12/04/2000December 4, 2000 The regular meeting'of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Mayor Forrest in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, December 4, 2000, at.8:00.P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were: Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor John Heuberger Derek Ragona Harriet Rosenthal William Seiden Vernon Swanson Absent: Steve Harris* and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Attorney Herbert Linn and Village Manager Robert Franz. *Trustee Harris arrived at the meeting at 8:15 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VILLAGE CENTER REDEVELOPMENT UPDATE Mayor Forrest presented a progress report on the redevelopment of the southeast quadrant, the southwest quadrant and South Commons. In response to a question from Trustee Swanson, Mrs. Little reported that the entrance into Deerfield Square from Waukegan Road is not a dedicated street and therefore has no official name. For staff purposes, it is being called Deerfield Boulevard. She added that the traffic. signals at Waukegan and Deerfield Boulevard, at Deerfield and Waukegan, and at Deerfield Road and Deerfield Boulevard will be activated and synchronized by mid - January.. Trustee Heuberger suggested that directional signs be installed at the shopping center intersections indicating "Deerfield Square" or "Deerfield Centre." Other trustees felt this was a good plan, and Mrs. Little agreed to take care of it. Mrs. Little reported that the "count down" pedestrian signal is still being investigated. The Federal Highway Administration would prefer that the signal, which is considered experimental, be located at Robert York and Deerfield Road rather than at Deerfield Boulevard and Waukegan Road, which is in their right -.of -way. Trustee Heuberger commented that, in his opinion, Rosemary and Deerfield would be a better location, but some other trustees disagreed. In response to a question from Trustee Ragona, Mrs. Little reported that the Mitchell Park reservoir is progressing well. The bottom has been formed and poured, and the walls are about 80% poured. All columns except one have been poured. Work will continue throughout the winter. Mrs. Little showed photos of the work in progress. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. PUBLIC HEARING RE REAL ESTATE Mayor Forrest called to order the Public TAX LEVY FOR 2000 Hearing for the 2000 Real Estate Tax Levy. The Village levy would'be $6,314,655. This .would be abated by $3,557,160 for a net Village levy of $2,757,495, which is a. ';3.5$ reduction from the 1999 levy. The Library levy will be $1,384,000, a .;reduction of 2.5% from 1999. For the ninth consecutive year, the Village levy will be less than it was the preceding year. The Village receives less than 6% of the total real estate taxes paid. There being no questions or comments from the public, Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. REPORTS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN Mayor Forrest reported that the Plat of COMMISSION AND REPORT AND ' Subdivision will not be considered at this RECOMMENDATION OF VCDC RE REQUEST meeting. The Plan Commission held a public FOR CAR WASH SIGNAGE AND PLAT OF hearing ,on November 9th. It is their SUBDIVISION, DEERFIELD SQUARE /CRM recommendation that the request of Deerfield PROPERTIES Square and CRM Properties Group for approval of signage for the car wash be approved. The motion passed 6 -0 with one recuse. The VCDC also recommends approval of the car wash signage. The motion passed 8 -0 with one abstention. Keith Jacobs, owner of Grand Prix Car Wash, and sign designer Henry James were in attendance to respond to questions from the Board. Mr. Jacobs pointed out the location of the four signs and explained the route and procedures a motorist would follow when going through the car wash. It was discussed that the signs may have too much text, but according to Mr. Jacobs, the same signs work well at their car wash in Buffalo Grove. After further discussion Trustee Ragona made a motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of the Plan Commission and the Report and Recommendation of the VCDC and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed, with all trustees voting for it except Trustee Harris, who is recused. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL September 28th which was continued to November USE FOR ANTENNAS WHICH EXTEND MORE 9th. It is their recommendation that THAN 20' ABOVE THE ROOF DECK, Winstar's request for a special use and WINSTAR COMMUNICATIONS height variation to permit the installation of a rooftop telecommunications facility more than twenty feet above the roof deck on the building at 1419 Lake Cook Road in the Lake Cook Office Center development be approved. The motion passed 5 -2. Ralph Borkowitz, regional manager for real estate development for Winstar, and attorney Amy Kurson were in attendance to discuss the request and to respond to questions from the Board. They explained that Winstar is requesting approval to locate an oval telecommunications