11/15/1982146 November 15, 1982 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Mayor in.the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, November 15, 1982 at 8:04 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, Mayor Marvin W. Ehlers Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Manager Robert D. Franz and Village Attorney Richard V. Houpt. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the minutes of Novem- ber 1.,.1982 be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.. APPROVE WARRANT Following a.short discussion, Trustee Heisler NUMBER W -82 -11 moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the bills and payroll, including transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) TREASURER'S REPORT .,Finance Director George Valentine stated that "things look very much like the'last several months." Operating departments are generally within their' budgets. Sales Tax receipts for August (received after his report was compiled) were greater than those for August 1981. Also, water sales and purchases are ahead of last year by about the same percentages (10 -11 %). Discussion, was had regarding a deficit in the sewer fund. Mr. Valentine stated that consideration had been given to raising rates, but the fund had been doing fairly well, due to hook -on fees, until the last two.months'. He explained that the deficit was due to the purchase of digester covers (priced some- what higher than budgeted) and expenses due to the July flood which impacted the sewer fund more heavily.than funds of any' other department. He added that he expected a year's end deficit. Mayor Forrest requested that data on the matter be prepared for consideration by the Finance Committee at their next week's meeting. Trustee York expressed concern -as to whether Deerfield was receiving all the sales tax receipts to which it is entitled.' He feared that the'State might overlook the fact that Deerfield is a 2- county municipality and fail to remit tax receipts from,all those Deerfield stores lying within Cook County. Mayor Forrest stated that he, too, was uneasy about the possibility of being short changed. Mr. Valentine explained his system of keeping a check on the State, stating that while he.had heard of errors made regarding other municipalities, he had yet to find an error in the State's list of Deerfield stores' collecting tax. He will, however, continue close surveillance. DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES Finance Director George Valentine stated FINANCE DEPARTMENT that the period since the last report bad been fairly eventful. The Annual Audit and Property Tax Levy had been completed and filed, and the Annual Treasurer's Report had been prepared and published. Also, vehicle..stickers and dog license applicatiorp had been prepared and mailed. Mr. Valentine stated that the Finance Department had been involved in deter- mining the amount of flood damage suffered by Villagers and reporting of this information to the State ESDA and SBA. Also, his department had been engaged in determining the cost of the flood to,the Village. He noted that a great deal of work was required in the establishment of the Tax Increment Financing District and the bond sale to promote development within the district. He reported that the continuation of the conversion to the computer from the current bookkeeping system was in progress. If all goes well and annoying little "bugs" in the system are eliminated, the,complete cut over can be expected by the end of December. A report will be submitted soon regarding the pros and cons of a joint effort computer system with Northbrook and High- land Park. 1 1 1 1 1 Mr. Valentine stated that his department is preparing Tax Levy Abatements. which will be ready for.the Board next month. Work on the Annual Budget, which requires much time, will begin in January. Trustee Seidman asked whether the computer could be of help in the Annual-Budget preparation. Mr. Valentine replied. that the computer might be rigged to. do a. few things to help, such as some manual and clerical work.. The.Board thanked Mr. Valentine.for his report. TRUSTEE EHLERS Trustee Ehlers advised the Board that he TO LEAVE DEERFIELD would be leaving Deerfield after the first of the year for a new job in California, "though after 23 years in the area it gets difficult to tear'yourself away." His announcement' was made early out of consideration for the Caucus Committee which.will need to choose a candidate for his unexpired term. OMNICOM FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Mr. David Savner of.the Cable Advisory CABLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT Commission gave.a report on the status of the Omnicom Franchise Agreement. Mr. Savner briefly sketched the efforts of the Cable.Commission during the past year to I)-avoid construction problems encountered in Highland Park, 2)build the system with the least amount of problems to Villagers while giving them what they-had bargained for, and 3) bring together the Franchisee and the Village Administration to get the system built properly in accordance with the franchise. He reported that while the physical plan was in place, the necessary electri- cal power and home drops are not yet complete. He advised that the,matter of local origination would be taken up at a meeting of community leaders on Nov ember 30. [47 Mayor Forrest commended -Mr. Savner and the_Cable Committee for the excellent job it has been doing keeping things on schedule and everyone informed. Mr. Alan Grafman, Vice Pres. of Omnicom, stated that the Cable Committee's effective- ness was indicates by the fact that the Board had not seen him in almost a year. There followed a discussion of prices for various types of services, installa- tions, outlet connections, converter rentals, etc. as well as policies on dis- connections, billings, keylocks, etc ' -Trustee Swanson questione& whether in- installations would not be halted during bad winter weather. Mr,. Grafman replied that unlike utilities installations, cable lines can be installed on a 6 -day basis during rain and snow with only severe lightning causing a halt. Thereafter, Mr. Grafman distributed TV guides showing.types of programming possible for Cable TV viewers.' WARWICK RD.PARKING Mrs. Sheila Stanger of the Safety Council .SAFETY COUNCIL REPORT reported that a letter had been received from Mr. Louis Domenico of 885 Warwick Road regard- ing parking on both sides of Warwick Road just east of Waukegan Road. On site inspection by the Safety Council revealed that a safety hazard.existed since Warwick is very narrow at that point. Cars turning off Waukegan Road onto War- wick face an impassable situation if they are met by westbound Warwick traffic. The Safety Council, therefore, recommended that parking be prohibited on the north side of Warwick between Waukegan Road and Warwick Court where there are no driveways. Following a short discussion by the Board with Mrs. Stanger and Mr. Domenico, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to accept the Safety Coun -. cil's recommendation and instruct the attorney to prepare the necessary ordi- nance. Motion carried unanimously. Staff will notify Warwick Road residents of the prohibition on parking. SUBSIDIZED CAB SERVICE 'Mgr. Franz stated that the subsidized cab REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION service for senior /handicapped persons "was working but should be doing better. ".'