10/21/1985/,f� October 21, 1985 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, Octo- ber 21, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the follow- ing were Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Cynthia J. Marty Harriet E. Rosenthal Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York *James L. Marovitz (Entered at 8:07 P.M.) and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Manager Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVE WARRANT NO. W -85 -10 Trustee Sediman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the bills and payroll. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: MARTY, ROSENTHAL, SEIDMAN, SWANSON, YORK (5) NAYS: NONE (0) TREASURER'S REPORT Finance Director George Valentine reported that the twelve month actual Sales Tax Re- ceipts were up 4% over the previous twelve month period. This increase he attributed to the July Sales Tax; received in Octo- ber,which was about 22% over that of July last year. As for expenditures, all departments are operating at or close to projected bud -. gets. General Fund revenues are about $170,000 over projection due primarily to overages of $100,000 in building permits and $100,000 in ordinance violations. Regarding the Variable Rate Demand Notes, Mr. Valentine noted that the current rate is 4.9 %. He stated that the estimated current bond sale fixed rate is 8.60% and was 9.1 -9.25% January 2nd of this year. 155 BIRCHWOOD (SCHULZ) Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee RESUBDIVISION /FINAL PLAT Marty, to approve the final plat of resub- division for 155 Birchwood Avenue and author- ize the Village Attorney to prepare a Special Use /PRD ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. 510 DEERFIELD ROAD (UNGER) RESUBDIVISION /FINAL PLAT PFINGSTEN ROAD EXTENSION ENGINEERING SERVICES PHASE I AND II STAFF RECOMMENDATION crossing at Kates Road and a commitment to Lake -Cook Road. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee. Rosenthal, to approve the final plat of re- subdivision for the property at 510 Deer- field Road. Motion carried unanimously. Village Engineer James Soyka reported that the Cook County Highway Department had agreed to fund a $500,000 bridge improvement for the extension of Pfingsten Road contingent upon Deerfield's obtaining a grade level railroad to extend Pfingsten Road at the crossing Three engineering proposals for both Phase I and Phase II were obtained, and Staff recommended that Donahue and Associates be awarded the Phase I engineering in the amount of $55,330. He stated that it is Phase I which will reveal whether the en- tire project is feasible. Discussion followed regarding costs for Phase I as well as Phase II and the exper- tise necessary for a project involving the many county and state agencies. Trustee Swanson was of the opinion that the firm submitting the highest Phase I proposal (Donahue and Associates) should be retained as that phase includes so many meetings, etc. Mr..Soyka agreed, stating that Phase I will include much legal work with the Illinois Commerce Commission hearings, and coordination with Cook County.-;as well . as preliminary engineering design, traffic studies, soil borings, fill conditions, etc. He added that the $55,330 proposal buys extremely talented people with much /95 expertise and drive necessary to get the project spearheaded through. Moreover, Donahue's combined proposal for Phase I and Phase II was lower than that of the other two proposals. It, therefore, became apparent that it was wise to tie the proposals together. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to award Phase I engineering to Donahue and Associates in an amount not to exceed $55,330 and lock in Phase II in an amount not to exceed $79,875 conditioned upon the Board's determination to go forward with Phase II. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY, ROSENTHAL$ SEIDMAN, SWANSON, YORK (6) NAYS: NONE (0) UNLAWFUL WEAPONS Village Manager Franz reported that the MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT Illinois Criminal Code had been amended to include throwing stars and stun guns as unlawful weapons. Since, during the past six months, there has been one in- cident of the use of a stun gun as well as an advertisement in a local paper for the sale of stun guns, Police Chief Richard Brandt recommended amending the Deerfield Municipal Code to reflect the changed state law. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Rosenthal, to direct the attorney to prepare and ordinance adopting Chief Brandt's recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. SCHORSCH PROPERTY SW CORNER DFLD. /WILMOT RDS. REZONING FROM R -1 TO R -2 SOIL TESTING SERVICES PROPERTY LAKE -COOK AND PFINGSTEN ROADS REZONING FROM I -2 TO I -1 SOIL TESTING SERVICES PROPERTY LAKE -COOK AND PFINGSTEN ROADS SPECIAL USE /INDUSTRIAL PUD STARWOOD BUILDERS STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT 510 DEERFIELD ROAD (UNGER) VARIATIONS FOR RESUB GRANTED ORDINANCES NO. 0 -85 -45 First reading of ordinance. First reading of ordinance. First reading of ordinance. Deferred until next Board meeting. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marovitz, to pass the ordinance granting variations necessary for the approved re- subdivision. Motion carried as follows: AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY, ROSENTHAL, SEIDMAN, SWANSON, YORK (6) NAYS: NONE (0) PORTION OF BRIERHILL ROAD APPROVE PLAT OF DEDICATION that had never been dedicated. Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve a plat of dedication for the southern 120 feet of Brierhill Road Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC AUCTION Two 1980 Ford Fairmonts presently used by SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY the Administrative Department will be ORDINANCE NO. 0 -85 -46 sold November 9, 1985 at a public auction sponsored by the Northwest Municipal Con- ference. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to waive rules to permit passage on the first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to pass the ordinance authorizing sale by public auction of Village owned property. Motion carried as follows: AYES: MAROVITZ, MARTY, ROSENTHAL, SEIDMAN, SWANSON, YORK (6) NAYS: NONE (0) BARCLAY LANE CONDO ASSN. The Barclay Lane Condo Association had re- PARKING RESTRICTIONS AGREEMENT quested an agreement authorizing the Village to establish and maintain parking restric- tions on Barclay Lane. Discussion was had regarding a plat depicting those restric- tions. Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Rosenthal, to amend the agree- ment to provide additional information on "no parking" areas. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marovitz moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to approve the amended agreement and authorize the signature of the Mayor and Clerk. Motion carried unanimously. CLASS "C" LIQUOR LICENSES Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee' - INCREASE NUMBER Rosenthal, to direct the attorney to pre- pare an ordinance for an additional Class "C" Liquor License. Motion carried unanimously. �1 TRAMMEL CROW DEVELOPMENT Discussion was had concerning a recent LAKE -COOK /MILWAUKEE AVENUE decision of Buffalo Grove to allow two 12 -story office buildings at the north- east corner of Lake -Cook Road and Milwaukee Avenue. Riverwoods, Lincolnshire, and Northbrook have lodged strong protests with Buffalo Grove, and Riverwoods and Lincolnshire have stated they are considering court action to try to block the development. All are on record as fearing the impact on Lake -Cook Road traffic and the precedent set by such high rise buildings on further develop- ment in the area. The Board was opposed to the height of the proposed buildings and most felt that Buffalo Grove should be apprised of these opinions. Accord- ingly, Mayor Forrest will write the Mayor of Buffalo Grove expressing the Board's concern about 12 -story buildings as inappropriate for a suburban area. There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee Marty and second by Trustee Seidman, the meeting was adjourned at 'AAA P.M. ATTEST: VILLA E CL C