07/20/1945A special meeting for the consideration of the special assessments on certain lots in the Goldman's North Shore Golf Links Subdivision was announced for Friday evening, July 20th, 1945. No further business appear in , t carried to adjourn. I July 20, 1945. , seconded and nt of the Boar A Special Meeting of-the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to.order by.the President Robert S. Alexander at 8 P. M- for the purpose of instituting foreclosure proceedings of the unpaid installments of special assessment against certain properties in the ,.Village of Deerfield, ` to discuss the advisability of installing a , rebuilt motor in the squad car 'and also the matter of a new filtering bed for the sand trap at the West Side Septic tank. Roll call- Present- Trustee Bradt, Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Absent None. A motion was made by Trustee Mercurio and seconded by Trustee Cazel that the following resolution be passed as .read. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Cazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays- Trustee Bradt. RESbLUTIal ( IiE filtB., oortain inatallrients of ,. certain spoclal ause�n =Onto Vrhich have boon*: _ � following don- on lt�vSod, against the fol g � j or3bed pro?rrt rrc un�,aidt :,+.+ w+.. mw .......:v.e^a's- '_..j.,,,+�ur o 'xi' : +x:.ia.>3w+..:...rv.i- "`,r."` t..:. aw- 'w!.w..- a.....- ..a.•- +^.+v..• L. Walton (458. GO) • Lots 1, 3r �# 60 7,''ient half of Lot IS, all of Lots 9 and*; 10, W88thalf of,�Lot 13,. Went half of Lot 25, East half Of Lot 26, all;of Lots. 27," 28# 29j 300, 31, 32, 33 f �;; Lei t half of Lot 34, East -.half of Lot, 38, all of Lots 39, 46,. and 50#, South East bdif of Lot 57, .:West half of Lot 71 and ill of `Lot 84 Lot 2 Eas t half of Lot 13.* giant' half of Lot 140. all of Lots 17e, . lnf :ifs 20,' 'oust half ' of . Lot 21, an of :Lots 22, 23,'''24y En.at half of Lot 25 . Zast half of Lot 34, all of Lot 35e, Went half, of Lot '36 all, of Lot. 37, West half of- Lot ' 38, :k11 of Loto 40, 420 43, 44, 45#470 400 490 51„ 84, 58# 54, -North Weat'half of Lot 61, all of Lots 62j, 63, 65- : 66, 67; 65, - ?a, East half of Lot 73.0 all Of I Lots ?3, 74, 77, ,' North half, of Lot ?fl, all of Lots 60, ei11 ` X32,; and .B3! in Golftan+s..i.orth. Shores Golf Linits Stbd3via3c nM Totalprlpcipal de�7lnque9nt �► --'077 3. UA ,► Mill NSF, ,, all off orta by the. Villagcz of Deerfield to collect delinquent apecfal aanoss �ents a0airat said pr0- j fieart7 have born unavailing, and it appea.rts that thorn As no gray . to C01100t said spe vial .Qanansaeints_ except through. foreclosures . procoodinrs s ANTS, � IF.71EAS the .President and the Trustees of the Villa 'Tof`lte+er 'ie >1ei are' rillin treat, proccodingo` bo iwtituted j Or tt.e . foreolasurr, o f `the :. lien; or unp�i jd installments. of.` ea 8 tho aforosald special assessments levied againat the above described property, provided that. a guUrantood bid by a, -roe ponuible bidder is rude to them of at least 25 pc,rcent' of tho total principal special asagaamonts vhich are delinquent against the above described proFartyj BE, AND IT 13 HEREBY RESOLVED by the Trustees of the Village or Deerfield that Erwin Soago,.as attorney for the ; Villago, be and. he is hereby authorized and directed to inatituto ,.. procoodinga on behalf of the Village of ' Deorfield for the fore- closure cif the lien .or special assesa-mants against the above described property] nE, AND IT I3 kE~II r, BY T -'UIITIIM Hr- S©LVIM that Erwin Soneo, an attorney :Car the' Villago..of *Voerfield be and he is hereby authorized to Inotituto said proceedings by tho'Piling j of u complaint on behalf of the. Village for the foreclosure of the lion of spacial assessments levied against the above dtia -_ oribed property# all in accordance with the statutes of the stato of Illinois in such.caso.mndo and provided. - k3I? At?U IT 13 iIMRE::Y 'iiF€THER RESOLVED that the` ._ foregoing In on .the condition that the Villago or. Deerfield• shall be hold harmleaa from and shall not b© required to pay s any costit Pees, or charges in connection with such foreclosure PASSED III UMET 1110 A33E114131 D this -� day of _ :A.D.,1948 = ` AYE3 t MAYS s APPRO .:D a da f A. D. 1946 A { Proaid©nt or t o Village of : Deerfield, Lake, county, Illinois ■ fJl 0 9 Trustee Mercurio made a - motion that the following resolution authorizing the instituting-of proceedings on behalf of the Village z of Deerfield for the foreclosure of the lien of special assessments against certain properties as described, be passed. This motion was seconded by Trustee Scott. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Bradt, Oazel, Mercurio, Scott, Stanger and Tennis. Nays_ None.yy Motion carried. RESOLUTION r,HEREAS ` cortalwAnstallmenta' of certain specie t asseasnents which have been levied agmIn st the following dear cribed proportp are unpaidt 1 «, t r Christiansen {458 BB } Lot.18 . Sri Block 7' Branlear Brothera Woodland iark � 6ubdivid on. (40%) Total principal delinquent - - -` 5480 90. 6 Per, ce� 1 2. Paul Z. Barton` (450 V) Lot 11 In Block tiff in it. Lt. Cornell and Companyfs , nrlakwood . Subdivision# (Ur%) ' ` T'otal principAl. delinquent M *� 01033.41« par- --"ol- 3.+►` -Lauer=n nrotharo (45GO) Lot 3:1n Block .a in Branigar 13 rothors Woodland Park Subdivision, (401) 4 Total,, principal delinquent . w » t445 «31+ Par„ reel 4,. Eldon Holrquist : (458 7.) i "1}1!i 'III o t 2 t7 �«O e � O� . LO t 20 and all of Lot, 21 :in t Block 7r Branigar3rotheraaodlend Par1� ubdivialon, Total principal delinquent - - .. 419.p'4„ Parcel & Theodore Jo. ramak (458 PF) � ? _ Lot 4 in Owners First Addition to Deerfield. 0 0,,o ) ;'otal prinolpal- delinquent . •. «..►87f,43« Par..,, c..... ° , 13, Theodore d« Xnaak (458, PF ) j t Lot B in Owners First Addition to 'Boerflold, (60 ,*} � r Total � pr3riaigal ciai.irquant ...... 650.OQ. l�a:rcel 7 ' -- •------ ........• Theodore % +ir Enaak (458 ' } -Lot 22,',the. Eaut 50'foet-or -Lot '64; `the`�ab,40 feet Of ..., Lot G4, the East -10 foot of ,Lot 08, the` Wost. 50 foot of }` -tl ;East 60 foot of Lot 65, the Viast 30 .foot of Let 65 , 1 the Eoat 20 feet "Of Lot 660, the West 50 feet: of, the Enat .10 foot of Lot C6# -the Went 20 root ot' Lot 56 the Beat e 30`feet -of Teat G" the rest 30-toot of t'h '.e -Bast 80 root � Of LOt 671, the `asst ltd facet. oaf" Lot 671, th© :Aot`'40 foet of Lot 68'. tbo- Weat 84 feet of Lot 68, all in 0sterzante � Subdivision to Doertield. (40�} 4 , 5u , .. - .. .Total- ,principal'dolinquent 00.417'.'65. Enr,_ eel 0* Carl- T. Anderson (458` PP } Lcx l in Ble'3mehl r s Zubdivis ion to DoarfIold..' (40; } Total pri�aipal delinquent - .1=137.350 f Parcel 0, Otto Xnaak (458 FF) Lot 1 in B'look 0. wln Deerfield Park Land _'and­ lnprovozo r►t t }AwZoc 14law,ion.,CubdivisIon, (40&!) � Total pri.ndpaI delinquent .. «... U' 690i.i } 1 11 111101 10 �Pnrce1 10.. Ldrai J. Rrtugh i Tbe,rost halt o£: Lot ' 34,' the. FAst half of Lot 3S, the i0'est half or -Lot 35,. the Enst half of Lot 36, the Vest half of Lot 3 6, all Lot 37, all in E. r. Ostormn'a Subdivin ion to Doerflold. (4O b ) F Total prinel al da11nquent �• - n 1 P ,� 1, 30p.23. Parcel 11., Edmund J. Haugh (458 FP) ghat part of tho :zorthroat quarter of' tho Northeast quarter, Section 32, .Township 43 north, Rango 13� p Emst of the 3rd being tho est 314.8 Peet of the Korth 603 foot. (40 %) Total principal dollnquont - - 063.40. Parcel 12. Mmuund J. laugh (4.5E3 P ' j { That part of tho Northwest quart ©r of the A:ortheast quarter, Section 32, Townahip 43 11orth, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.i'.., being th© South 33 reels I4 in4 meet of , tho E. 11. Oster=n Subdivision to De0f3eld. (407) Total principal delinquent - - 122.28 i Pnrce 1 13. L•'imund J. Haugh ( 458 FF ) DoCinning 33 foot south of the Horthwast cornor of the Northoant quartor of Section 32, Tornship 43 orth.1 Range 12, Enat of . the 3rd 11996, thence East = feat on Deerfield Road, thence North to the 11or th lino of said :. Northeast quarter, thence .Nest to the llorthwoat armor or said Northeast quarter, thenco South to the pAnce of beelpning. (40 %) ,d otal :prl ne' ipal', delinquent - ^300 CO, Parcel 14.,, Edlst;xld J. Haugh v(450 F,7) t 143 in 0. B., Von Llnde!n Subdivis cn. Total prinaipal' delinquent ......341.I'�5. l Parpol YS.. rest Deerfield Tounship (45B DD) i �. Lot, 25 in Blook "s.0. in .B. 0. Stone and Corpanyta Addition to Deerfield. (40%) i` ' Total principal delinquent - - 202f0. ., s AND ti'VIILUAS, all efforts by the Vill©ge of Ibarfield to collect delinquent special assessments against said property have boon unavailing* and it appears that there is no way toK ! ;— ..colloct,"Id -ape* is l - °aoaeasmenta." except- t&Ougii foreclosure r ° { I proceedings; AND WHEREAS the President and the Tru3tees of, the Village of Deerfield are willing. that proceedings to . ingtituted ! for the foreclosure of the.lion or the unpaid installments of the aforesaid special assessments levied against the,, 'Above � 1 described property] `BE, rAND IT IS IiEFMY RESOLVED by the Trusto6a of the . V.`41-lade of Doerflild that Erwin Seago, as attorney for the r VIllago, bo and,he is hereby authorized and directed to institute t .proceedings on bohalf of_ :tho_:,Villaao of ' Deorflold for 'the fore- �. closure of the lien of spocial asseasments,againet the above doneribed property;' s O-