01/18/198232 January 18, ' 1982 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order in the Council Chamber of-the'-Village Hall on Monday, January 18, 1982 at 8:01 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced the following were: Present: Bernard Forrest, President Marvin W. Ehlers Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York a and that a quorum was present and in attendance. Also.present were Village Attorney James Stucko and Manager Robert Franz. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded,by Trustee Seidman, that the minutes of the Board meeting of January 4, 1982 as well as the Public Meeting of December 14, 1981 (regard- ing Wilmot Rd. improvement) be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVE Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee WARRANT NO. 0 -82 -1 York, that the bills and payroll, including transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Motion carried on following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) TREASURER'S REPORT Finance Director Geo. Valentine reported that while General Fund revenues are run- ning ahead of projections and departmental expenditures are generally within their projected budgets, sales tax receipts have failed to keep up with projections for the last four months. He stated, however, that "overall, we're in pretty good shape." He noted that Cadwell Corners shopping center is now partially complete and partially occupied and should generate substantial sales tax dollars. To Trustee Seidman's inquiry as to what sales tax receipts he believes can be expected for November and December, Mr. Valentine replied that the vagaries of the State's reporting system made predictions difficult. Mayor Forrest was interested in which revenues were ahead of schedule, and Mr. Valentine cited interest earnings, building department receipts, most miscellaneous revenues, and the sewer fund as ahead of pro- jections. The Board thanked Mr. Valentine for his report. LAKE -COOK ROAD Mgr. Franz stated that the P1an.Commission TOLLWAY INTERCHANGE had held a joint public hearing with the Board of Trustees on January 4, 1982. Fol- lowing a workshop meeting on January 14, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended that Deerfield should join the surrounding areas of Northbrook, Bannockburn, Lincoln- shire and Riverwoods in an effort to obtain a traffic impact study from the Illinois Tollway authority which would address the concerns regarding the 'specific impacts of an interchange at Lake -Cook Road. Mayor Forrest.stated that while the Plan Commission's ideas are good, it had not been as involved as the Board had in the matter of a Lake- Cook;Rd. interchange, and he recommended that the Board take a positive step in requesting the surrounding communi- ties to join with Deerfield in asking the Tollway to put'in an interchange or else show why one should not be constructed. He stated that "Deerfield being where it is, and with our juxtaposition and our traffic problems, we ought to lead the way.in try- ing to get this interchange ". Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the Board adopt a resolution encouraging the Tollway to provide an interchange at Lake -Cook Road. Motion carried unanimously. WILMOT ROAD Mayor Forrest announced that the main purpose PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS of the meeting was for the Board to consider answers to questions it had asked of the Staff and Consultants in'order to arrive at a decision regarding Wilmot Rd. improvements. 1 1 33 He acknowledged receipt-of Petitions containing more than 1,000 signatures, twenty -five or thirty letters including some from a number of organizations, as well as over one hundred calls to him personally opposing widening of the road. Mgr. Franz stated that two basic questions regarded the possible effect on Wilmot Rd. and surrounding areas of restricting left turns from the offices in the evening and' the possibility of a frontage -type road at the rear of the office buildings which would lead directly to Lake -Cook Rd. Mr. David Tulp of Donahue and Associates, responding to those. questions stated that Wilmot Rd. traffic would be reduced approximately 50% by restricting left turns from I he office buildings. He stated that. cars denied left turns would proceed: 1) west to Sanders Rd., north to Deerfield Rd., and east to,Tollway, or 2) east on. Lake -Cook ' Rd. to a northbound street (probably Pine). Regarding a frontage -type road,-,he stated' it would be difficult to find a safe route leading directly to Lake -Cook Rd., on the private property as the parking lot patterns of the office buildings are very diverse. To the questions of what minimum improvements to Wilmot Rd. would be acceptable to IDOT for FAUS funding, Mr. Tulp reported that at a January 13 meeting, IDOT indicated acceptance of a minimum 30 -foot wide pavement with a 48 -foot wide throat at the Deerfield Rd. intersection. The existing curb on the east side would remain the same, and footage would be taken from the west side in order to widen the present 36 -foot throat at Deerfield Rd. to 48 feet. Mayor Forrest asked Mr. Tuff "'s.opinion as to what would result from a Board decision not to accept IDOT's minimum for the Deerfield Rd: intersection. Mr. Tulp