06/06/1983206 1. June 6, 1983 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Mayor in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on June 6, 1983, at 8:00 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Jerold L. Heisler Stephen 0. Jackson Cynthia J. Marty Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York Absent: Edwin B. Seidman / ` and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also pr( ,ent were Village Manager Robert D. Franz and James K. Stucko, Vi —Ilage Attorney. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, that.the minutes of the May 16, 1983 meeting be approved with the following correction: On Page 4, the new water rate is "$1.13 per 100.Cubic Feet." Motion carried unanimously. FRANKEN BROTHERS Mr. Fran-- read the Plan Commission's recommendation SUBDIVISION which was to deny the request for subdivision of the 2.3 acres on the north side of Franken , west of Elm Street. Mr. Trevor Pottenger presented a picture of the home that could be built on the property and a drawing showing the buildable area of each lot. He stated that any one of the proposed lots could accommodate a home 60' long with a 3 car garage and that these would be quite desirable. Trustee Marty pointed out that the cul de sac as ` proposed with a 50` width is the .same as that in the Chesterfield subdivision. The %paved width would be the same as i. a regular right -of -way. Trustee Swanson was bothered by Lots 1 and 3, as proposed, inquiring as to which way the house would be oriented and what the access to the ,arage would be from the cul de sac. After discussion, Mr. Pottenger stated that the homes on these two lots would face toward the south with the garages right off the entrance to the driveways, facing east and /or west. Mrs. Barbara Ruffino explained that the subdivision as proposed required variations in lot depth of 23% for Lot 2, and 4% for Lots 5 and 6, an( that the existing house on Lot 8 is non - conforming. She also explained that other layouts had been suggested but that the petitioner was not interested, since only 7 'ots could be realized rather than the 8 as proposed by Mr. Pottenger. Mayor Forrest asked whether there was any way the Plan Commission would figure this out to get the extra lot and the reply was negative. Considerable discussion followed, during which it was pointed out that on Lots 1 and 3 the houses would not face the front ;;,irds. Trustee Swanson expressed the opinioll that these lots may present marketing problems. Mr. Pottenger disagreed. Mrs. Harriet Rosenthal, Chairman of the Plan Commission, stated that the Commission feels that although the Zoning Ordinance does not spell our where the front door is to be located, the intent is that the house front on a fully improved street and that this had been discussed with Mr. Pottenger. Trustee Marty then moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, that the plat of subdivision be approved as presented. The motion :.drried by the following vote: AYES: Jackson, Marty, Swanson, York NAYS; Heisler ADDITIONAL CLASS C Trustee Marty moved, seconder' by Trustee York, that _LIQUOR LICENSE - 0 -83 -17 the ordinance providing for in additional Class C liquor license (beer and win( with meals, as a restaurant) be adopted: Motion carried unanimously. FEJES RESUBDIVISION - Trustee Swanson moved, seco.�ded by Trustee York, that FINAL PLAT APPROVAL Mayor Forrest be authorized to sign the final plat for the Fejes resubdivision at Chestnut and Walnut Streets. Motion carried unanimously. FAMILY DAY BANNER Mr. Bob Henry and Mr. Jack Jackson were present to request permission to erect a banner at the Deerfield and Waukegan Roads intersection stating "DEERFIELD FAMILY DAYS -/20TH ANNIVERSARY JULY 3rd and 4th ". The banner would be erected June 17th/from /t a southwest corner to the southeast corner of the intersection. It would consist of individual letters and will be removed on July 5th. Mr. Henry requested that the fees be waived and that Public Works erect and remove the banner. 207 Mr. Henry presented a letter stating that there would be $510,000 insurance coverage by Family Day, Inc., for the banner. Mayor Forrest directed that Staff ascertain whether the Village would be covered by insurance also. Mr. Franz stated that the only concern is that this would establish a precedent for other organizations wanting banners erected by Village forces. It was the consensus that Family Day is unique and that the Village should assist in whatever way possible. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, that the permit application be filed with the Director of Building and Zoning, that the fees be waived . and that Public Works personnel erect the banner, subject to the Village's /having/insurance coverage in addition to that of Family Day. