling------- - - - - -- 110.00 Chester Wessling------------ - - - --- 30.00 George Sticken,Sr----------- - - - - -- 997.50 - Erwin Seago----------------- - - - - -- 40.00 Co T. Turner--=------------- - - - - -- 75.00 982.50 'I President Alexander announced that the resolution j granting the t Sheridan Rifle and Pistol C1ub,Inc. of Highland,Park, Illinois, permission {, -to use the Qrist Memorial Range for shot -gun shooting only and which was j. tabled at our regular meeting of November 12, 1946, is now up'for: discussion, r i 72 _, `i Trustee Bradt made a motion that we amend this resolution to read that the Sheridan Rifle and Pistol Club be given permission to operate for shot -gun shooting for one year year only and that there shall be no shooting before 9 A. M. :This motion was seconded by Trustee Stanger. Roll call - resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Bradt, Scott and Stanger. Nays - Trustee Cazel and Mercurio. Motion carried. Trustee Bradt made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Stanger that the resolution as amended which now reads" that we grant-the Sheridan Rifle and Pistol C1ub,Inc. of Highland Park, Illinois, permission to use the Crist Memorial Range for shot -gun shooting only for one year and that there be no shooting before 9 A. Uo" be adopted. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Bradt, Scott and Stanger. Nays- Trustee Cazel and Uarcurio. Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Scott and seconded by Trustee Mercurio that we accept the report of Police Magistrate Hunt showing $366.00 in fines collected during the month of November, 1946. Motion unanimously carried. Trustee Cazel made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Mercurio that we transfer $7110'00 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to the Water Fund. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Bradt, Cazel, I10reurio, Scott and•Stanger. Nays- None. Notion carried. = Trustee Cazel made•a motion which was seconded -by Trustee Mercurio that we appropriate $200040 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund for the main- tenance of Arterial Streets for the year beginning January 1, 1947 and ending December 31, 1947• " .Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mareurio, Scott and Stanger. Nays- None. Notion carried. It was moved by Trustee Cazel that we appropriate $50040 from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund -for the purpose of installing 2 light poles at the intersection of and Deerfield Roads. -This motion was seconded by Trustee Scott... Notion unanimously carried. -Those voting "Aye " - being - Trustee ,Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott and 3ta4ger. -- -Those voting "ISay" being Noun. Trustee Mercurio made - -a motion which was seconded by Trustee Caul that the license fee -for passenger cars- be.inereased from $4.00 to $5.00' per year, the-same to- become effective -on the -1947. licenses. Roll call., Yeas- Trustee Bradt,�Cazel, Hercurio, -Scott and Stanger. Nays- None. Motion -carried.­-- It was moved by Trustee Mercurio and seconded - -by Trustee Stanger that the following resolution relative to i. - -i.- Peterson-- forAclosure proceeding which was - passed October- 8, - 1946, • be - passed. t Upon roll call the following vote was taken. - Yeas - -. Trustee Bradt, Cazol, Mercurio, Scott- and- Stanger. - Nays -- None. Zotion carried. VnI1, tl:A ;, at a meeting of the Trustees of the ,Village of Deerfield, - leeally called and assembled on October a, 19460 the Trustees did pass a resolution authorizing and directing Erwin Scago, as attorney for the Village, to institute pro- ' coedings on behalf otthe Village of L'e©rfiold, for the tore - closure ,of the : lien of special assessments, against certain described property, and authorizing tho said Erwin Soago to institute said proceedings by the filing of,a complaint in a court of competent jurisdiction on behalf, of the Village Vor the foroclossure of the said lions; Lind it was reoi.ted,ixi the,.i-irst paragraph of the recitals of said resolution, 'in part, as follows; j 7 It 73 certain installments of certain As„a.,t;ments vhich have boon'z., Iovied..against trio following d escribeci' prop rtie a are unpaid. U'.