03/03/1975i March 3, 1975 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, March 3, 1975 at 8 :10 p.m, The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Norma Gavin George Kelm Lester T. Moate Walter H. Moses, Jr. Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the minutes of the regular meeting held February 17, 1975 be approved as corrected. (Page 124 - correct spelling Koch; page 126 - Add Shepard to list of schools). M.otion carried unanimously. Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda, with one deletion and two additions, was presented for considera- tion as follows: CONSENT AGENDA Ordinance approving a Planned Development, Lot 26, Hovland Subdivision, 1250 Gordon Terrace. (0 -75 -4) Ordinance granting variation in lot size, proposed Lot 3, 1250 Gordon Terrace.,(0 -75 -5) Authorization to expend $600 for part time Planning Assistant in March and April, 1975. Ordinance providing for the calling of a regular Village election to be held April 15, 1975. (0 -75 -6) Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 0 -73 -10 re: encroachments on Lake -Cook Road, deleting referenceto- Agreement with Cook County. (0 -75 -7) Trustee'S'tiehr`m6Vdd, -,seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the rules be waived to permit action on the above ordinances at their first presentation. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Stiehr (4) Nays: Moses (1) Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the Consent Agenda be approved, including passage of the above - listed ordinances. Adopted by the f ollowing vote: Ayes: Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (5) N ays: None (0) The President signed the ordinances indicating his approval thereof. Refer Hovland Area Sign A letter from Mr. Thomas Ranck, President, and Review to S.C. Dr, Lawrence Cooper, Safety Chairman, of the South Park PTO stated the PTO Board had agreed that the safety measures instituted a year ago have been most beneficial to the school children, and this had been substantiated by a canvass of parents. Stop signs at three locations and limitation of turns onto and from Wilmot.Rodd during certain hours were authorized by ordinances passed_ in March 1974, to be reviewed by the Safety Council and South Park Board in* a_ year; Trustee Stiehr stated he found their.epott inadequate; although the letter slated the safety measures were beneficial to school children, he asked how many parents had been canvassed and has there been any effect. He suggested the signs 1 [ I I 129 be taken down to see if the removal makes any difference. Trustee Kelm stated it was his understanding the matter was to be reviewed by the Safety Council. Trustee Gavin said she felt the signs kept traffic off Laurel Avenue. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the matter be referred to the Safety Council for review with the parties involved. Motion carried unanimously. Report- Easement for In connection with easements required for the East Side Sewer replacement of the east side sanitary interceptor sewer, Mr. Stucko reported that it appears, by virtue of Special Assessment No. 34. judgment for damages and taking of property am included. He has asked the Clerk -of= the 'Gir -cuit. Cqurt to arrange•• -.for. him to review t he_Court files. .The matter will be on the agenda when the files have been reviewed, BBA Report- Lake -Cook A report from the Board of Building Appeals recom- P laza Bldgs. mended that the report of Schirmer Engineering Authorize Ordinance for the Deerfield Racquet Club and the Mercantile building in Lake -Cook Plaza be accepted as a b asis for equivalent compliance with the Building Code. The Racquet Club is to be posted for maximum occupancy of 200. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the recommendation of tte Board of Building Appeals be accepted, and the attorney draft the appropriate oniinance. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Stiehr (4) N ays: None (0) Pass: Moses (1) Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph, 90 Evergreen, stated she had observed the number of cars parked at tennis c'lub's in this area,_and she felt the Board should require the Racquet Club building to be sprinklered. The ordinance will be on the agenda for the next meeting. Discussion -Pine St. Sidewalk In connection with the proposed construction of a sidewalk on Pine Street to replace the existing carriage walk, a letter from Mr. Stucko stated the Statutes provide three methods for allocating the costs: A. The entire cost to be borne by the Village, after adaertising and letting a contract for A--public-improvement for sidewalk construction, payable out of either general corporate funds or MFT funds; B. A Special Assessment proceeding, the costs thereof, including administrative costs, to be paid by the benefitted property owners, and to a certain degree by.the public generally through an allocation for public benefit; and C. A special tax proceeding wherein the cost is paid by the benefitted property owners, and at the discretion of the corporate atthorities, a portion may be paid by the municipality. He also reviewed actions tAen by the Village in the past with respect to matters of this nature. A report from the Village engineer recommended a total public benefit of $26,752 for the Pine Street sidewalk, approximately 12 per cent of the total estimated cost of $221,961. As an alternative, he suggested the Village may wish to share the cost of carriage walk removal and sidewalk replacement on a 50/50 basis, plus all the Village's share of administrative.costs. Under this proposal the Village would pay $114,363, approximately 52 per cent, and the property owners would pay $]07,598. The cost per lot would be about $1,075. He has proposed a 3 to 4 foot parkway to minimize damage to plantings. Discussion was had on the amount of public benefit and assessments to property owners. A group of Pine Street residents stated they had requested the installation of stop signs for safety and to slow traffic on Pine Street. It was pointed out there were no sidewalks on many streets in the Village. Trustee Moate stated that, because of carriage walks with problems of snow removal and traffic on Pine Street, he had suggested that