hub site on top of the mechanical penthouse of the office building located at 1419 Lake Cook Road. The tower would add 16.' to the height of the existing building, for a total height of 701, which is the smallest workable height. The hub site would provide wireless telecommunication services to businesses within a radius of 1.16 miles. OA In response to questions from Trustees Heuberger and Harris, Mr. Borkowitz gave addresses.of other sites that were considered and reasons why those sites were not selected for the hub site. Public lands, including the water tower, were considered, but none were appropriate, and their use was not pursued. There was discussion that as technology progresses, it may be possible for Winstar's equipment to be effective beyond a 1.16 mile radius and that, in this event, Winstar should perhaps be required to return to the Board for an amended special use. Mayor Forrest commented that if a larger radius becomes a reality, the facility should be located closer to the tollway, further from residential neighborhoods. Ms. Kurson asked that the 1.16 mile radius not be a condition of the special use. She added that the FCC, not local government, has authority over health and safety issues.. Ms. Kurson then discussed steps Winstar has taken to make the proposed tower more aesthetically pleasing. She added that the tower should not be visible from residences on the north side of Lake Cook Road. Jesse Rotman, Chairman of the Cable and Telecommunications Commission, asked the petitioners a number of questions about the Winstar system, then stated that he supports Winstar's request for a special use, except for their wanting free reign to expand without coming back to the Board. He feels the special use should be confined to the .current proposal. Ms. Kurson again stated that Winstar does not want this restriction. Winstar could accept as a condition that they will not interfere.with life safety systems. Trustee Harris expressed his concern that, once the Board approves Winstar's petition, the Village will not have the ability to stop its expansion. After further discussion Trustee Ragona made a motion to accept the report and recommendation of the Plan Commission and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance. The ordinance will restrict the number of antennae to 36, the radius to 1.16 miles and the frequency to 28 -38 gigahertz. Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed, with all trustees voting for it except Trustee Rosenthal,-who commented that the she disapproves of having a variance to the Village's height ordinance. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF.PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on COMMISSION RE AMENDMENT TO ,CERTAIN November 9th. It is their recommendation that PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO THE a text amendment to the telecommunications TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORDINANCE ordinance requiring telecommunications providers to conduct a study and file a report with the Village regarding the feasibility of locating telecommunications facilities on publicly owned lands be approved. The motion passed 7 -0. Trustee Harris commented that, in his opinion, the proposed text amendment is not strong enough. He would like the burden to be on the vendor to show that public land will not work for their project. Possible ways to word the text amendment were discussed. It was decided that the text amendment will include the sentence, "The obligation to show that public lands will not work shall be the responsibility of the telecommunications provider." Trustee Ragona made a motion to accept the report and recommendation of the Plan Commission as modified and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance. Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 3 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on COMMISSISON RE TEXT AMENDMENTS November 9th. It is their recommendation that PERTAINING TO TEMPORARY SIGNAGE no text amendments be made to the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to temporary signage for public hearings. On a motion in favor of text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for temporary signage the motion failed by a vote of 6 -1. Trustee Ragona disagreed with the Plan Commission recommendation, stating that it is not unusual to have people complain that they didn't get a letter or see a legal notice and that they therefore didn't know.about a proposed change. Signage would improve this situation. Other trustees agreed that a simple sign would be helpful. Bob Benton of the Plan Commission commented that there does need to be more notification, but there are a number of problems with signage which caused the Plan Commission to vote against it. Deerfield resident Ted Geisler commented that it would be to the benefit of both the buyer and seller of a property to be aware of what is happening to a neighboring property. Trustee Rosenthal moved for acceptance of the Plan Commission Report. Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion failed, with all trustees voting against it with the exception of Trustee Swanson. Staff will design a reusable sign and send it to the Plan Commission for their review. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Mayor Forrest suggested the appointment of Mark Samuels to the Appearance Review Commission. Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the appointment. Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA ORDINANCE RE FIRE LANES AGREEMENT An ordinance approving a fire lanes agreement FOR DEERFIELD SQUARE for Deerfield Square. First Reading. ORDINANCE RE TRAFFIC CONTROL An ordinance approving a traffic control AGREEMENT FOR DEERFIELD SQUARE agreement for Deerfield Square. First Reading. OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE RE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY The Village property tax levy is $6,314,655, TAX LEVY FOR 2000, FIRST READING which the Village plans to abate by $3,557,160, for a net levy of $2,757,495. This is a reduction of $101,330 from the 1999 net levy. The Library levy is $1,384,000, a reduction of $36,000 from last year. ORDINANCE RE 2000 TAX LEVY An ordinance abating the 1993 General ABATEMENTS - 1993 G.O. BOND Obligation Bond Issue in the amount of ISSUE, FIRST READING $935,000. ORDINANCE RE 2000 TAXY LEVY An ordinance abating the 1997 General ABATEMENTS - 1997 G.O. BOND Obligation Bond Issue in the amount of ISSUE, FIRST READING $488,410. 4 l� ORDINANCE RE 2000 TAX LEVY An ordinance abating the 1998 General ABATEMENTS - 1998 G.O. BOND Obligation Bond Issue in the amount of ISSUE, FIRST READING $2,133,750. NEW BUSINESS WHOLE FOODS LIQUOR LICENSE Whole Foods.is requesting a change in their liquor license from Class ,B to Class BB. A Class BB liquor license permits wine tastings during special promotions without the necessity of requesting permission for each,event. The Village Attorney will prepare an ordinance, which will be on the agenda of the next Board meeting. ORDINANCE RE PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Forrest reported that having the public comment portion of the meeting early in the agenda has worked out well. The Village Attorney will prepare an ordinance amending the Municipal Code to make permanent this change in the order of the Agenda. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS' Mayor Forrest suggested the appointment of Deerfield High School student Mike Mahon to the Bike Path Task Force. Trustee Rosenthal so'moved. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. TRUSTEE SWANSON HONORED Mayor Forrest recognized Trustee Swanson for his twenty five years as a Village Trustee. This makes Trustee Swanson the longest tenured Village Trustee in Deerfield's history. Cake and coffee will be served after the meeting. SWALCO Trustee Ragona reported that SWALCO is offering a rebate to individuals using artificial lumber made partly of recycled plastic bottles. He asked staff to look into the possibility of the Village providing an incentive as well, perhaps in the form of waiving the permit fee. HOME BUSINESS REGISTRATION Trustee Ragona inquired why home business. registration forms were sent out by the Police Department instead of Community Development. He felt some residents might find this intimidating. Chief Anderson explained that it is done this way because the Police Department has the data base. TRUSTEE IN THE TOWN Trustee Seiden reported that the next Trustee In the Town will take place on December 16th at Bank One. Trustees Harris and Ragona will be in attendance. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 P.M. AP D:, Mayor ATTEST: xdgv�: cq�, ak!aL Village Clerk 5 VILLAGE CENTER REDEVELOPMENT Progress Report December 4, 2000 Southwest Quadrant (Deerfield Square): Work continues on several Phase II buildings. March is the target date for Barnes & Noble and several restaurants to open. ➢ York Avenue has been paved and striped for traffic control. ➢ The new signals at the entrance to the Square on Waukegan Road are to be activated in mid - December. ➢ Streetscape improvements are proceeding along Deerfield Road between Waukegan Road and the viaduct. This work will continue through the winter as weather permits. Southeast Quadrant (Deerfield Centre): ➢ Alley Cleaners has opened its new store in the interior of the center. Vogue Jewelers, Pearle Vision and Mail Boxes, Etc. all plan to open before the holidays. ➢ The Plan Commission will hold.a public hearing on Thursday, December 10 to consider a special use petition from Chipotle Grill for a 2800 sq. ft. restaurant. That hearing was advertised for December 7h but had to be changed due to a quorum problem. ➢ The Deerfield Centre Plaza will be the site of this year's "Holiday on the Plaza." The activities planned for Friday, December 15a`. from 4 to 7 P.M. include: Santa and Mrs. Claus, carolers, a children's choral group and a popcorn popper along with hot chocolate. South Commons: ➢ Work continues on all three phases of the project. ➢ The James Company hopes to have twenty rowhomes and villas occupied by year end. 1 1 r