04/22/1953128 h: - Trustee King made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Meintzer that the following resolution to institute proceedings for'the foreclosure of the lien of the unpaid installments on Lots 8, 16 ,17, 23.and.24 in Block 2, H. 0. t Stone and Companv1s Addition to Deerfield, be.passed. Motion unanimously carried. tThose. voting "Ayer being Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer -and Wilson. Those voting "Nay" being. None....... See resolution- attached It was moved by Trustee - Engelhard- and - seconded by Trustee ,. Meintzer that-effective April 15, 1953, tho salary of Police Patrolman Frank Ortiz be, increased from $275.00 .,to $300900 per month. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer and Wilson. Nays- o None. Motion carried. - -• Trustee Meintzer made a motion which was seonded by Trustee Engelhard that this meeting be adjourned to Wednesday, April 22, 1953 at 8.91Tl.ock-P. M.-for the purpose of canvassing the votes of the village election Roll call resulted as-follows. Yeas - -Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer-and-Wilson.. Nays— None. Motion carried. _ 1 Whereupon the-President-declared-the meeting adjourned_ to eight o'clock-P. M.- ,April 22,..1953, accordingly.. Village Clark,/----- er - res dent.of t e .Boar . - -- April- 22,.1953• . Meeting was called to order -in -the -Board Rooms of the Village Hall, Deerfield, Illinois,- at- eight.-o +clock P. M..,Prosent- ' on roll call were.Trustee Engelhard,'Hinchsliff; Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. Absent -- Trustee King. • It was moved by Trustee-Hinchsliff-and-seconded by. Trustee Meintzer that-the Cierk- read.the report of.the- election returns and tally the- result-of -the canvass by voting precincts. Roll call resulted as- follows. -Yeas- Trustee Engelhard, j Hinchsliff, Meintzer; Wilson and- Wynkoop. Nays- None. Motion carried. The tabulated•statement-of returns as made by the Canvassing • Board shows the following number of votes cast for.the various 1 candidates. _�.. Village President Precinct . -- Precinct Total Four year term _ - No... 1. No.. 2 John D. Schneider - _. _ - 551 282 833 George L. Haggard 50 26 76 E. Reagan 1 1 Robert D. Newell 1 1 Al Noll : 2 2 �h Ben Hess 1 1 s i Wm. E. Hinchsliff 1 1 Joseph King - 2 2 George Morey 1 1 Robert Ramsey 1 6 George Haggard 6 Georg L. Haggard 1 l Village Clerk Four year term t 80 - 824 .Catherine B. Price 544 226 - .81 Martha Jordan_ 55 1 Hollis Johnston 1 Dorothy Rohan l ]. 4 J' Linderman 1; 1 R. Pettis Helen K. Feil 1 l Chester Wessling 2 2 m`! 1. tF- OI.,UT IOTT . .. A 1:x9 r MIEREA3, certain inotallmentza of certain ;Special Asseosmentrs Which have boon levied ra.gainat the follm;ing described property are unpaid: Lots E3, 16, 17, 23 and 24 in Bloch 2 in H. 0. 3tono and Company's Addition to Doerfieldin Sections 28 and 29, Tomtship 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P. H.; according to the plat thereof, recorded August 17, 19200 as Document 244742,, in Lake County$ Illinois, amounting to Four Thousand Six Hundred Forty —Four Dollars and Forty. Nine Cents (040044.49) principal indebtedness. MID 1AIM— EA" th6 President and the Trustees of the Vil lago of Deerfield are willing that prooee'dings be instituted for the foreelom of the lien of the unpaid installments of the afoxessaid Special Assess; r menus levied against the above described property. BE, AND IT I3 11MEBY RESOLVED by the Trustees of the Villa e o g f� Deerfield that M THONY J. HMM Ctli3Q, as attorney be and he is hereby authorized and direotod to inatitute procoedinGs on behalf of the Village of Deerfield for the foreclosure of the lien of Special Assess, ment3 ragainat the above described, property. BE, AND IT 13 FURTHER c RESOLVED THAT A11THO2TY J. gMC'URI0 as attorney, be and h0:13" hereby.authorized to institute'said proceedings i K by the filing of a "Odmpinint .on' behalf ,��► "thv 'Vill the fo/�r qty Tt:.a..