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION R -83 -04 Mr. Franz stated that the Resolution authorizing the MILBURN BROTHERS contract with Milburn Brothers for the improvement of DEERFIELD ROAD WORK Deerfield Road was required by the State Department of Transportation.. This contract is for the actual work but there may be a potential problem wi ±h the Phase III Engineering, since considerable curb work has been added to the origina, project which will alter that cost figure. This contract covers all of the construction but not all of the engineering. Trustee York stated he had had an inquiry as, to whether Deerfield Road will be widened and it will not. Mr. Franz explained that this contract a'iso covers all of the traffic signal work. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Resolution concurring with the award of bid for improvement to Deerfield Roa� to Milburn Brothers, at a bid price of $311,289.47. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Jackson, Marty, Swanson., York (5) NAYS: None (0) TRAFFIC SIGNALS AWARD Mr. Franz pointed out that no Village funds were in- McDONALD/CADWELL CORNERS volved in this signal installation but that the cost would be shared by McDonald's and Cadwell Corners. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Jackson, that the bid of Aldridge Electric, Inc., in the amount.of $66,697.00 be accepted. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Jackson, Marty, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) BUILDING PERMIT FOR Mr. Franz explained that because of the lack of activity 118 WILLOW AVENUE at this location, he and other members of the Staff had met with Mr. Paradiso and his Attorney, Mr. Goldman, to discuss this matter. The building permit expired in late May, the day the meeting was held. The owner asked for permission to work on the constr „action and this was author- ized administratively for a two week period, until the Board meeting this evening, at which time Mr. Paradiso could request an extension of tho permit. In the past two weeks, work has proceeded and they are prepared to continue working. He then deferred to Mr. Stucko, who stated he had had a number of discussions with Mr. Goldman in the past two weeks for the purpose of arriving at assurances that funds would be available to complete the project. Two approaches were suggested to accomplish this and both were accepted: (1) $50,000 loan commitment and (2) $10,000 in escrow. Trustees Heisler and Swanson questioned whether $60,000 would be enough to complete the home as it was shown to the Board previously. Mr. Goldman said that between $5,000 and $8,000 has already been put into the project. The building permit is for $42,000; however, he expected that there would be a need in the future to amend that amount upward. He also said that a considerable amount is for contractor's fees and since the owner is the contractor, those fees would not be charged. Trustee Marty asked: "Is Mr. Paradiso building the house.he showed us ?” The reply was that he is doing so. Trustee Heisler said they had indicated the cost of the house to be between $150,000 and $200,000 but that they are now saying there is $60,000+ committed and that the permit would have to be revised since it is not sufficient to finish the house. Mr. Goldman said that the $68,000 woulo complete the exterior of the house, without question, and would do quite a bit more. The exterior includes landscaping. He .r � 20� also stated that the grass on the parkway will be mowed on i regular basis. Mr. Paradi.so has been on the site seven days a week and me. with some of the neighbors and since he will be occupying the home himself, has no desire to alienate the surrounding property owners. Considerable discussion followed during which Trustee Swanson suggested that the permit be extended on a month -to -month basis with a certain amount of work to be completed by the end of each month. Trustee Heisler stated, that on the basis of Mr. Goldman's remarks, he was going to vote to deny the extension since there were not adequate funds allocated to finish the home as it had been shown. He recounted the problems the Village has had with this property and that he did not want to go through a similar battle again. Mr. Goldman stated that the exterior and landscaping would be completed by or before September 3Oth-and that a good part of the interior will also be completed by that time. Mr. Smalley stated that he and Mr. Case were making daily inspections and that the work is progressing, and that labor would amount to about half the total cdsts. Mayor Forrest asked when Mr. Paradiso intended to occupy the home and the answer was by December or January, with February aj the latest date. In reply to the Mayor's question, he stated that he would be working on the house every single day from now on and that every month will see som ?thing finished. Trustee,Swanson said he could not live with that and rather that substantial progress must be shown each month, with the Building