09/21/1981September 21, 1981 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council. Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, September 21, 1981 at 8:02 P.M. The Clerk called the roll and announced that the follow- ing were Present: .Bernard Forrest, President Marvin W. Ehlers Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon E. Swanson J. Robert York and that*a quorum was present and in attendance. Also present were Village Attorney Herbert Linn and Assistant Village Manager Marjorie Emery. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the minutes of September 8, 1981 be approved with the following correction: Under Taxicab Rate Increase, following the second sentence, add "Trustee Seidman pointed out a typographical error showing a 1ft charge for an extra passenger and asked that the correct 50G charge be shown for the next reading." Motion carried unanimously. APPROVE WARRANT NO. W -81 -9 Motion carried by the following vote: Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that payment of bills including fund transfers and reimbursements be approved. AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) TREASURER'S REPORT In the absence of Finance Director George Valentine, Mayor Forrest read the Treasurer's Report which indicated that the major operating departments are still within their pro- jected budgets. In the Street Department, expenditures are $11,500 below budget pro- jections due to the recent operating engineers strike which shut down blacktop plants, thereby reducing the amount of blacktopping the Village has been able to complete. Water department expenditures for purchase of water are significantly below projections due to wet weather conditions. As for revenues, the General Fund is stable. Sales tax col- lections are 12% ahead of the prior years, though slightly behind projections. However, other. General Fund sources are better than anticipated and more than adequate to make up the shortfall. Also, Water Fund revenues continue to.exceed expenditures. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to accept the Treasurer's report. Motion carried unanimously. APPRECIATION EXPRESSED TO Mayor Forrest introduced Messrs. Irl Mar - MESSRS. IRL MARSHALL, SR. & JR. shall, Sr. and Irl Marshall, Jr., stating, FOR HOE, HOE, HOE LAND "We want to thank you very much for pro - viding the land for the Hoe, Hoe, Hoe Pro- ject. Many people are here tonight who really enjoyed participating in the program which was a credit to the Village." Following a warm expression of applause from the Board and audience, Mr. Marshall, Sr., graciously replied that when he had been called by Mrs. Mar- jorie Emery (who had conceived the gardening idea) it had not taken him long to say "Yes", for he thought it "a great idea ". He added, "I can't think of anything I've done in my whole life I've enjoyed more ". Mr. Marshall was presented with Thank -you notes from gardeners unable to be present and a large basket heaped with vegetables - -- harvest gifts.from appreciative gardeners. GEORGE SCHLEICHER Mayor Forrest announced that in recognition RECOGNITION OF SERVICE of Mr. George Schleicher's eighteen years (1963 -1981) of civic service in the Village, two terms as a Village Trustee and. ten years as a Police Comriissioner, he wished to read a "poem" written by Village Poet Laureate Mrs, Marjorie Emery. The "poem" enumerating and expressing appreciation for accomplishlla:its by Mr. Schleicher was approved with laughter and applause by all present. Whereupo'• ;, Mr.Schleicher thanked the Board for their contribution of time and service to the V:11abe. PROCLAMATION - KIWANIS CLUB Mayor Forrest read a proclamation wher-..n he "PEANUT DAY IN DEERFIELD" designated September 25, 1981 Kiwanis SEPTEMBER 25, 1981 nut Day in Deerfield." Trustee Marty .:-:)ved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, to adopt ,o:, proclamation. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bob Speckmann introduced his daughtw. , Kim, "Little Miss Peanut ", who presented complimentary samples to the Board. G PRESENT SAFETY AWARD Mayor Forrest announced that he and the Board of Trustees. were very pleased to MR. ED�IUND.�KI.4SINSKI present Director of Public Works Edmund PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Klasinski a plaque reading "For Exceptional Achievement in Accident Prevention -- 312,400 Employee Hours Without a Lost Workday Case -- August 1976 to August 10, 1981, Record Still Continuing." Mayor. Forrest stated, "Our insurer, Employers of Wausau, in awarding this plaque to the Village of Deerfield, have recognized the unparalleled safety record.of...the:.Public Works Department..: I would also like to acknowledge the fact that no Village employee has had any lost workday since October 1979. This remarkable achievement provides many benefits. Our employees are free of injuries which means more effective use of personnel from day to day, and the Village realizes a substantial savings in Workmen's Compensation insurance of between $30- 35,000 ". Mayor Forrest congratulated Mr. Klasinski and wished him continuing safety in all phases of public works projects. JURISDICTION OF BZA Assistant Village Manager Marjorie Emery PLAN COMM. REPORT & RECOMMENDATION stated that, at the Board's request, the Plan Commission reviewed at their August 27, 1981 workshop