11/05/19516 !, November 59 1951; A spezial meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield for the purpose of discussing the installation of a direct wire tolthe Lake County Police Department was called to order dt 800 Po Mo' `" • Roll call-Present- Trustee Engelhard' Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, ._ Wilson and Wynkoopo Absent - None. "A motion was made by* Trustee.Wynkoop and seconded by Trustee Meintzer ` that -the Village of Deerfield adtjorize the Illinois -Bell Tblephone Company to install a direct mire to the Lake County Police Department at Waukegane Illinois in order to provide the Village of Deerfield with 24 hour police service*, Roll call resulted as`fdllowso 'Yeas- Trustee Engelhard Hinchsliffp King, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. 'Nays - None: Motion carried. There being .no further business, it 'was moved, seconded.and carried to'adjourno. - 1 Village Clerk. 7 President of the Board* t. .r �QrOIbL °IZ ��i� l�r� 63 Trustee Engelhard made a motion which was seconded by Trustee King that the Village Attorney be inst�-ucted'to draw up an ordinance for the rezoning of Northwoods Subdivision from "A" to "AA". residence district. Motion uhanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, IOIntzer, Wilson and Wynkoop. Those 'Votibg "Nay" being None, A motion was made by Trustee Engelhard and seconded by Trustee King that the Village Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance rezoning lots facing on Wilmot,Road starting at the intersection of Rosewood avenue and Wilmot Roads„ running north on Wilmot Road to'Deerfield Road � and the lots facing on both sides of Deerfield Ffoad starting at the g intersection of the drainage -ditch with Deerfield Road and approximately 1jq feet east oY Deerpath Avenue and continuing west on Deerfield Road to Wilmot Road from "A" to "AA" residence district, t Upon -roll call the following vote'was taken.' Yeas - Trustee Engelhard Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkodp. `Nays - `None. `Motion "'. carried. It was moved by.Trustee WynkQ6_and seconded by Trustee Meintzer that we grant permission.to Arthur_SQheskie_to; connect to ,the sewer arid' water- a main in Patomac._Avenue__Jg - Order_to_furnish_ sewer end water facilities - for the residences that_hO prQposea to_bu31_d_b_e_tween Hillside "and $atomac Avenuese. - - - -- Roll call resulted as followse _ _Yeas- .Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, i King, Meintzer, Tjilson._and_ffynkQop &__Nags- None. Motion carried.,` " Trustee Hinchsliff made_a_motiQn which -vas seconded'by Trustee Wilson that we grant permission._to . the __Viking*- Re'lt'y_and_ Mortgage Co, of Chicago, Illinoiq to use._ the._ office_. building ,located_at_635 .Waukegan Road, Deerfield,., Tllinois,._as_a_cQuatruction_and sales office for a period of one year* Upon roll call.the following_vote_ was taken. Yeas - Trustee'Eng_ elhard, Hinchsliff, King$ Meiutzer,_Wil$on_and_Tynkoop. Nays- None.-motion' carried. Trustee Wynkoop made a-motion which was _a conded by Trustee Hinchsliff that the Village , Attorney- - be- 1natructed.ta- make_an.nYfer to the Teviett Park Association�to pay.one half of thn.:gortgage on Jewett Park and one half of the addit iona1_ -obligationa, hn. dotal not to exceed Five Thousand -t Dollars in return} for or -a -clear title tathe...fpllowing described property: That part of Lot ,4 . in ..Block -2 -in the. Original ..Town ._of -Deerf field, in -the Southwest 4 og, � Sgetion- 28,._7Dwnp -43Ni.. -Ranga:12s, East, of the Third Principal Meridian, acaording_tathe-._plat therenfl racorded March 16, 1 1857 in Book 27 Qf _deeds ,- -Page._.Lfi7,.- described. as fo7 i ows, to- Twit:. Beginning at a point on-the _Easterlg_.lize__of Tot-4-in-Block 2 of Original Town of.Deerfield,- 597.0 feet,-Northerly--from-the-Southeast'-corner of said Block 2; thence. -crest .329*30 _feet, _more _or- lesa,; to a point on the I West line of said'*Lot.•49 _.82- feet - Routh- .of- thn-lTorthweat corner thereof; thence South 170 *80 feet, morQ or less to,-the Southwest corner of said Lot 4; thence Eaot along-the . South -line of said-lot-4s. to- a point 127.50 feet West of the . Southeast -. corner - thereof; _thence. Easterly to .a point on said Easterly line of- Lot..49 -9.50 - feet.- Northerly - from -the - Southeastb corner thereof; thence Northerly, 169 feet more of less too the.place,of beginning ( Except that portion desribed a$ follows :_Eeginning-*at- 'a_point'on` the East - erly line of said Lot 4 in said Block 20..597_feei_Northerly from,the South - east corner of said Block 2, thence West-132-feet;-thence South at ,right angles to the East aforesaid lin@, 29.47- feet;..thenqe Fast.137.70 feet to the East line of aforesaid Lot 4; thence-Northerly-on the Easterly line of a aforesaid Lot 4, 30 feet to the place of...heginning.Rin_i,ake County, Illinois. A further condition of the above , is,- that_tha Village_Attorney 4nd.Trustees be permitted to examine the existing mortgage.!-__ -__ {' " -" Motion unanimously carried. Thoee voting-"Aye!!-being-Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkaop,.,__Those voting Nay being None. - f