10/19/1992October 19, 1992 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Clerk in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, October 19, 1992 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were Present: James Marovitz Harriet Rosenthal Edwin Seidman Vernon Swanson Michael Swartz Absent: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Marvin Ehlers and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present was Village Manager Robert Franz and Village Attorney Sheila Beary. Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that Trustee Rosenthal, be named Mayor Pro Tem. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Motion carried unanimously. BILLS AND PAYROLL Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that the Bills and Payroll be approved. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Marovitz, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (5) NAYS: None (0) TREASURER'S REPORT Finance Director George Valentine reported sales tax receipts for June received in September were 2% above the prior year. The current 12 -month average is 4% over the previous twelve month period. State income tax receipts are above projection. 104% of cash was invested at an average interest rate of 6.37 %. STOP SIGNS AT WALDEN - WARWICK would create a four way not recommend the Villa overall facts failed to at this intersection. The Safety Council recommended that east and west bound traffic on Warwick at Walden be regulated by stop signs. This stop intersection. The Safety Council did ;e employ a crossing guard since the warrant the placement of a crossing guard Sheila Stanger, representing the Safety Council, suggested the two way stop sign at Warwick and Warrington be removed and a four way stop sign be installed at Walden and Warwick. Residents of the Walden School area supported the four way stop sign. Robert Klein, who initiated the current request for the stop sign at Walden and Warwick, discussed the events that led to the request. Louis Stevens, Alice Hallstrom, Jeffrey Beenfield, all spoke in favor of the stop sign. Heather Ruffolo favored a crossing guard and a stop sign. Trustee Seidman was in favor of a four -way stop sign and a crossing guard. Village Manager Franz noted it was difficult to find a dependable crossing guard. Trustee Swartz suggested the possibility of reducing the number of cars going eastbound past Walden School. The Board recommended the Police Department closely monitor the area for the next two weeks and report the results of their study at the next meeting. Trustee Marovitz asked that Police Chief Brandt be present to discuss the 4 -way stop issue. (as amended 11/2/92) Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, to table the Safety Council recommendation for a four -way stop sign at Walden and Warwick to the next Board meeting. Motion carried. Trustee Seidman cast a negative vote. ,. SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by DEERFIELD TECH CENTER Trustee Swartz, to remove from table the finding of substantial conformance to amend previously approved signage.at Deerfield Tech Center. Motion carried unanimously. Scott Greenberg, petitioner, was present and advised that the color of the proposed signage would be black with a cream background. Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson to accept the recommendation of the Plan Commission finding substantial conformance to amend the previously approved signage at Deerfield Tech Center,.111 Deer Lake Road. Motion carried unanimously. REZONING PROPERTY FROM Plan Commission recommended approval of R -2 TO C -2 - SE CORNER petitioner's request for a map amendment WAUKEGAN & LAKE COOK for a rezoning from R -2 Single Family Residential to C -2 Outlying Commercial District. Robert Gettelman, attorney representing petitioner, Stephen Giddan, exhibited the site plan for a proposed commercial development that met the criteria for C -2 zoning. Tom Dyke, urban planner and land architect, reviewed the proposed landscape plan. He was followed by Neil J. King, real estate appraiser, Robert Hamilton, a civil engineer, and Larry Myrvold, representing Melville Realty Co., who would be opening Linens 'N Things on the site. Residents directly east of the property, Robert Miller, John Madrano, Gary Grant and Dolores Milner spoke at the meeting. They voiced their opposition to commercial rezoning and requested sufficient screening and landscaping if rezoning is approved. Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that the recommendation of the Plan Commission to approve the petitioner's request for a map amendment for rezoning from R -2 Single Family Residential to C -2 Outlying Commercial District be accepted and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that the above motion be amended to include a screening fence along the eastern border of the site in addtion to the *proposed landscaping. Motion carried unanimously. (as amended 11/2/92) SPECIAL USE AMENDMENT Plan Commission recommended approval of DEERFIELD•DAY CARE petitioner's request for an amendment to CENTER /SCHOOL DIST. 109 a previously granted Special Use to allow a second Special Use for the Illinois State Teacher Education Center. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that the recommendation of the Plan Commission to allow a second Special Use for the Illinois State Teacher Education Center at the Cadwell School be accepted and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE Jewel Foods requested a Finding of JEWEL FOOD STORE - Substantial Conformance for installation COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER of a satellite dish on the roof of their store in the Commons Shopping Center. The Plan Commission found the proposed plan to be in substantial conformance to the originally approved plan. -2- John Mategrano, representing Jewel Foods, was in attendance and answered inquiries from the Board. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, that the recommendation of the Plan Commission finding the proposed plan of Jewel Foods to build a satellite dish on the roof of their store in the Commons Shopping Center to be in substantial conformance to the originally approved plan be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Swartz moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Plan Commission, in concert with the Cable Advisory Commission, review screening regulations for satellite dishes. Motion carried. Trustee Swanson cast a negative vote. MANPOWER COMMISSION The Manpower Commission recommended appointment of John Schneider to the Village Center Development Commission. Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that John Schneider be appointed to the Village Center Development Commission. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL USE - DAWN Ordinance approving expansion of existing MICHELE'S FAMILY HAIR Class A Special Use - Dawn Michele's SHOP Family Hair Shop - Deerfield Commons. First reading. SARA LEE PROPERTY - The first reading of the Ordinance VILLAGE TIF DISTRICT amending the Village TIF District to include the Sara Lee property will be held at the November 16 Village Board meeting. EXPANSION OF DOUGLAS The second reading of an Ordinance approv- TV BUILDING ing amendment to permit expansion of building - Douglas TV, 350 lake Cook Road, has been dropped. JONQUIL TERRACE A portion of the old Jonquil Terrace SANITARY SEWER Sanitary Sewer south of Brookside Lane has caused sanitary services to back up. The problem can be solved by installing 220 feet of new pipe on a new alignment. The Assistant Village Engineer recommended J. R. Myers Co., the lowest bidder, to perform this work. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swartz, that J. R. Myers Co. be awarded a contract to install 220 feet of new pipe on a new alignment at a cost not to exceed $17,500.00. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Marovitz, Rosenthal, Seidman, Swanson, Swartz (5) Nays: None (0) DISCUSSION Trustee Marovitz commented on the proliferation of election signs posted on the right -of -way. He suggested this matter be submitted to Public Hearing by the Plan Commission to determine if the Zoning Ordinance should be amended. Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Plan Commission consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to prohibit posters and signage on a right -of -way. Motion carried unanimously. A copy of a letter requesting a Recapture Agreement on the David Dwelling Subdivision was discussed by the Board. The Board agreed not to make any commitment at this time. -3- Trustee Seidman commented on the removal of trees in the Summit Avenue Resubdivision. Barbara Houpt advised that the area had been videotaped in anticipation of a problem over removal of some trees. Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that following adjournment, the Board go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, upon motion of Trustee Swanson, seconded by Trustee Seidman, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. ATTEST: k&tehV: 11 OM llage Clerk APPROVED: Mayo ro -4-