07/07/1975Prior to the meeting, the in memory of Trustee Walter the Board of Trustees, and President asked that a minute of silence be observed L H. Moses, Jr. , who will be'sorely missed as a member of by all who knew him. July' 7, 1975 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, July 7, 1975 at 8:10 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President D. Jeffrey Blumenthal Norma Gavin Edwin B.'Seidman Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: Cynthia J: Marty and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Dorris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Blumenthal moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the minutes of the regular meeting held June 16'' 1975 be approved as corrected. (Page 167 - line 17 - Add "the owners having failed to reach a decision on zoning classification ".) Motion carried unanimously. The President presented Certificates from the Illinois Department of Transporta- tion to William Leith.em and Charles Schier who were present. Certificates were also awarded to Jeff Krase and Joe Pociask who could not be present. All were congratulated by the President. Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda, with one deletion, was presented as'follows: CONSENT AGENDA'. Ordinance amending Section 11.120(d) by adding North and Wincanton to the list of dangerous intersections. (0- 75 -33) Ordinance approving a Planned Development of Hovland Lot 71. (0- 75 -34) Addition of Continental Illinois National Bank as a depository for Village. Acceptance of Maintenance Agreement with Illinois Department of Transportation for Waukegan Road maintenance; July 1, 1975 -June 30, 1976 reimbursement $11,432.74. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the rules be waived to permit action on the above listed ordinances at the first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Seidman then moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the Consent Agenda be approved including passage of the ordinances. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Blumenthal, Gavin, Seidman, Stiehr (4) Nays:, None (0) The President signed the ordinances indicating his approval thereof. Preliminary Report -Ad Hoc A.preliminary report was received from the Ad Hoc Vandalism Committee Committee on Vandalism, the final report to be -Implement Recommendations submitted in October, 1975. The Committee approved the following recommendations to be submitted to tl-e Village Board: 1) Develop an Educational Campaign Program, possibly entitled "Community -wide Public Awareness and Information Program "; 2) Resume the Youth Jury; 3) Pass a local ordinance duplicating the State of Illinois' Parent Respon- s:bility Law; and 4) Increase police surveillance and patrol whenever feasible. Mr. Stucko stated the Village could adopt a local ordinance to enlarge on the State ' Is Parental Liability Law. The City of Lake Forest has considered such an ordinnce but has taken no action. North Chicago has adopted an ordinance but he does not have the text. The manager stated the Committee felt a local ordinance would be publicized and parents made aware of their liability. Mr. Stucko was asked to look into such 6rdinances. Discussion was had on the report. Trustee Seidman stated the Educational Program should be gotten underway, and asked if the Chamber of Commerce would support the program, as was done in Wauwautosa. The President summarized the discussion as follows: 1) Committee to pursue the Educational Program including work on the Wauwautosa 17 Ln N G 0 U 0 U 9c concept; 2) Youth Worker to report on the status of the Youth Jury program; 3) Mr. Stucko to report on local ordinances on Parental Liability; and 4) Police Chief requested to increase surveillance and patrol. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin,that the preliminary report from the Ad Hoc .Committee on Vandalism be agP*oVe&. *Accepted. Motion carried unanimously. Flodstrom Annexation Plat The clerk reported the Flodstrom Plat of Not Received -On Next Agenda Annexation had not been received, the Annexation Ordinance having been passed May 19, 1975. Her statement was confirmed by the Planning Aide, James Burke. The matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting. S.C. Report - Heather /Deerfield .. A report from the Safety Council was re- Intersection, Request Costs ceived regarding the petition signed by 89 of Survey, Deerfield Rd. Traffic residents of Briarwood Country Club estates who requested the installation of traffic lights at Heather and Deerfield Road. 'The Council contacted Mr. Willard Alroth of Paul Box Associates, who stated the volume of traffic at the Heather /Deerfield intersection did not warrant the installation of traffic lights. Therefore, the Council recommended that the Village consider the removal of some or all of the trees in the right - of -way, and if visibility is not sufficiently improved, the owners of private property be asked to remove the "key" trees that interfere with sight lines. The Council further recommended that the Board consider the undertaking of a comprehensive of Deerfield Road traffic. Trustee Seidman stated that, in addition to the.trees, visibility was reduced the bushes and the church sign. Trustee Stiehr and several residents spoke of the difficulty of getting on to Deerfield Road from Heather, particu- larly when making a left turn, due to the volume and speed of traffic,,_ It was suggested that the cooperation of Highland Park and the State ,be sought for alleviation of these problems. President Forrest asked Mr. Stucko to check the Home Rule statute to determine whether the Village is authorized to install traffic signals. Decision was made to ask Paul Box Associates to give an estimate of cost for a survey of traffic on Deerfield, the report on costs to be submitted for the next meeting. P.C. Report�P.D.Lot 124 The P1ad- Commission recommended denial of Hovland - Petition Withdrawn the request of James Kruger and Florian o pment of Lot 124, Hovland Jaworski for approval of the Planned Devel- Subdivision. Mr. Kruger withdraw the.request for approval of the Planned Development. He will submit a new plan ;;of development for a public hearing-by the Plan C ommission. BZA Report- Variation A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals *856 x-6-5- Rosemary (Wagner) recommended that a variation from the Zoning Ordinance be granted