`TImpROVED YROPERTIES L. L. Paterson Lot `4 . in Block 6 in nri niCar 60% Brothers Woodland Park, Leer- field, Illinois Total principal delinquent - y355.48 and WHEREAS, at the time of the ,P asage of said resolution i Mr. L. L. Peterson had no interest w1atsoover in the; above described property, but since the passage thereof, has acquired ` and now holds the equity therein, and the Said foreclosure i proceedin3.s have. not yet-been instituted; and VaHL.,jnr 1S, it is doomed by the Trustees of the Village of f Deerfield to be in tho bes t, Interests-of the Villago' in' such a aitua tion to authorize the acceptance of a lover guaranteed bid at the sale of the above described. property' on the fore-, closure thereof; 1 } i3E, AND IT IS Hi REBY RESOLV M by the Trustees of. the �! Village of Deerfield, that the resolution duly pas sled by the Trustees of the Village of Deerfield on October G. 19460 authorizing and directing S;rYdn Seaga, as attorney for the Village, to institute procoodinge, on behalf of the "Village, to foreclose tile lion of special aacessmentss against the. properties described.therein, be, and the name is horeby a- mended as to. paragraph one' of the recitals thereto, to read as f ollovis; " L.. L. Pes.terson Lot 4 in Block 6-iin Branizar 1' 400. Brothers y- oodland ParIC.Doer- field, Illinois 1' Total Principal delinquent - ;je365.48 in the place .`and stead of: L. L. Peterson - Lot 4A n i3lock 6 in Dranigar 6U% Brotilers woodland Park.. Deer- field, Illinois. 'total 'principal delinquent - 0;•365.48 q DE,._ AND IT IS 12ULBY W- OLVED FURTMR, that the said" F a resolution duly passed by the Trustees of the `Village of Deer field on October ©, 1046p remain as hereby,`vaiended.' in fu 11 -force and effect, and the name is confirm .ad as amended .hereby �i in all . re3specta * z I PASS in meeting assembled t;hisday ©f....:.� A.D•, 1940* AYES: APPROVED this /�0 day (J A.D., 1946. r Y f're ent of a age o Dee Yield, Lake County; �r Illinois. A 11 hST A motion eras made by Trustee Yarcurio and seconded by Trustee Stanger that the resolution instituting foreclosure proceeding of the lien of unpaid installments against the following described lots; Viz, Lots2, 3 and 4 of Edwin P. Osterman's Subdivision being a resub of Lots 57 and 58, and Lots 7 and 56 in Edwin P. Osteraan's Subdivision in the Village of Deerfield, be passed. - Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, E' Scott and Stanger. Nays- None• Motion carried• corLain installments of certain spacial assessment which r avo been le3viod against the following described property. are unpaids 4b8'-X Lots ::, 3 and 4 of Oaterman t b Re- subdivision of Lots 57 and S.* and 4 Lots 7 and 56 in Ldwin P• Ontoman'is t I' Subdivision in Laarfield 'Xotal principal ' delinquent - - `s, 035.47 .�_ AND Vi 11 RV�A3 the President and the Trustees of the Village + o£: ee+rrield are. grilling that proceedings' be instituted for the foreclosure of tho li "an of the`.unpaid installments of, tho afore- said 'speaial asscsss ento _levied a uinst the "above described, property, `and it a�poaring that all other means' of` collecting; ' maid `unpaid special 'asseer :oats l,.ava ' been unavailing; hE, A 1L" IT IS HasFjl By R .E OLVED by the 1rus tc e a, at the Villa o of Uc�arficald that is it lZJ Si�iGCr, as the. Attornoy for the Village bat and ho, is hereby authorizoa. and directed to institute pro eecdinga on behalf of the Village of Deerfield for the fore closure of they 'lien of -special aaz ousmonts aEairs t the above (( desorLbed property; �eE, A1,13 IT,IS II i;EBY FURT.:E11 11 "I'Al I.V, U that" 1;ItMit S .AClO, an Attorney for tlje Village of Do orfiel.d, bc,' and he in horobp authorized to institute said procoedin ,s b. the filing of a t aompInint ,oz: behalf of the Village: for the foreclosuro pf t he' a 'r lien of_spacial aisseasiments : levied against the above described � y ". propert y, all in accordance, with t! ,statutes of the itato of Illinois " in such case' made andravidod.