10/12/1953Trustee Engelhard moved, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, that the auditor's report be accepted, and the Village-14anager be directed to sen.d a copy, of said report to the State Department of R ^venue..The vote was as follows: Ayes, All. Nays, None. Motion carried. Appointment of Special Policemen P.runo Meyer, Fred Grabo, Sr., William Behnke, and Gordon Juhl was made by President Schneider. Motion was made by Trustee Marxer,"seconded b; Trustee Kelley, that these appoint.4.ments be confirmed. The vote was as follows: Ayes, All. Nays, None. Motion carried. Trustee Meyer moved, "seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, that 'w�-- resolution be passed authorizing the extension of the water main in Wilmot road, the cost to be borne by the property owners to be served by the extension. Roll Call resulted as follows: �pzy Trustees Kelley, King, Marxet, Meyer, Wynkoop. Nays, None. Not voting, Trustee Engelhard. Motion carried. Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Wynk ^op, that an $" water main be installed in Wilmot Road, thelcost of a b" main to be paid by-the property owners served, and the balance to be paid by the Village of Deerfield. The vote was as follows: Ayes, All. Nays None. notion carried. The letter o the. itizens' Committee for a Better Deerfield, enclosing a con- tribution of Vdent r expenses in connection with the Brick Company case, was read by Preshneider. Motion was made by T rustee Kelley, seconded by Trustee 14arx the check be accepted and the appreciation of the Board be expressed to izens' Committee for a Better Deerfield. The vote was as follows: Ayes, All. Nays, None. Motion carried. The report of the.Chamber of Commerce, requesting enforcement of the 90 minute parking ordinance.in the business district, was referred to the Police Committee for study. There being no further business, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was ad jourried. Village Clerk Presid nt of the Board MINUTES OF FETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF THE VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1953 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees cf.the"Village of Deerfield, Illinois .,,as.called to order in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, October 12, 1953 at 9 :30 P.M. The'Clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: John D. Schneider, President Eugene F. �3ngtlhard, Hubert N. Kelley Joseph W. King Homer B. Marxer Raymond T. Meyer Harold W. W ynkoop Absent: None and that-a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Correction was made in the minutes. of the meeting held September 14, 1953, as follows: Paragraph "Mr. marl Berning - " to read "Mr. Karl Berning, West Deerfield Township Supervisor, passed on to the Trustees a'communieation which he had received from the E;uilding and Zoning Department, Court House, Waukegan, Illinois - Subject: Sanitary Land Fill, and asked for any information pertinent to the subject. This matter was referred to Trustee King, Chairman, Health Committee." On Motion by 'Trustee Kelley, seconded by Trustee Engelhard, the minutes were approved as corrected. 146 The following bills for `he month of September, 1953 Aprro -ve Bills were presented for consideration: Deerfield Hardware & Faint v 7.18 r MU,hland Park rliel Co. 26.41 HiChl.and Park News 10.27 t, City of 11ithlarid Park 7,934.40h Red Horse Service Station 16. C6 t, , Deerfield Garage 7.204, Ton Stirsman's Service Station 151.311. Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 122.59 t:id- Continent Corp. 139-80t, .Petroleum Frank Brookc-p M. D• 5. CO , Auto Parts & Supply Co. 12.10 I 11m. it. Parrett 12.70w Los Angeles Stn ^jp & Stationery CO. 84.10% Verako Products 91.76., Luctra Corp. 19.50 Clarence.Zinkel 48•S0 Dur�;ess, Anderson & Tate,-Inc. 1.358 Roseman Tractor rquirme'nt Co. :.10w 82.74, HiChlend Park Lincoln- Morcury + Everett Garage 2•CO, Y. A. Frantz 283.50 , Ruth ranich 56.25 Carl l:cr^ nberger 77. 