03/06/2000March. 6, 2000 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Mayor Forrest in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, March 6, 2000, at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were: Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Steve Harris John Heuberger Derek Ragona Harriet Rosenthal William Seiden Vernon Swanson and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney James Stucko and Village Manager Robert Franz. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Heuberger made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Trustee Ragona seconded the motion. Trustee Swanson asked that the phrase "in that it will deter people from renting videos in Deerfield" be deleted from his comments on the video rental tax. Trustee Rosenthal commented that she doesn't think she made the motion to approve the minutes of the February 7t4 meeting. A motion to approve the minutes as amended passed unanimously. VISION 2000 UPDATE Mayor Forrest presented a progress report on the redevelopment of the Southwest Quadrant, the Southeast Quadrant and South Commons. PUBLIC COMMENT Ted Geisler of 610 Warwick proposed that the Village post a sign in the yard of any property for which a special use is being requested.. The sign would give the date and time of the meeting at which the special use is to be considered. Staff agreed to consider the matter. REPORTS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF BZA The Board of Zoning Appeals held a public RE REQUEST FOR SIDEYARD VARIATION, hearing on February lst to consider the MICHAEL KREDA, 542 MALLARD LANE request of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kreda for a variation for their property located at 542 Mallard Lane. The variation, if granted, would permit construction of an addition extending the north line of the existing house an additional 12' parallel to and within 5.4.' of the north property line in lieu of the minimum 8' required by the Zoning Ordinance. By a vote of 4 -2, the BZA recommended that the petitioners' request be approved. Architect Jerome Salzman was in attendance to represent the Kredas, and Robert Speckmann was in attendance representing the Board of Zoning Appeals. After discussion, Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the report and recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance. Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on COMMISSION RE REQUEST TO February 10th. It is their recommendation RESUBDIVIDE PROPERTY TO MOVE THE that the petitioners' request for approval of EXISTING LOT LINE BETWEEN 835 AND a preliminary plat of resubdivision of the 859 BRAND LANE (FRIEDLAND, SLACK) properties located at 835 and 859 Brand Lane be approved with a waiver of the sidewalk requirement. The approval would allow the petitioners to move an existing lot line 40' to the south. The house at 835 Brand Lane would be torn down and a new home constructed. The house at 859 Brand Lane would remain. The motion passed 4 -0. It is also the recommendation of the Plan Commission that the petitioners follow the principles of the good neighbor policy (which are to be complied with by the recent subdivisions on Meadowbrook Lane). The motion passed 4 -0. Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the report and recommendation of the Plan Commission. Trustee Ragona seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a public hearing on COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR APPROVAL January 27. It is their recommendation that OF A SPECIAL USE FOR A RESTAURANT CRM Properties' request for a special use IN BUILDING 1, AMENDMENT TO THE to permit the establishment of a Stoney River FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO PERMIT Legendary Steak House Restaurant in Building CHANGES TO BUILDING 1, AND 1, an amendment to the final development plan AMENDMENT TO SIGN CRITERIA TO to permit changes to Building 1, and an ALLOW CHANGES TO THE BARNES & NOBLE amendment to the previously approved sign SIGN, DEERFIELD SQUARE, CRM criteria to permit the proposed wall sign for PROPERTIES. REPORT OF VCDC RE the Barnes & Noble bookstore be approved. The THE SAME REQUESTS motion passed 4 -0. The VCDC met on February 2 °d to discuss the CRM requests. It is their recommendation that CRM Properties Group's request for a special use to permit a Stoney River Legendary Steak House in Building 1, changes to the final development plan for Building 1, and signage for Barnes & Noble be approved. The motion passed 6 -1 with one abstention, Developer Chuck Malk was in attendance to respond to questions from the Board. Also in attendance were Tony Halligan, an owner of Stoney.River Steak Houses, architect Rudy•Ortega, and Michael Henry of Barnes & Noble. In response to a series of questions from Trustee Heuberger, Mr. Halligan reported that Deerfield's demographics are very similar to that of the two Atlanta locations of their restaurant: Each of those restaurants brings in about $5,000,000 in revenues per year. The average check, including bar but not tip is $32. The restaurants will be open evenings only. The owners will put over $1,000,000 into the Deerfield restaurant and plan to be in Deerfield often to oversee its operations. After some.discussion it was decided that there will be valet parking. Mr. Ortega discussed the restaurant's design and floor plan. The entrance will be on the east side of the building. An enclosed dumpster room will be on the west side of the building. The appearance has been greatly modified from the rustic design of the Atlanta restaurants in order to better fit in with the design of the Deerfield Square development. Signage will be requested for the east, north, and south elevations of the E building. Signs will be made of copper and will be backlit. The logo design is not yet ready. The petitioners will bring their signage plan to the Board for approval at a later date if it does not fit within the size requirements of the Zoning Code. having a single purpose building retail. He feels the restaurant other parts of the downtown. He Ragona and Rosenthal, while expr, restaurant. Trustee.Heuberger expressed his concern about on this site, which was originally planned for will be a destination stop, not a conduit to is therefore not in favor of the use. Trustees °ssing some concerns, supported the proposed After further discussion, Trustee Ragona made a motion to accept the Plan Commission report and recommendations regarding the restaurant and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance. Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed, with Trustees Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden and Swanson voting in favor, Trustee Heuberger opposed, and Trustee Harris recused. Michael Henry explained that Barnes & Noble is seeking a 3' front lit sign on the north face of their two -story store instead of the allowed 2' sign. They feel the larger letters would look better on the 48' tall building. Below the 3' Barnes & Noble lettering would be 14" letters spelling out "Booksellers ". Trustee Ragona made a motion to approve the signage as requested by Barnes & Noble. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed, with all trustees voting in favor of it with the exception of Trustee Harris, who is recused. Mr. Malk commented that, in spite of rumors to the contrary, Whole Foods is coming into the development as planned. CONSENT AGENDA ORDINANCE 0 -00 -06 RE OUTDOOR An ordinance amending the Municipal Code to LIQUOR SALES allow for outdoor liquor sales at restaurants which have been issued liquor licenses. Second Reading. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SPECIAL USE An ordinance approving a special use for FOR OUTDOOR SEATING, SHAW'S. SEAFOOD Shaw's Seafood Grill to permit outdoor GRILL, 660 LAKE COOK ROAD seating. First Reading. Trustee Rosenthal made a motion for passage of the Consent Agenda and adoption of the ordinance. Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (6) NAYS: None (0) OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE RE PROPOSED VIDEO RENTAL Mayor Forrest read a statement in which he TAX, SECOND READING stated that he does not feel Deerfield should 3 be the first community in the area to initiate a new video rental.tax. The amount to be realized from the video rental tax would not be significant, and he urged the Board to vote against it. He added that the Board should be vigilant in the future, however, to approve special uses for first floor businesses only if those uses provide tax revenue. Trustees Seiden, Harris and Ragona each made a statement indicating why they feel the video rental tax should not be approved. Trustees Rosenthal and Heuberger each made a statement explaining why they are in favor of approving the tax. After lengthy discussion, Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to adopt a video rental tax. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. By the following vote, the motion failed to pass: AYES: Heuberger, Rosenthal (2) NAYS: Harris, Ragona, Seiden, Swanson (4) NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCE 0 -00 -07 PROVIDING FOR An ordinance providing that on March 9, 2000 FILING OF THE TENTATIVE ANNUAL the tentative annual budget for fiscal year BUDGET, FIRST READING May 1, 2000 -April 30, 2001 will be placed on file in the office of the Village Manager at village Hall, and shall be available for public inspection during regular business hours. First Reading. Trustee Ragona moved for a waiver of the rules to permit the ordinance to be voted on at First Reading. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Seiden commented that in the future he would like for trustees to get the budget at least a week before it is made available for public inspection. Trustee Ragona made a motion to adopt the ordinance. 'Trustee Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (6) NAYS: None (0) DISCUSSION 2000 CENSUS Mayor Forrest reminded residents that census forms will be arriving in their mailboxes soon. He urged everyone to fill the forms out and return them. YARD WASTE Mr. Franz reminded.residents that there will be no pick up of yard waste until Tuesday, April 4 as the landfills are not open until that day. Yard waste stickers are on sale at Village Hall. 4 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Ragona made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. ATTEST: 1 1 Village Cle APPROVED: Mayor E VISION 2000 DEERFIELD VILLAGE CENTER REVITALIZATION Progress Report March 6, 2000 Southwest Quadrant (Deerfield Square): ➢ Work continues on the interior buildout of the four story office building. Coldwell Banker will be the first tenant to occupy space in the new building, on or about March 20th. ➢ Bank One will open their new facility on Waukegan Road on April 7a', and Walgreens should occupy its new 18,000 sq. ft. store by mid April. ➢ Whole Foods is proceeding with interior buildout, but is not expected to open before late June or early July. ➢ Bath & Body Works has signed a lease for 2,500 sq. ft.. They will be located immediately east of the Barnes & Noble store. Southeast Quadrant (Deerfield Centre): ➢ The steel framing portion of the project should be completed within two weeks. Masonry work will then begin on the corner building. ➢ Leases have been signed with Pearle Vision and Superstand. The Blockbuster building will be ready for interior buildout by April 1'`. ➢ The 56 unit apartment building should be ready for interior buildout in August. South Commons: ➢ To date, 24 villas and rowhouses have. been sold. The 80 condominium units are now on the market as well. 1 1 �l