05/14/1973nrax Igo • May 14, 1973 Pursuant to notice thereof as requested by Trustees Brust, Moses, and Neuman, a Special Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, May 14, 1973 at 8 :08 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Albert E. Brust Norma Gavin George Kelm Walter H. Moses, Jr. Werner E. Neuman Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: None ft and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. -Also present"were Messrs. James Stucko, representing the Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, m anager. Approve Warrant N0. W -73 -5 Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that Warrant No. W -73 -5 - Payment of Bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following v ote: Ayes: Brust, Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (6) N ays: None (0) President Forrest stated the Special Meeting had been called at the request of Trustees Brust, Moses and Neuman for the purpose of considering the salary of the manager. Trustee Brust. thanked Trustees Moses and Neuman for joining in the request for a Special Meeting, and stated he will join any Trustee who desires a Special M eeting. Trustee Brust then moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the manager's salary be retained at the 1972 -73 rate of $27,000 per year. In a prepared statement, Trustee Brust urged the Board to pass the motion, based on the manager's responsibilities, performance and a prior agreement that the salary be maintained at the 1972 -73 level. Discussion was had on an erroneous ruling at a previous meeting at which Trustee Brust's motion was ruled out of order. Trustee Moses stated this ruling was his reasons for joining in the request for a special meeting. The manager's responsibilities and competence were discussed at length, with divergent opinions expressed by members. President Forrest read a prepared statement listing achievements of the manager during the period of his employ- ment. He stated that delays in cmmpletion of the Budget were brought about by the Board's actions in changing the accounting system and the salary administration program. Trustee Brust stated the employment of a controller was offered but had been rejected. Discussion ensued on actions and agreements made in executive sessions which were later reversed without all members present. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Moses, that the meeting be recessed for 10 minutes. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Moses, Neuman (4) N ays: Stiehr (1) Pass: Gavin (1) The meeting was recessed at 9:17 p.m. and reconvened at 9:30 p.m., all m embers present. Trustee Neuman stated the discussion should be had at a more objective level and suggested that Hewitt Associates report and analysis of the position of manager b e taken into consideration in evaluating the performance of the manager. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO: BERNARD FORREST, VILLAGE PRESIDENT ALBERT E. BRUST ) NORMA GAVIN ) GEORGE KELM ) WALTER H. MOSES, JR. ) BOARD OF TRUSTEES WERNER E. NEUMAN ) DANIEL H. STIEHR ) You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield will be held on Monday, May 14, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. in the Deerfield Village Hall for the purpose of approving bills for the end of the fiscal year 1972 -1973, to consider and establish the salary to be paid the Village manager for the year 1973 -1974, and to transact such other business as may legally be transacted at said Special Meeting. BY ORDER OF TRUSTEES ALBERT E. BRUST, WALTER H. MOSES, JR. AND WERNER E. NEUMAN. DATED this 9th day of May, 1973. Village Clerk CC: Deerfield Life Deerfield Review Scoop Waukegan News -Sun 1 1 Lq_ 169 Discussion was had on the method used by Hewitt Associates in arriving at job levels and salaires. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the motion be amended by adding that the knowledge and abilities required of the Village manager as listed in tthe job description prepared by Hewitt Associates, dated March 1973, numbers 1 through 12, be discussed by the Board. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Moses, Neuman (3) N ays: Kelm, Stiehr (2) P ass: Gavin (1) The motion carried, the Pass vote being counted with the majority. Trustee Neuman gave his opinion on the manager's performance based on these abilities and knowledge as set forth in the report, which ranged from excellent to good to fair, and in a few instances, poor. Trustee Stiehr gave his opinion on performance which he stated was excellent or very good, and in only 6ne instance was m erely "relatively good'. A-- number of residents stated it was their opinion that the manager was doing an excellent job. One resident stated it was apparent the Board was divided, but questioned an agreement on the salary to be paid the manager should have been reversed at a meeting at which not all members were present. The motion as amended, failed with the following vote recorded: Ayes: Brust, Neuman (2) Nays: Kelm, Stiehr, Forrest (3) IPAss: Gavin, Moses (2) Authorize Negotiated Bids The manager stated a decision must be made by the Old Library Bldg. Board on whether to advertise for bids for con- version of the old library building for Village offices, or whether bids shouldbe'`:4egotiated by the architect, Mr. Charles Cedarholm. Negotiated bids will afford a saving of approximately 15 %, and he suggested the building commissioner serve as general contractor. The estimated cost with negotiated bids will be $10,500, a saving of $1,500. The architect will obtain bids from two or three firms. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the manager be authorized to let bids on a negotiated basis for renovation of the old library builidng at a cost not to exceed $12,000. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Gavin, Kelm, Moses, Neuman, Stiehr (6) N ays: None (0) There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Stiehr and seconded by Trustee Moses, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. A TTEST: -7 � Village Clerk APPROVED: - President