10/05/1998Absent: Vernon E. Swanson and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Attorney James Stucko and Village Manager Robert Franz. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Seidman made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VISION 2000 UPDATE Mayor Forrest presented a progress report on the redevelopment of the Southwest Quadrant, the Southeast Quadrant and South Commons. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN COMMISSION AND REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF VCDC RE REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR RESIDENTIAL PUD - JAMES CORPORATION, SOUTH COMMONS unit development be approved, with to the development incentive provi REPORTS The Plan Commission held a public hearing on May 28th which was continued to June 25th, August 13th and September 23`d. It is the recommendation of the Plan Commission that the James Company's request for a special use for approval of a preliminary development plan for a Village Center residential planned the following modifications allowed pursuant lions: • Setback modifications between a public street and buildings so as to allow a 30' setback from the Osterman Avenue property line and a 27' setback from the Robert York Avenue property line in lieu of the required 451, and a 23' setback from the Central Avenue property line in lieu of the required 25' setback. • Setback modifications between a private street and a building so as to allow a 20' setback from the private street running between the villas and a 23' setback from the private street running between the villas in lieu of the required 291. • Setback modifications of the required 25' perimeter setback so as to allow parking for the condos in the west setback, a 14' setback along the east perimeter for the villas, a 23' setback along Central Avenue for the rowhomes, and a 24' setback at the east end of the rowhomes. • A modification to the parking stall size requirement in order to provide 8' wide parallel parking spaces in lieu of the 8 'li' wide spaces in the private road between the villas. • A modification to the signage requirements so as to allow a 40 square foot sign in lieu of the required 12 square foot sign at the entrance to the October 5, 1998 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by Mayor Forrest in the Council Chamber pf the Village hall on Monday, October 5, 1998, at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were: Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Marvin W. Ehlers John H. Heuberger Harriet E. Rosenthal Edwin B. Seidman Michael Swartz Absent: Vernon E. Swanson and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Attorney James Stucko and Village Manager Robert Franz. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Seidman made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VISION 2000 UPDATE Mayor Forrest presented a progress report on the redevelopment of the Southwest Quadrant, the Southeast Quadrant and South Commons. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN COMMISSION AND REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF VCDC RE REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR RESIDENTIAL PUD - JAMES CORPORATION, SOUTH COMMONS unit development be approved, with to the development incentive provi REPORTS The Plan Commission held a public hearing on May 28th which was continued to June 25th, August 13th and September 23`d. It is the recommendation of the Plan Commission that the James Company's request for a special use for approval of a preliminary development plan for a Village Center residential planned the following modifications allowed pursuant lions: • Setback modifications between a public street and buildings so as to allow a 30' setback from the Osterman Avenue property line and a 27' setback from the Robert York Avenue property line in lieu of the required 451, and a 23' setback from the Central Avenue property line in lieu of the required 25' setback. • Setback modifications between a private street and a building so as to allow a 20' setback from the private street running between the villas and a 23' setback from the private street running between the villas in lieu of the required 291. • Setback modifications of the required 25' perimeter setback so as to allow parking for the condos in the west setback, a 14' setback along the east perimeter for the villas, a 23' setback along Central Avenue for the rowhomes, and a 24' setback at the east end of the rowhomes. • A modification to the parking stall size requirement in order to provide 8' wide parallel parking spaces in lieu of the 8 'li' wide spaces in the private road between the villas. • A modification to the signage requirements so as to allow a 40 square foot sign in lieu of the required 12 square foot sign at the entrance to the development, a 6' 6" high sign in lieu of the required 4' and allow the proposed ground signs to