01/08/19519 I 23 Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trustee Hinchsliff, King, Heintzer, retersou and "til -son. Isays- Noneo Lotion carried. Moved, seconded and curried to adjourn. 'Tillage Clerl . deh t of the Board. -_ Ja=ary'Sq 19519 r L - z The regular meeting of the President and Board of T2ustees of-the, _ - Village of- Deerfield Was called to order by the Presidcnt'Andrew Go' Bradt at 8 P• Me with the following Trusteea responding to the roll call; Hinchsliffq Kings Ueintzers Peterson and Wilson& Absent—, Trustee Barfield• _ The minutes of the regular meeting hold December ll,, 1950twere read " -- c and approved; _ The following bills were road and it was moved by Trustee 1711son and seconded by.Tiustee Paterson that those bills be -paid# ifo asq'and when :funds are available•: Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" "being Trustee Hinchsliff$ King$ -Ueintzer. Peterson and 17ilsone► Those voting "Nay" being None:' .. � .. I Jay Be Morse; County ' Clerk------- •- - - - - -- 4140.00 '.Chicago Regional Planning Association --- ` 25000. < Public Service Coo -------- -------------- 193.19 37e5/0� �e Fo T. Fs 60o00R George St} i�ckenpSro---- -------------------- Us As Frantz----- •------------------ - --- -• 302 �'+ Singer.Printing and Publiching Co•-- - 3e00 _ Perfection legal Blank Coe------------- - - -... 10.40 _ J Eagle Signal Corporation------- •---- - - - --- '473*00 William Behnke------------ MN---- N -N_ -- 20.00 YvNY Feed 110,916 .. Everett Garage•• - -N NNMN- N- --- - - - -N- 8050 .. .• Highland PhVk Feel COO-- •.M-- NN-- - - - - -N 88.08 L%oller 130.33 Deerfield Hardware and Paint Ea.•-- -- ----�* 19037 Border's $ Ina. -- - - - - -- 21.98 Hanover Fire Insurance COO-- N- -NN-• -N- 6.55 Mid- Continent.Petroleum Coo 3.2 National Brick Coo ----- •--------- -�- --N-- 105000 Me Fo T. Fo 451050 Ward Brothers •----------------------- --- - -- McI%ster Carr Supply Coo-------- N-- --- - -- 5942 . Frosts a Radio & Electric Appliance-- ---- -- 3.42 Highland Park Lincoln Morcury-- ------ -- 71 *25 Halter F• Krol«,NN--- ...- N-- N..•-- - - - - -- 1 ?4.00 Antes Sign Coeem- •--- •------------ - - - - -- 9.00 Illinois — Bell Telephone Ca•------- • - - -•-- 20073 Red Horse Service Station•---------- - -- --- 133078 Dahlto Auto Reconstruction Coo------ ----�- 1050 Chandler' s--------------- NN------- --- - -- 8050 Ann BanfieldMM- MN•- N- NN•NNM -• -N 5000 • The Urban Pro ss------- N_- N-- NN- -_ -_N- 17050 Deerfield Tempo Association - February rent 125.00 Salaries Percy. ",aLaughlin-- •--- - - --•Y 285.00 William Johnston----- - - - - -- 285000 A0 Ho Aaderson• -�- - ---•-- 260.00 Those Po Keadns---- • -N• --- 240.00 Gsorge Sticken$Sr.--- - - - --- 240000. Alexander Couris-- NNM - -- 240.00 Mrs. C. t3essling----- --- - -- 150.00 Thomas As L'attk8ws- r• - - ---- 100900 Mrse Esther Gies----- - ----- 25.00 Chester Weaslir,S- •- i = -_�_ -- SpoGG Co To Turner--------- - - - - -- 100000 1975000 The following resolution was read and it was moved by Trustee Hinchsliff and seconded by Trustec King that the following resolution as read$ be adopted. ZI Roll call resulted as foliowso Ycas Trustee HinchaliFf Kin I g# kaintzers Peterson and Wilsone Ways- None* Motion carried* BE IT IMSOLVEDg that the Village of Deerfield go on record as fully endorsing the efforts'of the Steering Committee of the Lake County yater District to create a water district in Lake county* nlinoiso BE IT 1UR7HER. . RESOLVED;j.�Lhat, the village of Paerfield.bw.included within-th7i bou'nd-arisi of'- said -Districto A notion was made by Trustee Paterson and seconded by Trustee "intzor that the report as vub=itte4_by.Pqlice Magistrate Bmt.togeth6r.with his chick in the amount of #730900,4or fines collected during the month of-Decomberg.19509 be accepted, , Roll call resulted as fonows• . Yeas" Ann .11ays- -None. Motion carried• A notion w4s ma4e by ;Trustee Peterson' and seconded by,-Trustoo Maintzor that the report as submitted by Justice of the Nace ,Iichael,Jlo George for fines collected by him together with two checks totaling $4040,, be accepted* I h:1 upon roll call the following vote was taken• Yeas- Trustee.Hinc ffe King# 11aintzerp Paterson and'Wilsoup Ilays• Nonce Motion carried*' Trustee �Petjroo�.made.a motion which was seconded by,TAstee Wilson that the resolution appropriating Twenty thousand Dollars .($2OsOOOoQO) -.for,,the Installation of street.. lights .on Vqukegan Road,-(S4B&I* 42A) W Deerfield, Road (So. A'*' 11 Exto, from Motor Fuel Tax Funds - be adopted* Motion unanimously, garriedo--Thosa.vating."Aye"bolng !PrusteeHinchaliff, King, Usintzer, Ilatqrson and-Vilson• . Those voting "Nay" being None* Xoved& sqco4dG4 ard..carried_to,adjourn&,. Village c4erk* ------------- Prbtldelht ,�f the Boardo ----------- ---------- . IJ