05/11/1953231 Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer and Wilson. Nays- None. Motion carried. I! No further-business appearing, it was moved, seconded i and carried to adjourn. `• V llage Clerk. President of t e Board. May 11, lvb3 The regular - meeting of the-President and the Board of Trustees of the- Village of Deerfield -was called-to order by President Andrew G. Bradt at 8:00-p.m. Roll Call: Present: Trustees Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson, Wynkoop. Absent: None. Minutes of the regular meeting held April 13, 1V53 and the special meetings of April 22, 1x53 and May 4, 1x53 were approved as typed. •Retiring Trustees Hinchsliff, Meintzer, and Wilson expressed their appreciation for the cooperation they had received while serving on the Board,-and the new Trustees, Kelley, Marxer and Meyer were introduced and seated. Motion was made by Trustee King, seconded by Trustee 17ynkoop, that the bonds of the President and Clerk b:, accepted. The vote was as follows: Yeas, All. Nays, None. Motion carried. President Schneider and Clerk Price were introduced and seated. Tho meeting was called to order by President John D. Sehneid�r. tt.J President Schneider appointed Mr. Earl F. Paul Treasurer for A a term of one year. Motion was made by Trustee Marxer, seconded by Trustee Engelhard, that the Board concur in the appointment. Roll Call resulted as fpl Rvg sa Ydas, ' ' =gelhard, Kelley, King, Marxer, Meyc,r, 17ynkoop y§'; ftone. Motion carried. The following bills were presented, and it was moved by Trustee Engelhard, seconded by Trustee Meyer, that these bills be paid if, as, and wh.n funds are available. Upon Roll Call tjie following vote was recoeded: Yeas, Trustees Engelhard, Kelley, King, Marxer, Meyer, titiynkoop. Nays, None. Motion carried. Deerfield Temple Assoc. -------- - - - - -- 150.00R Midgets Super Service ----------- - - --- 2v5.yy+-, Deerfield Garage ---- •----------- - - - - -- y.lu� Ray T. Meyer Plumbing Co. ------ - - - - -- 2V.25%\ Mid- Continent Petroleum Corp. -- - - - - -- 60.64v Burgess, Anderson & Tate -------- - - - - -- - 34.63, Ill. Municipal League, ---------- - - - - -- 7.50r_. Singer Printing & Pub. Co. ----- - - - - -- ly6.0 O Olson Printing Co. 57.V Deerfield Lumber & FuelrCoo ---- - - - - -- lV.77 Deerfield Construction --------- - - - - -- 320.00 Carey.Brick - Co. 117.30 %, Dahl's Auto Reconstruction Co. - - - - - -- 8.50 Vant & Selig ------------------- - - - - -- 15.00 Red Horse Service Station ------------ 105.65,E H.P. Lincoln Mercury Co. ------- - - - - -- .6.75 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. ---- - - - - -- lol.v4* Wauconda Const. Co. ------------ - - - - -- 17.1 5, Reiland & Bree, Inc. ----------- - - - - -- 21.`t',� Deerfield Hardware & Paint ----- - - - - -- 15.10 Rockwell Manufacturing Co. ----------- - 5.81 f— • -- I.® Ruth Hanick ------- _______--- - - - - -- •i1.25 Wm Behnke - -- ------------------ - - - - -- V5.00- C. Horenbwrger ----------------- - - - - -- L,5.00%- Frost's Radio & electric.Shop -- - - - - -- 4.8t%,, Badgbr Meter Planufaeturin�; Co. - - - - - -- 2T.9U Public Service Co. ------------- - - - - -- 136.04,^ Charles Piper ------------------ - - - - -- 162.09*, M. A. Frantz ------------------- - - - - -- 627.00qN Peter Baker &.Son Co. ------ - - - - -- - -- 33.38,M.F.T H. P. Fuel Co. ----------------- - - - - -- 112.65.M.F.T. 72.81 Katherina L. Paul ------ •-------- - - - - -- 11.25 Dorothy Goodpasture ------------ - - - - -- 4.50 H. P. News --------------------- - - - - -- 140.04 Charles Johnston Jr. ----------- - - - - -- 120.OU Tod Frost ---------------------- - - - - -- l20.OU(­, Charles Johnston Jr. ----------- - - - - -- 115000 Ted Frost ---------------------- - - - - -- 115.00 George Stieken Sr. --7-7 -------------- 12.00 M.F.T. Ted Frost---------------------- - - - - -- 10.00 M.F.T. Village of Deerfield ----------- - - - - -- 18.08 M.F.T. Goorge Sticken Sr. ____7 -------------- .16.50 Harman Hertel ------------------ - - - - -- 26.25 Salaries for May, 1953 --------- - - - - -- 2942.50 Total 09, 231 . 