02/07/19831 1 February 7, 1983 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order, in the absence of the Mayor, by ;the Clerk in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, February 7, 1983 at 8:03 P.M. 173 In the absence of the Mayor, Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that Trustee Swanson be appointed Mayor Pro Tem. Motion carried unanimously. The Clerk called the roll and reported the following: Present: Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York Absent: Bernard Forrest, Mayor and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Manager Robert D. Franz and,Village Attorney James K. Stucko. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by 17, 1983 be approved as presented. MARVIN W. EHLERS RESIGNATION 2/1/83 by Mayor Forrest. Trustee Marty, that the minutes of January i Motion carried unanimously. I1 Manager Franz announced/that/a letter of resignation as of February 1, 1983 had been received from Trustee Ehlers and acknowledged DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES Director of Public Works Edmund Klasinski was PUBLIC WORKS present to discuss and answer Board inquiry regarding his previously submitted report on the objectives of the Public Works Department. Trustee York stated that the report was very thorough and well done. Other Board members agreed. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to accept Mr. Klasinski's report. Motion carried unanimously. SEWER RATE INCREASE Mgr. Franz recalled that the Finance Committee's FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT discussions last Spring regarding the Sewer Fund in the 1982/83 budget indicated that an increase wa� probable in this current fiscal year. At a recent meeting,the Finance Committee discussed Sewer Fund revenues and ex- penditures which included unexpected expenses suffered in the 1982 floods as well as the increased cost of the digester cover for the sewage treatment plant. Based on this discussion, the Finance Committee recommended an increase of 12 cents per 100 cubic feet which, based on average usage, will increase homeowners' costs about $18 per year. He reminded the Board that there had been no increase in the rates since 1977. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to accept the Finance Committee's report and instruct the attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance for later ap- proval. Motion carried unanimously. 817 DEERFIELD RD. (ROTH) Mgr. Franz stated that the Plan Commission had SPECIAL USE /MULTIPLE USE held a public hearing on December 9, 1982 (ad- PLAN COMMISSION & VCDC journed to.January.13, 1983) to consider the REPORTS & RECOMMENDATIONS request for a Special Use to permit Multiple Uses of the existing building at 817 Deerfield Road. The Plan Commission, on a vote of 6 -0, recommended that the Special Use for a Multiple Use be approved and that the text of C -1, Village Center District, not be amended. (The present lawn mower shop in part of the building, not a per- mitted C -1 use, may continue as an existing non - conforming use.) The Village Center Development Commission (VCDC), which also considered the request, recommended unanimously that the Special Use /Multiple Use be approved. A short discussion with Mr. Thomas Roth, petitioner; followed. He stated that he was negotiating with a prospective leasec for the presently vacant portion of the building and that the use would be. permitted under the C -1 District zoning. Trustee Marty moved,.seconded by Trustee Heisler, to accept the recommendations of the Plan Commission and VCDC to grant a Special Use /Multiple Use for the prop- 1.7 4 1. erty at 817 Deerfield Road and to instruct the.Village Attorney to ,prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried.unanimously..' 814 SPRUCE STREET (ZELLET) Mgr. Franz stated that Mr. Jeffrey Sanchez, RESUBDIVISION REQUEST attorney for Mr. Frank Zellet, owner of the property at 814. Spruce Street, had request- ed waiver of subdivision requirements that the owner or developer post a secur- ity bond in the amount of 110% of the cost of public improvements required for the subdivision. Trustee Marty firmly stated, "We have never done this. We have always required bond or escrow in the case of every subdivision." In a memorandum to the Board, Village Engineer James Soyka stated that he did not recall any exception to the subdivision code whereby the improvement cost or bond had been waived.. He pointed out that the Village has no other way of guaranteeing the installation of the sewer improvements. He recommended denial of the request. Village Attorney Stucko stated.that he supported Mr. Soyka's position. Thereafter, Trustee .Marty moved, pion code remain in effect regar carried unanimously. DEERFIELD HISTORICAL REQUEST $1000 CONTRIBUTION pleting projects at the historic seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the subdivi- ding the property at 814 Spruce Street. Motion The Board was in receipt of a request from the Deerfield Historical Society for a contri- bution of $1,000 to assist the society in com- village. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, to refer the requestito the Finance Committee for consideration. Motion carried unanimously. Ir BUFFALO GROVE DISPOSAL CO. Mgr. Franz stated that,�n application for a REQUEST SCAVENGER LICENSE commercial scavenger license, with Municipal Code requirements fulfilled, had been received from the Buffalo Grove Disposal Co. He added that Deerfield has seven existing commercial scavengers licensed. Mr. Jim Raupp, General Manager,.was present and described the services his com- pany-could supply, among which was special waste disposal.from the Village sewage treatment plant. He stated that the recent merger of his company with Waste Management enables them to also handle hazardous wastes. Trustee Marty moved, seconded'by Trustee York, that Buffalo Grove Disposal Co. be allowed to purchase a commercial scavenger license. Motion carried unanimously. WESTERN UNION Mayor Pro Tem Swanson stated that five years LEASE EXTENSION ago the Village leased the north portion of the Milwaukee Road station to Western Union for the use of their communication equipment. The question before the Board was whether to renew the lease and under what conditions. He asked Mgr. Franz about Western Union's specific request that the Village supply heat inasmuch as the terms of the lease had called for the Village to furnish the utilities. Mgr. Franz re- plied that up until the present they had never needed it, but that in order to prevent heat waste, he was working with them about some type of temporary appara- tus to be used only when one of their.workmen-is on the premises. He commented that even a small heater might suffice. Mgr. Franz stated that due to inflationary costs over the past five years and the request for heat at the station, Staff recommends authorization of a five year extension of the lease at $450 monthly /$5,400 annually. Discussion ensued regarding: 1) increased maintenance costs for the station, 2) cost of heating improvements, 3) cost of fuel, etc. 4) possibility of an escalation clause for future inflationary costs, etc. While Mayor Pro Tem Swanson as well as Trustee Seidman were concerned'about the cost of natural gas with deregulation in the offing, Trustees Heisler and Marty were of the opinion that the cost would be very small. Thereafter Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to authorize a five year lease with Western Union at a rental of $450 monthly /$5,400 annually and that Staff be instructed to negotiate the cost of heat. Motion carried unanimously. 1 1 1 Mr. C. Smith, 1342 Kenilwood Lane, Riverwoods.spoke to the Board regarding his concern about the proposed development'of School District 109 property on Deerfield Road between the Tollway and Riverwoods. He stated that surface drain- age from the property is to Lake Eleanor and could damage properties in that area. He. expressed concern-:about the possibility of two large buildings being mentioned for the site. He felt the development would have a deleterious im- pact on Deerfield as well as Riverwoods. He offered to the Board a set of topographical maps of the area. Mayor Pro Tem Swanson thanked him, but stated Deerfield's Flood Commission has many topographical maps of the area including those Mr. Smith was offering. There being no further business to come before the Board, on.motion by Trustee Seidman and second by Trustee Heisler,.the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.M. APPROVED: Mayor A! T : Village Clerk u i2