03/16/1981222 March 16, 1981 The Village Clerk was present at 8 p.m. Monday, March 16, 1981 in the Council Chamber• of the Village Hall and announced that due to a lack of quorum the regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustee's scheduled for March 16, 1981 was adjourned until Monday, March 23, 1981 at 8 p.m. She further announced that the revised development plan by Charles Buccola for what is commonly known as the Fritz - Mallin property would be on the agenda that evening. March 23, 1981 The adjourned March 16, 1981 regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order by the President in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, March 23, 1981 at 8:10 p.m. The Clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Vernon E. Swanson Edwin B. Seidman Absent: J. Robert York and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Vill. Attornev Jas. Stucko and Vill. Mer. Robert Franz. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson; that the minutes of March 2, 1981 be'approved. Motion carried unanimously. At 8:15 p.m. Trustee York entered the Council Chamber and took his seat on the Board. APPROVE WARRANT. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee 90. W -81 -3 Marty, that payment of bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved for payment. Motion carried by following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) TREASURER'S REPORT Discussion was had regarding sales tax receipts, and Finance Director Geo. Valentine stated that the financial report includes revenues and expenditures received or expended through February 28, 1981. Subsequent to that, the Village has received the December sales tax receipts ($138,937) which are the highest yet received by the Village. He further reported that receipts for Ordinance violations are running somewhere between $5,000 and $10,000 less than projected for the year. In his opinion, however, sales tax receipts will equal 98% of the budgeted amount. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trus- tee Swanson, to accept the Treasurer's report. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT Public Works Director Edmund Klasinski was DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES present to explain his written report on PUBLIC WORKS departmental objectives. He stated that des- pite the extra jobs that the Public Works Dept. had undertaken, the department had had a progressive and productive year. He reported that most objectives had been completed with the exception of a meter pit renovation ex- pected to- -be ":completed within the week and that gas street lights in Colony Point have been replaced with electric and turned on with 26 gas lights yet to be replaced. Responding to inquiry regarding maintenance or replacement of safety signs, cones, bar- ricades, street signs, traffic signs, etc. Mr. Klasinski stated that motorists were constantly knocking these down and that thus the expenses for these were ongoing. Mayor Forrest stated that the special projects undertaken by the Public Works Dept. have un= 'Forrest saved the Village a great deal of money. Trustee Heisler stated that he con- tinued to be very impressed by all the things the Public Works Dept. has been achieving in terms of their objectives and was very impressed with the report. Trustee Marty concurred and thanked Mr. Klasinski. YOUTH COUNCIL REPORT PUBLIC ASSEMBLAGE ORDINANCE for "tools" needed to protect be some change in the wording prohibit legitimate meetings Gerald Bard, Chairman of the Youth Council, was present and stated that while the Youth Council wished to support the Police Department's request the peace and safety of the community, he felt there should of the ordinance regarding youth assemblage so as not-to (Boy Scout, Girl Scout, etc.) which might not have an adult 223 The Plan Commission reported that 1) if provisions for compact cars were to be in- cluded, several other matters would need to be considered including aisle widths, mix of compact car sizes, possible lot size restrictions, etc., 2) there is no agree- ment as to what is actually a compact, sub - compact, or full -size car, 3) while a lot may be striped and sized for compact cars, there is no way to insure proper use of the spaces as intended on private, uncontrolled lots. The Plan Commission, therefore, recommended denial of the request to allow compact car sized parking spaces. Mayor Forrest stated that the Village has compact car -sized spaces in the municipal parking lots and therefore the Village is in conflict with its own ordinance. Respond- ing to inquiry, Attorney Stucko agreed with Mayor Forrest but stated that to resolve the conflict a distinction can be made in the zoning ordinance between public and private parking lots. He stated that the Board could accept the Plan Commission's recommendation regarding private parking lots but as to public lots reduce the size of the spaces to fit those in present municipal lots and direct the preparation of an ordinance accordingly. Therefore Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York, to accept the Plan Commission report with respect to private parking lots and ask the attorney to prepare an ordinance providing for compact cars on public lots. