05/14/195135 Moved, seconded and carried to adjourn* Village Clerk Prnaideat of -the Board. i May 14, 195lo________. - The regular meeting of the President and Board_ of -Tzvstees of the Village, of Deerfield was called to order by-t w President Andrew, G• ; . Bradt at 8 P• M• Roll call. Present- Trustee Banfield, Hinchsliffs Kings Meintzer, Peterson and Wilson. Absent None* .. and approved The minutes of the regular meeting held,April 9, 1951 were read /with the addition that a letter be written to.the Deerfield.Womants Club expressing the thanks of the $illage $card for their kind offer of,assistance.:,to us and to the Civil Defense programq The minutes of- the *special iseting held April 25s 1951 to`cgnvass the votes of the Election.,held April 25, -1951 were read.and•approvedo The folloaring,bills were read and it was moved by Trustee Wilson and, , seconded1oby Trustee Hinchsliff .that these bills be.paid, if, as, an,when funds are. available. Upon rol4 call-the following vote.wgs taken• Yeas- Trustee Banfield, Hinchsliff, King, Ueintzer, Peterson and Wilson* Nays- None. Motion k Farriedo Anted Sign ------- 24 *00 • I M• A• Frantz -- ----- --------- - - - - -. - - - -- 2 9 0 r�,, ` Merchants Credit Assoc iation---- -- - -- -5.00 t R- Alexander Couris------------------------ 55e00t-, Harman Hertel--------------------- - - - - -- 25.00 V-1 National. Brick Coe------- ------ ------ - --« 112.00 Deerfield Hardware and Paint Coo 11.03 W He Behnke ------ ------------ - - - - -- -•- 3000 Percy. !6 Prior,Jre---------- - -- ----- 10000 Highland Park Fuel Coo - 28.90 M. F. T.;F. $98.53 - Rockwell lifg. Coe--- - - - - --- --- - - - - -- 564025 h. ` Highland mark . iincoln .Mercuryw ---- ,-.- 4800t-,:_ . Walter F• Krollwwwwrw--- Nrww--N- __-.--- 2,36.66 ,tt Brand Bros a ------------------ - - - - -- 5.47 C`• ti D••J•.L• Walthe 250 00 i '- w--------- ------- - - - - -- e . George .Burztett---------------- - --- -- - 30.00 U• S. Blue Print Paper Co•------- - - - - -- 10.40 Dahlts Auto Reconstruction Coe--- ---- -- 4*00t\ William A� Hgggi ©.... --- �-------- - - - - -- 12.00n. • Florence Jacobs------ -=---=--- - - - - . 12.00! - r - Laura Dietz-------- 12e00t, Loretta Willman------------------ - - - - -- Kathryn Me Frost-- - - - - -- .k------- - - - - -- 1'.�•OOa " ' i Ann C. Banfield------------ s--- -------- -- 12.00h . -- George T.. Scott----------- %------- - - - - -- - 12 . 00 tom:, Hazel Clifford------------- e------- --- - -- 12.00t,. Bernice Mau -- N---- w___ -_- __- ..__w..ww 1290011 Clara"U. '- Merner- ------------------------ 12.00,x- Alsce - B. Clark-- -_.... '., Florence IIchtman- -------------- - - - - -- 12.00 ,'­, t ' Burgess Anderson & Tatew_...,.r - - - -- - 20.10 ��- , 62.00 _ - - j Singer Printing & Publishing-Coo -- - --- -w t,•., Deerfield lumber & Fuel Co.-----= - = - - - -- 4.93h Highland Park News-- w-------------- - - -«.. 25.80 ...- ..- w_..� - - - - -- --w..w 180x0 r., , y Public Service Coo 4, - James Clove 8c sans..- ......=- ��...._.:�- - 34.75 - -. C.`Wessling- Village -I Collector- Misc;- ,.51042 NN- _- -w- - - --M McUaster•Carr Sapp1 io• 12•29 „ Septic Tank Service— 00 20.00 Midgets super Service 93059 r--, err—w—w--_rw—w_«_—w- i Reiland & Bree----------- «--- - - - - -- 26052 c1 Illinois -Bell Telephone Co.------- - - ---- 31o99ti Deerfield News Agency------------- - --- -- 8000 2.50 Fred Grabo----------------------- - - - - -- 36 Deerfield Temple Association -May rent- - - - --4 125900 Salaries for May, 1951_ • Foray McLaughlin------ - - - --0 285.00 William Johnston------ - - - - -, 300900 Alfred Anderson-------- - - - - -- 260.00 _ Patrick Kearns-------- - - ---- 240.00 - George A. Sticken,Sr. ---- -- 240.00 Julius Lancioni --------- --- 240.00 Mrs. Ce Wessling----- - - - --- 175.00 Mrs* Harold Giss------ - - -- - 25.00 Thomas'A. Matthews--- - - - - -- 100.00 Ce J. Turner--------- - - ---- 100000 Chester Wessling--- --- - - ---` 60.00 '2025.00 s It was moved by Trustee Wilson and seconded by Trustee Meintzer that the-Indemnity Bond as submitted -bycthe Deerfield Lions Club, be approved. