07/17/19514 A Hinchsliff, King, dointzer, Y.iison -and- Wynkoop": ' Nays►- None. Motion. carried. __ ------ _ _- - - -- - - - - - -- 1 - Trustee Engelhard made a- motion- whicb:,was- seconded-'by Trustee Y?ynkoop that we request the Plan -Commission to makes ,its recommendation to' the Village Board as to the group of`plarning specialists -to be employed for the basic Villago : Plan whiclr- vas'-originnlly -priced--at- 7MOO.00 by Harland Bartholomew & Ansociates. Roll call resulted 'Trustee- Engellrard;- -Hinchsliff,r King. Mointzer, Wilson and ilyrkooy.• Nays- Noteo-'Moticn carried'.. - ' - No further business uppearingi- `it --was- moved', -neconded and carried. to adjourn. r Village Cle to - President off' t 1 Bo _ -. _ 1- 7. e - -------- �. July l7t - 1951.• .. The required notice having been sent-by the' Clerk'- tu-'all members of the Board of Trustees that a special meeting-of the-President and Board of Trustees will be held on July 17, 1951 for'-the' purpo -aw -of - taking action on a request from Mr. Robert So Ramsay for- thcr-extawtm-of a 6" v:aternain in Ramsey Road and also for the purpose of--appointing anew Villsge Treasurer. this meeting was called to order_at!_$.Te At: with- -t w-forllowing Trustees responding to the roll call. Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Maintzery and Wilson. Absent - Trustee Tlynkoop. r President Andrew 42 Bradt being absent on - vacation, it was moved by Trustee Hincholiff and seconded by Trustee Wilson that Trustee King act as President pro .tem, Roll call resulted as •follibvr3. Yeas -• All* Nays -• None. Motion carried• Trustee iiincholiff made a motion which was neconded by Trustee Wilbon that Fermiauion be granted to Robert S. Ramsay to make an extension of the 6" main eastward from the (present east etad on Ramsay Road a distance of ,approximately 185cfeet.� This line is to be of the ears. size as the present line � on-Ramsay-Road, All other future waternain extonsions requested in Mr. j '•Ramsay *s letter to the Board, -dated July 17, 11951 are hereby also granted. 1_ 'Proper..stubs for ,takeoffs, for �tho future lots as well as plugged teen at • each end dead 'end am to be installed for future imtallation of hydrants if found necessary.- The Villago Engineer D. J. L.- Walther recommends that a hydrant be installed at the cast end of- -the 185 feet extension to be laid at this time. This resolution does not include that part of Mrs Ramsay 's letter of July 17, 1951 as, pertains,to proposed sewer extension.. s Motion - unanimously carried. Those-voting •"Aye" being Trustee Engelhard, Hinehsliff, King. Meintzer and•:,ilson.. Those voting "Bay" being none. A motion was made by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Meintzer that _ we relieve Co J. Turner of his duties' ast Village Treasurer as 'of July 17, 1951. Roll call rewalted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Engelhard, Hinchaliff; King. Meiatzer and ."ikon. Nays- None. Motion carried. President pro tam Joseph U* King appointed Donald'P. Easton to the office of Village Treasurer. Tructee Wilson made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Meintzor that this appointment be ratified by the Boards Upon roll call the following- vote•was taken. Yoas- Trustee Engelhard, - Hinchsliff, King, 1�eintzer- and* Wilson. . Nays- None. Motion carried*- Moved, seconded and carried .to adjourn. Village eCl rk Pre id pt pro tors oftlig Board ` r