07/21/1997NU July 21, 1997 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield 'was called to order by Mayor Forrest in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, July 21, 1997, at 8:00pm. Gerald Smith called the roll and announced that the following were: . Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Marvin Ehlers John Heuberger Harriet E. Rosenthal Edwin B. Seidman Michael Swartz Absent: Vernon Swanson and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present was Robert Franz, Village Manager, and James Stucko, Village Attorney. Trustee Seidman made a motion, seconded by Trustee. Swartz, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Mayor Forrest requested that the fourth paragraph on page 3 be amended to reflect that Trustee Swartz made the motion to table. The motion to pass the amended minutes passed unanimously. 25 YEAR EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARD TO Mayor Forrest presented POLICE COMMANDER JOHN SEBBEN Commander John Sebben with a gold watch in recognition of his twenty -five years of service with the Deerfield Police Department. BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Seidman made a motion, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to approve the Bills and Payroll. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Swartz, Rosenthal, Seidman, Ehlers, Heuberger (5) NAYS: None (0) TREASURER'S REPORT Finance Director George Valentine presented highlights from the June Treasurer's Report. Sales tax receipts are down 20% over the previous June period. Mr. Valentine believes that the sales tax revenue decline is a result of the loss of two major retailers, Marshalls and Mikasa, as well as the on -going construction on Lake -Cook Rd. Mr. Valentine noted that other revenue items are performing as projected. As of June 30, 1997, 102% of cash was invested at an average interest rate of 6.05% which compares with an average rate of 5.04% for the 90-day Treasury Bill. REPORT ON DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES- Jim Soyka, Director of Public DEERFIELD PUBLIC WORKS & ENGIN- Works and Engineering, presented EERING DEPARTMENTS the quarterly departmental objectives report for his department. Mr. Soyka informed the Board that the Village has been selected to participate in a safety study to add supplementary warning devices to vehicles that will provide advanced warning signals of trains approaching the crossing. Deerfield, along with Northbrook, Glenview and Morton Grove have each been selected as demonstration projects. The project will entail equipping school buses, postal vehicles, several police and public works vehicles with a pre - signaling device that will alert drivers of an approaching train within 800 feet of the crossing. The testing of the equipment will be conducted by the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the University of Illinois will evaluate the data. The project will concentrate on the Greenwood crossing and last for approximately one year. There will be no cost to the Village to participate in the study. Mr. Soyka reported the following: Trustees inquired as to this year's leaf program. Mr. Soyka noted that the public works department is considering an early start to the program. If such a decision is made, that one week will concentrate on responding to areas that could become dangerous as a result of leaves in the street. Trustee Rosenthal emphasized the importance of notifying the public of this change to avoid any confusion. Mr. Heuberger inquired about the relining project of the North Ave. sanitary sewer. Mr. Soyka reported that he estimates that the contractor will be on board within sixty days. Mr. Soyka, responding to a question from Trustee Heuberger, informed the Board that the Park District still intends to build a berm at Clavey Park even though AT &T is no longer interested in the Park. Furthermore, Mr. Soyka noted that the Park District has decided to extend the berm further north then originally planned. Mr. Ehlers inquired whether or not the street rehab program on Greenwood included slab jacking of sidewalk panels. Mr. Soyka stated that the project does include slab jacking. Mayor Forrest inquired about the Streetscape Improvement trees and whether or not another species would better survive the conditions. Mr. Soyka agreed that a different species should be considered because of the salt. 2 • The Village has received verbal notification from IDOT that the State will contribute.up to $150,000 additional towards the Waukegan /Kates Road project. • Based on an evaluation of the Deerfield Rd. Bridge (the one extending over the middle fork), the bridge meets the criteria that qualifies it for rehabilitation. Mr. Soyka noted that federal funds are available for the rehabilitation of the bridge at a 80/20 ratio, and the department anticipates the cost at about $400,000. Mr. Soyka reported that the time line for such a project is about three years and would, therefore, like the Village to authorize the expenditure of $6,000 to begin the design work now. Trustee Seidman moved to approve the request. Trustee Swartz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. • The Village has passed the fourth round of lead and copper sampling of our water system. Based on the outcome of this year's samplings, the Village can now reduce the number of samplings from sixty a year to thirty. Trustees inquired as to this year's leaf program. Mr. Soyka noted that the public works department is considering an early start to the program. If such a decision is made, that one week will concentrate on responding to areas that could become dangerous as a result of leaves in the street. Trustee Rosenthal emphasized the importance of notifying the public of this change to avoid any confusion. Mr. Heuberger inquired about the relining project of the North Ave. sanitary sewer. Mr. Soyka reported that he estimates that the contractor will be on board within sixty days. Mr. Soyka, responding to a question from Trustee Heuberger, informed the Board that the Park District still intends to build a berm at Clavey Park even though AT &T is no longer interested in the Park. Furthermore, Mr. Soyka noted that the Park District has decided to extend the berm further north then originally planned. Mr. Ehlers inquired whether or not the street rehab program on Greenwood included slab jacking of sidewalk panels. Mr. Soyka stated that the project does include slab jacking. Mayor Forrest inquired about the Streetscape Improvement trees and whether or not another species would better survive the conditions. Mr. Soyka agreed that a different species should be considered because of the salt. 2 Mr. Soyka suggested that the matter be taken up with the Streetscape task force to decide what type of trees are appropriate. Mayor Forrest agreed and requested that the Streetscape Committee meet with Mr. Soyka on this matter. REPORTS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN The Plan Commission held a workshop COMMISSION AND THE VCDC REGARDING meeting on June 26, 1997 to review A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SOUTHEAST the revised two - story plan and the QUADRANT, TAXMAN one story alternative plan at the southeast corner of Waukegan Road and Deerfield Road. It is their recommendation that the petitioner's request for the revised two story plan and the one story plan be approved and that the petitioner's be given the flexibility to proceed with either plan. The Village Center Development Commission also reviewed the petition and recommends that The Taxman Corporation's request for the one -story plan be denied and the revised two -story plan be approved with the recommendation that the facades be made to look more like the original plan. Mayor Forrest informed the petitioner that the Board would not consider two proposals in that it is incumbent on the petitioner to recommend one plan for Board consideration. Tim Hague, Vice President of the Taxman Corporation, expressed to the Board that the two plans would give flexibility to the developer in marketing the project. Mayor Forrest re- emphasized that the Board was not interested in approving options and would not give such flexibility. Mr. Hague proceeded to make his presentation on-the revised two -story plan. Mr. Hague informed the Board that the development is a mixed use and is comprised of two buildings. Building "A" is a 35,000 S.F. one story structure that will face Waukegan and Deerfield Roads. Building "B" is a 33,500 S.F. two -story structure that will offer retail space on the first floor and office space on the second. Building "B" faces Deerfield Rd. Mr. Hague stated that the development will be serviced by a parking lot of 257 spaces which would be accomplished by an at grade parking of 122 spaces and a raised parking deck of 135 spaces. However, the development would still be short 21 spaces of the Village's current parking requirements. Mr. Hague, noted that the Taxman Corporation is exploring the possibility of acquiring another parcel to the east of the development that could provide for an additional 25 parking spaces. Mr. Hague stated that the Taxman Corporation is looking for flexibility on the use of the facade elements based on certain guidelines and criteria agreed upon at both the Plan Commission and VCDC Commission workshops. Mr. Hague noted that upon approval of the preliminary PUD, the Taxman Corporation could then move forward on their pre- leasing efforts that would allow each tenant to identify their respective locations within the development and the amount of space required. From that point, the Taxman Corporation would work with the tenant to incorporate one of the pre - approved facade guidelines and specify their location and final appearance and present them to the Village during the final PUD process. 3 The development calls for two access points. One would be a full access cut located at the eastern edge of the property along Deerfield Rd. at Rosemary, and the second access point would be a right in only on Waukegan Rd. Mr. Hague informed the Board that IDOT has rejected the Waukegan Rd. access point as presented and requested the Village to assist in their efforts to secure an entrance at this location. Sue and Derrick Ragona, 568 Whittier, expressed their concerns with the height of the proposed parking structure, the impact of the parking deck to the property values in Poet's Corner, and with delivery vehicles accessing the property. Wilma Larego, 584 Whittier, stated that she may be unable to sell her house due to the impact of the parking deck near her home. Board members expressed concern with changes to the original proposal that have resulted in: the plan losing its quaintness; a parking shortfall; the uncertainty about Waukegan Rd. access; and the need to screen the parking deck from adjacent residential properties. Mr. Stucko informed the Board that the petition before them is for approval of a preliminary development plan which typically describes in detail how the buildings will look, where they will be located and access to and from the site. The final PUD process would then allow the Village to confirm that the.developer has in fact complied with the plans as presented in the preliminary stage. Mr: Stucko noted that the Taxman petition is requesting approval of a plan with a number of unanswered questions. After a brief discussion of some of the general issues, Trustee Seidman motioned, seconded by Trustee Heuberger, to table the matter pending the resolution of the facades, landscape and screening, parking, and access from Waukegan Rd. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Swartz, Seidman, Heuberger (3) NAYS: Rosenthal, Ehlers (2) REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF PLAN COMMISSION REGARDING REQUEST FOR RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 44 & 46 IN COROMANDEL AND AMENDEMENT OF PUD TO EXCLUDE A PORTION OF PROPERTY WHICH ABUTS CENTRAL AVENUE - CAROL BERGMARK /OPTIMA INC. The Plan Commission held a public hearing on June 26, 1997. They recommend approval of the petitioner's request for resubdivision of the property located at 733 -737 Central and amendment to the Coromandel Planned Unit Development to remove the property from the Coromandel Development. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, to approve the request and to direct the attorney to prepare the ordinance. The motion passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA ORDINANCE REGARDING LICENSING This item remained tabled. MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS 4 OLD BUSINESS AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD CONTRACT TO Mr. Soyka reported that part GEWALT - HAMILTON FOR ENGINEERING of the engineering objectives SERVICES REGARDING EXTENSION OF for this year is to extend ROBERT YORK AVENUE Robert York Ave. from Osterman Ave. to the Coromandel development. Gewalt - Hamilton Associates has provided engineering services for projects at both ends of the Robert York extension and are best suited to design this connection. Gewalt- Hamilton's proposal includes an estimated engineering services cost for all phases of the project for a total cost of $35,600. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz that the Village retain Gewalt- Hamilton Associates to perform these services for $35,600. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Swartz, Rosenthal, Seidman, Ehlers, Heuberger (5) NAYS: None (0) circuit DISCUSSION REGULATION OF HOME BASED BUSINESSES The Board briefly discussed Barbara Houpt's memo requesting that the Plan Commission hold a public hearing to better define home based businesses in residential areas. Trustee Ehlers made a motion to refer the matter to the plan commission. Trustee. Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Forrest asked for a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition. Trustee Swartz so moved. Trustee Heuberger seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Swartz, Rosenthal, Seidman, Ehlers, Heuberger (5) NAYS: None (0) ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Trustee Ehlers made a motion, seconded by Trustee Swartz, to adjourn the meeting at 9:55PM. The motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: Vil age C er AP-?ROVED: 1 Mayor