meeting (to which the Board of Zoning Appeals was invited) their previous, recommendation on a proposed Zoning.Text amendment to make the BZA a recommending body only. The Plan Commission voted (2 to 0, with 2 abstentions) to reaffirm their original recom= mendation that the proposed Zoning Text be amended. Trustee Seidman questioned whether a recommendation by only two voting Plan Commission members was legal and adequate for Board consideration and commented that he felt the matter should be referred back to the Plan Commission. Mr. Philip Prass, Plan Commission member, was present and participated in the discussion which ensued regarding Plan Commis- sion policies, practices and procedures as well as Robert's Rules of Order. When it was determined that the four members which were present at the August 17 meeting constituted. • quorum, Mayor Forrest stated, "According to Robert'.s Rules of Order, I will rule that • quorum being present, this is a vote that can be considered by the Board because the abstentions count with the majority ". Trustee Seidman reiterated that the BZA's juris- diction as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance had caused no problems for nine years, ex- cept•in one instance, and that he was,therefore,not in favor of the proposed amendment. Trustee Marty pointed out that the present Zoning Ordinance (with expanded BZA juris- diction) had been in effect only about three years. 'rustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to accept the Plan Commission's -ecoiumendation. Motion carried, Trustee Seidman voting .Nay. The amending ordinance wi.11'be on the October 5 agenda. 1'RAN1:EN BROS. SUBDIVISION At a public hearing and workshop meeting on PLAN COMM. REPORT & RECOMMENDATION August 27, 1981, the Plan Commission con- sidered a petition of Harold and Trevlyn Pottenger (Franken Bros. Inc.) for a 9 -lot resubdivision of their property at Franken and Elm Streets. The Plan Commission reported that: 1) the proposed plan of subdivision is not in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance, 2) a 5% variation is needed for proposed lot #3; the existing.house on proposed lot #9 is non - conforming; and lots 1 and 4 do not front on a fully improved. street as required by the Subdivision Code. Therefore, the Plan Commission recommended (by a vote of 4 to 0) that the proposed subdivision be denied as it is in conflict with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Code. v1r. Trevlyn Pottenger representing Franken Bros. stated: 1)that his father had served two terms on the village Board years ago, 2)that land for the streets leading to Shepard . High School and the Village treatment plant had been given by the Pottengers to the .''.11age, and 3) that the nursery had sold land (under threat of condemnation) for the . �tard School for $111,000, land which he considered worth millions today. He submit- ? that on the basis of the foregoing, the Village should approve the subdivision as' tted. Forrest replied that "this particular subdivision creates a number of problems as ..:gin see from the Plan Commission's report. There certainly isn't any desire not to vaith you, but isn't there any other way this can be done (subdivided)?" "No!" Mr. .�%Iger replied. Mr. Pottenger then inferred that the Board would be.remiss in not .sing the plan as presented since he hoped to sell a non- conforming lot (platted :Rd another lot and having no frontage on a street) for $50,000, an amount, in his i.on, far less than the Village had gained through Pottenger land contributions. `ottenger dismissed Mayor Forrest's attempt to discuss the matter further and im- :;ately left the meeting. :ussion ensued regarding the very unusual subdivision layout. Mr. Prass of the Plan .- Iission indicated that Mr. Pottenger had not cared to work with the Plan Commission .ring that he would lose lots in some other subdivision plan, and wished .to deal -ectly with the Board. Trustee Marty stated, "I would like to cooperate to the best our ability - -- within certain limits ". Other Board members indicated agreement. C 290 Trustee Heisler was of the opinion that since Mr. Pottenger had elected to leave the meeting, there was.not much the Board could do that evening. He pointed out that.it was not the.function"of the Board or the Village's Building and Zoning Department to plan or design property... that the responsibility for redesigning the subdivision to meet Village requirements lay with Mr. Pottenger. He stated that he did not favor approving the plan for the reasons outlined. He continued, saying that while the Pot- tenger family is an old and respected family in the community, "I don't think we can approve this 'for old time's sake'...there are too many questions here, too many pre- cedents." In the hope that Mr. Pottenger will present a new plan For consideration, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to table the matter. Motion carried unanimously. Asst. Mgr. Emery:will contact Mr. Pottenger about the Board's action. I. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS Mayor Forrest announced that he wished to MANPOWER REPORT & RECOMMENDATIONS make the following appointments: Mr. Arthur Rollin to the Board of Police Commissioners starting October 1, 1981 and for a full term thereafter starting November 1, 1981; Mr. _Joseph Koss to the Plan Commission to replace Mr. Rollin and for a term starting Novem- ber 1, 1981; Mrs. Sheila Stanger to the Safety Council for an unexpired term to Nov- ember 1, 1983; Mr. David Savner as Chairman and Mr. Paul Reese to the Cable Advisory Board, both for 3 7year terms; and Mr. Thomas Whaley to the Tillage Center Development Commission as chairman. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to approve Mayor Forrest's recom- mendations of appointments. Motion carried unanimously. BICYCLE SAFETY PROGRAM Police Chief Brandt reported.that the Educa- STAFF EVALUATION tional and Enforcement goals of the Bicycle Safety Program had been achieved. Also, even though the number of accidents over the program period were not reduced from last year's (the goal set by the State), the nature of the accidents was significantly dif- ferent, particularly in regard to the people involved and the causes of the accidents. More than 50% of last year's accidents were the fault of bicyclists as opposed to this year's 30 %. Last year, 100% of the bicyclists involved in accidents lived in Deerfield; this year only 40% were local residents. Chief Brandt stated that he felt that these two aspects alone showed the worth of Having the Safety Patrol during the summer months. Chief Brandt stated that the Illinois Department of Transportation prescribed and ad -- ministered a bicycle traffic survey of the riding habits of bicyclists at specific Deerfield locations. Non- uniformed personnel made the survey which revealed in all cases that bicyclists'are riding safer than they were at the beginning of the project. Chief Brandt concluded that while the program had been an overwhelming success, it was only a beginning and, with Board approval, he would apply to IDOT for a second year grant. Trustee Marty asked how much a program for next year would cost. Chief Brandt estimated between $8- 10,000 would be.required which he hoped to get from IDOT. Trustee Heisler commended Chief Brandt for "the excellent program ". He noted that when it started "the kids thought it a joke, but it wasn't long 'til they L new it was seriou.s" Trustee York stated that the "court proceedings" had impressed him very much. He thought it "great" that the "kid had to bring his parent to court, who in turn had to test him on the contents of a booklet (regarding bicycle safety)" and that "if every kid in town had to go through this thing up here, there would be no more problems with the kids." Both Mayor Forrest and Trustee York recommended to Chief Brandt that he mention in his application for IDOT funding the excellence and success of the court proceedings in handling bicycle violations by youth. Mayor Forrest thanked Chief Brandt for his excel- lent report. GARBAGE /REFUSE AT CURBS Chief Richard Brandt reported that regarding ENFORCEMENT POLICY violations of. Garbage /Refuse at curbs, the STAFF REPORT police department had been hand delivering or placing at the front door a warning let- ter informing the homeowner that refuse cannot be placed in the parkway adjacent to the curb earlier than sundown on the day preceding pickup. He stated that an informational, low -key procedure (similar to that used in parking violations) had been adopted regarding fines. A list of all violators who have received warnings is kept, and upon a repe,:- violation, citations have been issued, accompanied by a letter from the Village Ma.i..-;;er indicating the proper procedure, the.reason for the ticket, and that the $5.00 fine.. can be paid at the Village Hall or mailed. 191 CONSENT AGENDA UNIFIED CONTROL /COMMON OWNERSHIP Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee .ORDINANCE NO. 0 -81 -61 Marty, to waive the rules to permit passage of the ordinance clarifying the language of Article 10.2 -2 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding Unified Control /Common Ownership -at first reading. Motion carried unanimously. ESCROW DEPOSITS First reading. Ordinance to amend Article 12.3 -11,4b of the Zoning Ordinance relative of, escrow deposits and letters of credit for public improvement for future streets. BLANKENBERG /KAULENTIS SPECIAL USE - PRD 1.510 GORDON & 120 KENMORE the abutting lot at.15.10 Gordon Terrace. LION'S CLUB REQUEST CANDY DAY, OCTOBER 9, 1981 First reading. An ordinance approving a Planned Residential Development to permit a "transfer" of the rear portion of the lot at 120 Kenmore to.*_he.rear portion of Permission to solicit in streets requested. Trustee moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the Consent Agenda be passed. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) Mayor Forrest signed the ordinance, indicating his approval thereof. I TAI.CAB RATE INCREASE After determining that a typographical ORDMANCE NO. 0 -81 -62 error (showing a 10 cent rather than a 50 cent charge for an extra passenger) had been corrected, Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the OreJmance increasing Taxicab rates be passed.. Motion carried on the following vote:. YI Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) N.,k)IS: None (0) PROFITIIIT PARKING All residents of Cedar Terrace had been (-JDAR TERRACE notified after the September 8, 1981 Board O1U)IMNCE NO. 0 -81 -63 meeting that an ordinance,prohibiting park- ing on the west side of Cedar Terrace and certain portions on the east side of the street, would hav_- its second reading on Sept - einber 21. A letter was received from one resident on the west side of the street ob- jecting to the ban, and another received in favor of it. A number of residents were !.,Cesent expressing their support of the parking prohibition in order to permit access fire, police and other emergency vehicles and. permit unrestricted'turns onto Cedar race from Deerfield Road. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that i;rardinance be passed. Motion carried on following vote: `:. Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) ::• None (0) RAKING LEAVES INTO STREETS Trustee Marty stated that she firmly be- YTANCE NO. 0 -81 -64 lieved that there should be on record a prohibition against raking leaves into the .ats in order to undergird an attempt to keep the sewers free of leaves. Following o;at discussion, Trustee York moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the.ordinance zt;w ed. Motion carried on the following vote: Ehlers, Marty, Seidman, York (4) Heisler, Swanson (2). _M ANNEXATION AGREEMENT Mr. Russell Miller, attorney for Mr. Vin - .0ONE 6.3 ACRE PARCEL cent Vecchione, presented petitions for UUTION NO. R -81 -11 annexation and a corrected annexation agreement, all signed by the owners and trors. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Ehlers, to adopt the Resolution -affng the annexation agreement for the original.Vecchione 6.2 acre parcel. Motion .wed, Trustee Seidman dissenting. VEXATION - VECCHIONE 3.1 ACRE PARCEL Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee D- 14ANCE NO. 0 -81 -65 Ehlers, that the ordinance annexing 3.1 acres (north and abutting the already an- .-mtd 6.2 acre parcel) be passed. Motion carried on following vote: 292 AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: Seidman (1) ZONING TO. I -.1._ Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee VECCHIONE 3.1 ACRE PARCEL York, that the Ordinance amending the zoning ORDINANCE NO. Q -81 -66 map to include the annexed Vecchione 3.1.acre parcel in the I -1 District be passed. Motion carried on the following vote: AYES: Ehlers, Heisler, Marty, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: Seidman (1) CONCURRENCE IN AWARD OF BID Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee RESURFACING L. DEERFIELD ROAD Seidman, to adopt the Resolution concurring RESOLUTION NO. 0 -81 -12 in the award of the contract in the amount of $138,284.50 to Peter Baker and, Son Co. Motion carried unanimously. HUNAN GARDENS REQUEST Trustee Seidman noted that the Board had not CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSE received a copy of a certificate of incorpor- ation and he would like to.have the re- sidency-requirements checked. Mayor Forrest stated that the petitioner is incorporated but that the Village Attorney would be instructed to look into residency requirements and submit a report for the next meeting. The ordinance stood at first reading. Mr. Harry Gaples of 960 North Avenue inquired as to whether Deerfield had rules e-on- cerning conflict of interest for Village trustees. Mayor Forrest replied that there were such rules which could be found in the Deerfield,Personnel Code. Asked if he had.furtler. questions, Mr. Gaples replied that he did not. There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee Seidman, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. APPROVED: Village President ATTEST: Village Cl k D D 1n • Mrs. Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to have the attorney prepare for consideration at the next meeting an amended annexation agreement to include double stacking at Castlewood Lane, the office building landscaping plan, paving Meadow Lane, and payment toward traffic signals at Tollway off -ramp. Motion carried unanimously. LAKE -COOK /SANDERS REZONING Although Deerfi d has been involved as an RESOLUTION 0 -80 -16 intervenor in op osition to rezoning of the pro - perty at the s thwest corner df :Lake- Cook-.and Sanders Road since 1977, the village attorney repo ted that the petitioner had revised his proposal. Village Attorn y James Stu ko advised filing a fresh objection and the adoption of a new r solution that end. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty that he reso tion be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. AWARD OF BID Tr steel Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee OSTERMAN /WAUKEGAN ROAD Hei ler, to award the contract for improve - men s to Osterman Avenue /Waukegan Road inter- section to Lakeland Construction Co. in �t a amount of $20,675.25. Motion carried by following vote: AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman / Swa son, York (6) NAYS: None (0) Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee isler, that a formal commendation by the Mayor and Board of Trustee be extend d Thomas Creighton for conducting the .well attended and well recei ed marijuana conference at the Deerfield High School. Motion carried unanimo sly. Trustee Gavin reported that regarding new sign at the entrances to Deerfield, the.high school may be interested in working onl the matter. There being no other business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee Seidman, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. APPROVED: Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk SR. CITIZENS HSNG. PERMIT