replied that he seriously doubted 'whether IDOT would approve the project ... that IDOT had stated they would not approve anything less than the minimum set forth, but "would pass it on to the Federal Transportation Highway Department in Springfield ". IDOT had further stated, according to Mr. Tulp, that Deerfield could "go over their heads" in Springfield to make a case for Deerfield's position, but he doubted that the Federal people would accept the project for funding without IDOT's approval. He noted.that a number of communities are applying for a limited amount of money, and he doubted that IDOT would relax its standards. Various questions arose.regarding:.l) advisability of a 36 -foot pavement in the office complex area (good for left turns or stacking, according to Mr. Tulp), 2) the legality of restricting left -turns from property not in Deerfield (permissable due to recent legislation, 3) possibility of l -way traffic during evening and morning hours, etc.: Trustee York displayed an improvement plan he favored providing for retention of the present throat width at Lake -Cook Rd., a 36 -foot pavement through the office complex area narrowing to a 30 -foot pavement in the residential area, and the present approxi- mate 36 -foot throat at Deerfield Rd. He was in favor of firmly advising IDOT of Deerfield's position in the matter. He said he was convinced that if Deerfield "gets moving and pushing ", a Lake -Cook Tollway interchange will soon be a reality and widen- ing of Wilmot Rd. will not be necessary. The Board concurred. Trustee Swanson commented that he "recognized the difficulty of living with and-look- ing at a road widened to accommodate just .a few hours of traffic ", but he did favor a 48 -foot throat at Deerfield Rd. which would provide two left turn lanes to better handle the traffic. Trustee York disagreed, favoring only one left turn lane and letting motorists be inconvenienced if necessary. Trustee Heisler concurred with Trustee York but felt that, if'the traffic signal was adjusted to provide a longer left turn period or was traffic actuated, one lane would be sufficient to move traffic. Trustee Seidman stated he would like to go along with Trustee.York's'view but that he wondered "if we have an alternative." Mayor Forrest replied that it was his personal opinion that since IDOT had set forth what it'will do, it is .up to Deerfield to go back to IDOT and.state what is acceptable to Deerfield and defend it's.position. To Trustee Seidman's expression of concern that IDOT might allocate the $700,000 funds to another community, Mayor Forrest replied that it was "a caculated risk" and advocated returning to IDOT with "exactly what Trustee-York proposed.".. Mayor Forrest felt that ultimately left turns from the office complexes should be restricted from.4 =6 P.M., thereby relieving Wilmot Rd. of 'almost half,the evening traffic. Trustee Swanson pointed out that, with the exception of United Conveyor, , taxes from the office buildings were paid to Lake County, not to Deerfield, and the'taxes could be used to widen Sanders Rd. to handle the'-additional traffic,gener ated by left turn restrictions. 34 Trustee York moved, seconded'by Trustee Heisler, :.that Staff b,e instructed to Mork with Donahue and Associates to prepare a sketch of Wilmot Rd. (maintaining the present throat width at Lake -Cook Rd., a 36 -foot pavement along the office complex area, a 30 -foot pavement in the residential area, and maintaining the approximate 36 -foot throat at Deerfield Rd.) which can be presented to the Illinois Department .of Transportation, setting forth the Board's wishes and position regarding Wilmot Road improvements. Motion carried unanimously. A large number of residents were present and after a lengthy discussion with the Board regarding area traffic patterns and possible solutions of traffic congestion, the meeting was recessed at 9:13 P.M. The Board reconvened at 9:24 P.M., all members being present and in attendance. SOUTH OF DFLD. COMMONS Mgr. Franz stated that the Village cen- ZONING & DENSITY BONUS ter Development Commission (VCDC) had VCDC REPORT & RECOMMENDATION submitted a series of responses to the Plan Commission's recommendation on the area south of the Deerfield Commons: 1) Whereas the Plan Commission recommended °only multiple family development south of Osterman Ave., the VCDC favored commercial as well and felt village ordinances should be flexible enough;to permit it. 2) The VCDC agreed with the Plan Commission's recommendation for the area north of'Osterman with the.exception of the area west of Hoffman Ln. which the VCDC felt should.be commercial. 3) VCDC ".agreed with the Plan Commission on repair & service uses ancillary to office buildings. 4) Some VCDC members disagreeing with the Harland Bartholomew report, favored westward expansion of commercial uses-on the north side of Osterman. 5) VCDC members firmly opposed expansion of,.the cemetery or an adjoining park site.,6) VCDC . approved Development Incentive Provisions and PUD procedures for the entire area south of the Commons. 