04/04/1983I April 4, 1983 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order, in the absence of the Mayor, by the Clerk in the Council Cham- ber of the Village Hall on Monday, April 4, 1983 at 8:00 P.M. Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that Trustee Heisler be appointed Mayor pro tem. Motion carried unanimously. The Clerk called the roll and announced the following were Present: Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York Absent: Bernard Forrest, Mayor and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were` V 1 illage Mana- ger Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney James K. Stucko. i Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the minutes of March 21, 1983. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trus- tee Marty, to approve the minutes of March 29, 1983. Motion carried unanimously. PROCLAMATION' Mayor pro tem Heisler read a proclamation MARKETING RESEARCH WEEK designating the week of April 18 -24 as Mar - APRIL 18 -24 keting Research Week. Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to approve the proclamation. Motion carried unanimously. REAL ESTATE SIGNS Village Manager Franz reported that the Plan ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT PLAN COMM. REPORT /RECOMM. Commission had held a ary 24, 1983 regarding public hearing on Febru- real estate /open house to 0, recommended: signs.. The Plan Commission, on a vote of 4 1\ One "open house" sign will addition to the permitted be allowed "for sale" per house on sign. the lot itself in 2. A maximum of two directional signs will be allowed for each "open house ". a. these-sig'n's may be in the right -of -way. b. these',signs must conform to the'Municipal Code's Section 19 -20 provisions as pertain to sight line view at intersections and maximum height of 36 3. Open'house signs and directional signs may only be displayed on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and on Sundays from 12 noon to 6 p.m. 4. Only two directional signs may be on any one corner at any time. 5. Where unusual conditions on a lot warrant, a temporary use permit may be ob- tained upon application to the'Building Department to place a real estate' sign in a location other than that which is permitted. 6. A person wishing to place a real estate sign in the right -of -way in accord- ance with the above must sign an indemnification agreement which holds the - Village and the abutting property owner harmless in any accident-involving the real estate signs. Also, the Village attorney should investigate the efficacy of the indemnification agreements. Trustee Seidman reiterated his former objections to amending the zoning text and stated that open house signs in the right -of -ways which were permitted temporarily during a downturn of sales, were not necessary., particularly in view of a reported upswing in real estate sales. He further objected to the size provision of 10 square feet per face, favoring 5 square feet per face. He was of the opinion that. due to the fact that there are only two major streets in the Village, the provi- sion for 2 directional signs would likely invite violations of the ordinance as realtors would feel'they needed more to direct potential customers to houses far from those major streets. He anticipated a proliferation of signs at intersections where each realtor would like to place his own sign. Trustee Marty stated that the realtors had been cooperating during the trial period of self- policing (when only 2 right -of -way signs were perini.t.ted oil a corner) . Trustee Swanson felt the .real estate industry had done a much bu ter job of restricting the number of signs through self- po.lic:iilg tll�rn c.lu: pul.ice department- had been able to do. Ile cans of thc. opinion the realtors v!'Juld cun- Lilllle tO be Calit :iollS :l.11 plaeelnent of. Sillil:d. ,I1'il:iLiic' II ll'l.y CuCl:::ll'i a .:I 1. ii i'U:;l.'. 11 i. Swanson, noting that the realtors recognized that the Board.could easily rescind an ordinance if it should•not be respected. Mr. William Poole of Quinlan & Tyson Realtors stated that the realtors had been living within the terms of the proposed ordinance during the trial period and had managed to work out.among themselves ways to give each company exposure while keeping within the restrictions. He expected the cooperation among the realtors to continue. Question was raised regarding a proposed 36" height restriction for open house signs. It was noted that some open house signs measured 38 to 44 inches in height. Discussion was had as to whether a 36" height restriction.•(parallel- ing municipal code restrictions on structures obstructing vehicular traffic visibility at intersections) should apply in every case. The Staff was in- 0 structed to review this point further. Thereafter, Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the report and recommendation of the Plan Commission be accepted, and that an ordinance amending the zoning text be prepared for consideration at the next meeting. Motion carried, Trustee Seidman voting Nay. i "RESTAURANT" DEFINITION Village Manager Franz stated that the Plan PLAN COMM. REPORT /RECOMM. Commission had held a put�'lic he :ring March 4, 1983, continued to March 10, to consider amendments to portions of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to.restaurants. On a vote of 5 -0, the Plan Commission recommended the following.amendments: 1. The distinction between.sit -down and take -out restaurants should be dropped. 2. Restaurants.should be classified as Special Uses in the-C-1 and C -2 districts. 3. The Special Uses standards (Article 13.11- 4,2,a) should be amended to read: "...the size, placement and design of any structures proposed be so planned that the Special Use be compatible with.the existing development." 4. The term "Restaurant" should be defined as follows: An establishment whose principal'business is the sale of food and /or drink prepared and served for immediate consumption either within the restaurant building itself or off premises whose development takes the following ele- ments into account: 1. Designs which promotes harmonious transitions in scale and character 'in areas'between different designated land uses. 2. Compatibility of design with the immediate environment of the site. 3. Compatibility with future construction both on and off the site 4. The amount of arrangement of open space and landscaping are appropriate to the design and function of the structures. 5. Access to the property and circulation thereon are safe and convenient for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. 