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Brandt, Attorney Stucko, and Mgr. Franz will confer on a definition of a compact car and as to what constitutes a violation in a reduced -size parking space. RENAME OSTERMAN PLACE TO:' PRICE LANE ORDINANCE NO. 0 -81 -20 Osterman Place be renamed to Price Lane. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to waive rules to permit passage of ordinance on first reading. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that Motion carried by following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) 1981 ZONING MAP REVISIONS Inasmuch as each 'year the Village must. produce a Zoning Map of the - Village .that. reflects the changes that have occurred during the previous year, the Plan Commission has reviewed and incorporated changes into the 1981 zoning map and recommended that the 1981 zoning map be published. Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by'Trustee.Marty, to accept the recommendation of the Plan Commission and the 1981 Zoning Map be published. Motion carried unanimously. TIME LIMITS'ON BUILDING PERMITS Building and Zoning Director Chas. J. Smalley was present to discuss with the Board his written report regarding limitations on building permits. Mr. Smalley stated that of. six.surrounding communities he had contacted a 1 -year permit with 6 -month time exten- sions was usual. He stated that none of the communities had ever experienced the building bog -down problems experienced by Deerfield at the Willow Ave. property. After a detailed discussion of possible procedures of enforcement and time extensions on building permits, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the Village attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance establishing a. 1 -year building permit time limit with possible 6 -month extensions at the discretion of the Director of-Building and Zoning. Motion carried unanimously. TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS A Staff report regarding Illinois Department of Transportation modernization on Waukegan Road at Deerfield Road and Osterman Avenue'iiidicated that improvements as designated would create serious problems with pedestrian traffic. Meetings with the State and in attendance... Further,he felt that "an action to terminate assemblages" by an adult needed further description.- Attorney Stucko will give further thought to possible re- wording of the ordinance and report back to the Board at its next meeting. BZA REPORT &_RECOMMENDATION The'Board of Zoning Appeals held a public VARIATION (FRONT YARD) hearing March 3, 1981 to consider the petition 1234 CARLISLE (SHEAR) of Mr. and Mrs. Elliot C.Shear for a variation to permit construction of a house addition within 25 feet of the front property line in lieu of the recorded 30 -foot building ' line. After consideration of the aspects of the case, the BZA unanimously recommended a variation be granted. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the recommendation of the BZA be necessary ordinance. Motion accepted and the Village attorney directed to prepare the carried unanimously. PLAN COMMISSION Mgr. Franz reported that at the request of REPORT & RECOMMENDATION the Board the Plan Commission held a public COMPACT CARS hearing February 12, 1981 to consider a text amendment to add provisions for compact cars, sized spaces and zoning ordinance requirements. The Plan Commission reported that 1) if provisions for compact cars were to be in- cluded, several other matters would need to be considered including aisle widths, mix of compact car sizes, possible lot size restrictions, etc., 2) there is no agree- ment as to what is actually a compact, sub - compact, or full -size car, 3) while a lot may be striped and sized for compact cars, there is no way to insure proper use of the spaces as intended on private, uncontrolled lots. The Plan Commission, therefore, recommended denial of the request to allow compact car sized parking spaces. Mayor Forrest stated that the Village has compact car -sized spaces in the municipal parking lots and therefore the Village is in conflict with its own ordinance. Respond- ing to inquiry, Attorney Stucko agreed with Mayor Forrest but stated that to resolve the conflict a distinction can be made in the zoning ordinance between public and private parking lots. He stated that the Board could accept the Plan Commission's recommendation regarding private parking lots but as to public lots reduce the size of the spaces to fit those in present municipal lots and direct the preparation of an ordinance accordingly. Therefore Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee York, to accept the Plan Commission report with respect to private parking lots and ask the attorney to prepare an ordinance providing for compact cars on public lots. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Brandt, Attorney Stucko, and Mgr. Franz will confer on a definition of a compact car and as to what constitutes a violation in a reduced -size parking space. RENAME OSTERMAN PLACE TO:' PRICE LANE ORDINANCE NO. 0 -81 -20 Osterman Place be renamed to Price Lane. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to waive rules to permit passage of ordinance on first reading. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that Motion carried by following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) 1981 ZONING MAP REVISIONS Inasmuch as each 'year the Village must. produce a Zoning Map of the - Village .that. reflects the changes that have occurred during the previous year, the Plan Commission has reviewed and incorporated changes into the 1981 zoning map and recommended that the 1981 zoning map be published. Trustee Swanson moved, seconded by'Trustee.Marty, to accept the recommendation of the Plan Commission and the 1981 Zoning Map be published. Motion carried unanimously. TIME LIMITS'ON BUILDING PERMITS Building and Zoning Director Chas. J. Smalley was present to discuss with the Board his written report regarding limitations on building permits. Mr. Smalley stated that of. six.surrounding communities he had contacted a 1 -year permit with 6 -month time exten- sions was usual. He stated that none of the communities had ever experienced the building bog -down problems experienced by Deerfield at the Willow Ave. property. After a detailed discussion of possible procedures of enforcement and time extensions on building permits, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the Village attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance establishing a. 1 -year building permit time limit with possible 6 -month extensions at the discretion of the Director of-Building and Zoning. Motion carried unanimously. TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS A Staff report regarding Illinois Department of Transportation modernization on Waukegan Road at Deerfield Road and Osterman Avenue'iiidicated that improvements as designated would create serious problems with pedestrian traffic. Meetings with the State and 224 its contractor, Aldridge Electric, were held and it was agreed that the best solution was to combine traffic signals and street lights on one pole to reduce the number of pedestals at each corner with the additional benefit of overhead wires relocated under- ground. After a short discussion, Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to waive the requirements for bidding procedures and to accept the proposal of Aldridge, Elec- tric at a cost not to exceed $27,000.00. Motion carried by following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) STAFF REPORT In connection with the re- zoning moratorium PLANNING CONSULTANT for the area south of the Commons and the SOUTH OF COMMONS STUDY hiring of a planning consultant, Staff inter- viewed four firms:_ Camiro, Barton Ashman.Asso., Robert B. Teska & Assoc., Harland Bartholomew & Assoc. All are familiar with Deer- field and presented study proposals ranging in price from $10,000 to $12,000; Mgr. Franz stated that these costs were not included in this year's budget and if the Board wished a full study the cost could be included in next year's budget. Mgr. Franz, however, expressed the opinion that an alternative might be•to negotiate an agreement with one of the firms for initial planning services only that would get the VCDC, Plan Commission, etc. started in the right direction on a development plan. Considerable discussion followed. Though Board members favored the approach by Har- land Bartholomew, they were of the opinion that with the amount of expertise of the VCDC, Staff, Plan Commission and the Village Board, the full services of a planning firm were not required in this instance and that only initial, direction - giving advice was necessary. Trustee Swanson favored hiring a particular principal of a firm rather than the firm itself, stating that he preferred to "buy a man rather than a firm ". Therefore, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee York,that Staff be authorized to hire a planning consultant at a cost not to exceed $2,500. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) The Board recessed at 9:10 and reconvened at 9:20 all members being present. RECONSIDERATION. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee BUCCOLA PETITION York, that the petition for rezoning of the (FRITZ- MALLIN PROPERTY) Fritz - Mallin property tabled February 2, 1981 be removed from the table and brought up for reconsideration. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Forrest stated that a petition for rezoning had been before the Plan Commission in October, 1980 and turned down by the Board January 19, 1981. Later on February 2, 1981; "some consideration was given and some representation made to Mr. Buccola that if he would bring in some modifications in his plan, it might be again con- sidered by the Board ". Mayor Forrest further stated that in a recent letter to the Board, Mr. Buccola had inferred that he would not have proceeded to the length he did had he been given the impression at a Pre - filing conference with the Plan Commission that they were opposed to his plan. Mayor Forrest stated that final decisions are always with the Board of Trustees and it is unfortunate if a petitioner does not realize that. Mr.'Rollins, Chairman of the Plan Commission, denied the Buccola inference stating that Mr. Buccola had been advised that the Plan Commission was advisory only and that a poll of the Plan Commission members showed they did not care for his concept though it was;.better t. Giddan's concept which the Plan Commission would have preferred to fight through the• courts. Mr. Buccola stated that when he learned the site would be.available and knowing the opposition toward his predecessor's plan, he analyzed the five acres zoned R -2. The purchase price of the land ruled out single family development as feasible. Proceeding to consider multi - family revealed the possibility of 1) two 5 -story structures of 80 -units or one very large 5- story; 2) three 3 -story buildings each 65'x440' -- -huge blocks, difficult to lay out, lacking imagination and none appearing aethestically pleasing or economically feasible. Rejecting residential development and electing to develop the entire area for busi- ness, an attempt was made to eliminate some of the undesirable and objected to aspects of the Ciddan proposal, among which was a free - standing restaurant. 225 Mr..Buccola.spoke at great length about attempted Iayouts and various..mea_sures to. minimize the effect-o-&-commercial development on the residential -axea to the east (berms,.low intensity lighting, approx. 1' -acre park -like area, boundar_y.trees,.&1 #d.n- ation of- customer parking along east boundary,etc.). He described the architecture, materials (cedar shakes, earth -toned brick, white stucco), low -key, homogeneous signage, etc. Mr. Harry Vignocchi, ILP, described the planned plantings and the attempts to save trees already on the site and reforestation of the area adjoining the residential section to the east. Mr. Madden of Rolf Campbell discussed land uses in the area in relation to the subject site.. He submitted that to "create a residential environment-on the site" by proper buffering, required parking, set backs, etc. a limitation of buildings 35 -feet high would make it impractical to realize 80 units. He cited in detail the tax advantages of a commercial development. j Trustee Swanson asked whether or not there couldn't be a "mix" of commercial and residential, over the entire site. Mr. Buccola stated that the site was not large enough to accommodate a good "mix" without going to high buildings. Mr. Madden also discussed traffic and traffic restrictions especially concerning Lake -Cook Road and service vehicles. Mr. Fielding of Greengard Assoc. presented a detailed drawing of the water and .sewer facilities and water detention areas stating that the site was blessed with more than adequate utilities to serve it. Mr. Buccola stated that the North Suburban Evangelical Free Church to the east had requested permission to use the parking spaces along the east line and that he had agreed to the request. He also stated that he had agreed to a Plan Commission request to approach Goodyear Tire Co. to see if there was some kind of joint access to Waukegan Rd. that could be worked out and integrated with the Buccola shopping center -as well as the possibility of opening a driveway parallel to Waukegan Road between the Goodyear and Buccola property. Mgr. Franz stated that the revised plans showed a number of parking spaces that do not comply with size requirements inasmuch as Deerfield does not permit reduced size spaces for compact cars. Mr. Buccola then agreed to remove the out building and substitute parking spaces. Mr. York stated that while he still favors more multi- family housing for Deerfield, he would not want to live on the proposed site and doesn't believe other people would want to either. Twelve of Briarwoods Vista homeowners expressed strong objections to the-proposed development. Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph, President of the Briarwoods Vista Home Owner's Asso., stated the proposed plan was better than the former and spoke at length making many suggestions for protecting the adjacent home owners. She pre- sented a petition signed by Briarwoods Vista residents objecting to the development as well as a letter of objection by Carolyn Friedman of 100 Evergreen Ct. Mr..Frank Harrison of the Plan Commission entered his objection based on fear of a domino effect on property to the north. Mr. E. Bowers, Vice President of .Blietz Organization,stated he did not approve of full commercial development for the site, favoring instead a "mix" of residential and commercial. However, upon questioning by Trustee Heisler, he acknowledged that his organization had never developed a "mix" on a tract so small as the site in question. Edmund Josephson, Legal Counsel for Mr. Buccola, summarized the petitioner's position. He stated that he felt that the evening's testimony had demonstrated that it was in the-public interest of Deerfield to grant the zoning, especially in light of the reve- nue impact for the Village and schools. He stated the project was ready to go and had to go forward now because if construction is not started immediately, tenants _ who have already indicated an interest in the proposed center will not, and in some cases can not, wait longer. It is important for Mr. Buccola to have some direction from the Village Board since time has run:iout. He stated that if a decision favor- able to Mr. Buccola was not received they had no alternative except to seek legal redress. Responding to inquiry by :Mayor Forest as to the status of the proposed Giddan development of about a year and one -half ago, Attorney Stucko stated, "The status the last time involved a plan somewhat similar to the present proposal in that the use._proposed was essentially.a commercial use involving some of the presently pros - pective.tenants as occupants of the center._ The resolution of the matter was an entry of a consent decree between the Village and the holders of the option on the 226 property which stipulated the precise nature of the development as to where the build- ings were, configuration, etc. The consent decree also stipulated that within 180 days the option holders had to go forward with full plans and engineering and obtain building permits to proceed with the development. At the time, since they did not do. so, the consent decree by its terms lapsed and the property returned to its original status as if the proposed development had never gone forward. The essential considera- tions that the Village took into account at the'time with respect to the land uses and zoning I believe still exist today - - -- there's been no surrounding development or change in development or property classification from a zoning standpoint. So, much of the deliberation undertaken by the Board at that time may be relevant to this proposal, too." Trustee Seidman stated, "I opposed this thing two years ago; I opposed it the last time it came up. I also said two years ago and the last time it came up that I would not spend a penny of taxpayer's money to go to court again. As far as I can see and from what the attorney has stated, we are in the same position we were in two years ago which means we can not win a court case -- -which means the thing can be developed - - -we really cannot stop it. The only thing we can do as .a Board is to attempt to get the. best settlement for the residents of the Village. I feel we have an improvement. We have removed the restaurant and added a number of other improvements. The only other alternative possible is apparently just to develop the C -2,and the indications are that the development would be far worse than the entire thing together. I think that's what the Board is faced with -- -that there's no way we can stop this sort of development and we should get the best we can out of it. The Courts have spoken once. After inquiry of Attorney Stucko as to how to proceed,.Trustee Marty moved, Trustee York seconded, to direct the attorney to prepare an ordinance rezoning the five acres (commonly called the Fritz - Mallin tract) from residential to C -2. Motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) Mayor Forrest introduced the possibility of a traffic light becoming a necessity at the Waukegan Rd. entrance to the Buccola development. After some discussion, Mr. Buccola agreed to assume 50% of the cost if a light becomes necessary. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, that the attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance for a. Planned Unit Development showing the development plan as revised this evening to include a traffic.signal (50% of the expense of which to be borne by the developer) and landscape plan. Motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) STAFF REPORT GUIDELINES - APPLICATIONS INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS for further review. The Staff presented guidelines for processing applications for Industrial Revenue Bond Financing. After a brief discussion, the matter was referred to the Finance Committee STAFF REPORT A Police Department report submitted to the TAPE LOGGER REPLACEMENT Board indicated that the present Tape Logger POLICE DEPARTMENT (which records all emergency telephone lines and radio frequencies over a 24 -hour period and documents the Police Department's exact conversation, time and response) is ten years old and is not functioning properly. Furthermore the recorder's capacity is . ten channels and will be inadequate to record the fourteen channels required by.May, 1981. Neighboring communities were contacted by the Police Dept. regarding the type of equipment they used and their satisfaction with it. A check was made of various manufacturers of tape logging equipment. Two vendors were found who could provide the type of system needed by Deerfield: Stancil- Hoffman - $17,540.00 and Dicta- phone - $14,945.00. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, to waive the requirements for bids and award the contract to Dictaphone at a cost not to exceed $14,945.00. Motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5.,) NAYS: None (0) VEHICLE PURCHASES_ Mgr. Franz stated that in accord with earlier Board approval of departure from usual practice of buying new tars and purchase of used cars 1 1 227 instead, Staff recommends and seeks authorization to spend $23,000 to purchase 5 used cars from Hertz Rent -A- Car -- -four of which will be for Village use with one-for MEG .(Metropolitan Narcotics and Dangerous Drug Enforcement Group) for which the Village will be reimbursed over a period of two years. Mgr. Franz stated that four Village vehicles, two 1975 Astros, a'1975 Dodge, and a 1978 Ford; will be sold, thereby reduc- ing the replacement costs. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee.Heisler, to.,authorize the purchase of five used vehicles from Hert Rent -A -Car (four for Village use and one for MEG for which Deerfield will receive reimbursement over a 2 -year period) at.a cost not to exceed_. $23,000. Motion carried by following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None. (0) CONSENT AGENDA SIGN PERMIT WATER ALLOCATION Lake Michigan Allocat.ion.Permit 4402 granting Deerfield the right to withdraw Lake Michigan water in the amount requested by Deerfield. IDOT STREET MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Annual Agreement with State for maintenance of Village streets Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson, to adopt the Consent Agenda. Motion passed by following vote.: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Swanson, Seidman, York (5) NAYS: None (0) The Mayor signed both the Water Allocation Permit and Street Maintenance Agreement. MUN. CODE AMENDMENT Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee RE: SOLICITORS Heisler, to adopt the amendment to the Muni- ORDINANCE NO. 0 -81 -21 cipal Code liberalizing the hours of solici- tation for non - profit organizations to in- clude evening hours up to 9 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Motion passed by the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) Mayor Forrest stated that he was extremely opposed to after dark solicitations and while he would not veto the amendment, he would not sign the ordinance. MUN. CODE AMENDMENT Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee FIRE PREVENTION CODE Seidman, to adopt the ordinance rescinding ORDINANCE NO. 0 -81 -22 the Fire Prevention Code except for that portion which covers that area of Deerfield not covered by the Deerfield /Bannockburn Fire Protection District (the area of Deer- field south of Lake -Cook Road lying within the corporate limits of Northbrook Rural Fire Protection District and served by them). Motion carried unanimously. 1981 TENTATIVE BUDGET Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee ORDINANCE NO.. 0 -81 -23 Swanson, that the rules be waived to permit passage of the ordinance on first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Swanson,to adopt the ordinance providing for filing of the tentative annual budget for 1981 and public inspection and hearing thereon. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS: None (0) APPOINT CANVASSING BOARD After a short discussion wherein Trustee FOR 1981 MUNICIPAL ELECTION Marty volunteered to serve as the Trustee ORDINANCE NO. 0 -81 -24 required in the ordinance calling for a Canvassing Board comprised of the Mayor, a Trustee, and'the Village Clerk, Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the rules be waived to permit passage of the ordinance at first reading. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to adopt the ordinance appointing a Canvassing Board for the 1981 Municipal Election. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 'Heisler, Marty, Seidman, Swanson, York (5) NAYS:, None (0) APPOINT CHAIRMAN Mayor.'Forrest stated that he wished to recom- ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION mend the appointment of Mr. Phillip Elbling 228 as Chairman of the Environmental Commission. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, to accept the Mayor's recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee York requested that the Village Manager look into the possibility.of making Journal Ct. a one -way street. There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion by Trustee Seidman, the meeting was adjourned at 12:32 a.m. APPROVED: x INK �_J 1 age Presiden ATTEST: Village Clerk 7 1 1