7) One half the VCDC members opposed altering the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance to limit the area south of Osterman to multiple family. Trustee Swanson did not agree with the VCDC that the area north of Osterman and west ,of Hoffman be designated commercial since he felt the Deerfield Commons should be "nutured" and that the commercial area should not be allowed to spread. After a short discussion, Trustee Marty moved,.seconded by Trustee Heisler, to accept the report from the VCDC. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the Village Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan, amending the�Zoning Ordinance to imple- ment the recommendation of the Plan Commission for the area South of the Commons, and amending the Zoning Ordinance regarding Density Bonuses as recommended by the Plan Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Forrest requested that the Vil- lage Attorney draft particular paragraphs reflecting the views of the VCDC as alternatives or possible modifications of the Plan Commission's recommendations which the Board might consider. SUBSIDIZED TAXI SERVICE STAFF REPORT registered for taxi service, in September, 19 in October, Mgr. Franz reported that low response in taxi ridership was disappointing. Though over 150 senior /handicapped residents had few have opted to use 'it. There were only 13 passengers 14 in November, and 17 in December. Mgr.. Franz stated that Staff had met with the RTA and the American Taxi Service. A mini survey revealed that although registered for service, many have not tried it yet and gave no specific reason for not using it. A need for better publicity will per- haps be met now that there is one central location, the senior housing facility, where seniors may be expected to take advantage of the service. Mrs. Rosemary Stavropolous of the Human Relations Commissions stated that she.believed that many seniors have families who chauffeur them, and that she knew of at least one senior with failing eYesight who is extremely grateful for the taxi service since she could not manage Dial -a -Ride service. She mentioned that she had heard complaints that cabs were not always prompt in responding to calls. Mgr. Franz stated that while he had not heard about service delays, the Village had received two valid complaints and both had been resolved. Mgr. Franz pointed out that ,unlike Dial -a -Ride, when the taxi service is not used, there is no expense to the Village: Staff will attend as many senior citizen meetings as possible to help publicize the program and report on ridership to the Board each month. YOUTH COUNCIL Mayor Forrest announced deferral of the CHAIRMAN APPOINTMENT appointment of a Youth Council Chairman until the next Board meeting. 1 1 ROBERT BENTON REAPPOINTED DFLD. REPRESENTATIVE TO NORTRAN to Nortran. Trustee York moved, seconded as Deerfield's representative to Nortran. pressed its appreciation of Mr. Benton'.s 35 Mayor. :Forrest . announced. tfiat he had prevai`Ye'dc :',' upon Mr. Robert Benton to accept another four -year term as Deerfield's representative by Trustee Seidman, to appoint Mr..Benton Motion carried unanimously. The Board ex- services during the last four years. DFLD. HISTORICAL SOCIETY Mayor Forrest announced that a request for REQUEST FED:.REV. SHARING FUNDS $1,000 of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds had been received from the Deerfield Historical Society. He stated that Deerfield's Revenue Sharing Funds had been earmarked to pay or the police addition, and that requests from other organizations for Revenue Shar- ng Funds have been denied. He noted, however, that in the past a $1,000 gift had een made to the Historical Society from the General Revenue Fund and could be done again if the Board so wished. Trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to deny the request for Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, and to refer the request for $1,000 to the Budget Committee for consideration. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL USE PETITION NORTHBROOK GUN CLUB COOK COUNTY BZA wave relay towers on the The hearing is scheduled report back to the Board and will be "happy tolwo Mgr. Franz reported that Staff was able to get very.littl'e information on the petition to the.Cook County BZA to permit telephone transmission equipment buildings' and micro - Northbrook Gun Club property at Pfingsten and Lake -Cook Rds. for January 29, 1982. Staff will attend the hearing and for appropriate Board action. Northbrook will be represented rk with Deerfield." LAWSUIT FILED CHESTERFIELD VS. DEERFIELD brought by Chesterfield Development Reports: Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the Village Attorney be author- ized to defend Deerfield in the lawsuit Corporation. Motion carried unanimously.. rustee Marty commented that she was pleased with the good Police Report and expressed er pride in the Police Department. Trustee Ehlers stated there has been.an increase'in the number of bicyclists riding in the street without lights during the'past two.or three weeks, posing a threat to motorists as'well as themselves. Mayor Forrest requested that the situation',be reported in the next news letter with citizens warned against riding without lights. At 9:47 Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Board go into an 'executive session to discuss land acquisition. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVED: ATTEST: Village President Village Clerk f