.He stated that the attempt to keep the program simple'had resulted in admini- strative problems relating to the drivers. The. drivers are very.independent.. and are accountable to.Mr. John Coyne, Pres. of American Taxi, only for show- ing the services they have provided for the purpose of reimbursement. He went on to say that although 250 senior /handicapped residents are registered, there are only 30 to 40 riders monthly, many of them repeaters. However,-with the new senior citizen facility operating at full capacity, providing a nucleus that would be attracted to this type of .operation, American Taxi has committed six.cabs north of Lake -Cook Rd. to help develop general taxi service here. In reviewing the program with American Taxi and RTA, Staff recommended the follow- ing changes: 1) Use of "trip tickets" to resolve a record keeping problem and serve as an incentive for'the driver to respond to senior /handicapped calls. 2) Installation of a separate telephone line at American Taxi for senior /handi- capped calls to provide better service control and aid those calling. 3) Increase the basic fee paid to American for each trip in Deerfield from $2.50 to $3.(recommended by Staff and RTA) or $3.25 (recommended by Amer - ican Taxi) in order to encourage drivers' response to senior /handicapped calls. RTA has agreed to increase its subsidy which may avert a need to raise the 50 -cent rate currently charged seniors. Mr. John Coyne, Pres. of American Taxi, stated that he will.install a direct telephone line to instantly identify seniors, in spite of the fact that the cost will be $500 for installation and $36 monthly. He stated he favored $3.25 per.trip as a driver inducement since he cannot dictate to drivers. He cited the increased senior ridership when the service in Skokie improved drivers., higher rates paid to drivers. He also revealed plans for increasing business for owner operated cabs committed to operating north of Lake -Cook Road. He will undertake an advertising program including direct mailings to Highland Park, Deerfield, Riverwoods, Lincolnshire, and Bannockburn. Mayor Forrest favored raising the rate to $3.25 per trip to insure better senior /handicapped service. Mr. Shamus Misek, Project Manager of the RTA, stated'that RTA could not increase its subsidy until January 1, after their present contract.with Deerfield ends on December 31, 1982.. Mgr. Franz com- mented that with the holidays approaching, it might be well to inaugurate, the changes immediately, with the Village paying the extra cost until the first of the year. The Board concurred. Thereafter, Trustee.Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, that Staff's recom- mended changes be put into effect starting December 1, 1982. The-motion car- ried on the following vote AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) Mr. Coyne reported that it had been decided to charge an extra fifty cents for seniors /handicapped persons wishing to go to Northbrook Court" The Board indicated it felt this extra charge appropriate. CONSENT AGENDA MFT RESOLUTION I.. Resolution for widening and reconstruction WILMOT ROAD CONSTRUCTION of Wilmot Rd. (with storm sewer and traffic signal improvements) by municipality under thelllinois Highway Code in the amount. of $295,000. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to adopt the consent agenda. Motion carried on following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) HAZEL AVE. WATER MAIN Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee FINAL PAYMENT Marty, to make final payment of $8,442.90 DIMEO BROS., INC. to DiMeo Bros., Inc. for Hazel Ave. water main which inspection shows to be operational and functioning satisfactorily. Motion carried on following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) PROHIBIT PARKING Trustee Seidman moved', seconded.by.Trustee WILMOT ROAD (BOTH SIDES) Marty, ,that the ordinance prohibiting parking (LAKE -COOK TO 375' NORTH on both sides.of Wilmot Rd. from Lake -Cook to OF DEERFIELD ROAD) 375 feet north of Deerfield Rd, stand at first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Swanson asked Mgr. Franz for an explanation of the ordinance for press pick -up. Accordingly, Mgr. Franz explained that parking prohibitions are.State requirements typical of any FAUS project. 1 L 1 OBJECTION TO RADIO TOWERS Mayor Forrest explained that the Resolution TOLLWAY PROPERTY. sets.forth objections to the granting of a RESOLUTION NO. R -82 -11 variation and conditional use permit by the Lake County Board of Zoning Appeals to per - mit.construction of five radio . towers on the Tollway property approximately 200 feet north of Lake -Cook Road. «9 Mgr. Franz reported he had met with most-of the major landowners in theā€¢Lake- Cook/Tollway area to hear individually from them on their views of the pro- posed towers (all firmly objected) and explore the possibility of pooling re- sources and talents to approach the Lake County Board of Zoning Appeals and. the Lake County Board to express everyone's objections. All are prepared. to give testimony on November 23(continuation of.the original hearing), and all will proceed with individual plans to bring in expert witnesses and file objections before the Lake County.BZA. The resolution formalized objections stated at the last Board meeting and will be presented on'November 23. After'a short explanation by Village'Attorney Houpt regarding legal and techni- cal aspects for possible submission by objectors, Trustee Marty moved, seconded, by Trustee Swanson, that the Resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Forrest stated that since there was some'confusion regarding the definition of restaurant when a special use was granted McDonald's, he recommended that the Board instruct the Plan Commission to hold a hearing to consider the defi- nition of restaurant. in the.Zohing Ordinance in order to eliminate`any con- fusion as to the type of restaurant that should be permitted. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to instruct the Plan Com= mission to hold a hearing for clarification of the definition of restaurant. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion -by Trustee Seidman, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. ATTEST: Village Clerk APPROVED: Mayor tP