��� .for. V V tsolos of the lion of Spo cicl 'Assi scmenta lcvIed ` cs encribed . against the above described' .. property, all in accordance Frith tha Statute of the State of Illinois, in ouch case mado 'and provided.. 13E$ AIND IT 13 TIMEBY UIrL M RESOLVED that thv foregoing, i n on the condition that the Village 'of Deerfield rshn3j..bo hold harralaars fral y Gana uha not be required' to pay any .costs feed .or charges in conneet� 11iti, such .foreolosure proceedings. PASSIED I ?3 HEM NG A33MBLED thus - ...... J of A. D. i9 k AYES: 3dAY3 APPROVED THIS „ �,.,_,,,_,Dh`L OF ..` .._.., A. D. Village Clerk Precinct Precinct Four year term No. 1- _, No. 2 Christ Cosmos -1 M rtha Jordan 8 129 Total a 8 Village Trustee Four year .'te3Zm t Raymond T. Meyer 555 289 844 Hubert N. Kelley 539 284 823 Homer B. Marxer 523 274 797 Charles E. Piper, 54 23 77 Robert S. Ramsay 48 25 73 James C. Mitchell 44 _69 Frank McGowan 1 1 Ned Piper.. 1 1 2 Bob Newell 1 1 L. W. Rohan 2 1 F. W. Cahill 1 1 7 ..Hinchsliff 2 2 Ted-Frost.. 1 1 Percy - McLaughlin Alfred ,Anderson 1 1 Geo. Blakey.. John Dallee 1 1 Martha _Jordon Jos. Brown 1 _ 2 Earl Paul Michael George 1 1 Michael.J._George 1 1 Victor Nottoli. 1 l Raymond Goodpasture 1 1 Clara Armstrong - l 1 Robert Ramsey. t.: t 1 1 .. Kenneth Meir. 1 _ 1 Robert S. Ramsey 1 1 Chas. Piper 1 1 Charles Piper 3 3 Robert Ramsay. IT ames•.Mitchell 2 2 Ben Hess Roben S. Ramsay 1 1 Trustee Hinchsliff made a motion which was seconded by `= Trustee Meintzer that the following having received the highest number of votes be.declared..elected for a term of four years; John D.. Schneider for :Village President; Catherine B. :Price for Village Clerk, Raymond T. Meyer, Hubert N.= Kelley and Homer B. Marxer for Village Trustees. Upon roll call the-following vote was.taken. Yeas- Trustee - Engelhard, 'Hinchsliff, Meintzer, Wilson-and Vfynkoop. Nays None. Motion carried.. The tabulated statement of returns as made-by the�Canvassing Board'shows.the following .number �of votes cast on the following question, the amount of .$87,000.00 be issued by the Village of- Deerfield, Lake.Sounty, Illinois, fore -the purpose .of-,paying the, -cost of.'constructing a new municipal building in and for said1Village ,;maturing $5,000.00 on January lgt'Of each of the years. 1956 to 19 72, inclusive, and .$29000.00 on January 1st of.the year 1973, and bearing interest at'the rate of not to exceed three and one -half per cent (3zPI . Precinct No. -1 Precinct No. 2 Total l Yes 229 .141 _370 No. 432 206 638 A motion was made by Trustee Hinchsliff and seconded by Trustee Meintzer that as there were 638 voting - "No" and 370 voting "Yesf' :on' the proposition: -for the issuance of bonds in the amount of_$87t000.00i4or the purpose of paying the cost of constructing -a new municipal bulling, the proposition as submitted to edeasvoters, follows* Yeas- lost. Roll call result sa e TrusteEngelhard, Hinchsliff, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. Nays- None. Motion carried. .