01/21/197464 January 21, 1974 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, January 21, 1974 at 8:10 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Norma Gavin George Kelm Walter H. Moses, Jr. Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: Albert E. Brust Werner E. Neuman and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also;:present were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the minutes of the regular meeting held January 7,,: 1974 be approved as corrected. (Page 261 - add tc last line "for structures under a $100,000 valuation). Motion carried unanimously. Approve Warrant No. W -74 -1 Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that Warrant No. W -74-1 - Payment of bills including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Stiehr (4) N ays: None (0) Treasurer's Report The treasurer's report for the period ending December 31, 1973 was received. Discussion was had on the projected deficit in the Water Fund. The treasurer, Mr. George Valentine, stated water rates would have to be adjusted in order to eliminate the deficit since all prices have gone up except the cost of water. He said water losses were no greater this year than last and he will recommend a new water rate. President Forrest asked the treasurer to review details of expendi- tures, particularly the number of water bills from the City of Highland Park. Trustee Gavin questioned the amount charged for maintenance of police vehicles and if more than the department's share of the garage expense is charged to the department. The treasurer will check this also, but pointed out this was a new account, and the squad cars are being driven longer than usual. Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda, with two deletions, was presented for consideration as follows: CONSENT AGENDA Ordinance prohibiting parking on both sides of Petersen Lane; first presentation. Authorization for President to sign contract with William Ziegler Company for 36- TL -CS, Wilmot - Deerfield traffic lights. Authorization to release Laurel Hill No. 5 escrow funds in the amount of $11',492.80 for Earl's Court improvements. Resolution re: State Highway Construction Permits for 1974. R -74 -1 Ordinance regarding parking tickets and fines; first presentation. w Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr,;' that the Consent Agenda be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Stiehr (4) N ays: None (0) Re: CATV Committee In regard to the CATV Committee, the President recommended the following: 1) That the members choose their own Chairman; 2) That they eview the ordinances which have been pre- pared previously; 3) T.b t the�,review the requests of educational and other public bodies to assure that the economic feasibility to the persons requesting the service a nd those furnishing the service is fair and equitable; 4) That they get information 1 from other bodies studying this and include any ordinances they have passed; and 5) That by January 31, 1975 they submit recommendations to the President and Board of Trustees. Appointments -CATV Committee President Forrest proposed the appointment of the following to the CATV Committee: Albert J. Wollen, Jr. Rudy R. Wright Richard Dutrisac representing School District 109 Marvin Ehlers representing School District 110 Herbert Neil representing School District 113 .. J::• �H:.. K3. ndsvatersrepr��en 'tngcthe�DeerfieldTPark ;District Thomas Parfitt representing the Library Board Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the above appointments be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. The ordinance was presented amending Section 24.1100 Sec. 24.1100 $4 Sp. Sewer of the Municipal Code by providing for a special Charge 1 -1 -74 to 6 -30 -75 annual sewer charge of $4.00 for the purpose of (0 -74 -6) providing for major maintenance and repairs to the Village sewer system, to be paid quarterly. The Board approved the insertion of the date "June 30" and deletion of the words "billed prorata and shall be ". Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the rules be waived to permit action on the ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Kelm then moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the ordinance be passed. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Stiehr (4) N ays : None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. BZA Recommendation- Variation The Board of Zoning Appeals recommended that a 915 Brookside (DeGeorge) variation be granted to permit the construction of ::Authorize Ordinance an addition connecting the existing detached accessory building to the main structure at 915 Brookside Lane, creating a rear yard of 8 feet in lieu of the required 25 feet, as requested by Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeGeorge. Mr. William Powers, 512 Cambridge Circle, an adjacent property owner, asked the Board to require the petitioner to erect a fence to screen any garbage cans and rubbish which may be stored at the rear of the building which will be only 8 feet from his property. He said the present owners have assured him they will not store rubbish there, a subsequent owner may not be as considerate. Mrs. DeGeorge assured the Board that - garbage cans and rubbish would be stored in the garage, and presented snap shots of her home which showed the rear area would be awkward and inconvenient to reach. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals be approved and the Village attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance granting the variation. Motion carried unanimously. B & W Report -Sump Pump A report from Baxter & Woodman stated the defects Running -Time Recorders in the circu try•of ?.the °sump•.pump :running -time recorders had been corrected by the manufacturer, 30 meters have been returned to the Village and another 30 will be received this week. The manager stated the Public Works Director has started working out locations and r equesting permission to install the meters Installations will be completed shortly. Trustee Gavin stated this project had been going on for 18 months, and she could not see why permission to install the meters could not have been obtained before the meters were delivered. President Forrest asked that this matter be put on the agenda for the first meeting in March. Discussion -Cab Regulations The manager reported he had met with the managers of Northbrook, Wheeling and Highland Park to discuss reciprocal taxicab licensing between these communities. All agreed that ')(16 this procedure would be a good move and would increase the availability of cabs and relieve scheduling problems; however, Deerfield would have to change its rate schedule to conform to that charged in the other municipalities. The Village Cab company, Wheeling, indicated its Deerfield license would not be renewed. He stated the cab companies in Northbrook and Highland Park will probably ask for a rate increase due to higher operational costs. President Forrest proposed that the Deerfield cab rates not be changed until the new rates are set in the other municipalities which would be included in a reciprocal licensing agreement. Trustee Kelm suggested that no action be taken until the municipal attorneys have worked out a satisfactory reciprocal licensing agreement, and the manager represent to these communities that Deer- field approves this procedure. The manager stated that a representative of one of the cab companies had proposed that the matter be handled by the granting of franchises - $ X for X number of cab licenses. Attorney's Recommendation A letter from the Village attorney suggested Engineer S/A 112, Gordon that the Board give consideration to the Terrace Improvement employment of Baxter & Woodman or some other consulting engineer for the preparation of plans and specifications for the improvement of portions of Gordon-Terrace and Kenmore Avenue which the Board of Local Improvements had determined last spring should be undertaken as Special Assessment No. 112. The Village engineer, who was to prepare the necessary plans and specifications for the improvement, has been too busy with other duties and responsibilities to work on this assignment. Trustee Moses stated that, if the Board wishes to use the in -house engin- eering staff for an assignment and time is not available in which to do the work, this information should be given to the Board. He suggested that a list of assignments be prepared with a status report on each one. Trustee Stiehr pointed out the engineer has been kept very busy with inspections on the Oxford Road s ewer project. President Forrest directed the manager to get a list of engineering firms, their background, and an estimate of the time required to prepare the plans and specifications for the Gordon Terrace - Kenmore Avenue improvement. He also asked that the Village engineer attend the next Board meeting. B & W Report Re: Hampton & A letter from Baxter & Woodman gave a more Cranshire Ct. Sewers detailed explanation of the flooding problems in the Hampton- Cranshire Court area, and recommended that disconnection from the sanitary sewer be required where drainage from driveways, streets and footing drains are discharged into the sanitary sewer. In some cases, the installation of two sump pumps will be necessary - one for storm water and the second for sanitary sewage. President Forrest stated 32 houses, built in 1957 and 1958) discharged surface drainage into the sanitary sewers and such connections were illegal at the time they were built. He said owners must be required to correct the illegal connections, and suggested that Baxter & Woodman inspect each house. Trustee Moses stated owners should be given notice that disconnection will be required and it would be unfair to take action without such notification. Estimated costs of sump pump installations were discussed, the President stating that two sump pumps would cost about $2,000. Trustee Stiehr asked that a map be prepared showing house and sewer locations where corrections are necessary which may indicate some method where- by these corrections can be made relatively economically. He felt that referral of this matter to Baxter & Woodman at this time would be premature. The President asked that copies of all material on this matter be sent to the Board and it be kept on the