05/03/19991 1 1 May 3, 1999 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Mayor Forrest in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, May 3, 1999 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were: Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Steve Harris John Heuberger Derek Ragona Harriet Rosenthal William Seiden Vernon Swanson and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Attorney Sheila Quinn and Village Manager Robert Franz. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VISION 2000 UPDATE Mayor Forrest presented a progress report on the redevelopment of the Southwest Quadrant, the Southeast Quadrant and South Commons. REPORTS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF BZA The Board of Zoning Appeals held a public RE REQUEST FOR A SIDEYARD hearing on April 6, 1999 to consider the VARIATION, JAMES AND MELISSA request of James and Melissa Behling for a BEHLING, 940 FOREST AVENUE variation for their property located at 940 Forest Avenue. The variation would permit an addition to the rear of the principal structure, which would extend the south wall in line with the existing structure's south wall. The existing wall and the addition wall would encroach 1' into the 5' minimum required side yard, resulting in a minimum side yard of 4' and a combined side yard of 12.5' in lieu of the minimum 13' requirement. The motion passed 6 -0. Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of the BZA and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. Trustee Rosenthal noted that there was already an existing nonconformity, and the addition merely continues it. The motion passed unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO CABLE AND TELE- COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION AND FINE ARTS'COMMISSION Trustee Rosenthal so moved. Trustee passed unanimously. Mayor Forrest recommended that Marvin Ehlers be appointed to the Cable and Telecommuni- cations Commission and that Ed Seidman be appointed to the Fine Arts Commission. Swanson seconded the motion. The motion SFr •e'• �• , CONSENT AGENDA ORDINANCE 0 -99 -23 RE ENFORCEMENT An ordinance permitting the enforcement of 'OF VEHICLE REGISTRATION VIOLATIONS vehicle registration violations by Village police officers. Second Reading. ORDINANCE 0 -99 -24 PROHIBITING USE An ordinance prohibiting the use of wells for OF WELLS FOR POTABLE WATER potable water in any new or redevelopment area. Second Reading. ORDINANCE AMENDING PARKWAY NORTH An ordinance amending the Parkway North CENTER PUD SIGNAGE Center PUD signage plan to permit wall signs for BT Office Products at the Six Parkway North Building. First Reading. ORDINANCE APPROVING SPECIAL USE TO An ordinance approving a special use to PERMIT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A permit the establishment of a chiropractic CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE AT 747 LAKE office at 747 Lake Cook Road for Briana COOK ROAD, BRIANA SKARBEK Skarbek. First Reading. RESOLUTION R -99 -05 APPOINTING A resolution appointing Derek Ragona DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO as Director to SWALCO and reappointing SOLID WASTE AGENCY OF LAKE COUNTY Robert Franz as Alternate Director. AUTHORIZATION TO SHARE COST WITH Work on the North Avenue permanent traffic METRA TO BURY OVERHEAD WIRES ALONG signal is at a standstill and cannot be THE RAILROAD TRACKS FROM GREENWOOD completed because the railroad signal wires AVE. TO VILLAGE'S NORTHERN BOUNDARY are in conflict with the proposed traffic signal posts and mast arms. Staff has met with METRA officials in an attempt to have the signal wires put underground from Greenwood Avenue to the north Village limits, a distance of one mile. The work can be done for a total cost of $121,000, a cost which they have tentatively agreed can be shared on a 50 -50 basis. Mr. Soyka reported that the Village has received a $162,500 grant from the State for the traffic signal, and a portion of that grant could be used to fund the Village's portion of burying the wires. The remaining amount for the traffic signal installation will come from Motor Fuel Tax funds. It is Mr. Soyka's recommendation that the Village enter into an agreement with METRA to share the cost of relocating the signal wires underground at a cost not to exceed $60,500. If METRA receives the agreement by May 15, the burial of the wires could be completed by October 1, and the intersection and signal improvements would take place next spring. After discussion, Trustee Ragona made a motion to accept the Engineering Department's recommendation to share with METRA the cost of burying`�he overhead wires along the railroad tracks from Greenwood Avenue to the Village's northern boundary at a cost not to exceed $60,500. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: 2 Trustee Rosenthal made a motion for passage of the Consent Agenda and adoption of the two ordinances and the resolution. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (6) NAYS: None (0) OLD BUSINESS AUTHORIZATION TO SHARE COST WITH Work on the North Avenue permanent traffic METRA TO BURY OVERHEAD WIRES ALONG signal is at a standstill and cannot be THE RAILROAD TRACKS FROM GREENWOOD completed because the railroad signal wires AVE. TO VILLAGE'S NORTHERN BOUNDARY are in conflict with the proposed traffic signal posts and mast arms. Staff has met with METRA officials in an attempt to have the signal wires put underground from Greenwood Avenue to the north Village limits, a distance of one mile. The work can be done for a total cost of $121,000, a cost which they have tentatively agreed can be shared on a 50 -50 basis. Mr. Soyka reported that the Village has received a $162,500 grant from the State for the traffic signal, and a portion of that grant could be used to fund the Village's portion of burying the wires. The remaining amount for the traffic signal installation will come from Motor Fuel Tax funds. It is Mr. Soyka's recommendation that the Village enter into an agreement with METRA to share the cost of relocating the signal wires underground at a cost not to exceed $60,500. If METRA receives the agreement by May 15, the burial of the wires could be completed by October 1, and the intersection and signal improvements would take place next spring. After discussion, Trustee Ragona made a motion to accept the Engineering Department's recommendation to share with METRA the cost of burying`�he overhead wires along the railroad tracks from Greenwood Avenue to the Village's northern boundary at a cost not to exceed $60,500. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: 2 1 1 1 AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (6) NAYS: None (0) VPW ATTgTNT?gg ANALYSIS AND AWARD OF BID FOR Two bids were received for the 1999-50/50 50/50 PARKWAY TREES parkway tree contract. St. Aubin Nurseries submitted the overall low bid. St. Aubin Nurseries also was the low bidder on the 1996, 1997 and 1998 contracts. It is Mr. Soyka's recommendation that the 1999 parkway tree contract be awarded to St. Aubin Nurseries at their listed unit prices. Mr. Soyka noted that, with most of the Village's parkways already containing mature trees, this program is not as popular as in the past. He would expect about 25 residents to take part in the program. Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to award the bid to St. Aubin Nurseries at their stated prices. Trustee Ragona seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (6) NAYS: None (0) AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE A NEW The Police Department's mainframe computer, IBM AS /400 COMPUTER FOR THE POLICE the IBM AS /400, is scheduled for replacement DEPARMENT during this fiscal year. Although the computer can be purchased directly from IBM, there are significant discounts in the purchase price, installation, and service contracts if it is purchased through an IBM Business Partner. Quotes were received from five IBM Business Partners for the purchase, installation and three year service contract on the IBM AS /400. Chief Anderson recommends that the Board accept the low quote of 411 Computers in an amount not to exceed $54,399. After discussion, Trustee Heuberger made a motion to authorize the purchase of the IBM AS /400, including installation and three year service contract from 411 Computers, at a cost not to exceed $54,399. Trustee Seiden seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (6) NAYS: None (0) nTgrTTggTnN TAX BILLS Mayor Forrest commented that the property tax bills came out this week, and the Village's portion, including pension funding, is down to 6.35% of the total bill. NORTHWEST QUADRANT TASK FORCE Mayor Forrest announced the formation of a task force to study the Northwest Quadrant of the Village Center as it relates to the governmental units located within it. The task force will be made up of representatives from the Village, the library, the township, the park district, the First Presbyterian Church and the Deerfield Senior Council. Appointments to the task force will be made at a later date. The charge of the task force will be to develop a comprehensive plan that will serve as a blueprint for the short term and long term needs of the quadrant. 3 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND Mayor Forrest asked for a motion to have EXECUTIVE SESSION a Committee of the Whole meeting at 8 :00 P.M. on Monday, May 10, followed by an Executive Session•to discuss legal matters. Trustee Ragona so moved. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Harris, Heuberger, Ragona, Rosenthal, Seiden, Swanson (6) NAYS: None (0) STREET IMPROVEMENTS Arnold, Silberman, 900 Beverly Place, reported that last summer's street and sewer maintenance project in the northeast quadrant took much longer than necessary and was a major inconvenience for those living in the area. As more work is scheduled for this summer, Mr. Silberman wondered if this year's project would be handled in a better fashion. Mr. Franz responded that the Village repairs streets simultaneously in order to take advantage of the economy of scale. The difficulty arose from the fact that last year a large number of narrow streets in one small area of the Village were being repaired, making travel through that area difficult. This year, the streets to be repaired are more evenly distributed throughout the Village, and, with the unavoidable exception of Poet's Corner, no traffic problems are anticipated. STORMWATER PROBLEMS Jim Finkler of 1600 Montgomery Road ' reported that as a result of the storms on April 22 and 23, sewer lines on Wilmot Road were filled, and stormwater got into his basement. Other residences on Montgomery were affected as well. Mr. Finkler stated that he attended a Board meeting three years ago about the same sort of problem. The problem was reviewed, and the Village agreed to clean the sewer lines along Montgomery Road on a monthly basis, after which there were no more problems. After a year or so, however, the cleanings were reduced to quarterly, with the line last being cleaned in February 1999. The issue of preventive maintenance needs to be addressed again to minimize the chances of this problem continuing to happen. Thomas Runette, Mr. Finkler's neighbor at 1610 Montgomery Road, also expressed his frustration. He stated that due to recurring water problems, he had a shut off valve installed, but using it is inconvenient and causes problems for Mr. Finkler. A better solution needs to be found.. Mr. Soyka responded that the last three quarterly cleanings of the Wilmot Road and Montgomery Road sewer lines have produced no grease, diapers, roots or other blockages. The lines were surcharged due to heavy rain falling on already saturated ground. In response to questioning from trustees, Mr. Soyka reported that storm water simulation would be a way to determine how water is getting into the sewer, but it is quite expensive. Smoke testing and dye testing are less expensive alternatives. After further discussion, Mayor Forrest requested that the Public Works Department study the problem and that Mr. Soyka report back to the Board at the first meeting in June. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Swanson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. 11 4 ATTEST: 1 L Village Clerk ED APPROVED: Mayor 11 VISION 2000 DEERFIELD VILLAGE CENTER REVITALIZATION Progress Report May 3,1999 Southwest Quadrant (Deerfield Square): > Construction of the office building, Walgreens and the Osterman Avenue retail building remains on schedule despite a very wet month of April. > Final bids have been received on the First Chicago Bank facility. Construction should begin in approximately two weeks. > CRM properties still plans to demolish that portion of the Commons east of Walgreens some time in May. Walgreens will continue to operate at their current location until their new building is ready for occupancy. > Next week, the developer's underground contractor (DiPietro Plumbing) will begin installing new sewer and water connections and disconnecting the old services under Deerfield Road between the viaduct and the old ReMax building. This project will last approximately two weeks and will require temporary lane closings. Southeast Quadrant (Deerfield Center): > Mesirow Stein/Northern Realty are scheduled to review their Final Plan with the Plan Commission on May 13'. They will appear before the Appearance Review Commission on May 17' and the Village Center Development Commission on May 19''. South Commons: > The Village has negotiated the purchase price of the residential properties at 705, and 71 Central Avenue. Formal authorization will be on the May 17th Village Board agenda.