02/16/1999February 16, 1999 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Mayor Forrest in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Tuesday, February 16, 1999 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were: Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Marvin W. Ehlers John H. Heuberger Harriet E. Rosenthal Edwin B. Seidman Michael Swartz Absent: Vernon E. Swanson and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Attorney Sheila Quinn and Village Manager Robert Franz. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Seidman made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. Trustee Swartz clarified that Trustee Rosenthal'.s not being in favor of approving Zippy's Restaurant was because of the precedent that the drive thru would set, and Trustee Rosenthal noted that Charlotte O'Donnell had been presented with a bracelet rather than a watch. A motion to approve the minutes as amended passed unanimously. . BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Seidman made a motion to approve the Bills and Payroll. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote.: AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swartz (5) NAYS: None (0) TREASURER'S REPORT George Valentine presented highlights-from the January Treasurer's Report. Sales tax receipts for January are 17% below January 1998 receipts; however, sales tax receipts for February are up 20% from February 1998 receipts, making the twelve month total only 1% below the past year. As of January 31, 1999 101.6% of.cash was invested at an average interest rate of 5.28% which compares with an average rate of 4.48% for the 90 -day Treasury Bill. PROCLAMATION, YOUTH ART MONTH Mayor March citizens to become interested in and give programs for children and youth. Trustee proclamation. Trustee Heuberger seconded unanimously. Art teacher Penny Weinberg attendance to accept the proclamation. Forrest read a proclamation designating 1999 Youth Art Month and urging all full support to quality school art Rosenthal made a motion to approve the the motion. The motion passed and several of her students were in VISION 2000 UPDATE Mayor Forrest presented a progress report on the redevelopment of the Southwest Quadrant, the Southeast Quadrant and South Commons. 1 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN COMMISSION RE REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL USE /PUD TO PERMIT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOOD SERVICE FACILITY INSIDE THE HOME DEPOT STORE, CUZ CUISINE facilities at the Home Depot stores REPORTS The Plan Commission held a public hearing on January 28. It is their recommendation that Cuz Cuisine's request for a Special Use to permit the establishment of a food service facility (Hot Dog Cart) inside the Home Depot Store be approved. The motion passed 4 -0. The petitioners already have food service in Crystal Lake, Palatine and Gurnee. Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the Report and Recommendation of the Plan Commission and to direct the Village Attorney to prepare an ordinance. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A CLASS B An ordinance approving a request for a Class SPECIAL USE AT 833 WAUKEGAN ROAD, B Special Use at 833 Waukegan Road to permit WORLD WIDE LIQUORS establishment of a World Wide Liquors. First Reading. ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP An ordinance amending the Zoning Map and AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A approving an amendment to a Special Use in a SPECIAL USE IN P -1 PUBLIC LANDS P -1 Public Lands District to permit DISTRICT, DEERFIELD PARK DISTRICT renovations to Jaycee Park by the Deerfield Park District. First Reading. ORDINANCE RE FINAL APPROVAL OF An ordinance granting final approval of BUILDINGS 2, 8 AND 10, DEERFIELD Buildings 2, '8, and 10 of the Deerfield 3 SQUARE REDEVELOPMENT Square Redevelopment Project, First Reading. Trustee Seidman moved for passage of the Consent Agenda. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. Trustee Rosenthal commented that due to the letter from Mrs. Cho to the Village regarding hours of operation for the liquor store, Agenda Item 99 -7 -2 should be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately. Board members agreed. The motion to pass the Consent Agenda without Agenda Item 99 -7 -2 passed unanimously. Mrs. Cho requested that she be permitted to keep her store open on weekdays until 9:00 P.M., the closing time of Dear Franks, which is also located in Marshall Mall. If she finds she has no business during the'last half hour, she would probably go back to the 8:30 P.M. closing time agreed to at the last Board Meeting. Mrs. Cho would also like to have Sunday hours on certain holiday weekends. Board members felt that Mrs. Cho's request was reasonable but that they wanted to give residents of the neighborhood an opportunity to respond before making a final decision. This will stand as a First Reading. OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE RE APPROVAL OF FINAL Because there are still some minor issues DEVELOPMENT PLAN, SOUTH COMMONS relating to the Development Agreement, DEVELOPMENT, SECOND READING Trustee Seidman made a motion to table this N Agenda item. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN An engineering agreement with Baxter and AMENDMENT TO THE BAXTER & WOODMAN Woodman to plan and design water treatment WATER SYSTEM ENGINEERING AGREEMENT- and distribution system improvements was RESERVOIR /TRANSMISSION LINE approved by the Board in 1997. The IMPROVEMENTS agreement, which budgeted $190,000 for design of the improvements, was based on a 1993 study by Greeley and Hanson. Baxter and Woodman has recently reevaluated and enhanced the design, which expands the scope of services above those originally contemplated. As a result, the cost of design through bidding has increased to $302,000. Mr. Soyka recommends that the Board authorize the Mayor to sign an amendment to the Baxter and Woodman engineering agreement approving an amount not to exceed $302,000 for design services. Mr. Soyka discussed the revised plan and the ways in which it would benefit the Village, including significant savings in electricity costs. After discussion, Trustee Swartz made a motion to authorize Mayor Forrest to sign an amendment to the Baxter and Woodman engineering service agreement approving an amount not to exceed $302,000 for design services. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swartz (5) NAYS: None (0) NEW BUSINESS REQUEST OF BOARD OF POLICE State law requires that a police test and the COMMISSIONERS FOR AMENDMENT TO roster that comes from that test remain in THE MUNICIPAL CODE RE POLICE effect for two years. Police Chief Anderson APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS and the Board of Police Commissioners are requesting that the Village use its home rule powers to permit the test to be given yearly in Deerfield. This change will allow the Police Department to select a candidate near the top of a new list rather than possibly having to select from the bottom of a list that is nearly two years old. If any outstanding candidates do remain on the list, it can be extended up to the two year period. After discussion, Trustee Heuberger made a motion to approve the Police Department request. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. An ordinance was prepared in advance of this meeting and it will stand as a First Reading. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE TWO The 1998 -1999 budget provides for the REPLACEMENT (UNMARKED) VEHICLES replacement for five unmarked police cars. FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT Two vehicles do need to be replaced, but the remaining three unmarked vehicles are in good condition and their purchase will be delayed until 1999 -2000. Chief Anderson is recommending that the Board authorize the purchase of two vehicles through the State Vehicle Purchase Contract. Vehicle #1 is a full size 1999 Crown Victoria with a cost not to exceed $19,720. Vehicle #2 is a mid -size 3 1 Chevrolet Lumina at a cost not to exceed $18,589.50. The vehicles to be replaced will be sold through _ sealed bid. Trustee Seidman made a motion to approve the purchase of the Crown Victoria at a cost not to exceed $19,720 and the Lumina at a cost not to exceed $18,589.50. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swartz (5) NAYS: None (0) DISCUSSION COMMONWEALTH EDISON LETTER ETC. Susan Ragona passed out copies of the letter she recently received from Commonwealth Edison. Rather than addressing problems in their system, the letter blames trees for many of the electrical problems experienced in Deerfield. Mr. Franz responded that Commonwealth Edison will attend the March 15th Board meeting and will report at that time on their plans for dealing with the problem of Deerfield's frequent power outages. Mrs. Ragona also reported that new residents have told her they have not gotten information on recycling. Mr. Franz responded that recycling information is generally distributed along with other information by Welcome Wagon (now Home Greeting Cart). Some information is also available on the InfoChannel. Trustee Ehlers suggested including the information in D- Tales. Mrs. Ragona asked about refunds on tickets purchased for the 1998 Family Days which was canceled due to rain. Mr. Franz responded that Family Days is not a Village function, but it is his understanding that there are to be no refunds. EXPANSION OF SHUTTLE BUS PROGRAM Trustee Heuberger inquired what the Village will be doing to publicize the expansion of the Lake Cook Road shuttle bus program into Highland Park. Mr. Franz responded that the T1-1A is in charge of that. They will be sending information to affected businesses. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Forrest asked for a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition. Trustee Swartz so moved. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swartz (5) NAYS: None (0) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. APPROVE Mayor ATTEST- F- --village _erk 4 VISION 2000 DEERFIELD VILLAGE CENTER REVITALIZATION Progress Report February 16, 1999 Southwest Quadrant (Deerfield Square): ➢ The last two houses on Osterman Avenue have been demolished, and excavation work is proceeding on the underground parking garage for the 4 -story office building. ➢ Robert York Avenue has been closed at Osterman Avenue. Traffic can enter the quadrant from Osterman at the entrance to One Osterman Plaza. ➢ Six buildings will be constructed during Phase I. The completion dates are: - Osterman Retail Building - Aug. '99 - Walgreens, Whole Foods and Car Wash - Oct. '99 - First Chicago and Office Building - Dec. '99 These dates do not include the interior build outs which vary from a short period to several months. Southeast Quadrant (Deerfield Centre): ➢ The Redevelopment Agreement is not yet ready for Board consideration. ➢ Plans are proceeding for additional environmental remediation work at the old gas station at 745 Waukegan Road. South Commons: ➢ A Quick -take hearing is scheduled for the H.D. Electric property at 750 Central Avenue on March 8'' and on the Touhy Lumber property, 612 Waverly Court, on April 19P. ➢ Because there are still some minor issues relating to the Development Agreement, the second reading of the ordinance on tonight's agenda should be tabled. 1 1