11/12/1951il6vember "12, ,19510 The regular meeting of'the President and Board,of Trustees'of the Village_,of Deerfield was called to order by the President Andrew G. Bradt at.8•P0,,M9, Roll call- Present - Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer; Wilson and Wynkoop. ,,,Absent - .Nons. /.::..f tom... .,. -. �. .. � •, ;.. ,, The minutes of the - special meeting -'held'October`16, "1951 and'the special meeting held_November'5,'1951.were'read and approved. v. Trustee Wilson made a`motion that the following bills'-be-paid;•if, as, and when funds are available. 'Motion seconded by Trustee Hinchsliff. Motion,unanimously cdrried. Those votingr "Aye" being Trustee Engelhardt Hinchsliff,` Kings Mefntzer, vilson and Vtynkoop. ' Those voting "Nay" - being None. .1.� . Deerfield Temple Association - November, 1951 rent:;160.00� `Deorf eld'darage` end Service Station­--"--- "-;-; 172.31x'- -• - American Decalcomania' Co. 'Inc.•------------ - - - »-- 100075v�, D. J L. Walther-- - -------------------- 178.66 M. A. e__antZMrrrr — __rrYrYwNrrr ____w_r_rrrrw 174,50N.'-L �a- Reiland and Bree, Inc.w_r__.._r_N_____Y__-- -_r_rr central Tire tCo;- •-- - - - = -= --------= - - - - -= 83,62\ Dahl #8'Auto Reconstruction Co. -«--- ---r 4.00 City,Sanitary Service--------------------- - - - - -- 306,00r1S. F. T. F.$429.00 Deerfield Hardwaire. and Nint Co.-- -------- - - - - -- 30�39t <:- • L "' Lewis B: ia1ton;7r. ----- - - - - -- --- .:.:_r..:. _ i ?3bfl 4-1 • t•' S S7oo , American City Migaiine -=- w.:r..rr- .. -r..1, 8.00�� - -'• " �- Panama• Beaver, Inc.- •--------------------- - - - - -- 13.46�:�. r 1. bl did- Contibent Petroleum Corporation---= - » - = -- Illinois-Bell %le�hone FCo.rrr__,.r- Y_rrr- w.__ -rw 28#19 a _.. ...,. National Brick Co ,-------------- »--------- - - - - -- 52.50.x, .:c. James Be Clow & Sons--------------------- - - - - -- 94052 .. a .., _ „ 2.10 '•;�.... r ° . American Evatype- Corporation--- ---- _r....rr� - - - -« �. _ .134.04 Z^� •„ Deerfield 011 Co=- �---------=-- -..::= __..r-rrr-ww' .� Deerfield Lumber arid` Fuel Co.----- - - - -�- - = - -�' ( 3807\-n!-' G " Highland Park Linc6ln= Mercury------- w- -- -rrw,.r12.55t -Turbine Sewer- Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois------- -- 184921n Mueller Coo -------- =---------- ----------- - --- - -- 144.07 XN Earl. �o�Bt�ii,J rKw_ rrwrwr�rYr _r_rrrr..r_twrww'5g,75�1 - He 'me' lohanesen -•- 20,00'. Percy,McLaughlin=== -------=-=-- �::.:w.. - --r= - "` `15:00 `•4 -' r.: } David - Petersen:. r...:_.. r:::.-----=-=--= .:_w.:Y:....r Fred Grabo--------------»----------------- ,- _.:- ::15.00 _ William . Behnse�rr-= r-------- t=---- __...._._- ----r- : 13.Q0 `Julius Lencioni --r rrrrYr_r_r-rrrrrrrrY_t...;} . ?7050 •'.-, r .� Chester'Vesblirig- Village °Collector -Misc. Expensed 49.88t`��= Altiert' Roderick--===----------- - .540;00' Tans. E. Petersen =--- ---------------------- . 206.08 k," ^ J- 1 1 Chandlers--=-------=-=------- 77 • h 'Silarie`s for November; 1951 _ • . >� ;S....,� a: Percy Mclaughlin--------- - - = --- 310.00• Alfred Anderson-- ----- = - - - -- :285-00 ; ., , ti -•_ �: - David Petersen---- ----- -- - - = -=- 275.00. George•Stickenisr. - - ---- 250.00: William -Do Johnston===- ------ ft- . 325000. ...... ; Julius Lencioni---------- - - ---- 260.00 .. ,...... _ Mrs. C.. Vtc�ssling 175.00 ' 60.00 t1- _.. Cheater Wessling— t Esther Giss---=- •-------- - - ---- 25.00 _....,.. ._ r: • Donald P. Easton 100.00 Thomas A. Matthews---- - - - - -- 100.00 i­, 2165400 Trustee King made a motion which was seconded by Trustee V!,MkooP that the following resolution relative to the costs in connection with foreclosure . of special assessments on Lot 27 in Block 12 in . Branigar _ Brothers# - Woodland Park-Subdivision, be passed.• - =�'" i Y Upon roll call the following vote wgs taken. Yeas - Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Mointzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. Nays- None. Motion carried. 