agenda. Table Obscenity Ordinance The Village attorney submitted a letter and a proposed ordinance which defines obscenity in the terms used in the U.S. Supreme Court decision. The Illinois Municipal Leagge ordinance on obscenity was also presented. Trustee Moses moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the proposed ordinance be tabled. Motion carried unanimously. Reports -- Communications President Forrest reported that an article in the Chicago Daily News stated that Lake County assessments on which taxes payable in 1974 would be based were null and void; He 1 1 1 26? asked the treasurer to determine the status of this report and what the financial impact would be. Trustee Gavin stated that Trustee Neuman had proposed that the Attorney General be requested to file suit regarding President Nixon's impoundment of funds for sewage treatment plants. Six states have already filed suit. It was pointed out that a Supreme Court decision on the impoundment of funds would apply to all states. The Attorney General will be asked to furnish a copy of Iower..pourt jcidgments-:_: on impoundment. She said legislation is pending which would provide for reimburse- ment of funds expended for sewage treatment plant construction and improvements. She suggested the manager get information on new guidelines and the status of funding for the Village plant from the head of the Water Pollution Control Section at Spring- field. Trustee Moses reported he had met with representatives from the Mass Transit District and the Milwaukee Road regarding renovation of the present station. He was surprised to hear that whatever Deerfield wants will be acceptable to the Mess Transit District. The railroad was not as forthright. It appears that ownership of the station will be taken over by the District to avoid labor union problems. Several alternatives on maintenance were discussed. It was suggested that the Village take over the entire maintenance of the station and the railroad do everything else in- cluding maintenance of the platforms. The railroad would pay $1,500 plus cost of living increases to the Village and the Village would assume all further miaintenance costs. The question of insurance coverage and funding must be resolved and'he hopes concrete proposals on these matters will be received after the February meeting of the District. President Forrest asked Trustee Moses to review the voluminous file on the railroad station, which will be done. In connection with a letter from West Deerfield Township regarding a proposed liquor referendum, President Forrest stated the Village attorney had been directed to look into the matter and try to get legislation studied which would permit a Village referendum without a Township referendum which is now required. Mr. Stucko stated he would check on this matter and report at the next meeting. Trustee Kelm stated he felt the Environmental Commission was spending too much time on open lands and they should concentrate on other matters which were more im- portant to the Village. Trustee Gavin suggested Trustee Kelm make up a list of priorities but Trustee Kelm felt this would be presumptuous on his part. Trustee Gavin suggested she felt recommendations on priorities would be helpful for all advisory Boards and Commissions. The manager was directed to communicate with these B oards. Trustee Moses stated his thinking had changed somewhat on a Commonwealth Edison franchise when the most recent letter from the company made it clear it was a non- exclusive franchise. He proposed the matter be put on the agenda when Trustee N euman returns. An invitation was received from Commonwealth Edison to tour the Zion nuclear plant on January 28, 29-or`AM' at 9:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. Trustee Gavin plans to attend. Several members asked if a Saturday date could be arranged, and the manager will see if this is possible. A report was received on the Police Department.Fuel Conservation Program. The manager stated there would be no reduction in the amount of gasoline for the Police and Fire Departments. Discussion was had on the cost of gasoline and the treasurer will review the contract. In connection with the inventory of Off- street parking, Trustee Kelm stated he believed the Savings and Loan parking lot could be used more effectively. He suggested an inquiry be directed to the Savings and Loan to see if these parking spaces could be available on some basis at the times the lot is not used by the Savings and Loan, such as Saturday afternoons. President Forrest will write to the Savings and Loan regarding the use of the parking lot. Discussion was had on suggested.Limpfo"Vements to the distribution. It was agreed there should be one distribution per week, and information should be summarized. The question of how long material should be kept was discussed. Trustee Moses stated he tries to keep everytli ng` or'l6O::days-�nnd then disposes of it unless the matter is under consideration. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Stiehr and seconded by Trustee Moses, the meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m APPROVED: ATTEST: TPresident Village Clerk