04/09/195171 I Aft 90 1951! Tke regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of.the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Andrew Go Bradt at,8 P•.X• ._:Roll call-Present- Trustee Hincholiff.-King',Meintzers Peterson and Wilson• Absent • Trustee BanfiQldo,, T�qiiiutes'of t.he_regular meeting ,held March 12, 1951 here ..read and', approved The following bilks were read and it was moved by, Trustee Wilson and t seconded by Trustee Hincholiff that these bills be.paidq ifs as,, and'. whennfunds-are available. Upon roll call the following vote was taken•. Yeas- Trustee Hincholiffv -King.,Maintzers Peterson and Wilson• :Nays-- Nonet Motion carried•., Re - i iana and Bree ---- — -------------------- .26952 Public Service Coo 194*29 --snyder, Clarke and-,DalzieLl •250,00 Deerfield Hardware and Paint Coe".—a--m 20*95 Walter Fe Krol------ . 89* 86 ,­Deerfield Garagp,=4 Service Station•m 163972 Sherony JD%rd►are, aqd Appliance 31.19 Frostts Radio & Electric Appliances--­•.. 127*71, Highland Park lAncoln, 25*13 Ward Brothers M. F. T. F. $144*00 Maier-lavaty 3093 William Ephae— t----------------- - - ---. 180010"'.. William He Barrett------------------ - - - - -- 29050 Deerfield lumber abd Fuel COOM ----------- 1.35 Herold_ .T* --- --------- 50• 09 :i Perfection Legal Blank Coo - ----- •84 Meade Electric Cot -------- ft--.m -------- 29*22 Highland Park News --------- m ---------- 15000 Patten Tractor and Equipment C09— ---- 12025 -- ---------- * 5 Horders!'Inc'--� _-,7,l2_ •-a Burgess, Anderson and Tate- --- - - - - -- ------ 29967 Red Horse Service Station----------- - - - --- 101*68 Rockwell Mfg• 72*17 Illinois -Bell Telephone Coo ------- - 32013 Midgelo.Service Station ---------------- 101*61 Patrick Kearns -------- ------------------ -- Ann Banfiel& -------- 26*50 Alex Couris --------- ------ ------ 10000 M. At 196.5o Deerfield,W=Ple Association ------ ------ 125e00_Apre rent. Evans*Feed'Storo--- 30.00 - Salaries for Marcht.*l William Johnston ---------- $ 300,00 Percy Mpjaugblin_7- ---- '28500 Alfred Ander . son --------- '260*00 George StIcken.Sr*---, -7—,, 21+0*00 Alex Couri's ------------ 240900 Mrs• C. Wessling--- 175900 Mrs* Esther Glss- 23*00 Chester-Wissling ---------- - 60*00 Thomas A*Iatthews ---- 100000 Pat Kearns--------- - - - - -- 240*00 CO To Turner-------- 100*00 2025000 Trustee Peterson made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Wilson that the reports as submitted by Police Magistrat► Hunt showing $736*001 ,"'. and ;ustice of the Peace Michael George showing $66,00 in fines collected 1�7< during the month of Marchv 1951, be received. Roll call resulted as follows: Yeas- Trustee Hinchslifft Kings Mintzer, Peterson and Wilson- Nays. None. Motion carried* A motion.was made by Trustee King and seconded by,Trustee Hincholiff that the Chairiaan of the'Police ComzAttee be authorized,to Purchase flares and extinguishers to be carried it; the-squad car• upon roll calf the'folf0wing vote was taken* Yeas-.,Trustee Hinchaliffe King, Meintzert raterson and Wilson* Mays- None• Motion carried• 33 -