12/07/2009December 7, 2009 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Mayor Harriet Rosenthal in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, December 7, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were: Present: Harriet Rosenthal, Mayor Robert Benton Alan Farkas Thomas Jester Mary Oppenheim William Seiden Barbara Struthers and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney Peter Coblentz and Kent Street, Village Manager. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Members from Cub Scout Pack 150 from Kipling School led those in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Pack members spoke about activities in which they participate, including the Pinewood Derby, adopting a local family during the holidays, and raising money for the West Deerfield Township food pantry. Pack leader Steve Papale added that they also participate in a number of community events. Mayor Rosenthal thanked the Pack for all the good work they do for the community. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Trustee Benton made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 16, 2009 Board of Trustees meeting. Trustee Struthers seconded the motion. Trustee Farkas made a minor correction on page five. The amended motion was approved unanimously. BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Oppenheim made a motion to approve the Bills and Payroll dated December 7, 2009. Trustee Farkas seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6) NAYS: None (0) PRESENTATION OF THE Mayor Rosenthal presented the Government DISTINGUISHED BUDGET Finance Association's Distinguished Budget PRESENTATION AWARD Presentation Award to Finance Director Bob Fialkowski. She noted the Village has received this honor for the past 19 years. Mr. Fialkowski stated the award is a good reflection on the Village and expressed appreciation to his staff for their considerable efforts to achieve it. PUBLIC COMMENT Joel Linton, 1040 Heather Road, advised that he has been a resident of Deerfield for the past 17 years and has ongoing Commonwealth Edison service outage issues. Mr. Linton asked the Trustees to discuss and plan a deliverable timeline of action to solve the problem. He believes residents Board of Trustees meeting December 7, 2009 Page 2of6 have been patient for several years, but many service areas have not been fixed. Mayor Rosenthal stated the Village is working hard to bring reliable service into Deerfield and, in addition to the lawsuit, the Village has retained an engineer to look at the distribution system and inform the Village what requests should be made. Village Attorney Coblentz reported the Village filed suit against Commonwealth Edison two years ago, and there was a hearing before the Appellate Court a few weeks ago. The Village is pursuing this issue diligently and at considerable expense. Mr. Coblentz asked residents to keep records of their service issues, outages, and Commonwealth Edison's failure to respond promptly. The trustees agreed that the service needs to be improved, and the Village will continue to pursue this goal diligently. There were no Reports. There was no Consent Agenda. REPORTS CONSENT AGENDA OLD BUSINESS AUTHORIZATION TO ADOPT THE Bob Phillips noted that at the last Board of NPDES STORM WATER Trustees meeting, the NPDES Storm Water MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Management Program Report, developed in conjunction with Gewalt Hamilton Associates, was initially presented to the Board. Its purpose is to meet the standards required by USEPA under the NPDES Phase II program. Mayor Rosenthal noted the Trustees discussed this program at length during the last meeting. Trustee Farkas made a motion to adopt the NPDES Storm Water Management Program. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6) NAYS: None (0) NEW BUSINESS PUPLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED Trustee Benton made a motion to open the Public 2009 TAX LEVY Hearing on the proposed 2009 tax levy. Trustee Struthers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. i 1 1 1 IJ I� Board of Trustees meeting December 7, 2009 Page 3 of 6 ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 2009, AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL 2010, FOR THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS — 1R Finance Director Bob Fialkowski explained that, because the proposed levy was more than 5% over last year's levy, the Village needed to publish a Truth in Taxation notification. He noted that the total levy being requested, including funds requested by the Library Board was $7,173,475. The total amount for the Village was $3,979,901 and the amount for the Library was $3,193,575. Mr. Fialkowski explained that the primary factor for the Village increase was the extension of the debt service levy for the 2008 debt service. The initial debt service.for the 2008 issue was abated, and in the 2009/2010 budget, the levy was to be funded by the property tax, creating a $367,463 increase from last year. There is also a proposed $261,300 increase for the General Fund and $32,410 for the Scavenger Fund. Last year was the first year the Village had a deficit. As a result, the Village staff is requesting the amounts included in the budget this year. He noted the Village tax levy has not increased in the past four years. Mr. Fialkowski noted the increase for a $500,000 home would be $59. He added that, historically, the Village has been very cognizant of the property tax effect on homeowners and tries not to rely on property tax increases. Mayor Rosenthal agreed the Village has been very fiscally conservative and has built a reserve fund by finding alternative tax revenues. It has also used reserves for capital projects. Mayor Rosenthal noted that economic times are difficult for many right now. She expressed concern that Deerfield would get a reputation as a place that is too expensive to live. Mayor Rosenthal noted the Village portion of the tax bill is less than 3 %. The schools take the largest portion. She questioned whether the reserve would be sufficient if taxes were not raised this year. Mr. Fialkowski responded that the major operating funds have a sufficient balance, but he is concerned about going forward in light of deficits and economic uncertainty. He added that the Village has cut expenditures and is trying to meet operating revenues with operating expenditures. Trustee Struthers advised that the Village took money out of the street budget this year, and she heard a lot of complaints about that. She added that the infrastructure needs work and is concerned about further reducing the fund balance. Trustee Oppenheim asked about expenditures the Village cannot control. Mr. Fialkowski responded that pension funds are significant expenditures with limited control. Salary control is limited in Illinois due to State laws, regulations