09/05/1978 (2)276 September 5, 1978 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Tuesday, September 5, 1978, at 8:05 P.M. The Acting Clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Norma Gavin Jerold L. Heisler Cynthia J. Marty Edwin B. Seidman Absent: D. Jeffrey Blumenthal Vernon E. Swanson and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were James Stucko, representing the Village Attorney, and Marjorie Emery, Acting Village Manager. Mr. Heisler moved, seconded by Mrs. Marty, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. (Page 271, line 35, change to read "..... and we are still under the projected amount "). Motion carried unanimously. President Forrest read a proclamation and proclaimed September 22nd to be Kiwanis Peanut Day in the Village of Deerfield, on motion of Mrs. Marty, seconded by Mrs. Gavin and carried unanimously. Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consider- ation as follows (one item deleted) : Ordinance granting lot size variation, DiBello resubdivision - Second reading (0- 78 -34) Ordinance granting PRD on east side of Kenmore between. Laurel and Gordon - second reading (0- 78 -35) Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the Consent Agenda be adopted, and that the above listed ordinances be passed. Motion carried unani- mously. Reappoint Mr. Stucko pointed out that while the Treasurer Treasurer has been reappointed annually, this is by custom rather than by any requirement of the Municipal Code or State Statute and if the Board of Trustees so desired, they could appoint the Treasurer for an indefinite period rather than for a year at a time. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that George J. Valentine be reappointed Treasurer. Motion carried unanimously. Use of Property The President directed that this item be deleted 827 Deerfield Road from the Agenda until such time as a report was ready. Safety Council Report re: Safety Council Chairman John Blumberg explained Stratford to Yield for Holly that this problem had been considered because of the increased traffic on Stratford Road and the fact that Stratford ends at Holly Lane, where Holly becomes the major street. The Council felt that the safety climate at this intersection would be improved by making Stratford traffic yield to Holly Lane traffic. Trustee Seidman questioned whether there was a sightline violation. Public Works personnel are to check this out. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler, that the recommendation of the Safety Council be accepted and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Report of Plan Commission re: The Plan Commission's report and recommendation DiPietro request for PUD re,ga;rding the request for a PUD was discussed. 40 Waukegan Road Attorney Stucko pointed out that the new Zoning Ordinance regarding PUD's make this a two step process. The action required of the Board of Trustees at this time is the approval of the preliminary plan. The Plan Commission then requests the final plan 277 for their approval, together with all of the required documents, after which the final recommendation goes to the Board of Trustees. Charles Buccola stated that the plan before the Board of Trustees now is indeed the final plan and asked that the requirement for submission of the final plan be waived. After discussion, Mr. Marovitz (representing the Plan Commission) stated that the recommendation on the final plan could be in the hands of the Board of Trustees for the meeting of September 18th. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the preliminary plan be approved and the Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance, contingent upon receipt of the Plan Commission's notification of their review of the final plan and that the final plan be identical with the preliminary plan. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Heisler suggested that the Village Attorney prepare a memorandum for the Plan Commission's clarification of procedures under the new Zoning Ordin- ance. Mr. Stucko explained that in dealing with new procedures it becomes necessary to work with the ordinances and become familiar with the provisions. co Report of Plan Commission re: The Plan Commission's report and recommendation W Firestone Special Use, resub regarding the request for amendment to the Fire - and Preliminary Plat stone special use at 120 Waukegan Road, the resubdivision of the property and the approval of the preliminary plat were discussed. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the recommendation be approved and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance to amend the previous special use, and eliminating the parking in front of the Firestone building. Discussion followed regarding the parking with Trustee Seidman stating that this matter had been considered by the Board some time ago, at which time it was decided that the Director of Building and Zoning would do what could be done to eliminate this parking, after which the matter was dropped. The plans for the resubdivision show berms in front of the building which would eliminate this problem. Mr. Marovitz, representing the Plan Commission, stated that the Commission had discussed this matter and favored elimination of the parking in that location as it is in violation. Following this discussion, the motion of Trustee Marty was approved unanimously. The Board then authorized the Attorney to prepare a covenant reserving seven parking spaces on Lot 1 for the use of Lot 2 (Firestone). It was so moved by Trustee Marty, seconded by Trustee Seidman. Report of Village Attorney re: Mr. Stucko reported that there were various Street Financing Options - means of financing the improvement of the portion Vecchione property of Meadow Lane north of the property under con- sideration for annexation. The usual special assessment procedures are not applicable due to the fact that the abutting properties on the west side of Meadow Lane are not within the corporate limits of the Village plus the fact that the properties on the east side are presently served by a public street and would receive no benefit from the proposed improvements. The Vec- chione and Tennaqua parcels would benefit by the fact that the balance of the roadway would be improved. Another course would be to assess a pro rata cost to the properties west of Meadow Lane upon annexation. Mayor Forrest stated that he had walked the road and while it is not impassable, it is certainly not good and to approve the development with the stipulation that Mr. Vecchione put the road back in its present condition would not be adequate. Therefore, his recommendation would be to insist that Mr. Vecchione complete the roadway as a condition of approval for the subdivision. Discussion followed re- garding the traffic counts on this road, with the estimate of Tennaqua's traffic ranging from 200 cars per day to 500 cars, or 1000 trips. Mr. Ray Evans, Presi- dent of Tennaqua, read a letter expressing Tennaqua's concern if Plan B were to be approved as this would route the Tennaqua traffic through the subdivision which might lead to future problems were the occupants of the subdivision to object. The Village