150#\ Chas. Johnson 93.75 J. T. Do;lAe -,e 222.CC'` T Catherine B. Frice 119.25 Katherine L. Paul 24.00- 11. Wessling 60.00• Gpne Nh ter•son 120.CO+- Gene Via ster -, on 78.00v- Public Service Co. 209.37x• Gayle T. Martin 228.37 Henry Tuttle Sr. 48.00e- A. L. Roderi6k 50.00 t, Gene Ma: ts;rson 66.COr• M .F.T.� George Sticken 17 .00 I4•F•T' Jack Thompson 78.CO 1'.7.T. •rCeorge Sl,icken - 66. CO M.F.T. GeorCe Sticken^ 36. CO II.F T. Jack Tho.T.r�non 36.00 I °i.F.T. _ Village of Deerfield 153.E8 I'•F•T• Village of D(�e -field 117.5 *'..F.T. Salaries 31462.50 Trustee Engelh•�rd novel, seconded b, Trustee Meyer, that the -,aid bills be approved for Ia;~ment. Adopted by the following vote: Ages: Engelhar�-I, Kelley, King, :aryer, I Byer, l.ynkoop (6) Ilays: None (0) ilie report of Justice of the Peace G for the Ate• roye RProrts month of September, showing w2'• -7.00 in fines collected, together with his check for that =Ount, was approved as submitted. Trio report of the ``calth Off; ccr for the ronth of September was approved. as -,ubmItted. Trustee Kelley- noved, seconded by Trustee l.,aryer, Cc)mr^inie =ttions that the -oard of Trustees accept and concur in the r?nrl Petition,; recon-rnndation, of the Man Co:^rLission that the chan,,e in zonin from R -1 to R -4 of the T^orntiiil1 Farn property of 'Vr. George Drucker be denied. Adopted by the following vote: Aye.: En`Alhard, Kelley, Kink, Ilarxer, Meyer, a;ynkoop (5 ) Nays: clone (0) The prel.irinary plat of subdivision of the Davis property on Greenwood Avenue was referred to the Flan Co:r:ission. X4T Trustee Kelley moved, seconded by Trustee Maryer, that the petition of Dr. Walter P. Bendinelli for a change in the 'Zoning Ordinance be r ^ferred to the Plan Commission for public hearing. Adopted by the following *rote: Ayes: Engelhard, llelley, King, Marxer, Leyer, Wynkoop (6). Nays: None (0) The letter from the Parking Committee of the Chamber of Cornerce was referred to the Police Committee, and a meeting to discuss the problem was set for Thursday, October 15, 1953 at 8:30 P.M. Trustee Engelhard moved, seconded by Trustee Meyer, ORTUNANCE that the ordinance be enacted vacating the alley c� VACATING ALtEYr -,,,, wrco, :north and south in the block bounded. on the north 1 d by Somerset Avenue, on the west by Oakley AJerue, on the south by the east -west alley running between Oakley A•,ienue and Sheridan Avenue, and on the east by Sheridan ,Avenue'. Adopted by the follcwing vote: Ayes: Engelhard, Kelley, King., Irarxer, Meyer, '(5 Nays: None (0) Not voting: Wynkoop (1) Trustee Meyer moved, seconded by Trustee Engelhard, I.G.A. Drivewa that the Village Manager be authorized to issue a Permit Authorized permit forthe 16 ft. driveway requested by the I.G.A. store. Adorted by the following vote: Ayes: Engelhard, " elley, King, Marxer, Meyer, Wynkoop (6) Nays: None (0) Trustee Engelhard moved that the request ofthe Chamber Change in Sian of Commerce for a change in the ordinance regulating Ordinance Reouested overhanging signs be referred tothe Plan Commission for public Bearing upon payment of the customary fee. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Eng©lhard, Kelley, King, Marxer, Meyer, Wynkoop (6) Nays: None (0) Trustee Engelhard moved, seconded by Trustee King, R,solution Requesting that a resolution be passed requesting Lake County. +idenin� Bridge to widen the bridge on Deerfield Road at the east Village limits to permit four lanes of traffic. Adopted by the following vote: ATTyes:En;elhard� Kelley, King, P�arx_er, Meyer, Wynkoop (6) Nays: ,done (O Trustee "eyer moved, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, that ORDINANCE ON an ordinance be passed providing for the submission Sewer Bond Election to the voters of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County,110 