and arbitration practices. The Village can control the number of workers, but has limited control of how much they are being paid. Trustee Oppenheim does not want to risk decreasing the services provided to residents. Trustee Farkas expressed that the Village is fortunate to have Mr. Fialkowski watching the finances. He believes the Village has healthy balances in a rough economic climate. It has the Board of Trustees meeting December 7, 2009 Page 4 of 6 ability to cover projected expenditures without increasing the levy, although it would deplete the General Fund to a non - critical level, in his view. Trustee Farkas does not believe an increase is justified in this economic climate. Mayor Rosenthal believes the Village should help residents during this tough time, if possible. She noted there would be other expenses such as the Wastewater Reclamation Facility, in the future. Trustee Benton noted that the fund balance is dropping at an increasing rate. The Village philosophy has been to keep up with needs and stabilize finances. Trustee Seiden noted the Village pulled out more than two million dollars for infrastructure improvements this year and added that some residents could not afford a $59 increase. In light of Village reserve levels, he does not think the levy should be increased this year. Trustee Farkas noted there is a significant increase in the library portion of the tax levy. He further asked that the Village and Library Boards minimize the levy where possible. Trustee Oppenheim stated that she does not feel qualified to comment on the library budget. Trustee Jester supported the proposed levy. He noted that there was a small deficit last year and the Trustees have been fiscally responsible in budgeting this year. Trustee Jester believes the direction is there, and the reserves are not what they used to be. Kerry Rohan, 1750 Portage Pass, explained he is a 25 year resident of Deerfield. He is impressed with the attitude of the Trustees. Mr. Ronan explained the taxes in Deerfield are not too high compared to other towns. He saw a listing showing the spending of more than 60 municipalities in Lake County and Deerfield was number 11 on the list. Mr. Ronan believes the Trustees look wisely at where funds are being spent. Mayor Rosenthal explained they ask staff to reduce the budget wherever possible and are good stewards of Village resources. Trustee Jester added that the Village may be number 11 as far as spending, but the schools are well above number 11. Larry Kaufman, 595 Bent Creek Ridge, explained he is a 41 year resident of Deerfield. He complimented the Trustees for their reports, openness and debates. Mr. Kaufman explained that he spearheaded the recent pro - referendum petition for the District 109 bond issue. He noted people are hurting and going into bankruptcy and foreclosure. It is a very difficult economic situation. Mr. Kaufman thanked the Trustees for their hard work. Frank Pirri, 585 Bent Creek Ridge, appreciated the approach, in comparison with what he has experienced during the past month with the District 109 bond issue. Mr. Pirri stated that the majority of the District 109 population was unaware of how money would be spent. He urged residents to follow what is going on in the Village. Mayor Rosenthal explained the Board wants residents to know what is going on and communicates in a number of ways, including keeping the Village website as current as possible. Trustee Benton added the Village had a Committee of the Whole meeting on the tax levy, and Trustee Oppenheim noted that the entire report is also published on the Village website. Board of Trustees meeting December 7, 2009 Page 5 of 6 Stuart Freed, 1745 E. Summit Court, asked how much revenue is derived from Takeda. Mr. Street advised that only a portion of the revenues have derived from the property tax as the project's value phases in, but building permit revenue was significant this year. Mayor Rosenthal noted this would stand as a First Reading. She urged the Trustees to think about minimizing any property tax increase to residents. Mayor Rosenthal noted that the Trustees will vote on this at their December 21 st meeting. ORDINANCE ABATING ALL OF THE 2009 TAX LEVY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SERIES 2003 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS -1R close the Public Hearing. Trustee Oppenhei unanimously. An Ordinance abating all the 2009 tax levy requirements for the Series 2003 General Obligation Refunding Bonds. First Reading. _Mayor Rosenthal explained this would stand as a First Reading. Trustee Benton made a motion to m seconded the motion. The motion passed ORDINANCE FOR THE AMENDMENT An Ordinance amending the agreement establishing OF THE AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING SWALCO. First Reading. Mr. Street explained THE SOLID WASTE AGENCY LAKE SWALCO is reorganizing how they select their COUNTY — 1R directors and alternates. This will stand as a First Reading. DISCUSSION HOLIDAY CELEBRATION Trustee Benton congratulated those involved with this year's holiday celebration on the successful event. Mayor Rosenthal also thanked the Chamber of Commerce, the business community and Village staff who worked so hard to make it a great event. ECUMENICAL SERVICE Mayor Rosenthal reported the annual interfaith service was held the Wednesday of Thanksgiving week. She thanked the clergy for an inspirational evening. Trustee Benton noted that the Human Relations Awards were presented as well. WILMOT ROAD PROJECT Mayor Rosenthal thanked the Public Works and Engineering Department and the contractor, A= Lamp, for timely and excellent work on the Wilmot Road project. IN MEMORIAM Mayor Rosenthal noted that former Village Attorney, Jim Stucko, recently passed away. She remembered him and all the good work he did on behalf of the Village for many years. MOSQUITO ABATEMENT POSTERS Trustee Struthers invited residents to go to Village Hall to see the posters from the Mosquito Abatement Calendar Contest. Board of Trustees meeting December 7, 2009 Page 6 of 6 CABLE Mr. Street reported that the location of the cable studio's playback equipment is being moved to the Highland Park Police Department and hopes the Board of Trustees meeting can be carried live during the next meeting, although it would likely be January. SNOW SEASON Mr. Street further reminded residents that vehicles need to be parked off streets when there is a snow fall of three inches or more. Mayor Rosenthal asked residents to also take care of sidewalks as well. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Struthers made a motion to go into Executive Session. Trustee Oppenheim seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Benton, Farkas, Jester, Oppenheim, Seiden, Struthers (6) NAYS: None (0) The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm. APPROVED: ATTEST: Village Clerk Mayor 1 1