be within 15' of the property lines. The motion passed 7 -0. It is also the recommendation of the Plan Commission that the property be rezoned from I -2A Village Center Limited Industrial District, and the R -4 Single and Two Family Residence District to R -5 General Residence District. The motion passed 7 -0. It is also the recommendation of the Village Center Development Commission that the James Company's request for redevelopment of the South Commons be approved. The motion passed 5 -0 with one abstention. Jerry James and Steven Spinell of the James Companies were joined by Jon Nelson, JEN Land Design, Inc. (site plan); Daniel O'Malley, Bloodgood Sharp Buster Architects (villas and rowhomes); Michael Fitzgerald, Otis Associates (condos); Scott Freres, Lakota Group (landscape plan); Steve Cochran, Metro Transportation Group (traffic impact analysis); Maureen Mulligan (engineering consultant), and Steve Friedman, S. B. Friedman and Co. (fiscal impact analysis). Mr. Spinell gave an overview of the proposed development which will consist of 80 multi - family condominium units in two buildings, 51 villa units in 20 buildings, and 22 rowhouse units in three buildings. Signage will consist of a lit entry sign at the Robert York /Osterman Avenue entrance to the development (which will be part of the retaining wall), and small pier signs at the entrance to the villa area, the rowhome area, and the condominium area. There will be one wet retention basin and one dry retention basin. Fences of wood or aluminum are planned in several areas of the ,development. All utilities will be underground.' Trustees questioned the petitioners regarding numerous aspects of the proposed plan including: impact on the two school districts; recycling plans; whether the development contains less than the required acreage; setbacks; signage; fences; storm water management; parking and utilities. Mayor Forrest summarized the process the Village has gone through to arrive at the preliminary plan presented at this meeting. Trustee Rosenthal added that the James Companies' plan was the most creative, least dense and best landscaped of those submitted to the Village. Trustee Swartz added that this is a good plan, and the petitioners have tried hard to respond to the wishes of the subcommittee. Mayor Forrest opened the meeting to public comment. Norton Wasserman, President of the Coromandel Umbrella Association and the Coromandel Condominium Association, expressed his concern about the volume and speed of traffic that Coromandel residents feel will be generated by the South Commons development. He feels that the Coromandel ring road will be used as an alternate to Waukegan Road, a problem that the Village has not adequately addressed. Mr. Wasserman stated that the ring road is narrow, has poor sight lines and is not suitable for heavy traffic. He stated that the best solution to the problem is to not open the Coromandel ring road to thru traffic. His group favors erecting a barrier gate at the north entrance to the ring road and has filed.for a building permit. They are willing to take legal action, if necessary, to: obtain permission to erect the gate. Mr. Wasserman added that the Kates Road entrance would be open at all times and that the north entry gate could possibly be left open during non rush hour periods. Mayor Forrest responded that north access is necessary and is called for in the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the plan presented by the James Company is a preliminary plan only. As the planning progresses, staff and Board members will continue to.address traffic and safety issues. Upon questioning from Trustee Seidman, Mr. Stucko commented that the declaration for the homeowners association provides that the road, although private, is to remain open for public traffic through the development. The provision is part of.the restrictive covenants which were made part of the special use ordinance. After further discussion, Trustee Seidman. made a motion to approve the report and recommendation of the Plan Commission and the Report and Recommendation of the VCDC. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF The Safety Council met in September to review SAFETY COUNCIL RE REQUEST FOR STOP a request by residents in the 1400 and 1500 SIGN AT INTERSECTION OF CENTRAL blocks of Central Avenue for a stop sign on AVENUE AND INDIAN HILL Central Avenue at Indian Hill. After a study by the Police Department which included a speed survey and traffic volume studies, the Safety Council is recommending that there be a dedication and placement of stop signs on Central for east and westbound traffic at Indian Hill and a "Stop Sign Ahead" warning sign in the 1400 block of Central. The Police Department concurs with this recommendation. This intersection, which now has a two way stop, will. become a four way stop. After discussion, Trustee Rosenthal made a motion to accept the report and recommendation of the Safety Council and to direct the preparation of an ordinance. