06/21/19821 1 1 June 21, 1982 The regular meeting of the.Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was, called to order by the President in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on,' Monday, June 21, 1982 at 8:04 P.M. The Clerk called the roll.and announced the following were:- Present: Bernard Forrest, President Jerold'L. Heisler . Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman J. Robert York Absent: Marvin W. Ehlers Vernon E. Swanson 83 and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Mani ger Robert D..Franz and Village Attorney James.K. Stucko. Trustee•Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the minutes of the previous' meeting be approved with the following corrections: 1).under Outdoor Recreational /:'. Social Facilities /Baxter - Travenol, fourth paragraph,'substitute- "Kalan" for "Kap lan ",.and "Baxter- Travenol" for "Deerfield Center ", and 2) .following last period; add "Trustee Seidman concurred. ". Motion carried unanimously. APPROVE WARRANT Trustee Heisler moved, seconded'by.Trustee NO.'0- 82 -06, Seidman, that the bills and payroll, includ- ing transfers and reimbursements,.be'approv- ed. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, York ._(4). NAYS: None .(0) UNITED CONVEYOR- SPECIAL USE Mgr. Franz stated that the'Plan Commission OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES had held a public hearing on May 27,1982 to consider a request by.United Conveyor. Corp., 300 Wilmot Road, for a Special Use to allow outdoor recreational facili ties accessory to their office-building in the I -1 district. - The Plan Commis- sion had recommended, on a vote of 4 .to.0,. that the plan as proposed✓ for�'an :out door running track on the north,�west, and south .boundaries'of�thll.property; be modified in order that all•of the track be,.south of'..the no theiiiberm, west of..' the'parkiing lot and along the southern property line, wit screening.provided. between.the path and residential areas, and that its use`be.limited to the hours. between'6 A.M. and 7 P.M. Mr. Philip Prass of. the Plan Commission, responding to Board inquiry, stated that:.' both the petitioner and the Plan Commission were in agreement regarding bhe,site,.;',' of the path shown on the sketch presented to the Board as well as the ;operating , hours of 6 A.M. to 7 P.M. He stated.that the Plan Commission recommended addi- tional plantings at the western end of .the north berm and that United'Conveyor had agreed to..put. them in.-,-, Trustee Seidman was concerned regarding a 6.A.M. opening if 250 members of the ._ Wilmot Club (employee's club at United Conveyor) should start running that early..`,. Mr. William Hornig, Manager of Human Relations for the company, stated that at most there would probably be no more than 20 runners as most of the members .do.. not run-and do not get up early enough to use the facilities at 6 A.M. Mr. Hornig compared the original plan they had presented with the revised plan-.' based on the Plan Commission's recommendation. He stated that the sketch before-, the Board was only an artist's rendering, and that they would.not put.in every.'.. tree or bush shown on it, but that they had agreed to add more planting, particu larly at the northwest corner of the property. He added that the track might be ' shortened even more than shown. He stated, "We.want to provide a running.trail that is esthetically attractive and helpful to.our employees. We don't'want'to disturb anybody; we just want to mind our own business..." He pointed out that' sidewalks in front of residences adjoining the property,•which :_runners :could :use twenty -four hours a day without permission, are mu'ch closer'.than the paths' :pr,'o -. posed for the other side of the berms at the rear of the houses. He idded..that.. United Conveyor was taking appropriate steps to protect the'privacy of residents,-.... and avoid affecting their property by proposing an attractive, properly.drained.. running tract. Trustee York commented: 1) that.United Conveyor had been a good neighbor since annexation, at which time they had agreed to all Deerfield had asked of.,them, 5, 2) that unlike the other office properties in the area, they have been contributing taxes to the Village, 3) that they keep. their property up, and 4) that they have provided a storm sewer along the berms to which residents can hook -up for.sur face drainage.. "I see nothing wrong with the proposal, "' he added. Trustee.Mar ty concurred, calling United Conveyor a "tremendous addition to Deerfield." However, Mr. Norman Rosenfeld, 1789 WeGo Trail, presented a petition with'forty- two signatures of persons ( "considering themselves a neighborhood ") who: 1). strongly opposed the proposed running track, 2) "vigorously opposed furture. plans . for tennis courts and other athletic facilities)". and 3)' "objected on principal. to the establishment of a private recreational facility adjoining residential property" thereby "creating a nuisance for many property owners." Mr. Rosenfeld.' :. stated that the petitioners at Plan Commission meetings, upon inquiry, concerning protective landscaping on berms behind the homes, had been very vague, replying "I don't know." He pointed out-that only artist's renderings had been presented. rather than landscape architectural plans showing precise planting