5`r Motion -was made by Trustee Engelhard, seconded-by Trustee 1' hr;x pr, that the report, of Justices of the Peace Seyl and George, and fines amour:ting to $2v6.00, be accepted. Roll Call resulted as follows: Yeas, All. Nays, Nona. Motion carried. Motion was mad;, by Trustee zngelhard, seconded by Trustee King, that the p.:tition to re -zono the proporty.at the Northwest corner of Rosemary and D�,erfi eld Road be referred to the Plan Commission for public.h�oaring, providing the proper fee be paid. Thw vote was as follows: Yeas All. Nays, None. Motion carried. Thy resigAdtions of Mr. Robert Nowell from the Building is Committee and Mrs. Chaster Wessling as Assistant Collector were accepted with regret. Motion was made by Trustee MeyerV seconded by Trustee Engelhard, that the amondmont to Ordinance No.'t6 as presented be passed. Roll Call resulted as follows: Yeas, Engelhard, Kelley, Marxdr, Meyer. Nays, King, Wynkoop. Motion carried. j BE IT ORDAINED by the rretident and the Board of Trustees of , the Village of Deerfield that: Section S of Ordinance No, 76 bo repealed. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 7b be amendod to read as follows: "4. Three :m.mb;.rs •shall constitute a quorum of the Committee. ". Passed.this. 11th day of May, 195 Approved: John D. Schneider Iti Attest: President Ceth.,rine B..Priee ,Village . lerk Motion was made by.Trustee kngelhard, seconded by Trustee Marxer,! that the Village Manager shall. refer to the Building Committee an Cvelo ment involving he construction of three or more residcnees� Roll Call resulted. as follows: Yeas, All. Nays, Nome Motion carried. . I. 133 Police Officer F. M. Ortiz having resigned, motion was made by Trustee INynkoop, seconded by Trustee Marxer, that the Village Manager be authorized to employ a full-time Police Officer, and, pending the appointment of a permanent employee, that he be authorized to employ Mr. Frank Jones on a part -time basis of four shifts a week. Roll Call resulted as follows: Yeas Trustees Engelhard, Kelley, King, Marxer, Meyer, Wynkoop. Nays, None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Trustee Engelhard, seconded b Trustee Marxer, that the vloction officials b;, paid, and the Deerfield Park Board be notified that their share is one- third'of the amount. Roll Call was as follows: Yeas Trustees Engelhard, KzL l y, King, Marxor, 1deyor, Wynkoop. clays, None. Motion carried. Motion was mad;, by Trustee Engelhard, seconded b. Trustee King, that tho Village Manager be given authority to hire two full -time employees for the Public Works Department, subject*to the con- dition that funds are available. Roll Call resulted as follows: Yoas,.Trustees Engelhard, Kelley, King, Marxer, Meyer, 17ynkoop. Nays, None. Motion carried. Motion was made by Trustee Kelley, seconded by Trustee Marxer, that the following resolution be adopted. Upon Roll Call, the vote was as follows: Yeas, Trustees Engelhard, Kw.ilLy, King., Marx..r. Meyer, Wynkoop. Nays, None. Motion carried. BE IT RESOLVED by the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield that the following named banks are h xeby designated as d;positories in which funds and moneys received by Earl F. Paul, Village Treasurer, may be deposited, to -wit: Deerfield State Bank ,_ Deerfield Illinois Continental Illinois�3ank & Trust Co. Chicago, Illinois First National Bank Chicago, Illinois Sealed bids from,the Highland nark Fuel Co., Sinclair Refining Mid Continent Petroleum Corp. were opened and read. Co. and - Prices quoted by all bidders for supplying gasoline.. including the installation of a 1000 gal. tank and pump,were 15.31 per gal. plus tars. Motion wa6 made by Trustee Marxer, seconded by Trustee Kelley, that the Village Manager be authorized to' enter into a contract with the Mid- Continent Petroleum Corp. to supply gasoline to the Village of Deerfield providing public liability insurance be. carried by the distributor. Roll Call resulted as follows: Yeas, Trustees Engelhard, Kelley, King, Marxer, Mc;yer, Wynkoop. Nays, None. Notion carried. Motion was made by Trustee Engelhard, seeondtd by Trustee King, that the•applieation for a building permit by Mr. Howard K. Olson b .roferred to the Board sitting as a Committee of the _ j7hole with power to act. Th: vote was as follows: Yeas, All. Nays, Nono. Motion carried. Motion was made, by Trustee Kelloy, seconded by Trustee Engel - hard, that the Chicago F-deration of Charities be granted permission to hold a tag day in Deerfiald..The Mote was as follows:•Yeas, All. Kaye., mono-. Lotion carried. There being no further business, on motion duly made and s e Bonded; . the meeting was adjourned. Village lurk U President Motion was made by Trustee Engelhard,- seconded by Trustee Meyer, that the-following resolution bc, adopted. Roil' Call resulted as Follows :'Yvas0 Trustees Engelhard, Kelley, King, Marxer. Meyer, i'tynkoop. Nays, None. Motion earrL d. RESOLUTION