6. Natural features are appropriately preserved and integrated with the project. 7. Whether the details of design are compatible with the adjacent and neighboring structures and functions. Discussion followed on 'the proposed standards for restaurants. Asked his opinion regarding the proposals, Village Attorney Stucko stated that the .amendments were long'.overdue. and would.piovide•the'Village with case -by -case review power. L87 .'.Thereupon, Trustee Marty moved,.seconded.by Trustee York, to accept the P1an.Commis- 'sion's recommendations of definitions for restaurants and instruct the Village Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Heisler,.Marty., Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) CONSENT AGENDA CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSE Second Reading CHI CHI'S RESTAURANT -- ORDINANCE NO. 0 -83 -08 ' Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the Consent Agenda be approved and that the ordinance be signed. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) 188 r DRAPER & KRAMER Village Manager Franz stated that the Board RE: FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN- had approved the preliminary development plan & FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT and resubdivision plat for the Draper & Kramer development on December 20, 1982. The final development plan and resubdivision plat had been approved by the Plan Commission at their March 24, 1983. meeting. In December, concern had been expressed regard- ing the landscaping plan by Teradyne Central whose property adjoins Draper & Kramer on the west. Mr. Wayne Sliwa of Teradyne Central and Mr. Richard Ungaretti of Draper & Kramer were present. Mr. Sliwa advised the Board that an agreement had been reached on the landscaping and that documents were being processed through both companies and an executed.copy for the Village would be forthcoming shortly. After examination of the developer's exhibits including landscaping plans, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to direct the preparation of an ordinance for the Special Use /I -1 PUD sought by Draper & Kramer. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINT AUDITORS Mayor pro tem Heisler stated that at the 1982 -83 AUDIT Finance Committee meeting on March 29, 1983, the committee recommended that the firm of Karrison & Byrne be retained as auditors for the 1982 -83 audit...'Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by-Trustee York, to appoint Karrison & Byrne Village auditors for the year ending April 30, 1983. Motion carried unanimously. LAKE COUNTY SOLID WASTE-.--- Vill. Mgr. Franz reported that the Lake MANAGEMENT STUDY County Municipal League had requested Deerfield's participation in a study of the management of the county's solid wastes. The cost of the proposed 18 -month study (to begin May 1) is estimated at $ 200 ,000 --- $145,000i.to..•be..borne by the county with the balance paid by local governments (based on population) and private industry. Deerfield's share would be $1,800 if it participates. Staff recommended participation since the Village, along with ever other community, will have, perhaps, the immediate and, certainly, thJ . long7range problem of solid waste disposal. The study is being made in the hdpes of identifying some alternatives. Staff thinks it is good that private as well as public bodies are joining .in the effort and favor Deerfield's being apart of it. Trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that Deerfield-participate in the Lake County Solid Waste Management Study.at a cost -not to exceed $1,800. Trustee Swanson stated, "If we are part of the act...we should maintain con- stant interest and participation in this. If we find things with which we have difficulties, we should bring it to the attention of the county immediately." Mr. Gerald Bard of Abbott Laboratories stated that he had been actively involved and made a presentation about:four weeks ago. He.stated that Abbott has a permanent member on the 27- member board and are monitoring the program. He indicated that Abbott might be of help in providing information to the Village. The motion to participate in the study carried on the.following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) J yyyy yy_� yyyyyy I� KriAK KX]C Director of Public Works Edmund Klasinski reported that over the Easter weekend the.Village had 2.5 inches of rain in about a 24 -hour period.' He stated that the situation had been. "touch and go" until about noon on-Saturday when the West Fork began to recede slowly and the Middle Fork crested. As a precaution, some sand bags had been delivered to Hampton Court, Cranshire Court, etc., and to play it safe, many residents there sandbagged their driveways. Two transformers lying in.the low areas in Kings Cove were sandbagged preventing a power outage. Plans are to resandbag them with plastic sheeting in between them to make a more per- manent waterproof barrier. He was of the opinion that the cleaning of the West Fork had affected the rate the water had receded. He further reported that Vill. Eng. Soyka had come out to monitor sanitary surcharge conditions. There were about 12 calls of basement flooding, two of which were caused by burned.out sump pumps. There was no flooding reported by Greenwood Ave. residents.. Staff is meeting April 7 with Commonwealth Edison,and the home owners of Colony Point regarding relocation'of transformers. A firm proposal by Commonwealth Edi- son will be deferred until the next Board meeting. 1 1 [1 ILI c Replying.to an inquiry by Trustee Seidman, Mgr. Franz stated that.Omnicom is out of converters, but is expecting them in momentarily.and will make them available as soon as possible. They predict that the Village will be completely marketed.by the end of April and all subscribers receiving service in June. Trustee Marty inquired about the status of the petition by Mr. M. Esser for a Class B Liquor License with daily wine - tasting privileges. Mgr.-Franz stated that Mr. Esser needed to know whether cordial - tasting would be per- mitted in order to proceed with planning his operation.. However, Mayor For- rest, Liquor Commissioner, has been out of town and his opinion is not known. Inasmuch.as research on the definition of cordials had been made by the Vil lage attorney, Trustee York asked that a statement of costs for the research be submitted at the next Board meeting. There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee Seidman the meeting was adjourned at 8:45.P.M. ATTEST: Village Clerk , APPROVED: Mayor r