03/21/1983March 21, 1983 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by the Clerk, in the absence of the Mayor, on Monday, March 21, 1983 at 8:02 P.M. Upon motion by Trustee Heisler, second by Trustee Swanson, and unanimous Board approval, Trustee Marty was appointed Mayor pro tem. The Clerk called the roll and an- nounced the following were: ` Present: Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York Absent: Bernard Forrest, Mayor and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present Mere Village Manager Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney Richard V. Houptl' Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the minutes of March 7, 1983 be approved as-presented. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVE Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee WARRANT N0. 0 -83 -03 Swanson, that the bills and payroll, including transfers and reimbursements be approved. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty., Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) TREASURER'S REPORT Finance Director George Valentine reported that Sales Tax receipts were about 5% greater than the same month a year ago. He added that the year -to -date figure is 11% h�gher than last year's. He commented that he was reasonably sure that "we will make.the'budget." He went on to report that operating departments are generally within their budgets though the sewer fund has been over projections since the 1982 flood- ing. Also, due to letting of a bid for a telemetering and controls system as well as a 5MGD pump, the water department fund shows an overage. He noted that due to the previous night's.snow.storm the street fund would.probably no longer show a figure under projections. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York, to approve the Treasurer's report. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Seidman complimented the Public Works Department on the fine snow re- moval job they were doing. He stated that he drives daily through Villages to the north where streets are pretty bad, whereas Deerfield's are-well plowed. Trustee Marty added that individuals who had driven elsewhere had called that morning to comment on how well Deerfield's streets had been plowed. COMMONWEALTH_EDISON Village Manager Franz stated that the Village TRANSFORMERS & FRANCHISE had not received a formal reply to Mayor For - STAFF REPORT ON. PROBLEMS rest's letter to Commonwealth Edison wherein he requested them to reconsider their position on the transformer problems and questioned their lack of response to the Franchise Agreement calling for a certain portion of overhead wire to be relocated underground each year, at the expense of the utility company.. He added, however, that he�had talked that afternoon with Commonwealth Edison who indicated they were reconsidering their position on the transformer ques- tion (in the Colony Point /Kings Cove area). He reported that they have agreed to relocate underground 1600 feet of primary, high voltage cable at the Wilmot /. Deerfield Road area, which will be a significant improvement. Trustee Seidman asked whether relocation of this 1600 feet of cable would bring them into compliance with the terms of the Franchise Agreement (500 feet per year since 1974.) Mgr. Franz replied that it would not. He stated that Staff and the utility company were not in agreement in this respect. They hold that 500 feet of costly main line relocation (such as on Waukegan Road) sl'10uld be con- sidered greater footage than 500 feet in a residential area.' He fe1t, however, that the differences could be worked out in view of the costly Id:i.lrnot /Dcec f i.c l�l T:r��d relocation. The Board instructed Mgr.. Franz to carry the matter as an agenda item for the next Board meeting. POLICE MATRONS APPOINTED Trustee Seidman moved, passed. Motion carries AYES: Heisler, Marty, NAYS: None (0) CHI CHI'S RESTAURANT CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSE CONSENT AGENDA Reappointments: Patricia Jackson, Sherry R. Wood, Marian R. Kolesar, Sandra B.-Bouland New Appointment: Christina'M. Parr seconded by Trustee Swanson', that the consent agenda be i on the following vote: Seidman, Swanson, York '(5) . Ordinance stood at first reading'. MIDDLE FORK CREEK Village Manager Franz. stated that at a recent UNION DRAINAGE DISTRICT meeting with the West Skokie Drainage District (that portion of the Middle Fork lying north of Deerfield Road), it became clear that the portion of the Middle Fork lying south of Deerfield Road, known as the Union Drainage District of Deerfield and Northfield counties, posed quite a problem. He introduced Mr. ,Berle Schwartz, associated with the'Union District, who'state&ithat the district's commission had been "dormant" since around 1970. Mr. Schwartz stated that the Union District starts at Deerfield Road on the north and continues southward to about the Edens Spur in Northfield Township in Cook County. Its present organized boundaries to the. west include Kings Cove and about one or two tiers of lots in Colony Point and on the east about half the distance between the stream and -Red Oaks. Thus, the district is about only one twentieth the size it ought to be since the real drainage area extends eastward to about Ridge Road and westward to Waukegan Road. He went on to say that a union drainage district is required to have at least one member-in each of the two counties. The last Cook County member has left the area and has not been replaced. One.of the Lake County members has tender- ed resignation to the remaining commissioner, Chairman Ralph Brill of Highland Park. Mr. Schwartz stated that the Union District was last organized in the 70's during the Northbrook Court development, resulting in the•district entering into a contractural relationship with Homart Development Corp. terminating litigation between the two parties and an ongoing relationship dealing with an\agreement for future assessments. The district has never been placed on an annual maintenance basis nor has it'ever had a major improvement except when the West Skokie District,while making a large improvement to their section, sent workers down to clean out the worst blockage. He added that the West Skokie District is keeping its section clean,and that section of the Union District south of Lake -Cook Road is in good shape due to arrange- ments with Northbrook Court and the Metropolitan Sanitary District's flood retention basin. It is only that section between Deerfield and Lake -Cook Roads that has been uncared for and is causing problems.. He