11/04/1974M November 4, 1974 The regular meeting of the.President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, November 4, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Frederic R. Finne Norma Gavin George Kelm Lester T. Moate Walter H. Moses, Jr. Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Moate moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the minutes of the regular meeting held October 21, 1974 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Bldg. & Zoning Report Building Commissinner Charles Smalley submitted a written report on department activities. He said most of the major objectives have been accomplished. Plat books have been completed by the draftsman and the department is working on the elimination of non - conforming uses and signs. Records have not been microfilmed due to budgetary limitations. The dollar value of building permits is down about 30 per cent, but permits for garages, alterations and other miscellaneous work are up about 10 per cent. There has been full compliance with respect to political signs. The President asked that the next report include a list of objectives and any items not done. S.C. Report Re: Pine St. A report from the Safety Council recommended the Stop Signs & No Parking following: Authorize Ordinances 1. Installation of stop signs and crosswalks on Pine Street at Laurel Avenue and Gordon Avenue. 2. Installation of No Parking signs, and the painting of center stripes and the Past and west curbs on curves located between 127 and 209 Pine and 255 and 301 Pine. 3. Post appropriate warning signs, i.e., Slow /Children Playing. 4. Increase police surveillance of area. The Council had received.a petition signed by 224 residents of the area and letters of support from the President of the Deerfield Park Civic Association, the secretary of the Board of Education of District 109 and the principal of.the Cadwel1--School. The Village engineer submitted a sketch of the roadway at the curve at 261 Pine Street, and suggested that the speed limit be enforced or lowered and that a sign be posted indicating that the pavement is slippery when wet. Discussion was had on the Safety Council's report and recommendations, and a large group of residents from the Pine Street area were present to urge the Board to take favorable action on the Council's recommendations. Mr. Don Hoover, 261 Pine, pointed out that Pine Street, a through street between Deerfield and Lake -Cook Roads, is the main route to Cadwell School, and must be crossed by children living west of Pine and Willow Avenue. Carriage walks and two curves are additional hazards to safety. Traffic on Pine Street, already heavy, will be increased by the Homart development, construction of the office - warehouse complex on,the former Strub property, and further development of the Hovland area, as well as the proposed widening of Lake -Cook Road to which access will be limited. Mrs. Nancy Keup, 1147 Hackberry, and several other residents stressed the need for traffic controls for the safety of children going to school and also to Keller Park:: Excessive speed and skidding on curves are additional hazards. Trustee Gavin stated increased police surveillance of the area shows an average speed of 28 miles per hour on Pine Street, and 12 speeding citations have been issued. School zone signs are improperly located and are of no benefit to Cadwell students. 90. Trustee Finne moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance authorizing the installation of stop signs on Pine Street at Laurel Avenue and Gordon Avenue, and crosswalks be painted as recommended by the Safety Council. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that an ordinance be prepared to authorize No Parking signs on both sides of Pine Street on the curves, the exact locations to be determined by the Village engineer. Motion carried unanimously. The manager stated no ordinance was required for painting crosswalks or the center stripe, nor for the installation of Slow- Children Playing signs. Discussion was had on a suggestion that the speed limit be reduced to 25 miles per hour, but the manager stated this could be done only after a speed survey and it was doubtful the survey would show that a reduction to 25 miles per hour was justified. The location of School Zone signs and the increase in traffic in the area were discussed. Trustee Moses stated the earlier report from Paul C. Box & Associates on traffic in the area was not current due to recent developments, and the area.should be re- studied. He stated the report was based mainly on an interest in traffic. Trustee Moses-moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that inquiry be made to Mr. Box on the location of School Zone signs, and the area between Laurel and H ackberry be studied, based on changes that have occurred since the earlier report. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the motion be amended by restricting the inquiry to Mr. Box to the question of regulations relating to School Zone signs, which should be installed as far away from the school as possible. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Stiehr (5) Nays: Moate (1) President Forrest stated he would ask the Chief of Police to prepare a report for the Board on traffic in the area before requesting a -speed survray. The meeting was recessed at 9:05 p.m., and re- convened at 9:10 p.m., all members present. Ordinance Approving P.D. The ordinance'wds presented approving a Hovland Lot 130 (Kitzerow) Planned Development of Lot 130, Hovland (0- 74 -69') Subdivision, to be identified as Kitzerow Resubdivision, Unit I. Mr. John Bure, attorney for the Kitzerows, stated the ordinance did not provide that the cost for the respr,ead of Special Assessment 112 over the lots to be resubdivided would be made without charge to the Kitzerows. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded the assessment would not be charged to the cost of the respread, if any. Motion carried unanimously. by Trustee Gavin, that the respread of the Kitzerows; the Village would bear Trustee Kelm.moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the ordinance be passed with $1,000 inserted as the amount to the paid to the public benefit fund. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Moate, Stiehr (6) N ays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Ordinance Appr 4ving P.D. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Hovland Lot 66 (Kitzerow) Stiehr, that the ordinance approving the 0 -74 -70 Planned Development of Lot 66, Hovland Subdivision, be passed with the insertion of $1,000 to be paid to the public benefit fund. Adopted by the following vote: 1 F11 1 1 1 91. . Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Re: Engineering Contract The Contract with Warren and Van Praag, Inc. Carriage Way Bridge for the design and engineering services in connection with the Carriage Way bridge was presented. Discussion was had on the.provisions of Paragraph 12, pertaining to liability, and Paragraph 14, pertaining to indemnification by the Village. Trustee Finne moved, seconded by'Trustee Kelm, that Paragraphs 12 and 14 be removed and the contract re- submitted to Warren and Van Praag for their approval. Motion carried unanimously. Postpone Consideration The Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission N IPC Resolution Re: requested the passage of a resolution supporting Waste Treatment NIPC designation as the areawide waster manage- ment planning agency. Discussion was had on the wisdom of creating another agency to review waste management plans and possible consequences if the resolution is not passed. The manager stated there were no consequences that he knew of. Trustee Gavin stated the tread.is. for large regional planning for waste treatment. *Trustee Stiehr stated he waa opposed'to.NIPC as an.addi�tional reviewing body. *Added 11/18/74 Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the resolution supporting N IPC as the area wide planning agency be passed. Trustee Finne moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that action on.the resolution be postponed until the next meeting. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Kelm, Moate, Moses (4) Nays: Gavin, Stiehr (2) P.C. Report -B Classification A report from the Plan Commission recommended 1 438 Waukegan Road denial of the petition of Mr. Eugene Konsler to Petition Denied. rezone portions of Lots 2 and 3, Sack's Subdivision, Request P.C. Dearing -R -3 from its present classification as R -3 Single Family Residence District to the B Business District. Approximately two - thirds of Lot 2 and one -third of Lot 3 are now zoned B- Business. Trustee Kelm stated that a prior petition for B- Business zoning had been denied by the Board in July, 1971 in accordance with the Plan Commission's recommendation. Mrs. Lillian Marshall, Waukegan Road, stated a business classification was undesir- able, particularly for a.rest'aurant, due-to the heavy traffic on Waukegan Road and the location of the subject property on a curve. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Plan Commission be requested to consider rezoning the property to R -3, and to conduct a public hearing on the question. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the recommendation of the Plan Commission be accepted, and the petition be denied. Motion carried unanimously. S.C. Report -12 Unsafe Intersections - Authorize Ordinance A report from the Safety Council listed 12 intersections deemed to be unsafe, and recom- mended the addition of these intersections to the Sightline Ordinance. Trudtee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that an ordinance be prepared pursuant to the recommendation of the Safety Council, and the Public Works Department be asked to.check out the locations and the property owners be given notice when the ordinance is on the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. BBA Report- Facilities The building commissioner reported that the Board for Handicapped of Building Appeals had recommended passage of the ordinance adopting standard specifications for facilities for the handicapped, a copy of the Code being attached to the report. The Board also expressed, . their .app.reciation -..to-- Trustee- Gavin, Mrs. Edward Flom and Dr. Byron:Hamilton, all of whom had worked on the Code. Ordinance - Specifications for Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Facilities for Handicapped Gavin, that.the ordinance providing for (0- 74 -71) standard specifications for facilities for the handicapped be passed. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6) N ays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance. indicating his app3•oval thereof. Dr. Hamilton suggested that the Board request the owners of existing buildings to comply with the spirit of the ordinance by making buildings and parking lots accessible to the handicapped. Ordinance Approving P.D. Discussion was had on the ordinance Laurel Hill_ #9 -- Phase.I:I approving the Planned Development - (0- 74 -72) Chesterfield's Laurel Hill Unit No. 9 Phase II which, if passed, would create three non - conforming lots (the west.half.of Lots 37, 38 and 39, Hovland Sub- division). A petition for a variation in the area requirements for these lots was dismissed by the Board of Zoning Appeals. A letter from Mr. Stucko stated it was his opinion the Board of-Trustees could grant the variations, a_ public hearing on the matter having been held by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the ordinance be passed approving a Planned Development- Chesterfield's Laurel Hill Unit No. 9 Phase II. Adopted by the following.vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses, Stiehr (6) N ays: None (0) Authorize Ordinance Variations Lots 37,38,39 .Hovland Sub. Subdivision. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that an ordinance be prepared granting variations in lot size requirements for the west one -half of Lots 37, 38, and 39, Hovland Approve Report -CBD Parking A report was received from the Parking Com-- Committee mittee on.parking improvements in the Central Business District. Trustee Kelm stated the removal of the fence between the Deerfield State Rank-parking lot and the rear of Shoppers' Court and installation of-.a - hard surface'where• the fence was removed would.substaritially improve parking in the northeast quadrant. The-Chamber of Commerce will.work with the two property owners, for their consent to the removal, the work to be done..by Village employees:. The Committee hopes the Deerfield State Bank will acquire the 30 foot strip of the former Otto property for a connection between the bank and former Duraclean parking lots. Re- striping the parking lots will be necessary when improvements are completed. Trustee Moate moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the Park Committee's report be approved in principle. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance- $1000000.Land President Forrest that bids had been received A quisition Bonds for the Village's $1,000,000 Land Aquisition (0- 74 -73) Bonds, and Howard W. Voss Associates, Inc, financial consultants, had recommended accept- ance of the bid of LaSalle National Bank which provides for a net interest rate of 5.641944 %, •. ` l he ordinance was presented entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR BORROWING MONEY AND ISSUING BONDS OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, TO THE AMOUNT OF $1,000,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE COST OF AC- QUIRING LAND TO BE DEVELOPED AS A RECREATIONAL CENTER, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A DIRECT ANNUAL TAX FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS ". Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the rules be waived 1 93 .to permit action,on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Moate, that the ordinance be passed as presented. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Gavin, Kelm, Moate, Moses; Stiehr (6) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. President Forrest stated a letter from the Village attorney, dated October 28, 1974, stated it was legal to acquire-less land than was specified in the referendum. Authorize Revised Agreement Discussion was had on the letter from the Village Village & Div. of Waterways attorney, dated October 29, 1974, regarding the Re: Brickyard PropertZ proposed agreement between the Village and the Illinois Division of Waterways, and the grant of $250,000 from the State for acquisition of the brickyard property and the use of a portion for flood retention purposes. *The letter stated that Village has the legal capacity to enter into such an agreement and to take title to the property jointly with the State. Mr. Stucko stated title is to beheld jointly to insure the construction of flood water.retention facilities, and it was his understanding the State would re- convey its interest in the property to the Village when the storm water improvements have been completed. President Forrest stated the entire property would not be used for flood retention, and Trustee Moses suggested that a metes and bounds descrip- tion be given for the portion to be used for flood retention. