12/02/20022 December 2, 2002 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Mayor Harris in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, December 2, 2002, at 7:32 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were: Present: Steve Harris, Mayor Jerry Kayne Derek Ragona Harriet Rosenthal William Seiden Vernon Swanson Matthew Wylie and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney Peter Coblentz and Village Manager Robert Franz. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Harris led those in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Trustee Kayne seconded the motion. Trustee Wylie commented that on the last line of Page 3, he was referring to the west facade rather than the north fapade of the building. A motion to approve the minutes as amended passed unanimously. BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Kayne made a motion to approve the Bills and Payroll. Trustee Ragona seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6) NAYS: None (0) PUBLIC COMMENT Gil Antokol reported that the next Blood Drive will take place on Sunday, December 8, at the Jewett Park Community Center. He briefly talked about the process of donating blood. REAPPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND Mayor Harris recommended the following COMMISSIONS reappointments to Village Boards and Commissions: • Appearance Review Commission - Lisa Cummings • Board of Building Appeals - Walter Hallford • Board of Zoning Appeals - Robert Speckmann (Ch.) and Theodore Kuczek • Cable Advisory Board - Jesse Rotman (Ch.) and George Keats • Energy & Recycling Commission - Laurence Ratner and Glenn Schwartz • Fine Arts Commission - Jill Burstein and Connie Kieffer • Manpower Commission - Jean Reuther, Susie Wexler • Plan Commission - Robert Benton (Ch.) and Joseph Pugliese • Police Pension Board - Mark Anfenson 1 1 Board of Trustees Meeting December 2, 2002 Page 2 of 5 • Safety Council - Melissa Biggs • VCDC - Alan Garfield (Ch.), Oscar Adler, and Lou Dauria • Youth Council - Barbara Reich (Ch.) and Lawrence Tracey Trustee Seiden made a motion to accept the reappointments. Trustee Wylie seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING RE REAL ESTATE TAX LEVY FOR 2002 motion passed unanimously. Trustee Ragona made a motion to open the public hearing on the Real Estate Tax Levy for 2002. Trustee Wylie seconded the motion. The Mr. Fialkowski reported that: • Pursuant to statute, the Notice of Property Tax Levy for 2002 was published on November 21st in the Deerfield Review. • The total levy, including the library, is $7,625,890. Of this, the Village portion is $5,938,100 and the library portion is 1,687,790. • Four funds - General- /Street, IMRF, FICA, and Scavenger are unchanged from last year. The Debt Service levy will have three abatements totaling $3,514,100. These will reduce the Debt Service net levy to last year's net levy amount of $319,000. • The Police Pension net levy is up from $256,250 to $278,581. • The library levy is up 6.62 %. • The Village net levy is up .93% or $22,331 over last year. However, Mr. Fialkowski expects that, due to an increase in the EAV, the dollar amount paid to the Village through the property tax will decrease. Trustee Seiden commented that the audit shows a surplus in the General Fund of $300,000 more than projected. He moved to use $22,331 of the surplus to reduce the net levy to the 2001 amount of $2,390,250. Trustee Kayne seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Wylie (5) NAYS: Swanson (1) After further discussion, and there being no comments from the public, Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to close the public hearing. Trustee Ragona seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE TO ESTABLISH AN AUTOMOBILE CONVENIENCE FOOD SHOP IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE OPERATION OF A CITGO GAS STATION AT 1460 WAUKEGAN ROAD (VITI) REPORTS The Plan Commission held a public hearing on September 26th, continued to November 14th, to consider a request for a Special Use to permit the establishment of a convenience food shop in conjunction with the operation of the Citgo gas station at 1460 Waukegan Road. By a vote of 4 -2, the Plan Commission recommended that the petitioner's request be approved. a A Board of Trustees Meeting December 2, 2002 Page 3 of 5 Paul Diambri, representing the Viti family, was in attendance, as was Don O'Hara of KLOA, which did a traffic study in conjunction with the proposal. Mr. Diambri reported that, as requested by the Plan Commission, the petitioners have added three handicapped parking spaces. They are in the process of trying to lease additional land from METRA for parking, but even without it, they have enough parking spaces. Mr. Diambri noted that the convenience store is expected to add only six car trips per hour to the site. Also at Plan Commission request, the petitioners have prepared a landscaping plan. Trustees discussed the proposal at length with Mr. Diambri and Mr. O'Hara. They discussed spillover lighting, security, parking, signage, Waukegan Road traffic, ingress and egress, traffic circulation within the site, hours of peak use, landscaping, use of the convenience store by Deerfield High School students, the possible addition of a sidewalk, and other issues. The major portion of the discussion, however, was in regard to closing some of the access points onto Waukegan Road. The petitioners propose to close one of the five. Some trustees felt that closing two of them would be even better. They discussed with Mr. O'Hara varying ways this goal might be achieved, but no consensus was reached either on whether a second access point should be closed or how it would be accomplished. Christopher Looby, 1035 Hunter Court (across the street from the gas station), commented that traffic will become even more problematic than it already is when the convenience shop is added, especially if a lottery machine is