Department checking it constantly Mr:- Smalley felt that six months would be sufficient time to c.)mplete the buildin, and issue the occupancy permit. Trustee Marty moved that the permit be ­,tended for six.mofths on a month -to -month basis with the Building Department to mo!iitor the progress. Trustee Jackson seconded the motion. Trustee Swanson questioned the financing arrangements. Some amendments to the agree- ment were suggested so that Mr. Paradiso would not have the right to withdraw the escrow money. The agreemement will be codified to state "unless the Certificate of Occupancy is issued prior to that date.". Mr. Stucko also questioned the bank loan as to whether there would be a first or second mortgage. Mr. Goldman stated that this was ABI financing and that they would be able to draw down in various amounts, after waivers of liens are presented. After this discussion, an amendment to the motion was made by.Trustee Swanson and seconded by Trustee Jackson, as follows: "as a further condition to extending the permit, the Village will receive evidence of the sums taken down from the Capital Bank Finance or escrow account." Vote on the amendment to the motion was as follows: AYES: Jackson, Marty, Swanson, York (4) NAYS: Heisler (1) Vote on the motion, as amended, was as follows: AYES: Jackson, Marty, Swanson, York (4� NAYS: Heisler (1) BUILDING DEPARTMENT Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee York, that VEHICLE PURCHASE approval be given to the purchase of a used Hertz car for the Building Department, at a cost not to exceed $5,299.00. Motion carried by the follow ;ng vote: AYES: Heisler, Jackson, Marty, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) REQUEST FROM Mr. Larry Johansen, Vice President of Town and Country TOWN & COUNTRY Builders, asked the Board to issue a permit for the BUILDERS foundation of their second unit. There is a problem with loca".-ing the storm sewer for the project and while the Milwaukee Road has given verbal consent to the installation of the sewer on railroad property, there has been no written confirmation although this has been under discussion for weeks. Mr. Johansen stated he has been talking with the owners of the property adjacent to the development and may receive permission to install the sewer on their property. Failing this, they have discussed with IDOT the instal- lation to connect on Waukegan Road. Another alternative world be to install a pumping ri 1 I r. 2'09 station. Mr. Johansen intends to pursue his discussion wiih the property owners and should have a resolution to the storm sewer problem in the very near future. He stated that 13 units have now been sold and these peop'c' are concerned about being able to move in. Town and Country is trying to get to that point in Septem- ber. Mayor Forrest said the Board wants to be absolutely certain the water goes where it has been planned to go. Mr. Johansen assured him that this would be done. Trustee York then moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that a permit be issued for the foundation of the second unit and nothing else until such time as the drainage problem is solved to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer. Motion carried unanimously. U.S. CORPS OF Mayor Forrest stated that we had received a report ENGINEERS - from the Army Corps of Engineers regarding Phase'I of the Floodwater Management Plan. He then read the text of a telegram which he had sent t, Senators Dixon and Percy and Congressman Porter urging them to reaffirm their commitment to expedite this project. Further, the Mayor reported that he had written Director Vonnahme of the Division of'Water Resources asking that he intercede in the negotiations for,the Bannockburn site and, if it is not acquired by a definite date, condemnitions;'proceedings should be instituted. Copies of these communications are attach e' for the record. Mayor Forrest directed that copies of these two communications be sent to Colonel Dovas of the Army Corps of Engineers. Following a short recess, the Deerfield Citizens for Drug Awareness presented its program to the Board. Mrs. Ann Meyer introduced the group and gave an historical perspective of the group's activities. Tom Creighton and Nancy talked about the program from the youth's point of view. Mrs. Betsy Houton described the Parent Peer Groups that serve as support to each other and, most importantly,.our youth. Mrs. Nancy Granat summarized the program strt-ssing the importance of communication and adult involvement. It was noted that this presentation has been given to most organizations in Deerfield and throughout Illinois. A number of communities have drawn from this program in establishing similar programs. The group asked for continued Board support and the Board expressed its gratitude for all of the work of the DCFDA. The \meeting was then adjourned at 10:3' P.M. ATTEST: Village Clerk APPROVED: MAYt R