12/04/1972104 December 4, 1972 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village o_f Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, December 4, 1972 at 8:10 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Albert E. Brust George Kelm Werner E. Neuman Stephen M. Slavin Daniel H. Stiehr M. Jay Turner, Jr. Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stil'hen,manager. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the minutes of the regular meeting held November 20, 1.972 be approved as corrected (p. 100, heading - Authorize Bids - Consultant, 2nd para., add "and the Finance Committee ".); and the minutes of the .adjourned meeting of November 27, 1972 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Consent,Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for con - siddration. Trustee Kelm proposed, and the Board approved, the addition of three ordinances. CONSENT AGENDA Refer change 6f Flood Base Elevation to Plan Commission for a public hearing. Ordinance Amending Municipal Code, Section 20.202 -One -Way Streets or alleys, Eastbound, alley extending easterly from Waukegan Road, lying 150 feet south of and parallel to Deerfield Road. (0- 72 -62) Ordinance Amending Municipal Code, Section 20.511, Limited Parking on both sides Summit Drive, 8 A:M. to 4:30 P.M., except Saturday and Sunday. (0- 72 -63) Ordinance to lease a portion of property from the Union Oil Company of California for public street and parking purposes. (0- 72 -64) Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the rules be waived to permit action on the above listed ordinances at their first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Consent Agenda be approved, including passage of the ordinances. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr, Turner (6) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinances indicating his approval thereof. P.C. Report- Scheer Resub. A report from the Plan Commissian recommended Approve;Preliminary Plat approval of the preliminary plat of the pro - posed resubdivision of Lots 39 and 40, Deer - f ield Acres Subdivision, into three lots, as requested by Mrs. Evelyn Scheer. In a discussion on whether a 30 ft. dedication should be required for one - half of a future street to permit resubdivision of interior lots which are 300 ft. deep, Plan Commission Chairman Cynthia Marty stated a street dedication had not been recommended because there is an existing house 15 ft. north of Mrs. Scheer's property, and property owners in this block were strongly opposed to the idea of a future resubdivision of their deep lots. Trustee trust moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the preliminary plat of the Scheer Resubdivision be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Turner (4) Nays: Slavin, Stiehr (2) 105 Discussion - Engineer's Trustee Slavin stated the engineer's letter of Statement on SEwer November 29, 1972 did not answer his question., Improvements i.e., can assurances be given to voters asked to approve a bond issue that implementation of the proposed program will solve flooding problems. Dr. Sundin stated the proposed improve- ments did not mean there would never be any flooding, but they will overcome defic- iencies in the present storm sewer system and will solve flooding problems within the design framework of a 10,year storm frequency except under unusual conditions, such as extreme high water levels in receiving streams, heavy rains or snow cover, frozen ground or ground saturated from previous rainfalls. Although the Village can, to a large extent, control flooding by means of an adequate sewer system, upstream water detention must be provided for ultimate resolution of flooding problems. Dr. Sundin stated the proposed improvements and estimates of costs are based on office studies, but the overall estimates of costs will be adequate. Field studies are necessary for the detailed plans and specifications required for con- struction. Trustee Neuman suggested a computer simulation study such as was done by Dr. Offner of Bannockburn, which he stated would save a great deal of time and provide information on which to base design. He turned over the Offner study to Dr. Sundin to review. President Forrest proposed, as a first step, the adoption of the program as revised as the Official Flood Contol Program for the Village. Trustee Brust asked that the program and changes be revitten as one document, and copies be distributed to the Board with sufficient time for review. Trustee Slavin proposed that Dr. Sundin's statement,as clarified by this discussion be included as a preface. The President asked the staff to prepare a narrative description and map showing improve - m ents . Discussion was had on a referendum on the issuance of sewer improvement bonds and the uncertainty on the availability of a Federal grant. Also discussed was the November 22, 1972 from the Illinois Environmental Agency which stated the completion schedule for improvements to the sewage treatment plant cannot be approved since it does not meet the December 31, 1973 deadline, and is stated to be contingent upon receipt of Federal or State funding. Trustee Slavin left the meeting at 9:20 p.m. The possibility of fines for failure to comply with Pollution Control Board standards was brought up by Trustee Neuman. Trustee Stiehr stated he did not believe fines would be assessed if it can be shown that the Village is proceeding in good faith to accomplish the improvements necessary for compliance with the Board's standards. Dr. Sundin stated the Village must respond to the Agency's letter, and suggested a revised schedule be filed with a request for a variance for com- pletion. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Village attorney file a petition with the Environmental Protection Agency requesting a variance with a revised completion schedule. Motion carried unanimously. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance Sp. Election -Sewer Bonds providing for a special election on the question of the issuance of bonds for sewer and sewage treatment plant improvements, the date of the election to be determined. President Forrest stated two propositions would be submitted to the voters: (1) the issuance of bonds for sewer improvements, and (2) bonds for the improvement and additions to the sewage treatment plant. It was the consensus of the Board that full information must be given to the voters if the bond issue is to be approved. The formation of a committee was suggested to attend meetings of civic organizations and quadrant meetings to explain the program and answer any questions. It was pointed out that the most cogent reason for approval of the bond issue is that the improvements must be made and will be financed either by General Obligation bondswhich are paid for with the general real estate tax and are deductible for income tax purposes, or by Revenue Bonds which are paid for by sewer service charges which are not deductible. Decision was made that the ordinance be passed at a future meeting, at which time the date of the referendum will be determined. Ordinance - Downspout The ordinance was presented amending Sections Disconnection Failed 24.402 and 24.:409 of the Municipal Code, pro- hibiting connection of downspouts and footing 106 drains to the storm sewer system,.and providing for disconnection of existing connections within six months unless otherwise determined by the Village engineer. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by .Trustee Neuman, that the ordinance be passed, deleting Section Two..thereof, pertaining to footing the connections. Several Trustees questioned the need for the ordinance, particularly at a time when improvements to the storm sewer system are to be implemented. The motion failed with the following vote recorded: Ayes: Brust (1) Nays: Kelm, Neuman, Stiehr, Turner (4) The meeting was recessed at 9:45 p.m., and reconvened at 10:10 p.m. Discussion Sewer Dept. A Sewer Department Progress Report was Progress Report received from Public Works Director Ed Klasinski, listing work completed in cleaning, testing and repairing sewers. Mr. Klasinski recommended the'pro- gram be continued. He stated data have been accumulated on infiltration in the Woodland Park area, but TV inspection will be necessary to determine what should be done, estimates of cost, and whether the work should be done by Village employees or by contract. Discussion was had on the sewer maintenance program. Trustee Neuman stated that, based on Mr. Klasinski's estimate of 700 ft. per day, it would take approximately four years to cover all the sewers in the Village. He said the Board must consider increasing the program, and he will make this recommendation in the preparation of the Budget. He stated implementation of sewer improvements and flood retention take care of or alleviate many problems, but increased maintenance and cleaning must also be provided. The President asked for a progress report in 60 days. Hackberry Sewer Repaired In connection with a letter from the En- vironmental Protection Agency regarding the polluted discharge from the Hackberry Road storm sewer, Mi. Klasinski reported that, with the help of Sara Lee employees, a leak in the Village's sanitary sewer had been found which permitted infiltration of contaminated wastes into the storm sewer, and repairs have been made. The Environmental Protection Agency will be notified of the correction of the problem. Proposed Expansion Discussion was had on the utilization of Village Hall Facilities space in the present Village Hall and old library building, and the six plans and variations prepared by Mr. Charles Cedarholm, architect, which include the construction of a new building connecting the two existing buildings. Trustee Brust questioned whether the space needs of the Village have increased so greatly as to require a third building, and pointed out that a Public Works office building has been added recently and the old library building acquired. Mr. Cedarholm stated space requirements had been based on discussions with the manager and Police Department on the needs of each deaprtment, and totals indicated that 16,200 sq. ft. are needed. Additional space can be obtained by adding a second story in the old library, but the cost seemed high for the area gained. Therefore, it seemed more advantageous to acquire the additional space by the construction of a connecting building. The amount of space required by the Police Department was questioned by Trustee Brust, who stated that, while offices were needed for the Youth Worker and the Community Relations officer, additional patrolmen do not need offices but should be out patrolling. Trustee Neumdn'suggested the-'Police'Depart- ment take over the entire library building, leaving the jail cells in their- present location in the Village Hall. TV monitoring of the cells can be continued from the library just as well as from the Village Hall, as is done at present. Also proposed was remodelling of the shooting range for offices, and that the possibility of renting shooting facilities, such as Highland Park's range, be explored. Trustee Brust commented there was no mention of improvement of Board Room facilities, nor could he see any reason why an office should be provided for the mayor when additional space is required for the clerk's office. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that Mr. Cedarholm be directed to proceed with the work of space utilization planning to satisfy the needs of the Village, using existing facilities, the pistol range to be moved if necessary, the planning to take into consideration, if possible, the 107 construction of a connecting building at a future date. Motion carried unanimously. Re: United Conveyor Property Trustee Turner reported that development of the Flooding & Junk United Conveyor property has brought about addi- tional flooding on We -Go Trail, and the propp rty itself, looked like a junk yard. Mr. Cedarholm, architect for the company, said he understood corrective measures had been taken to prevent storm water from flowing to the north. It was hoped the storm sewer could be installed this year, but un- favorable weather has delayed construction. He has not seen the junk yard condition, but felt the weather possibly had some bearing on this matter, and he would take it up with the owner. Table Flood Plain Amendment The proposed ordinance was presented amending the Municipal Code with respect to the Flood Plain map. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the proposed ordinance be tabled until the Plan Commission's report on this subject is received. Motion carried unanimously. Oppose Tax Freeze Discussion was had on the Governor's proposal for a tax freeze. It was the consensus of the Board that the proposed freeze was unreasonable and would result in hardship to the Village.and many other governmental agencies. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that legislators be informed of the Village's opposition to the proposed tax freeze. Motion carried unanimously. The manager will write to legislators advising them of the Village's stand on this matter. Sanitary SEwer Connections A letter was received from the attorney for Mr. Required within 300 Ft, David Ross - Robertson, 101 Wilmot Road, requesting relief from the Village requirement that the residence be connected to the sanitary sewer which is located within 300 ft. of the property. The property is served by a septic tank installation. The manager stated the owner had been billed for sewer service charges, and it was then brought to the attention of the Village that there was no connection to the sanitary sewer. The building department had notified the owner that connection was required by Village ordinance, and when the owner failed to comply, the matter was turned over to the prosecuting attorney for the Village. The result has been the request for relief. It was pointed out that other houses located within 300 ft. of a sanitary sewer are not connected to the sewer where a satisfactory septic tank installation is in use. Trustee STiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the building department, in conjunction with the Village attorney and /or prosecutor, take action to get all connections made to the sanitary sewer system as required by Village ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Refer Deebrook Annexation Mr. Joseph Valenti, owner of Deerbrook Shopping Amendment to P.C. -Joint Hearing Center, requested an amendment to the Annexation Agreement to permit construction of a bowling alley. Inasmuch-'as a public hearing -on an amendment to the Annexation Agreement must be held-by both the Board of Trustees and the Plan Commission, Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the matter be referred to the Plan Commission for a joint public hearing with.the Board. Motion carried unanimously. Evergreen Ct. to be Salted Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph, 90 Evergreen Court, complained that-salt had not been spread on the Evergreen Court cul -de -sac, arid,, the snow and ice on the pavement made it impossible to get traction. She asked the Board to direct the Street Department to spread salt on this street. She said she had followed the truck which had turned around in Evergreen Court, but the spreader had been turned off when it entered the street. The Village policy on the use of salt was explained. Trustee Neuman suggested that Z1164" sand be obtained from the Public Works Department without charge, to be spread by property owners when difficulties in getting traction create a problem. He pointed out that if an exception were made to salt Evergreen Court, there would be no end to requests for salting. After discussion on the Village's policy on the use of salt and sand, Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that Evergreen Court be designated a curve and salted in accordance with Village policy. Adopted by the following vote, Trustee Brust's Pass vote being counted with the majority: Ayes: Stiehr, Turner, Forrest (3) Nays: Kelm, 'Neuman (2) Pass:, Brust (1) Reports Trustee Neuman stated that at the last meeting, he had requested a report from the Chief of Police on vandalism, but none had been received. President Forrest stated he too had asked for several reports which had not been forthcoming. Decision was made to meet with the Chief of Police to discuss these matters, next Monday being proposed as a convenient time. Trustee Neuman proposed that, after meeting with the Chief of Police, the Board hold a closed session to discuss and give 'guidance to the manager as to what the Board wants in the way of a Budget. Trustee Brust asked that Finance Committee matters be added to the agenda for this meeting. President Forrest stated he would contact Mr. A.A. Pristave regarding the financial reporting system authorized by the Board, and will report to the Board at Monday's meeting. Trustee Brust reiterated his statement made at the last meeting, that the Plan Commission was not following, procedures established by the Rules and ordin- ances, and asked that steps be taken by the manager to insure compliance. The manager stated he had been assured by the Commission and the Planning Aide that the rules were being followed. Refer Noise Ordinance to The Village attorney submitted to the Board Environmental Commission a noise ordinance prepared by the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers for review. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the ordinance be referred to the Environmental Commission for its recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was had on a Red Cross Blood Donor program proposal. Trustee Brust stated he felt a mistake had been made.in joining the present program. Trustee Neuman suggested the Village continue with the present program for one year, and it then be evaluated. Trustee Brust stated the manager's report on complaints about door -to- door sales had been submitted, and he thought that what is being done is woefully inadequate. The Village attorney stated if there are violations of the Village ordinance on solicitors, a complaint can be filed and prosecuted. He pointed out the solicitor must register with the Village, but a "No Solicitors Invited" sign must be posted by the property owner. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Neuman,.and seconded by Trustee Turner, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :55 p.m. APPROVED President ATTEST: C4-zj, , Village Clerk 1