to permit the construction of an addition to an existing non - conforming residence with a n' existing front yard.of.21 feet at 8f75-Rosemary Terrace, as requested by Mr. Cyril Wagner. *856 Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by;Trustee Gavin, that the Board of Zoning Appeals' recommendation be.approved and the attorney be directed to prepare the required ordinance. Motion carried unanimously'. P.C. & BZA Reports- Chesterfield A report from the Plan Commission recommended Sub. 520 Elm - Authorize Ordinances ' approval of the preliminary plat of Chester- field Subdivision at 520 Elm Street with the provision that the driveway on proposed Lot 1 be located not less than 10 feet from the wes.t.lo.t line. The applicant will dedicate an additional 3 feet for Elm Street right -of -way.. The Commission ,approved a cul -de -sac with a 40 foot radius, an extension of Brookside - 3aiee, to provide access to 4 lots of the 7 lot subdivision. *Lane 1 1 1 171.., A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals recommended that a variation from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance be granted to permit a front yard of 23 feet for the existing residence at 520 Elm Street, Lot 6 of the Chesterfield Subdivision. The variation is required because an additional 3 feet will be dedicated for Elm Street r ight -of -way. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the recommendations of the Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals be accepted, the preliminary plat of Chesterfield's Subdivision be approved, and the attorney be directed to prepare the required ordinances. Motion carried unanimously. P.C. Report- Revisions A report from the Plan Commission recommended Site Plan Lake -Cook Plaza approval of revisions in the Site Plan of Lake- Approved Cook Plaza. The proposed revisions will provide for the expansion of the tennis facilities, (Ibilding B) into Building C?, retail'uses,with a connecting link between the two buildings. The height of Building C will be increased to '38 feet only for the tennis facilities; the remainder of the building will be limited to a height of 30 feet. Tqe number of parking spaces will not be reduced, and the proposed revisions will result in a reduction -in--the intensity of use of the site and are in substantial compliance with the heretofore approved Plan of Development. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the Plan Commission's recommendation be approved and the revised Site Plan be appended to the Plan of Development as approved °with the Annexation Agreement. Motion carried unanimously. Lake -Cook Bikeway Feasibility In connection with a proposed bikeway feasibility Study Postponed to 8/4/75 study for Lake -Cook Road, a letter was received from Westenhoff and Novick, Inc. outlining the snipe of services the firm will provide at a cost not to exceed $9,500. If the study is prepared by ,the in -house engineering staff, the total cost would be $6,340, ifiluding approximately "$-1,500 f,or''a traffic consultant. Federal funding, if approved, wnild reimburse the Village for 70 per cent of feasibility study costs. Discussion was had on the proposed bikeway, Trustee Blumenthal pointing out tha- the Village Budget and finances must be taken ifito consideration before pro- ceeding with the project. Also discussed were the widening of Lake -Cook Road and the width of the bridge. Trustee Gavin stated_tlie Village should go forward with some type of bikeway program. Decision was made that the bikeway study be put on the agenda for a workshop meeting of the Board. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Blumenthal, that consideration of the matter be postponed until the first meeting in August. 1975. Motion carried unanimously. Florence Ave. Vacation Ordinance & Plat Recorded Deeds of Cook County. The clerk reported that the Plat of Vacation of Florence Avenue has been received and the Ordinance and Plat have been recorded with the Recorder of Deny Request U:D.D.., #1 Review A letter from Union Drai64ge District No. 1 Carriage Way Bridge Plans requested review of the plans for the Carriage Way bridge by the District's engineer at the Village's expense. The manager stated the cost would be $200. Trustee Seidman moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the expenditure of $200 be authorized for review of the plans for the Carriage Way bridge by the engineer .forUni :on -Drainage °_District_INo.l. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: None (0) Nays: Blumenthal, Gavin, Seidman, Stiehr (4) Clerk's'Reports The clerk reported that tax bills would not be received before September according to information from the Tax Extension Department of the Lake County Clerk's office. A notice was received from the State's Attorney of Lake County regarding a meeting on July 10, 1975 with Judge Van Deusen regarding the Court. Orders directing the County Treasurer to refund of a portion of corporate personal property tax paid 172 on 1973 assessments.. The.notice was turned over to the manager who will attend the meeting. Receipt was acknowledged of copies of Court Orders directing that refunds be made to the Illinois Bell Telephone Company and the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. The Deerfield Park District will hold a Special Election on July 19, 1975 to vote on the questinn of increasing the corporate and recreation tax rates. A letter from Abbot Laboratories requested a list of Abbot employees who are serving on municipal boards, councils and commissions and terms o f office. Reports A fence will be erected between the parking lot on the south side of Deerfield Road and the Pettis and Spannraft properties on Chestnut Street. The Community Development group is working on an ordinance on drainage. A letter from the Village of Bannockburn regarding sanitary sewer service w�71 be on the agenda for a workshop meeting; as well as consideration of b ikeways. Family Day Committee Chairman James Atchison stated that in May the Committee was concerned about a $4000 - $5000 deficit but with fine weather on July 4th they will probably not have to ask for funds. Bingo was not as siccessful as hoped, but he estimate bout $700 was cleared. There being no further business on motion by Trustee Seidman and seconded by Trustee Stiehr the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. APPROVED: President ATTEST: Village Clerk 1