went on to say, "In my opinion, it is clear that the district needs to be - — widened to the .limits._oa the watershed and tributary... area. and. .plac•ed on an an- nual maintenance basis." Trustee Seidman asked about the'possibility of con= solidating the two districts. Mr.:Schwartz replied that he was not sure it could be done and that it might be difficult because of its 2- county. charactet; division of which would leave a very small portion in Cook County. West Skokie Drainage District Commissioners Herbert Landon (from Deerfield)' and Philip Diehl of Lake Forest and-the district's engineer, Mr. Ted Anderson, were present. They reported, -that their district has a maintenance tax of about' �..._ $6 yearly for average property as well as an acreage assessment which results in about $15- 20,000 per year. Mr. Anderson stated that they were concerned about speeding -up the water flow from the north because of possible damage to properties between Deerfield and Lake -Cook Roads in the Union District. Trustee Seidman suggested that there was merit in trying to combine the two districts... greater economy in maintenance, etc. Mayor pro tem Marty felt,. however, that an enlarged Union District with ail included property taxed would supply sufficient funds to keep the waterway open. Mr. Schwartz stated that whether the district was revitalized w:i cli a new Commission or ar111exed by the West Skokie District (if possible), tl{e "corporate a.:i_lfl :5" 01. L11C (111. District would have to be modified to their proper dimensions by an annexation petition filed in the Circuit Court'of Lake County in order that all the pro- perties benefiting from a properly maintained waterway would be assessed for maintenance costs. Maintenance costs would then be extremely reasonable for all. Mr. Landon pointed out that the West Skokie District is extremely anxious to see reactivation of the Union District and the cleaning up of the creek so that the water from their district could flow southward and not,back up north of Deerfield Road. Mr. Diehl stated that their members were appointed by.the Lake County Board and wondered whether or not Union District members might not be likewise appointed. He was asked by Mayor pro tem Marty to look into this possibility. Mr. Diehl agreed to look into the matter and contact Mgr. Franz about his findings. Trustees Heisler and Seidman requested Attorney Houpt to investigate the legali- ties of expanding the existing district as well as the possibility of annexation to the West Skokie District. Mayor pro tem Marty thanked the well as Mr. Swartz for attendin g the drainage districts. TENTATIVE ANNUAL BUDGET FILING/HEARING PUBLICATION ORDINANCE NO. 0 -83 -06 West Skokie Drainage District Commissioners as the meeting and contributing information on Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, to waive the rules to permit passage of the ordinance on first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Swanson moved, seconded'by Trustee Seidman, to pass the ordinance pro- viding for filing the tentative annual budget and publication of notice of hearing. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York NAYS : None (0) I it (5) APPOINT CANVASSING BOARD 1983 MUNICIPAL .ELECTION ORDINANCE NO. 0 -83 -07 Trustee Seidman moved, se56nded'by Trustee Swanson, to waive the rules to permit passage of the ordinance on first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson,that the ordinance appoint- ing a Canvassing Board, consisting of Mayor Forrest, Trustee Heisler,. and the Village Clerk, for the 1983 Municipal Election be passed. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman,.Swanson, York '(5) NAYS: None (0) TRAFFIC SIGNAL CHESTNUT /DEERFIELD RD. WITH RESURFACING PROJECT the traffic signals on Deerfield Village Engineer James Soyka reported that in connection with the resurfacing of Deer- field Road, the Federal and State agencies gave the Village three options regarding Road between Park Avenue and Wilmot Road: 1. Update and modernize the flashing beacon at Chestnut and the nonwarranted school signal at Maplewood school.'Total cost of $50,000 with little or no benefit to the Village. 2. Eliminate the nonwarranted Maplewood school signal and modernize the Chestnut St,'beacon. Cost $20,000; little or no benefit to Village. 3. Relocate Maplewood school'signal to Chestnut Street and fully signalize the Chestnut /Deerfield Rd. intersection. Total cost $70,000 - Village's share, $21,000. Mr. Soyka reported that Deerfield's Engineering Consultant, Mr. Richard Miller, working with the Federal and State agencies had effected their agreement to option 3. While traffic counts alone will not meet the warrants for a traffic signal at this intersection, the number of accidentsthat have been occurring permit a warrant based on combined conditions. He stated that an interconnect with the Peterson /Hoffman signal can be arranged so that morning eastbound traffic will nlear the Hoffman Lane intersection and evening westbound traffic will clear the Chestnut intersection. Also, a,pre- empt signal, operated manually, could' be :installed at the hire Stot.i.on to cl.ei11- 1 1 lJ traffic between Hoffman and Chestnut in the event of a. fire or emergency call. He added that: 1) the Village would benefit because the south leg of Chestnut would be widened, 2) the Village's cost would be only about $21,000 due to Federal participation,­and 3) Federal participation "provides the opportunity to install a traffic signal due to circumstances which may not be as favorable at a later date if the signal at Chestnut should be considered as a separate and distinct issue." Mr. Soyka reported that Consulting Engineer Miller recommended acceptance of Option 3 and he.concurred. He asked the Board to authorize the Village Engineer to proceed accordingly. Following a discussion,with Mr. Miller participating, Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York,that the Board accept the . recommendation for full signalization at Chestnut /Deerfield Road and authorize the Village Engineer to proceed.. Motion carried on the following vote.:. AYES:. Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) Upon motion by Trustee Swanson, the meeting was adjourned until March 29, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. when the recommendation of the Architectural and Engineering Se= lection Committee's Report on a consultant for'.-the Storm Water and.Waste Water Management'Program will be.-considered. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: Village C1.4dirk . r_