FEE Trustee Heisler moved, seconde Tby Trustee ORDINANCE 0 -80 -40 Seidman that the rules be wait/ d to pass the ordinance on first reading. e otion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty m seconded'by Trustee Heisler, t the ordinance be adopted. Motion carried b following vote: \Se AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, man, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) LAKE -COOK /SANDERS REZONING Although Deerfi d has been involved as an RESOLUTION 0 -80 -16 intervenor in op osition to rezoning of the pro - perty at the s thwest corner df :Lake- Cook-.and Sanders Road since 1977, the village attorney repo ted that the petitioner had revised his proposal. Village Attorn y James Stu ko advised filing a fresh objection and the adoption of a new r solution that end. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty that he reso tion be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. AWARD OF BID Tr steel Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee OSTERMAN /WAUKEGAN ROAD Hei ler, to award the contract for improve - men s to Osterman Avenue /Waukegan Road inter- section to Lakeland Construction Co. in �t a amount of $20,675.25. Motion carried by following vote: AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman / Swa son, York (6) NAYS: None (0) Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee isler, that a formal commendation by the Mayor and Board of Trustee be extend d Thomas Creighton for conducting the .well attended and well recei ed marijuana conference at the Deerfield High School. Motion carried unanimo sly. Trustee Gavin reported that regarding new sign at the entrances to Deerfield, the.high school may be interested in working onl the matter. There being no other business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee Seidman, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. APPROVED: Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk 17- September 15', 1980 The regular m ting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was c lled to order by the President in the Cou cil Chamber of the Village Hall on onday, September 15, 1980 at 8:05 P.M. he Clerk called the roll and reporte that the following were: Present: Bernard For est, President Norma Gavi Jerold L. eisler Cynthia Marty Edwin B. Seidman Vernon Swanson J. Rob rt York H and that a quorum was prese t and in attendance, t th meeting. Also present were Village Attorney James tucko and Village Manager Robert D. Franz. Trustee Seidman moved, second d by Trustee Heysler, that the minutes of Sep- tember 2,1980 be approved. Mo \payme ied un nimously. Approve Warrant No. W -80 -9 tee eisler moved, seconded by Trustee n, at Warrant No. W -80 -9, payment of s, Including fund transfers and re- imbursements, be approved for A -opted by the following vot e: AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Martn, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) Treasurer's Report Tre su er George Valentine reported that sa 'es t x receipts were closer to the projected ten percent -- -that receipt ding the month of May) were around nine per cent. Proclamation Kiwanis Peanut Day ayor Forre I ating Sept Day in Deerfield. Trustee Swanso oved, seco proclamation be approved. Motion rried unan Little Miss Peanut, Kim Speckman( was introduced. peanuts to Board members. / read the proclamation desig- er 26, 1980 as Kiwanis Peanut by Trustee Marty, that the u lv. presented complimentary Proclamation Mayor Forrest read fte proclamation desig- Respect for Life Week nating the week of Oc ober 5 .through October 12, 1980 as Respect fo Life Week in Deer field. Trustee Swanson moved seconded by Trustee Marty, that the proclamation be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Plaque Presentation Mayor Forrest stated that, \since August 10, Safety Award .1976 and continuing the Pu�lic Works person - Public Works Dept. nel had achieved a remarkab a record of one - quarter million working ours with no time off due to injury on /the job. The stress for safety which s resulted in protecting village personpel from injury, maiming or death, has lso resulted in a saving to Deerfield taxpayers of approximately $30;000 per y ar on Workmen's Compensation I surance. Early in September, Deerfield's insurance tarrier presented a pl)still ue for "Exceptional Achievement in Accident Prevention, 250,000 employee hours ithout a lost workday case - August 10,-1976 o August 10, 1980, recor continuing." to the Public Works Department, the first award of it kind the company, Employers Insurance of Wausau, has ever presented. Mayor Forrest off- icially presented the plaque to Edmund Klasinski, Director og Public Works, for display in the Public Works office. Present Award Mayor Forrest announced a unique, first Trustee J. Robert York time achievement.by a Village Trustee, a hole -in -one by Trustee York on the Park District golf course, and presented him with the mounted golf.ball. Everyone present expressed hearty approval of the presentation. 1 1 1 ". 