Illinois, the question of issuing $575,000 Sewer Improvement Bonds at a special election to be held in and for said Vill ge on the sixth day of November, 1953. Adopted bIr the following Grote: • 4y y Ayes; Engelh(Or>) `' elley, King, Ma -•xer; "eyer, Wynkoop (6) Nays: None The reccrzaendation of 1�'r. Evert Kincaid that a setback of 40 ft. on Deerfield Road and 50 ft. on Waukegan Road be estaW fished, was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee f or study. Trustee Marxer moved, seconded by Trustee Wynkoop, that 0 to Sfety the Deerfield Safety Council be authorized to incur Co,incil expenses of $250.00. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Engelhard, Kelley, King, i-arxer, I'leyer, 0dvnkoop (6) Nays: None (0) y Trustee Engelhard roved, secon�?ed by Trustee Marxer, that the Recreation Committee be authorized to use the property oimed by the `pillage of Deerfield as a site for the skating rink. Ayes: Engelhard, Kelley, King, Marxer, I`eyer, Wynkoop (6) Nays: None (0) 148 - Yotion was made by `trustee Engelhard, seconded 'by Petition for Trustee Kelley, that the petition of i..r. John J. Koss VnriancA for a variance under t he Zoning; Ordinance regarding side yard area be referred to the Board of Zoning 11ppeals. Adopted by the following; vote: Ayes; Engelhard, Kelley, King, Yarxer, "eyer, Iiynkoop (6) Nays: None (0) Trustee: F- elhird roved, seconded by Trustee I'arxer, Extra Vi11a!*e 11"0_1 that the VilluCce mall be c1ea �1 ash �:edne�ciciy PPriof3 : +e� ?nesda�� : f +,ernoc :© t :ft,erroon. Adop',rd by t`ae follo:1ing vote: Arroncion Ayes: Enz,e]- hard, Kelley, 'r:ILlIr" :•'arxer, � "�eyer, .+ynkoop (6) is necessary Nays: Prone (0) follwoinn vote: Ayes: Engelhard, Kelley, Trustee Marxer moved, seconded by Trustee "elley, Nays; Robt. ngrt.lott that the permit be rene',"d authorizing the Ro' ert Realty Or ice issrtlett Building Corporation to u::e the re:.idence. at 510 Deerfield Road as an office for a period of on year. Adopted by the following ote: Ayes: Engelhard, Kelley, thing, l;aryer, I cyer, ::ynkoop (6) Ut' Nays: None (0) - Yotion was made by `trustee Engelhard, seconded 'by Petition for Trustee Kelley, that the petition of i..r. John J. Koss VnriancA for a variance under t he Zoning; Ordinance regarding side yard area be referred to the Board of Zoning 11ppeals. Adopted by the following; vote: Ayes; Engelhard, Kelley, King, Yarxer, "eyer, Iiynkoop (6) Nays: None (0) Trustee "eyer moved, seconded by Trustee Engelhard i Water _Bills that water billings be staggered with one - fourth (4) sr.�f *perFd of the Village hilled each month. Adopted by the follwoing rote: Ayes; Engelhard, Kelley, King, 1• }arxer, L;eye�, 1,,ynkoop (E) Nays: None (0) There bean^ no further business to come before the Village Doard, upon motion nade by Trustee Engelhard, seconded by Trustee Kelley, he neeting was adjourned ATTEST: Village Clerk President .................. ................ r�. Trustee Meyer moved, seconded b-% Trustee Engelhard, Extra Discoi_int, that an e;,tra thirty (30) day discount period on PPriof3 Allowed for water bills be allowed for consumQrs such no schools, F�iblic Arroncion Churches, _,nrl other public bodies where Bo ^rd approval is necessary for payment of i}ills. adopted .b-,; the follwoinn vote: Ayes: Engelhard, Kelley, Yang, Maryer, `Weyer, Wynkoop (6) Nays; None (0) Trustee "eyer moved, seconded by Trustee Engelhard i Water _Bills that water billings be staggered with one - fourth (4) sr.�f *perFd of the Village hilled each month. Adopted by the follwoing rote: Ayes; Engelhard, Kelley, King, 1• }arxer, L;eye�, 1,,ynkoop (E) Nays: None (0) There bean^ no further business to come before the Village Doard, upon motion nade by Trustee Engelhard, seconded by Trustee Kelley, he neeting was adjourned ATTEST: Village Clerk President .................. ................ r�.