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF The Appearance Review Commission reviewed the APPEARANCE REVIEW COMMISSION RE request of CRM Properties Group, Ltd. to PERIMETER FENCE FOR DEERFIELD place a perimeter fence around Deerfield SQUARE Square. The Appearance Review Commission found a fence of the proposed nature to be an asset to the Village Center, blending well with the established Streetscape and helping the Village Center create its own identity. By a vote of 4 -0 they recommended that the concept of the proposed fence be approved and that they review and approve the final details of the planned construction. Trustee Seidman made a motion to accept the report and recommendation of the Appearance Review Commission. Trustee Ehlers seconded the motion. Mr. Stucko commented that the motion should state that this approval is to be an addendum to the ordinance that approved the overall plan. Trustee Seidman so moved. Trustee Ehlers seconded the motion. After discussion that the fence seemed exclusionary and that landscaping would perhaps do a better job of screening the parking lot, the motion to accept the ARC report and recommendation and add it to the ordinance failed. The perimeter fence is therefore denied. The vote was: AYES: Ehlers, Seidman (2) NAYS: Heuberger, Rosenthal, Swartz (3) z r OLD BUSINESS DISCUSSION RE DECLARATION OF Mr. Franz summarized that the Declaration of EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AND USE Easement and Maintenance and Use Restrictions RESTRICTIONS - CARSON'S RIBS/ was before the Board this past summer. The HERITAGE PROPERTY GROUP Village was negotiating with Carson's Ribs for property that would allow the Heritage Property Group to access the new traffic signal on Waukegan Road. Certain questions were raised and the matter was pulled from the agenda. One issue was that if the property were to revert back under the conditions outlined in the agreement, Carson's would have to repay the $20,000. Mr. Carson has agreed to that condition. If the Board agrees, the document will be submitted to Carson's and Heritage Property Group for signature. It is hoped that the driveway connection can be completed before the onset of bad weather. Trustee Seidman made a motion to direct that the Declaration of Easement and Maintenance and Use Restrictions be submitted to Carson's and Heritage for their signature. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swartz (5) NAYS: None (0) NEW BUSINESS REQUEST FROM OWNER OF WHAT'S Due to the-absence of the petitioner, Trustee COOKING RESTAURANT TO STAGE Rosenthal made a motion to table this agenda IMPLEMENTATION OF REQUIRED item. Trustee Ehlers seconded the motion. LANDSCAPING PLAN The motion passed unanimously. AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT PROPOSAL Engineering services are needed for the FOR DESIGN SERVICES FOR Deerfield Road /Rosemary Terrace traffic INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AND signal installation and intersection TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT DEERFIELD ROAD improvements. Ciorba Group submitted a AND ROSEMARY TERRACE proposal to provide Phase I and Phase II engineering design services. Their proposal includes the preparation of plans to interconnect the signalized intersections along Deerfield Road at Waukegan Road, Rosemary Terrace and Kipling Place /Kenton Avenue. The Director of Public Works and Assistant Village Engineer recommend that the Board accept the Ciorba Group proposal to complete these engineering design services for a cost of $35,400. Mr. Soyka noted that since it takes 12 -18 months to get a signal designed, installed and operational, it is important to start the process as quickly as possible to have it ready for the opening of the proposed southeast quadrant development. Mayor Forrest commented that traffic coming out of the southeast quadrant should be required to turn right or left but not be permitted onto Rosemary Terrace. Trustee Seidman added that Rosemary Terrace residents have requested that a stop sign be placed at Rosemary and Orchard. Mr. Franz responded that the request will be turned over to the Safety Council. After discussion Trustee Swartz made a motion to accept the proposal of Ciorba Group for Phase I and Phase II engineering services for a cost not to exceed $35,400. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swartz (5) NAYS: None (0) AUTHORIZATION TO AMEND MUNICIPAL Chief Anderson reported that work is near CODE TO INCLUDE A STOP SIGN ON completion on the portion of Estate Drive ESTATE DRIVE AT PFINGSTEN ROAD that is east of Pfingsten. A temporary stop sign is currently at that location to control commercial traffic as it comes out onto Pfingsten. Chief Anderson would like for the sign to be permanent and is asking for an ordinance to be prepared dedicating the sign. Trustee Seidman made a motion to direct the Village Attorney to prepare the ordinance. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION DISCUSSION RE TOLLWAY RAMP John Lyons, 310 Forsythia Drive, first updated the Board on the thus far unsuccessful efforts made by area residents to force the tollway to make suggested improvements to the sound wall at the rear of their properties. Mr. Lyons then protested to the tollway ramp which is currently under construction. With the assistance of Barbara Little, Mr. Lyons showed diagrams of the proposed ramp. The highest portion of the ramp, which will be directly behind the back yards of Mr. Lyons and his neighbors, will be approximately 27' above the existing grade and about 13' above the existing sound walls. The resulting noise and visual disturbance will be considerable. Back yards will be unusable and property values will decrease. Two other residents of the area presented what they thought might be a workable alternate plan for the ramp. Upon questioning from Mr. Lyons, Board members commented that they had seen concept plans for the ramp but had not known its dimensions until this evening. The concept plans showed the ramp peaking at the office area south of the residential area, and it was assumed that the sound wall would provide the necessary protection for the residences. There was discussion of what might be done to prevent the ramp from being constructed in the fashion planned by the tollway. It was decided that staff will contact the Tollway Authority, Governor Edgar, and the State representatives to seek assistance. Village attorneys will look into the matter as well. Affected residents were encouraged to contact the State representatives and to stay involved in the process. WINDOW SIGNAGE Mayor Forrest suggested that Mrs. Houpt's memo about signage in the Village Center be referred to the Plan Commission, and that the Plan Commission be asked to look at the issue of neon signs as well. Trustee Rosenthal so moved. Trustee Ehlers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. HAZARDOUS COLLECTION PICK UP Trustee Seidman reported that 1100 Lake County residents brought hazardous waste to the collection held by SWALCO at Deerfield High School last Saturday. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Forrest asked for a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition. Trustee Seidman so moved. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: 5 r "' r•i i AYES: Ehlers, Heuberger, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swartz (5) NAYS: None (0) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Seidman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. ATTEST: 15� %�N _.- - 1 1 APPROVED: Mayor A VISION 2000 DEERFIELD VILLAGE CENTER REVITALIZATION Progress Report October 5, 1998 J! Southwest Quadrant (Deerfield Square): > Phase I demolition work is on schedule and should be completed by October 15th. > Businesses which have been temporarily relocated include: Lili's DO Fashion to One Osterman Plaza; Coldwell Banker to the old ReMax building on Deerfield Road and J.C. Licht to the old Aquascape location in the Commons. > Only that portion of the Commons Shopping Center from the hardware store west will be razed as part of Phase I. > Robert York Avenue will remain open until mid - October when utility relocation work is scheduled to begin. At that point, a temporary ramp will be constructed at the rear of First Chicago to connect the bank parking lot to the lower level Commons parking area. > A temporary construction office is open in the store front immediately west of Walgreens. Southeast Quadrant (Deerfield Center): > The Plan Commission will continue its public hearing on Deerfield Center on Thursday, October 8th. Their report and recommendation should be before the Village Board in November. > Mesirow Stein/Northern Realty representatives met 'on September 23rd with residents c,:i` Poet's Corner, whose homes abut the project, in order to answer their questions about the: plan. > The petitioner will present the plan to the Village Center Development Commission on Wednesday evening, October 7th. > On tonight's agenda is authorization for engineering design services for intersection improvements and traffic signals at Rosemary Terrace and Deerfield Road. > Demolition work in the southeast quadrant will begin this Wednesday, October 7th. With the exception of First Midwest Bank, all of the commercial buildings north of Deerfield Cyclery will be razed. 1 1 1 �J 1 1 Vision 2000 October 5, 1998 Page 2 South of Osterman: > Tonight's agenda includes the Plan Commission and Village Center Development Commission reports and recommendations on the James Company's petition for 153 residential units. Four meetings were held by the Plan Commission as part of the public hearing process. > The next step will be finalizing a Redevelopment Agreement for consideration by the Village Board.