3 65, RESOLUTION Be it hereby resolved that the prayer of the petition of WILLIAM J. BINARD and HELEN B. BINARD dated October 5, 1951 in regard to the Resolution instituting the foreclosure of special assessments on Lot 27 in -Block 161 in Branigar Brothers' Woodland Park,Subdivision wherein a guaranteed bid of One Hundred Seventy - Five Dollars ($175o00) was agreed'to by this Village Board but wherein a bid of Six- Bkindred Dollars ($600.00) was made at the foreclosure from which the petitioners had to redeem; that said resolution be amended so that the following costs be paid by the County, Treasurer out of the proceeds of said sale prior to the - distribution thereof to the Treasurer of the Village of Deerfield: Docket Fee Recording Orders and Decrees - 6.00 Recording Master's Report of Sale 2900 Fee of Wo L. Atkinson Serving Summons 11.40 • Fee of Waukegan News - Sun, 24,65 Fee of County Clerk for •Certificate•of We 1.00 TOTAL ' 60.05 Passed in meeting assembled this 12th day of November, 1951• AYES: Six NAYS: None NOT VOTING `Approved this 14th day of November? A. D. 1951.. Ao G. Bradt President of the.Village.od Deerfield, ATTEST: Lake County, Illinoiso .. Chester Wessling Village Clerk It was moved by Trustee Wynkoop end seconded by Trustee Meintzer that the Police Magistrates report showing $482.00�n fines collected during the month of October, 1951 and also the report of Justice of the Peace Eugene H. Seyl showing $27*0Q�in Pines collected, together with their checks for these amounts, be eceivedo t Roll calla Yeas - All. Nays- None. Motion carried• Trustee Wynkoop made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Meintzer that the following ordinance to create a Safety Council, be passedo Roll call resulted as follows, Yeas - Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoopo Nays- Noneo Motion carried* Ordinance No..,I BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the {� Village of Deerfield that the following ordinance be.and the same j is hereby adopted than i to A SAFETY-COUNCIL be appointed by the President with the consent of the Board of Trustees, said Safety Council'to consist of nine (9) members, who are residents oP the Village of Deerfield. !. i- i 20 Said Safety Council shall-be composed of the following l members: (a) One member from each grade school district, who shall be recommended by-the - respective school boards. (b) One member from the Chamber of Commerce, who shall be € recommended by that body. (e) Five members from the village at lurge, selection of 66 said members to be based upon the,geographical sections of the village. 3. TER`A OF APPOINTW;NT: r . _ (a) The four (4) members of the Council who represent.the schools and the Chamber of Commerce shall be appointed for a period of two years. _ (b) 'The fivo .(5) members who! are appointed from the_various geographical sections of the village shall be appointed for a period of one year. _ (c)..Any member may be re- appointed for additional terms: 4. PURPOSE AND FUNCTION OF CO'WIISSION: The purpose of:said Council shall'be'to function in an adbisory capacity to the Police Committee of the Board of Trustees._ It shall study safety problems appertaining to the;,villpge, and"make its findings and recommendations to the Police Committee for official action by the Board of Trustees. 5. A'Ohairman and •Vice- Chairiaan•�shall be elected by the nine (9) members comprising said Council. The Chairmain shall preside at the meetings of_ the commission and 'direct its functions.- In ' the absence ' of the Chairman,,the Vice - Chairman shall preside and exercise all the powers of the Chairman. `6. The tenure of the Council shall be perpetual unless dissolved by official action of the'Board of Trustees. :A member of said Council may be removed by action'of "the "Board of Trustees, in which case'he shall hold office until his successor is appointed and qualified. 7. Five members o? -said Council shall constitute a Quorem. Where a quorem is present, official Iaction of the Council shall be determined by a majority.of the members present. PASSEDthin Ins" day of November, 1951. y APPROVED: _. President.of the Board. ATTEST: .. .:. . _ Village Clerk The following were appointed by the President Andrew Bradt as members of the Safety Council and on motipn duly,m!Lde, seconded and carried, these appoint. -onts were ratified'by the Board of Trustees. Maurice C. Petesch to represent the Southwest Seotion Dr. :. Paul Keller to represent the Southe$st,Sectionj 1. J. Marshall to represent the Northwest'Section Kathryn Price to represent Woodland,Park. George Fmtnett to• represent the Chamber of Commerce to represent the:NortheastFSe ?tion son_ and seconded by Trust_o;e.Wynkoop that �} f' the oresolutionano inatingtElmer10. Strand,-City Clerk of the :City of Rockford, Illinois as a candidate for the office of Executive Trustee o8 the Illinois Retirement Fund,*be adopted.. Roll call resulted'as follows. Yeas- Trustee Engolhard, Hinchaliff, Ding, Meintzer, Wilson and flynkoop. Nays- None. fiction carried, t FBI 6 t Hinchsliff ia�d4_a M;ti o' ' rdinanc was seconded by Trustee _e _ designating' certain "described parcels and tracts of land*as AA Residential districts, be passed. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being. Trustee,Engelhard, 'Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, WYJson and Wynkoop.. Those voting "Nay" being None. �r. BE IT ORDAINED by the President,and Board of Trustees, of the Village of `Deerfield, that: The Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield,.as amended, be further amended' as follows: -1. The following described parcels and ,tracts of _land. are hereby designated as AA r`esidential_districts, subjeot to'-all "pro- visions and restrictions applicable to AA residence.district`s, namely: (a) „All "lots and tracts within McGuire and Orr's Northwoods t subdivision, lying east' of Waukegan Road and south of North Avenue. (b) ali lots and tracts of land abutting on Ydilmot Road between Rosewood Avenue.and the intersection of Wilmot Road with. Deerfield Road;: (c). and all lots and tracts of land abutting o�i Deerfield Road betweeri the intersection of the drainage ditch with Deerfield Road, approximately 150 feet east of Deerpath Avenue, and the westerly limits of the village. 2. .The zoning map of the village is' hereby amended to show the foregoing changes off'- classification.. The question of making the foregoing and other amendments to the zoning ordinance of the village having been- previously re)erred to a board consisting of the members - of the Board*of Appeals for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the matter, and such board having held such a hearing after due publication of notice and having made its recommendations-to the President and Board.of Trustees of-' the village; this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Passed this 12th day of November, 1951. APPROVED: A. G. Bradt_ Village President ATTEST: i Chester Wessling Village Clerk It was moved by Trustee Hinchsliff and seconded,by Trustee Wilson that the completion date on'the'Street Lighting •Contract (Section 5L CS) with the Contracting and Material Co., Evanston, Illinois, be extended to April 30, 1952. - _. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee'Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. Nays= None. Motion lcarried. A motion was made by Trustee Wynkoop and seconded by Trustee Hinchsliff that we accept the check in'the•amount'of $25.00 from the Kleinschmidt Laboratories and that a driveway permit be issue Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. Nays- None. Motion carried. 1 Trustee Engelhard made -a motion which was seconded by Trustee Wynkoop that the request from the Kleinschmidt Laboratories for the rezoning of a tract of land approximately 100 feet by 300 feet adjacent to their property to Light Manufacturing District to permit parking for their employees, be referred to the Board of Appeals. 6 8J Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoop* Nays -None. Motion carried* . Trustee Engelhard made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Meintzer that the summons from the Circuit Court -at Waukegan reldtive to the Ethel ?deers Harvey suit, be referred to our Village Attorney Thomas A. Matthews. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoope Nays— None. Motion'carriede It was moved by Trustee Engelhard and seconded by Trustee Nilson that the Village offer to furnish labor and truck to spread crushed rock on certain streets in To So Hovlandts First Addition to Deerfield, also Spruce Street, Arbor Vitae$ HemlockStreet, Elder Lane and Somerset Avenue, provided that the property owners on these streets purchase sufficient material(approximately $600900) during the fiscal year 1951 -52 to put these streets in a usable condition* Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas - Trustee Engelhard,' and Nilson. Naya- Trustee Hinchsliff, King and WynkooV* Not voting — Trustee Meintzer* Motion losto Trustee Nynkoop made a motion, that the Village .accept' the streets in Is Se Hovland's First Addition to Deerfield, also Spruce Street' Arbor Vitae, Hemlock Street, Elder Lane and Somerset Avenue and that these streets be improved.at the expense of the Village. Motion lost for the want of a second *` It was moved by Trustee Hinchsliff and seccndbd by Trustee Wynkoop that the request by resolution to install water service to the Wilmot RoGA School and to tunnel underneath Route SA 11, be-adopted*.' Roll call resulted as follovis* Yeas - Allo Nays Nonee Motion- carried* Moved, seconded and carried to adjourn* Village Clark* " " Pre dent of the Boards M1