1 14V north- side parking: President Forrest then recognized Mr. Donald Stry er, who` stated that in twelve years there had not been any problem in the par n to and, further, that any type barrier would be a hazard. slowing•discussion,:the motion failed by the following vote:` r A Marty, Seidman (2) NA S. Gavin, Heisler, Swanson, York (4) 'Pres'd t, Forrest said no barriers would be required, the.mo i ,;'having failed. BOARD APPEAL F ONING Because of the complexity of the r p rt and recommendation K of the Board of Zoning Appeals - h ,recommendation contain- ing seven separate parts - the B and acted upon each recom- rately. The first recommendation concern d /9 'ranting a variation from d set back for the principal lot to permit arking within the required ,tee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee G ii, that the recommendation the variation approved. Motion carri d/ unanimously. Trustee Seidman \oved, seconded by Trustee Marty, t at /wheel stop.s:..be required .on the east side,\ad'';acent to the Lawn and Garden Spot.' Motion adopted.by the following vote: \ , AYES: Gavin, Marty, Seidman, Swanson (4) NAYS: Heisler, York\ (2). Mr. Stryker stated h \•.placing wheel stops in' this location would increase the 'difficulty and cost of- now plowing for the;l' Discussion followed regarding possible placement of \t a snow. Trustee Seidman moved, \ nded by Trustee avin, that the recommendation of the BZA permitting a variation for curbing be ccepted and the variation granted. Motion carried unanimously. mendation \s the 5' requ set back. be accepted Discussion followed regarding the reques for variation from the five foot setback re- quirements on Lot #10 (being \��ross the alley), the Board being of the opinion that the petitioner could get the sa t of parking using proper zoning as with the variation. Mr. Stryker stated would lose those parking spaces all winter since that is where the snow wiaced. Trustee York pointed out that both the First National Bank and the have parking without the 5' setback. Referring to the three parking long the existing wall, it was the consensus that the 5' setback should be rand these three spaces eliminated. Trustee Marty so moved, seconded by Transon. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Martyjeidman, \wa\on (5) NAYS: York (1) The Board discussed the req irement for d ubl' striping of the parking stalls and the request that white aint be perms ted in lieu of the required yellow paint. Trustee Seidman moved, sec nded by Trustee Swanson, that the variation be granted to permit single striping Motion carried nanimously. Regarding the white stri and is more important t Heisler, that yellow p vote: AYES: Gavin, Heisl ingpaint, Trustee H isler stated that safety was involved at the esthetics. Tr stee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee int be required for st iping., \Motion carried by the•following Marty, Seidman, Swanson (5) NAYS: York /ae The Board og Appeals recommended that a va iation bed granted from the roping requirementa parking lot does not lend itseIf.to the •strict application of this requirementtee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that this recom- mendation bted. Motion carried by the following vote: '� AYES: Gaviler, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: Mart i A /"lon discensued regarding the request for a variation to omit a load ing Bert whit BZA recommended be denied. Trucks presently park on Deerfield Road /while unloa t the drug store; although these are usually van type trucks, they create some ic flow problems. Mr. Stryker suggested that 80% o the problems could be solved by eliminating the first handicapped parking space and letting the trucks use that space, which would still leave one handicapped space. He said the spaces were very rarely.used. After considering all aspects of this problem, Trustee June 2,`1980 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the.Village of ' Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chamber of the. Village Hall on Monday, June 2, 1980, at 8:05 P.M. Deputy Clerk Marjorie Emery called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Norma Gavin Jerold L. Heisler. �. Cynthia J. Marty - Edwin B. Seidman Vernon .E. Swanson J. Robert York \ Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Allso present were Mrs. Naomi Clampitt, Acting Village Clerk; James Stucko, Villag ttorney; and Robert D. Franz, Village Manager. , Trustee Seidman moved, se � ded by-Trustee Marty, that the minutes of the meeting held May 19, 1980, be approved as submitted. Motion carried% unanimously. DEPARTMENTAL Chief Richard C. Brandt had submitted a written report re - OBJECTIVES gardhp g his Departmental Objectives. Trustee Seidman stated that he statistics for burgla�y, theft and vandalism clearance were very good and asked whether the standards set were based on the National average. Chief Brandt replied that the standards were set high and were not based on other standards. Trustee Seidman;,asked ,that the Chief prepare an analysis showing the relation of citations issued to/residents and non - residents to determine who is causing traffic accidents in the Village. Chief Brandt will prepare the analysis but stated that he felt most df the traffic in town consists of people who, while they might not reside.`in the.Village, are regularly driving in town. Discussion followed regarding the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) which briefly, will concentrate traffic enforcement in areas where the accident rate is high, with citations being issued for specific violations. President Forrest strong y urged that the Safety Council be involved ,in.this program and stated that the concept of the program was excellent. PROCLAMATION President Forrest read a Proclamation, proclaiming the week AMATEUR RADIO WEEK of June 22nd to,28th to be AMATEUR RADIO WEEK. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York, that the proclamation be adopted. It was then signed and presented to Mr. D. Jeffrey Blumenthal. DISCUSSION OF President Forrest asked Mr. Blumenthal, Chairman of the PUBLIC HEARING CATV Committee \ his opinion regarding delaying the distri- RE: CATV bution ,,of Request for Proposals (RFP) until a public hearing could be ;Field preceding the June 16th Board meeting. This would permit interested parties/to add their input. Mr.'Blumenthal agreed that this would not cause any problems;•for / the Committee. PLAN COMMISSION RE: Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the VACATION OF BERKELY report! and recommendation of the Plan Commission be accepted, ROW IN HIGHLAND PARK vacating a portion of Berkeley Road in Highland Park but re- ta'in'ing a portion of\the right -of -way for possible development of a walkway /bicycle patQ /Motion carried unanimously. PLAN COMMISSION RE: ,�/ M,r. Franz read the reporcand recommendation of the Plan .Co SPECIAL USE - KNAAK mission, which was in V hree parts. The Board acted on the BUILDING, 701 DEERFI:ELD/ first two recommendations, with Trustee Swanson moving, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the recommendations for a Special Use to,permit the expansion of a multiple use be approved and also the approval t6 provide required parking on a lot other than the pr,jncipal use, such parking to be,`used by employees of the building. Motion carried unanimously. i The third recommendation, regarding the requirement of some type of barrier between the intermeshing parking stalls, was discussed at\length. Trustee York read a pre- pared statement, relating the history of the Knaak family and its de4cendants, stating that every variation sought should be granted with the exception that if Lot 2 were ever sold to a new owner, the parking spaces should then be moved back to the lot line. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that\the Plan Commission's recom- mendation be accepted, requiring some type barrier between the parking stalls on the a 46 DEAOLI'9, N OF Mr. Franz reported that the house located at 733 Osterman BUl L� -I'N'G 733 Avenue had been advertised for sale but 'that "al 0oiigh there OSTERMAN\ ENUE were a few inquiries;- there was no feasible way for it to _ be moved to a new site. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee G v that Louis Tazioli Excavating be authorized to demoli h the building at a bid pric of $2,200. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Gavin '\H isler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) Trustee Swanson re uested that the Township Assessor be asked o record the condition of the property at\ he time of purchase and that the Building Department inspect all improvements of the roperty and maintain a permanent record for future use. RESOLUTION RE:. Trustee Gavin moved, seconded by T ustee York, that.a Resolu- PARADE ROUTE tion be.adopted requesting closin of certain State routes n July Fourth. Motion carried nanimously. REDUCTION FROM Village Engineer Soyka recomme ded that the amount being d 10% TO 5% - NEW wig hheld pending completion o the new Police facility be POLICE FACI.LITY re ced from 10% to 5 %.' Tru tee Swanson moved, seconded by FUNDS WITHHELD Tru tee Heisler, that the r commendation be accepted. The moti n carried unanimously 1 COLLEGE INCENTIVE Mr. F nz presented a pr posed revision of the College In PROGRAM REVISION centiv Program. After discussion,.it was decided that the portion of Paragraph 8 referring to reimbursement by the employee resigning prior to comp etion of one ear's employment with the Village for each year of college credit obtai ed under t is program be eliminated. With the elimination of this requirement, r�ustee Swa son moved approval of the program, seconded by Trustee York. 'Motion a,rried u animously. REPORTS OF THE Mrs. Clampit \r VILLAGE CLERK session on J e cedures. She President Forrest stated that Mrs. Cla continue to do so in this regard. Orted that she plans to attend a workshop 8, 1980, regarding the new election pro- f keep the Board informed on this 'subject. tt was working with David Newman and would k MALLIN SUIT President F rres reported that the Village had "entered into an agreeme last all which ended litigation on the zoning of the Mall.in property on South W kegan R aid. By the Court decree,-the developer was given 170 days to apply for a necessa y\permits. Having failed to do so, the developer has been notified by t e Building epartment that the terms of the decree are null and void. The propert now returns o� the zoning prior to the Court case. COOK COUNTY BZA Presi ent*Forrest repo ted that the Cook County BZA will CHALET SITE /en a public hearing r garding the rezoning of the old t property from C -3 to (: -4, and asked that the Board consider filing an oto the rezoning. Tr stee Swanson moved ; seconded by Trustee Seidman, thalage Attorney be inst dcted to draft a Resolution ex- pressing the Board's n and that the Resolu 'on be forwarded by the Clerk fo the proper authorotion carried unanimou N PERMIT