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Finne, that the attorney be authorized to prepare a revised Agreement in accordance with his letter after talking to the S tate. Motion carried unanimously. Postpone Agreement R.R. Discussion was had on the proposed Agreement Underpass Financing between the Village and Lake County regarding the financing of the cost of the railroad under- pass on Deerfield Road. The Agreement provides for payment of 15 per cent of the cost by the County. President Forrest stated execution of the Agreement would commit the Village to the construction of the underpass, and it'was his opinion the question should be looked at again before a final decision is made. He pointed out that the widening of the underpass- would bring additional traffic, including trucks, to the center of the Village,. Trustee. Sti,ehr .stated the manager had said that approval of the Agreement-rdoes-not commit the Village to the project. Trustee Moses suggested that the phrase "in the event that ..." be added to the agreement in order that it be clear that the Village is not committed. He stated he would like to review the background material. Trustee Stiehr stated the matter had been discussed over and over, and he felt that further review would not change anyone's opinion. Trustee.Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Gavin, that the President be authorized to sign the Agreement with Lake County. Trustee Kelm stated that he agreed with Trustee Stiehr's statement, but felt that, as a matter of personal privilege Trustee Moses should be given the opportunity to review the background material. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that action on the Agreement be postponed until the next meeting. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Finne, Kelm, Moate, Moses (4) Nays: Gavin, Stiehr (2) Defer Enforcement - Disconnections Inasmuch as the Cranshire - Hampton Court sewer Cranshire - Hampton Area improvements and the lift stations will be re -bid, decision was made by the Board that no action should be taken to enforce the ordinance provision which requires the disconnection of the illegal connections of driveway drains and downspouts fr:m the sanitary sewer. Re: Personnel Rules Revised Personnel Rules were submitted, and the manager suggested thai no action be taken until the President and Board have an opportunity to review the regulations. Trustee Gavin stated she would be willing to serve on a committee to review the revised rules. WRE Clerk's Reports The clerk reported that a letter from the Illinois Department of Revenue advised that the Use Tax would be collected by the Department for the Village starting tov.ember 1, 1974`, in accordance with the-ordinance passed October 21, 1974. Copies of the Use Tax ordinance and the ordinance adopting the Fire Pre- vention Code..have been sent to NIMLO to be included in the recodification of the Municipal Code. Mr. Stucko reported that Mr. Houpt had gone to Washington to review the recodification with NIMLO. The President asked that Mr. Houpt send a report on the .tentative schedule for completion of the reco:.,dification. Re: STP Improvements improvements and what should extension of sanitary sewers denied because of inadequate of denial did not go into the Discussion was had on Trustee Kelm's inquiry about the capacity of Sewage Treatment Plant be done. Trustee Kelm stated that a permit for to serve Chesterield's Laurel Hill Unit 11 had been capacity of the treatment plant, but the letter question of design capacity. President Forrest stated the results of the composite BOD samplers show a population equiivalent of much less than the present design capacity of the p lant . The sampler's = havezbeen:4n operatiah for only one week, and if further testing gives the same results, 'no changes-in the plans W -111 be necessary. Trustee. Moses stated that-:.sewage­treatment could be provided for both Bannockburn and the brickyard property if additional testing shows the same results. 1 Village engineer Soyka stated the results of six months sampling would probably be needed, and he can send monthly reports or a six month report. Trustee Kelm stated he didn't think the Board could re- examine the matter, but the record should be made that the Federal EPA had changed the regulations on treatment. The President stated the Village will proceed as planned. *asked if *Corrected 11/18/74 RE: Home Rule Trustee Moate fft•&t-ed one of the powers of a Home Rule municipality was the establish- ment of a Housing Commission who could incur debt. He asked if this could occur, or if the Board could veto indebtedness which would be authorized by a Housing-Commission, if such were appointed. Mr. Stucko stated he believed only municipalities with a population of at least 25,000 could establish a Housing Commission, but he would check the matter and submit a written report. There being.no.further business, on motion by Trustee Stiehr and seconded by Trustee Moses, the meeting was adjourned at 10:47 p.m. ATTEST: Village Clerk APPROVED: President / 0 Y<,Ot.. t � 1