installed. He also expressed concern about lighting on the site, which he feels is now excessive. He thinks that adding a sidewalk and some landscaping are good ideas. Melissa Bigg made the observation that the north access to the property is used by many large trucks during the lunch hour. Closing it might be a safety issue. Ms. Bigg also suggested that the petitioners provide a bike rack. Mayor Harris suggested that the Board accept the Report and Recommendation of the Plan Commission, with the understanding that the petitioners will study the issues presented at tonight's meeting and address them at the next meeting when the ordinance is on the agenda for First Reading. Trustee Rosenthal so moved. Trustee Ragona seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (5) NAYS: Wylie (1) REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR TEXT November 14th. It is their recommendation that AMENDMENT TO ALLOW A RENTAL CAR a text amendment be made to the Zoning FACILITY AS A SPECIAL USE IN THE Ordinance to allow a car rental facility as a I -1 OFFICE, RESEARCH AND RESTRICTED Special Use in the I -1 Office, Research and INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, AND A SPECIAL Restricted Industrial District, and that USE TO ALLOW THE ENTERPRISE RENT- Enterprise Rent -A -Car's request for a special A -CAR FACILITY ON THE HYATT HOTEL use to allow a rental car facility to be PROPERTY established on the Hyatt Hotel property be approved. 1 1 Board of Trustees Meeting December 2, 2002 Page 4 of 5 Christopher Reilly of Enterprise Rent -A -Car was in attendance. He reported that the facility will use the interior location previously used by American Airlines. Enterprise will use ten of the Hyatt's parking spots but little impact on traffic is anticipated. No signage is being requested. There will be three full time and one part time employee. Pick up and delivery service will be available to customers. Commission look into the and determine if it is s Village's other hotels. attendance and commented especially since patrons for overflow parking. Trustee Rosenthal asked that the Plan regulation requiring only one parking spot per hotel room :ill adequate, not just for the Hyatt but also for the Philip Stamm, General Manager of the Hyatt, was in that the hotel's 370+ spots have always been adequate, are able to use other available spots on the Hyatt campus Trustee Wylie asked if a request for a variance should be part of the petition. Mr. Coblentz responded that an amendment to the PUD will be written into the language of the ordinance. Trustee Ragona moved for acceptance of the Report and Recommendation of the Plan Commission and preparation of an ordinance. Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL November 14th. It is their recommendation that USE TO CONSTRUCT A STORAGE SHED FOR the request of the Village of Deerfield's THE VILLAGE'S DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Department of Public Works for construction of WORKS ON VILLAGE OWNED PROPERTY a storage shed at the Village storage yard be approved. The motion passed 6 -0. Trustee Ragona made a motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of the Plan Commission to direct preparation of an ordinance. Trustee Wylie seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. ORDINANCE RE NON - COMMERCIAL SOLICITORS Village. First Reading. CONSENT AGENDA An ordinance removing the requirement from the solicitation ordinance that non- commercial solicitors be required to register with the ORDINANCE 0 -02 -44 DECREASING An ordinance decreasing the number of Class E NUMBER OF CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSES liquor licenses from 19 -18 due to the closing FROM 19 -18, HI RICKY RESTAURANT of Hi Ricky Restaurant. Second Reading. Trustee Rosenthal moved for acceptance of the Consent Agenda and adoption of the ordinance. Trustee Wylie seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Kayne, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson, Wylie (6) NAYS: None (0) �4 IPA F e � Board of Trustees Meeting December 2, 2002 Page 5 of 5 NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCE RE REAL ESTATE TAX LEVY An ordinance approving the Real Estate Tax FOR 2002 Levy for 2002, less $22,331, as amended by the Board earlier in the meeting, for a total amended amount of $2,390,250. First Reading. ORDINANCE RE TAX LEVY ABATEMENT - An ordinance abating $487,450 of 1997 General 1997 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS ISSUE Obligation Bonds issue. First Reading. ORDINANCE RE TAX LEVY ABATEMENT - An ordinance abating $2,006,250 of 1998 1998 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS ISSUE General Obligation Bonds issue. First Reading. ORDINANCE RE TAX LEVY ABATEMENT - An ordinance abating $1,020,400 of 2002 2002 GENERAL.OBLIGATION BONDS ISSUE General Obligation Bonds issue. First Reading. AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD CONTRACT TO This agenda item is being held over. GRAEF, ANHALT, SCHLOEMER & ASSOC. FOR DESIGN OF CENTRAL AVENUE (WEST OF WILMOT ROAD) WATER MAIN PROJECT. DISCUSSION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Trustee Wylie thanked those who participated in the Comprehensive Plan Community Forum. The next meeting of the task force will take place on December 9th at 7:30 P.M. ITEMS FROM THE VILLAGE MANAGER Mr. Franz reported that: • The Village is now into snow plowing season. Residents are reminded to remove their cars from the street so as not to interfere with the plowing process. • Holiday on the Plaza will take place on December 13th from 4:00 - 8:00. • On December 14th from 9:00 - noon a number of holiday events will take place at Deerfield Centre. ADJOURNMENT Ther no f rther business to discuss, T stee R na de a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Kayne seconded th motion. T e m tion r assed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 P.M. ATTEST: Village Clerk AP r