Engineer's estimate of the cost of the improvement is $60,000. There was considerable discussion on the type improvement being considered. Asphalt was discussed; however,. Mr,.: Vecchione agreed that it would be less expensive 278 expensive in the long run to install concrete with curb and gutter rather than contract separately for an asphalt road and the curb and gutter. Mr. Marovitz, speaking as a member of the Plan Commission, a member of Tennaqua and a private resident, voiced an objection to moving the road from its present course to the west and the elimination of the cul'de sacs, which would run the street in front of some 23 homes. He stated the street might have up to 1000 trips a day during the summer months. The Plan Commission's recommendation was to run the street in front of 8 homes. Mr. V ecchione's Attorney stated that in view of the amount of traffic from Tennaqua, perhaps the special assessment spread of 50% for Vecchione, 30% for Tennaqua and 20% Village was spread the wrong way. Mr. Heisler asked about the possibility of inverting Plan A; however, this would reduce the lot sizes below 9,000 square feet. Mr.. Heisler stated that the Village has an obligation to the prospective purchasers of the homes to see that the safety climate is not impaired. Mr. Vecchione suggested that the Plan Commission's recommendation be accepted with 25 homes and he would complete the entire roadway. Trustee Heisler moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that Plan A be approved with 23 homes, with the entire road to be improved at the developer's expense. Discussion of the request for waiver of fees followed. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that Trustee Heisler's motion be amended to include waiving of the review fees and the acreage fees. The motion to amend carried unanimously. The original motion, as amended, carried by the following vote: Ayes: Heisler, Marty, Seidman (3) Nays: Gavin (1) Resolution Authorizing Execution of Annexation Agreement - 6.8 acres North of Tennaqua - Vecchione the Board at this meeting. Ordinance Annexing 6.8 Acres North of Tennaqua - Vecchione Ordinance Rezoning 6.8 Acres North of Tennaqua - Vecchione The Resolution will 'be held to the next meeting pending revisions to the implementing ordinances to reflect the changes in the Plan approved by First reading was had on the ordinance, with the Attorney to make the necessary changes prior to the next Board meeting. First reading was had on the ordinance, with the Attorney directed to make the necessary changes prior to the next meeting. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Marty, that the two preceding ordinances be amended to reflect the changes in the Plan as made by the Board. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Heisler, Marty, Seidman (3) Nays: Gavin (1) Discussion was held on the Safety Council's recommendation that eastbound Osterman Avenue be required to stop for Elm Street. The problem of the grade, the sight distance and trucks was Safety Council Report re: Eastbound Osterman to stop for Elm Street considered. Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Seidman, that the Safety Council recommendation be accepted and that the necessary ordinance be prepared. The motion carried unanimously. Resolution Designating Sites Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, for Senior_ Citizen Housing that this matter be tabled until such time as the two Trustees not present could be in attendance as it is imperative that all members be present. The motion carried unanimously. 279 Bids for Police Facility Village Engineer Soyka reported that bids for the Police addition had been opened on August 24, 1978, and that the low bid was submitted by B. Stromberg Construction Company in the amount of 81,12 9, 422, which was substantially higher than the amount budgeted. He recommended that all bids be rejected in the best interest of the Village. He stated that the architect felt the building could be modified and re- designed to lower the cost to the budgeted amount of $850,000. The architect has proposed that he meet with the staff and the Board, if they so desire, to discuss such revisions. The modifications would be made at no additional cost to the Village above and beyond the original contract price. David Marks, Architect from Loebl, Schlossman and Hackl, briefly discussed areas where he felt modifications were possible. President-Forrest stated that in view of the apparent misunderstandings regarding the proposed addition, the Board is reviewing all of the background, beginning with the original discussions in 1975. One objective of the Board has been to disturb the existing pf:rking as little'as possible. There is a problem to be re- solved with the Township and the Village officials will meet with the Township -Board to seek their approval. Otherwise, the building could be redesigned but C the change would be costly and possibly eliminate some parking. He recommend - ed that the Village Engineer's recommendation be accepted and all bids rejected. Q Also that the Village meet with the Township regarding the land needed. Q Trustee Marty moved, seconded by Trustee Heisler that the President's re- commendation be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Request for Class E Liquor President Forrest read a letter from Victor License - Mr. Adams Marcus of Mr. Adams Restaurant, requesting that he be granted a Class E liquor license. Discussion followed regarding the policy of not permitting hard liquor in the downtown area, with Trustee Seidman recommending that the Board stay with that policy, pointing out that other such requests had been denied. In reply to a statement that many young people frequent Mr. Adams restaurant, Mr. Marcus stated that most of his clientele were adults and that there have been no abuses of the beer and wine license in his five years. Following a general discussion, President Forrest asked for a motion. There being no such motion, the request was denied. President Forrest read the Reports of the Deputy Village Clerk which dealt with the request of Des Plaines that Deerfield consider adopting ordinances similar to those adopted by the City of Des Plaines prohibiting the sale of beer and wine to people under 21 years of age, for consumption off the premises. The Board directed that a letter be sent to the City of Des Plaines stating that the Board felt this should be a legislative act done by the State rather than by individual communities, as it would be more effective on a statewide basis. Also, the I.C.C. will be holding a series of hearings regarding public utilities; and the March of Dimes have asked for permission to hold a bikeathon in the Village in conjunction with their fund raising project. Trustee Seidman referred to Mr. `.Sfucko's letter in regard to the West Skokie Drainage District assessment. Following discussion, it was decided that the Attorney and President Forrest would write to the Drainage District Commis- sioners in this matter. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was ad- journed at 10:10 P.M. on motion of Trustee Seidm , seconded by Trustee Marty. APPROVED: ATTEST: President Deputy Village Clerk