the construction of sidewalks on Pine be looked into. Mrs. Betsy Hersher, Pine Street, stated the stop sign atHackberry Road has helped, but there has been less surveillance of Pine Street traffic by the Police Department. She said there is more truck traffic. Trustee Gavin stated trucks use Pine Street between Deerfield and County Line Roads. Trustee Moses said that cul-de-sacs to be constructed on certain streets in Hovland Subdivision to limit the number of openings onto County Line Road would increase traffic on Pine Street. He pointed out that Pine is a secondary street with a school on it. 130 The alignment of sidewalks 3 to 4 feet from the curb was questioned. Trustee Stiehr stated he felt the sidewalk should be farther back and can be curved around trees. The President stated it is not known how sidewalks have contributed to the lack of safety, and to make a decision to spend this amount of money at this time would be subject to criticism. He recommended more study of the safety aspects. Trustee Kelm asked if there were any way to have a special taxing district with payment for Pine Street sidewalks by others not living on Pine Street. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the matter be post- poned for two weeks, Mr. Stucko to check whether a special taxing district is possible. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses (4) Nays: Stiehr (1) BZA Report -Side Yard Variation A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals 1 155 Hackberry - Authorize recommended that a variation be granted to Ordinance permit a sideyard of 4 feet, in lieu of the 3 feet 5 inch side yard requested by the owner, Mr. Anthony DePersio, for the enlargement of the existirig.one= car.garzge to a two -car garage, at 1155 Hackberry Road. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the report be approved and the attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. DePersio stated he had petitioned for a 3 foot 5 inch side yard. He was invited to attend the next meeting when the ordinance will be presented. _Accept Bid Area Grade Inc. Baxter & Woodman and the Village engineer $76146- Hampton - Cranshire- recommended acceptance of the low bid of D eerpath Sewer Improvements $76,146 submitted by Area Grade, Inc. for Hampton - Cranshire - Deerpath sewer improve- ments as originally designed. Discussion was had on the priorities of the Lake -Cook sewer replacement and the Hampton - Cranshire - Deerpath sewer improvements and the use of Federal revenue sharing funds that had not been mentioned before. The manager explained the revenue sharing funds were to be used for the brickyard property but were no longer needed for this purpose. Trustee Moses stated it was not a matter of priorities but rather which project should be paid for from bond funds and which from revenue sharing funds. Mr. Soyka stated the Hampton - Cranshire "Deerpath project would have to be re -bid to meet Federal requirements if revenue sharing funds were used. He said plans for the Lake -Cook sewer have been taken to Cook County. 17 homes on Hampton - Cranshire and 20 on'.D'eerpath will benefit directly. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the low bid of Area Grade, Inc in the.amount of $76,146 for Hampton - ;Cranshire- Deerpath sewer improve- ments as originally planned be accepted, the project to be paid for from Phase II bond funds. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Gavin, Moses, S­tiehr, Forrest (4) Nays: Kelm, Moate (2) Trustee Kelm stated 17 homes would benefit from the Cranshire- Hampton Court improvement at a cost of about $3,000 per house, and it was a serious thing to expend this much money to benefit so few homes. The meet ing.was�-recessed at 9 :25 p.m. and reconvened at 9 :40 p.m., all members present:... Authorize B &W Design -On -Site A report from Mr. Richard Weidner of Baxter Generation of Chlorine & Woodman gave a cost of 7.85 cents per pound for on -site generation of chlorine. Mr. Weidner stated the on -site generation of chlorine'is basically a new process since 1970. Baxter & Woodman will contact operators of on -site facilities for information on maintenance costs. Mr. Dexter Jones, a local representative of a salt company, stated the cost for high purity salt has gone up, but the price of rock salt which is used in on- site generation of chlorine has not gone up much in the last several years. The Metropolitan Sanitary District has been studying on,,-site generation of chlorine for the last year or two, and may go out for bids for one plant. 1 1 3 1. Discussion was had on possible delays if plans are changed for on -site genera- tion of chlorine. Mr. Weidner stated he did not,feel there will be any delay if authorized to proceed at this or the next meeting. The manager explained that Baxter &.Woodman have prepared basic design plans for sewage treatment plant improve- ments which will be submitted this week. Final plans will not be`prepated until there has been Federal and State approval of the basic design concept. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that Baxter & Woodman be authorized to proceed with the design of on -site generation of chlorine. Adopted by the following vcte: Ayes: Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (5) Nays ": None (0) Trustee Kelm stated that Baxter & Woodman's estimate of costs for improvement aryl expansion of the sewage treatment plant and replacement of trunk lines is more than $4000,000, a cost much higher than originally projected. Trustee Moses pointed out ttat criteria for bypass flows had been changed. Approve Purchase - Testing Reports from the head mechanic and treasurer E qu12ment -Sun Elec. $6330 recommended the acceptance of the bid of $6,330 from Sun Electric Corporation for automotive per - f (rmance and electronic analysis testing equipment. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the purchase of Sun Electric Corporation testing equipment be approved at a cost of $6,330.00'.. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (5) Nays: None .(0) Resolution- Statement of A Resolution was presented establishing Village Policy-H.R. Bonding Powers polciy regarding future use of home rule general bonded indebtedness powers. The Resolution pro, v ides that prior to the enactment of any ordinance creating any general obligation indebtedness is excess of $500,000 for any single specific purpose, the Corporate Authorities shall first conduct an Advisory Referendum thereon, and prior to instituting ary action to modify or rescind the statement of policy, the Corporate Authorities stall conduct a public hearing held pursuant to notice at which all interested parties m ay be heard. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the Resolution be passed a s presented. Motion carried unanimously. The President signed the Resolution indicating his approval thereof. Reject Dedication of Waukegan -Kates Stoplights Waukegan and Kates Road, and Village. He also requested will be maintained in future A letter from Mr. Ralph Mallory, Facilities .Manager for Sara Lee, requested the Village to accept the dedication of the stoplights at if accepted, the maintenance of the lights by the 3 covenant from the Village that adequate traffic control years. A report from the Director of Public Works estimated the costs of maintenance of these traffic lights to be approximately $400 per year. Inasmuch as the replacement of relays and repainting are not required each year, the cost for maintenance next year would be reduced by $170. The manager stated the traffic signals were installed by and served'only Sara Lee traffic originally, but, now are used for Fiat Allis and the Nursing Home traffic. Trustee Moate suggested that Sara Lee ask Fiat Allis and the Nursing Home to pay a part of the maintenance costs. Trustee Moate moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the request of Sara Lee be denied. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Moate, Moses (2) Nays: Gavin, Stiehr, Forrest (3) Abstaining: Kelm (1) Trustee Stiehr then moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the traffic lights be accepted after they have been put in first -rate condition. The motion failed for lack of a favorable vote by a majority of the corporate authorities, as follows: 1� Ayes: Gavin, Stiehr (2) Nays: Moate, Moses (2) Abstaining: Kelm (1) Grant Application Police Records Mr. Paul Pitt, Police Department planner System Not Approved and analyst, asked the Board to authorize an application to the Illinois Law Enforce- ment Commission for a grant for a police records system (data processing). A memorandum from the manager stated the cost to the Village would be $500 or less. In the analysis of the data processing needs for a Police records system, the Village financial system will also be studied and the needs set forth. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the grant application be approved, the cost to the Village not to exceed $500. A lengthy discussion was had on data processing and the needs of the Police Department and Finance Department. Trustee Moate stated the problems were com- pletely different and he strongly felt they should not be mixed. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Gavin, Moses (2) Nays: Kelm Moate, Stiehr (3) Resurfacing Waukegan Parking A report from the Village engineer stated Lanes Postponed- that the Illinois Department of Transporta- tion has requested the Board to approva participation in the resurfacing of Waukegan Road by assuming the cost of the parking lane resurfacing, estimated at $16,000. The State also requires the passage of ordinances regarding the discharge of sanitary and industrial wastes, prohibiting encroachments, and permitting parallel parking only where it now exists. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the State be authorized to resurface Waukegan Road parking lanes at a cost to the Village not to exceed $16,000, and ordinances be drafted to comply with the State's request. It was pointed out that portions of what were parking lanes are now being used for traffic. The Village engineer was directed to tell the State that the whole area between Orchard and Osterman on Waukegan Road is not used for parking, and to seek clarification on what are deemed parking lanes to be resurfaced at V illage expense. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that consideration of the matter be postponed for two weeks. Motion carried unanimously. Offer Maintenance Twp. Rds. Adjacent to Village Township maintained roads, and road district is abolished and a nce of these roads. He asked the township roads. A map of A letter from Mr. H. W. Ellis, West Deer- field Township supervisor, stated the Township now has less than five miles of in accordance with State Statutes, the township the township board shall contract for the mainten- if the Village would be interested in maintaining township roads accompanied the letter. The manager recommended that the Village accept maintenance of that portion of township roads adjacent to the Village, although one contractor may be preferred. Trustee Moate moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the Village offer to maintain township roads adjacent to the Village, shown on the map as Sections A, B, C. and D. Motion carried unanimously. Clerk's Reports The clerk reported that certified copies of the Resolution opposing the granting of a Conditional Use permit for outdoor tennis courts and a restaurant -snack bar on Route 22 adjacent to Bannockburn have been sent to the County Clerk and the Lake County Board. The Planning Aide has given a copy of the Resolution to the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals at the adjourned public hearing. A notice was received that Statements of Economic Interest must be filed with the County Clerk on or before April 30, 1975. 1313 Reports The manager reported that a letter had been received from Illinois Representative Betty Reed who stated that the bill on liquor referenda which was requested by the Village will be presented to the Cities and Villages Committee. The manager reported that 70 applications had been received for the position of Chief of Police. There have been about 300 applications for the position of P olice patrolman. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion by Trustee Moses and seconded by Trustee Stiehr, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. ATTEST: Village Clerk 1 1 APPROVED: President-