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas - All* Nays- Non6.,Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee'Peterson:and seconded by Trustee Wilson - that the report as'submitted by Police Magistrate Hunt showing $362,00' in fines collected during the month of April, 1951,'together with his check for this amount, be accepted* Roll can resulted as follows- Yeas - All. Nays- None. Motion carried. ;This concluded the transactions for the old Board and after giving a 'rising vote of thanks to the two retiring tr- embers, Trustee Banfield and Ibterson, the new Trustees, Engelhard and Wynkoop were introduced and seated as members'of the new Boards - Police-'.Magistrate hunt who was re- elected, was alsorrintroducede Trustee King made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Engelhard that the Village of Deerfield give $100.00 to the Deerfield- Bannockburn Train Service Committee-for their--defelse- -fundo Motion unanimously carried. Thosa-soting-NAye"-being Trustee Engelhard, Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson- and-Wynkoopo Those voting !'Nay^ being Nonee - -- - -- _ A motion was made by Trustee Meintzer-and-seconded-by Trustee Wilson that the ordinance vacating the--alley-running westerly from Waukogan _ Road between Greenvood and Fair Oaks Avenues-too-the alley lying . immediately east of Parr Avenue r -and- -the -alloy -between =Park Avenue and Waukegan -Road from Fair Oaks -Avenuee-to-Greenwood Avenue$ be passed• Upon roll call the following vote - was -taken_ - Yeas -- Trustee Hinchsliff, King, Meintzer, Wilson and Wynkoop;- -Nays- Nona. Not voting- Trustee Engelhard. Motion carried. - -- -- '�' -�- Mro or$ Ward informs the Board--that-the driveway-to the rear •of . - # 6 @JJyCf f1rb6t $r99Ad as ,soon-as weather - permits. Sealed bids were received, opened_- and..read for the installation of.a Mercury Vapor Street Lighting-System-known as- -seatinn 51.*CS ,,on Waukegan Road from Orchard Streets to Longlollow, Avenue.-and, da Deerfield Road from Park Avenue to Rosemary - Terrace,. as follows;, Kelso Burnett Electric Go. Monroe Electric Co. --- -- Contracting and Material Cop __ _ __.__ 15,931.75 —, Wood Electric Cop _..___.. _ ._...16,1.13.04. It was moved by Trustee T.ilzon. and. seconded. -by. Truatee_ Hincho iff that it appears that the Contracting. and- 23aterial. Co.,..1235. Dodge Avenues Evanston, Illinois, are the low-bidders Sor_.the. installation of a Mercury Vapor Street Lighting- System on laaukegan Road (SBI Route 42 -A) and Deerfield Road (SA -1A) and_l-hat - -their bid be accepted and a contract be let in accordance therewith,,- subject to the approval of the Illinois State Department -of. Public. Works. -and.-subject to that department t s approval of., the village_ using. ona_halL Qf the motor fuel tax allotment in the future for.maintenance_purposes and the balance to be applied to the unpaid coat_of'�the improvement; and_provided alpo that the contractor agree to Xinieh -the_ work. _in six months after . contract is approved and signed- _by__tlie_ -State- uLSllinois. T A .- - U1, L1. cm Im 9 R Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas Trustee Hinchsliffg Meintzert Wilson and Wynkoop• Nays- Trustee King. Trustee Engelhard- Not voting* Motion carried, • The President Andrew Go Bradt made the following appointments. Finance Qnd Auditing Committee Clarence Wilson: Chairman Water Committee Will&= E• Hinchsliff " Health and Public Relation Co=ittee Joseph Wo King Public Works- Road.fand Bridge Committee Eugene F. Engelhard n Judiciary and - License Committee - _ Vernon M.:25eintzer �. • Police and Fire Committee Harold Wo Vynkoop • " Lewis B• Walton, reappointed as a member of the Board lof'Appeals• - • It was moved by Trustee Engelhard "an& seconded by Trustee Wynkoop that, these appointments be confirmed by the Board of Trustees* • Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- All* Nays- ;None.- Motion carriedo • Tru t o Mei n t d t i tv o d b Trustee Wilson s e zer ma e a mo i,,Qa �r�- c�� a s c e y that the matter of a Flaohe ght^ to* be ocated• 30 Peet east oS. Chestnut Street on Deefield Road be referred to the Road and Bride Committee with Pull power to-approve or disapprove. Roll-call resulted as follows: Yeas- •Trustee.Engelhardp Hinchsliff, King, Meintzerp Wilson and Wynkoop. Nays- None* Motion carried* It was--moved by Trustee Meintzer and iseconded•by Trustee Hinchsliff that Trustee Wilson be authorized to release Carol Cane Prom-further resonsibility in•connectiontwith the damage to the Stop and Go Light at the Southwest corner-of Waukegan and Deerfield Roads on receipt.' of check from the Insurance Coo to cover-cost of replacement, Motion unanimously.carried•* Those voting „Arye "`being Trustee Engelhardt Hinchsliffs King* Maintzer•, Wilson and Wynkoopo Those"' voting "Nay" being None,, Moved,- .seconded and carried to adjourn. Villahe Clerk, / President -of the Board• 3T . Il#