APPLICATIONS ee Seidman asked that th newspapers take note of the AT POLICE DEPARTMENT that the Building Departm nt has placed permit appli- cations at the Police'Departmen \to accommodate residents who can not visit a Department during normal working brs. Trustee York aske that they also note that there is a ni k ,side of the Vitl ge Hall for residents' ,use when the Villa suggested that sign be placed in such manner as to notify , ° Trustee Y/ageeable ` lso reported that he had talked with the manage they were to striping the exit driveway at Lake -Coo erection sign stating "Do Not Block Driveway" on Lake -'Co, driveways t depository on the south e, Hall is closed. It was residents of the depository. There at 1.0: ATTEST: nt of. Deerbrook* and Road and also to the Road near the two ng no further business to come before the Board, the meet ),ng was adjourned P.M. I ,, • 1 1 P I 1 APPROVED: VILLAGE PRESIDENT 145 Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that parking space #1 be designated for loading and unloading only; that parking spaces #2 and #3 be designated as parking for handicapped until such time as it may be determined that two such spaces are not necessary; that the 1oading berth be eliminated, together with parking space #7, with parking space #17 to be reinstated on the plan; and that parking spaces #1, 2 and 3 be 12' 6" long. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that a variation be granted permitting \71 parking spaces in lieu-of the required 72 spaces. Motion carried unanimously. President Forrest expressed approval of this fine improvement to the Village and stated that he\and the Board looked forward to its realization. Mr. Stryker was doubtful as to hether the project would go forward in view of his increased cost for snow removal. A short discussion ensued. EXERCISE OPTION ON Both the Plan Commission and the Village Center Development 710 -714 OSTERMAN Commission recommended that the President and Board exercise the option and purchase the Ward property located at 710 and 714 Osterman Avenue, t a price of .$155,000. Mr. Alan Meyer of the VCDC and Mr. Frank Harrison of the Ian Commission were present and explained their respective groups' reasons for rec mmending the purchase. Following discussion as to what use the Village would make o the property, it was the consensus that at this time, no particular use could be designated; however, this property could serve as the catalyst for development of the ar a according to the Comprehensive Plan. Trustee Marty was strongly opposed to the pu chase of property without the designation of a specific use. Trustee Swanson state that designation of a specific use at this time would be a big mistake, w.ith whit Trustee Heisler agreed. Trustee Heisler stated that the location of the property caused him to favor the purchase and felt the risks were minimal as, if no use f r the property were found, it could be sold at no loss to the Village. Trustee Seid an moved,.seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the recom- mendations of the Plan.Commiss'on and VCDC be accepted and the option exercised. Motion carried by the fo]lowing vote: AYES: Gavin; Heisler, Seidman, S�,vanson, York (5) NAYS: Marty (1) The Village Attorney was directed t notify the owner of the.Board's action. Trustee Swanson asked that the motion also how the price of the property as $155,000.. Trustee Heisler seconded and the mot on carried unanimously as follows: AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) -REFER DOUBLE STRIPING Pr.es i dent .For,: est pointed out that there . are. sever;a 1. lots TO-PLAN COMMI.SSION.-.FOR for. which .par,k ng .striping. is presently planned. He sug= PUBLIC.HEAR:ING gested that this matter be referred to the Plan Commission for public hearing for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance text to require only single striping. Tr stee Marty so moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, with the request that the Plan Com fission advertise for public hearing to be =held at the earliest possible date. Moti n carried by the following vote: AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swa son, York (6) NAYS: None (0) REPORT RE: LAKE Mr. Franz reported I1that word was received last week of a- COUNTY ZONING proposed amendment to the Lake County Zoning Ordinance which ORDINANCE CHANGE could circumvent th requirement provided by State Statutes whereby the Village an object to.any development within a mile and one half of our boundaries. Afte discussion, Trustee Marty moved, secon i by Trustee Heisler, that the Village Attorne verify that this information is accurd If it is, the Village Clerk will forward the oard's Resolution objecting to this amendment, the adoption of the Resolution being made a part of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. AWARD CONTRACT FOR Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the PAVING VILLAGE LOT paving of the Village Hall lot be awarded to Liberty Asphalt at a bid price of $23,500. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Gavin, Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (6) NAYS: None (0) 1 .r V[4 y, ^• s ,• s � � A . .� A r r y, ... .. '.,r`f a . r�� .. P 8 a G-, � . �J I �� .y ��. �. n �. r E; �. �� r r r t �. F P ��,, .. .ti j�K }. V �,' • G. x � i' � .. • ,,� }. P .ti j�K }. V �,'