details. He further stated that United Conveyor had not lived up to agreements made ten years ago. (According to Trustee Marty, United Conveyor.had met the provisions of the -annexation�•agreement;•,;;to screen by either a 6 -foot berm alone or a 6- foot screening composed of a lower berm plus solid evergreen plantings.) Mr. Rosenfeld.stated that several neighbors had told him that they had been approached'to join the club. Mr. Hornig denied that report, submitting that not even wives and children of members were permitted to join the club, and,that,'. members themselves must voluntarily seek membership. He feared:that.the facility would be.a•magnet attracting an assemblage'of_'fioisy kids'or other.unauthorized persons who. want. to. park and drink- beei'•�and•who might be..tempted: -..to vandalize the homes,since the United Conveyor property is not fenced. Mr. Rosenfeld submitted that if residents must bear the'brunt of anything benefitting only a handful of people, whether 25 or 250, the best interests of the Village Plan and the residents are not served. Mr. Jay Turner, 315 Forsythia Drive, whose property adjoins United Conveyor on the west, stated'that'he would like to qualify an endorsement,of United-Conveyor ' as a good neighbor, since.his "enthusiasm had run out." .He reported that the. berm behind his hous_e_subjects his property.toweeds 'and overgrowth: He stated that "kids can't be kept out of-United Conveyor's parking lot, and that at 12:30_A.M. the night before, there was.rock music from parked cars and, next, morning, beer bottles on their lawn. He added that area residents were having. "a.rough time" due to traffic from the office complexes which are given-priority over residents trying to leave or enter their neighborhood. He hoped'that any proposal to "prolong the agony after 5.P.M." would be denied., Trustee"Seidman stated that he had inspected the area and agreed.with Mr. Turner that the'wiest , berm was a scrub and weed area,and that landscaping is. needed: It Mr. Hornig pointed out that the track.would be on the inside of the* berm. How- ever, Mayor Forrest stated that "it is rather clear that.should the'request be.. approved, a specific landscaping plan (showing type and exact'�location of each'; planting)'will be required. Trustee Seidman agreed'that such'a plan was an' appropriate requirement for granting a Special Use. Mr. Hornig stated-they wouid'. comply with the Board's landscape plan requirements. Mrs. Joyce Turner, 315 Forsythia Drive, stated that United Conveyor's grounds-'.,,, keeping employees did not mow or properly spray for weeds on the Turner's side.''. of the berm, and that.the Turners had to both mow and pay a lawn chemist to do' what was United Conveyor's responsibility. Mr. Hornig replied that when he had been alerted by Mrs. Turner of the condition, he had sent a man to take care. of the matter, but that it had taken two weeks to get.it done- Mayor.Forrest. advised Mr. Hornig that prompt attention to complaints of this kind with a posi tive report from the residents would be helpful to.the Board in making.a decision. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, that the Village Attorney.be in structed to prepare an ordinance granting a Special Use ;to United.Conveyor Corp:, for outdoor recreational facilities, limited to employees only, between 6 A.M. and 7 P.M., landscaped according to a specific architectural plan acceptable. to the Board. Motion carried unanimously. HAZEL AVE. TO CHERRY ST. SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT ka explained that the pipel creek to Cherry Street, 450 partment in response to the Mgr. Franz stated that this sewer replace- ment is one of the items considered in'...-. the 1982 -83 Budget. Engineer James Soy ine on Hazel Avenue runs diagonally northwest at the lineal feet which were TV'd by the public works de flooding complaints on Greenwood Avenue.. ' .. �. . .• ;% 85 .. /. The top of the sewer was found to be crushed and is restricting -the flow from the upper reaches of the interceptor which includes Greenwood Avenue. Mr. Soyka stated that four contractors,-who in his opinion could do the quality and type'of work necessary on this particular job,-were contacted,and two'respond ed. He explained that the job,is not very complex, but that it-is a nasty job, because of a narrow easement which cuts ahrough backyards, drieeways,,and'along•,''y', "` the creek where there are some very mature trees. The job.requires'careful work.- within the easement limits. The two proposals received were from: DiPietro Plumbing of Deerfield for $34,700 ($1,300 below village estimate) and: Lakeland. Construction Co. of McHenry,. Illinois for $37•,375. Engineer Soyka.as well ",as Public Works.Director Edmund Klas.inski recommended that the DiPietro proposal be accepted. Responding _.to Board inquiry,* .Mr. Soyka stated that twenty working days would be.required for the job,.'and. that .. driveways, etc. would be restored. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to waive the normal bid4tiak ing procedure_. for_the:sewer-replacement. Motion carried on the following voter AYES: Forrest, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, York (5) NAYS: None (0) Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to accept.the.proposal by Di- Pietro Plumbing of Deerfield for replacement of the sanitary sewer. from Hazel:`.,. Avenue to Cherry Street at a cost not to exceed $34,700. Motion carried on the following, vote: r AYES: Forrest, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, York (5) NAYS: None -(0) ELECTRICAL CODE AMENDMENT Mgr. Franz stated that while Deerfield. STAFF REPORT /RECOMMENDATION requires con tractors. (who . must °be' -licensed) to take a 2 -part test'of'`50 questions each part(based on the current adopted-National Electrical Code) with ..a'75% degree of accuracy.- However, the requirement of successful completion of this test was never commited to ordinance', a necessity for acceptance'by..some.'. municipalities of our electrical contractors' registration. Staff, therefore;`': recommended that the Municipal Code be amended to authorize.administering ; a written-test by the Village for registration of electrical contractors. Trustee Seidman moved', seconded by Trustee Heisler, to instruct the Village.,` Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance.-to amend the Municipal Code. Motion carried unanimously. BRICKYARDS PROPERTY Trustee Heisler moved seconded by TRADE OF LAND Trustee. Marty,'to• table the matter. .- Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Forrest read the following statement:: As you know, in March of this year.I disqualified.myself from any and all discussions regarding the Brickyard development due to what. I considered to be a potential conflict of interest. At,that'time my wife was representing a corporation interested .-in occupying a portion of the Brickyard parcel. ! Since that corporation no longer is interested in th property,, the potential conflict of interest no.longer exists:. Therefore; I intend to participate in all future discussions involving the Brickyard property. AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF $500,000 Trustee. Seidman moved., seconded... by CORPORATE PURPOSE BONDS Trustee Heisler, to waive.the rules ". ORDINANCE NO. 0 -82 -34 to permit passage of-the ..ordinance - on first_,;reading._ Motion .,carried unanimously. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, to pass the ordinance . authorizing the issuance of $500,000 corporate purpose bonds, series 1982, of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois. Motion carried on the•following vote: AYES: Forrest, Heisler, Seidman, York (4) NAYS: Marty .(I) 86 Mr. Leo Kabat, 664-Carolyn Court, who had just learned about the proposed tax ' increment financing.district two weeks previously and had•opposed� establish- went of such a.district', again appeared before the Board to cont "ue his opposi• tion. He stated he was still "leery" about the tax incre�}ent f-iliancing pro- cess for the brickyards and felt that the Village, in. panic, was giving,away: a "real asset" in order to reap more taxes a few years down the line..He ;felt the`'':,• Village- should seek others beside Mr. Flodstrom and:form4a;'development partnership It was pointed out: 1) that Mr. Flodstrom alone had the option -to buy the privately owned property'in the brickyards, 2) that the Village is !'not in the business to'build buildings" but is providing seed money to turn a blighted area into.tax producing property, 3) that the Village has been con sidering the matter for.a.long time and believes it is acting 'wisely; 4). that the benefits to Deerfield will be considerable ... esthetically and finan:_;_ cially, 5) that Mr.. Flodstrom is the only developer to come forward with a plan for developing the brickyards, and 6) that it is wise-: to work with Mr, Flodstrom who has proved himself an honest, reliable builder in Deerfield EXTEND SPECIAL USE Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee••',; :. KNAAK BUILDING Heisler, that the:.Special Use and varia -'. 701 DEERFIELD ROAD tion granted to the.Knaak property, 7.01. , Deerfield Road,:be extended one year. Motion carried unanimously. TRAFFIC SIGNAL AGREEMENT COMMONS /1ST NATIONAL .BANK After a short discussion, Trustee Seid man moved, seconded by Trustee York, that the Mayor be authorized to sign an agreement with the Deerfield Commons'Shop- ping Center and,the First National Bank of Deerfield regarding, the installation_:..,: of 'a computerized traffic signal at the.entrance.to the Deerfield: Commons /Fir st. National Bank on Waukegan Rd. Motion carried unanimously. AWARD BID Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trus- SHEPARD CHEVROLET tee Heisler, to award the bid for'a'1- ton` -'- 4- wheel -drive conventional truck chassis- with dump body to Shepard Chevrolet, Inc. of Lake Bluff, Ill. in an amount not to exceed $13,539.71. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, York (4) NAYS: None (0) AWARD BID Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee, ,.c =- HERSCHBERGER TRUCK & Heisler, to award the bid for a.5-ton Diesel. EQUIPMENT COMPANY powered conventional dump trunk to Hersch berger Truck & Equipment Co. of-Mundelein,,; . Illinois in an \amount not to exceed $32,271. Motion carried on the'followingvotes AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, York (4) NAYS: None (0) NORTHWEST.MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE Mgr. Franz had submitted "a memorandum-10'..,' STUDY RE: SOLID WASTE Board consideration wherein he reported - that: ' AUTHORIZE PARTICIPATION he had met with representatives of the'North- west Municipal.Conference who'have, in..the' past,. encouraged Deerfield to become a member of the organization; 2).they' are planning. an extensive study of waste management,in this area and are.requesting.Deerfield'';` as well as Highland Park and Lake Forest to participate.in the study, 3) the,est .mated cost per community ranges from $1,800�tq, $4,T00, and 4) he recommended the`°: Board.to authorize Deerfield to participate in the study of this important te- gional subject with a final commitment to be made once the'actual cost per com- munity is decided. Discussion was had regarding the.advantage to Deerfield.in participating. Trus. tee York felt solid waste disposal was an extremely important sub ect to'study,. Mayor Forrest agreed, but questioned whether the Northwest Municipal Conference-':. - was the organization best suited for Lake County- communit'ies'.'- "Mgr. Franz,stated-' .that the proposed study is an intergovernmental approach to`a.`regional problem.•::, which Deerfield shares. Trustee York shared his view.and asked'whether.High -'•.'. land Park would join. Mgr. Franz.advised him that Highland Park had already',. agreed to participate in the study. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the Manager be-authorized . to pursue the matter,as outlined by the Conference,and come back.to the Board with- a specific request for funding. Motion carried unanimously. • I 4 CRACK FILLING MACHINE ' Director of Public Works.Edmund Klasinski• AUTHORIZE PURCHASE stated that specifications for. a new crack- .. filling machine were prepared early this year, and it was found that there is only one manufacturer (in Arizona) and .only one Midwest dealer "who -is located in Kankakee, Illinois. Deerfield..learned that. the dealer had overstocked himself in rental equipment.and is willing to-sell a used 400 - gallon machine in like -new condition, carrying a new machine 1- year.:,,: factory warranty, for $16,000.($21,000 if new). He 'stated that the machine is a high production machine, twice' the size.of- the_'. machine for which $16,000 had been.budgeted, and felt'its purchase was the.most cost effective way to go. After a short discussion- Trustee Seidmafi moved,,­` seconded by Trustee Marty to waive'the.taking of -bids. .oMotion�c rried'on. the following, vote: AYES: Forrest, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, York (5) NAYS: None (0) Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by. Trustee Heisler, that the proposal by; Kenneth R. Hartman, Inc..' 401 N. Hobbie,.Kankakee, Ill. to supply a used 400 7gallon°...;:.'• Crafco Crack,Filling machine,at a cost not to exceed $16,000,be accepted. Motion carried on following vote:. - AYES:, Forrest, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, York (5) ' NAYS:. None (0) REPORTS: ; Trustee York commended. the Public Works.:Department on "the'.nice "Job they*have,done on the triangular park at Hazel and Waukegan Road,,aiid,.added..that for the first time in-his memory, the site looked like a park. Mgr': Franz reported `that.'the. Bahais,through Mr: Steve Jackson, had also been instrumental in- improving.the,;park..' Mr. Franz stated that graffiti on fences.in'the. high school area had.'beeii 'paint ed,.. over by the Public Works Department as the high school had disclaimed.'respon ,�'-'` sibility since students'aie out of school,'and homeowners felt'it had marred the.-`.., entrance .to..the Village. Mr.' Franz stated that a letter had. been received 'from the Park District. asking-` •`. :: -'.,' the Village to participate in resurfacing Springfield Ave. - 'from Hazel Ave.-to,. their new parking lot. The resurfacing would consist of 1' "inch blacktop at.- a.•,•�,:­ cost of $650 to the Village. He pointed out that Springfield Avenue.is•A public street with two homes having garages fronting on the street. Village Engineer' Jas. Soyka stated that $650 was a.good price. After a short discussion,•;Trustee: Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, that the Village participate. with.the'P.ark District in resurfacing Springfield Ave. at a cost.not to exceed $650.,Motion. carried on the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty,.Seidman, York (4). NAYS: None (0). - Two of the.Bicycle Safety Patrol officers introduced themselves and offered'to _,.,.- answer any questions the Board might have about the program. Mr. G. B. Wertz; 1260 Wincanton, and Mr. Steve Hartman, 1140 Rago, reported they felt the'•program was "going real well" in its second year. About two to.four warning tickets.per day are being given out in contrast to eight to fifteen tickets given out daily -.:- .- last year. They felt• they had good relations with. the kids.. "The kids. - know..us... ' and they are riding better." They mentioned they had more problems with•adu1.t" *.,_.' riders. They stated they believed that the court trials had been helpful in, educating the kids who, accompanied by a parent, must come up before a.group:,,of_.' .people. After the Board had discussed certain rules for riders and me.thods`of enforcement, they thanked the officers and expressed.their appreciation'with'...... applause. The audience joined.them in approval. There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion' by- .Trus tee , 'Heisler, the meeting was adjourned at.9:40 P.M. APPROVED: