10/02/197278 October 2, 1972 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, October 2, 1972 at 8:15 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Albert E. Brust George Kelm Werner E. Neuman Stephen M. Slavin Daniel H. Stiehr Absent: M. Jay Turner, Jr. and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village Attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the minutes of the regular meeting held September 18, 1972 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was presented for consider- ation. Trustee Brust asked that regular Agenda items 72 -170 and 72 -155 -1 be added. CONSENT AGENDA Authorization for Mayor to reappoint Police matrons, effective November 1, 1972 for a one -year period. (Lois Kemp, Faith Jongewaard, Terry Bentley). Board of Building Appeals report and recommendation of Building Commissioner on issuance of building permit for nursing home. (Approve issuance). Plan Commission on Special Use for Nursery School at Baptist Church. (Authorize preparation of Ordinance). Ordinance creating stop signs on Rosewood at Birchwood. (Ordinance No. 0- 72 -55, Municipal Code Amendment, Section 20.203(b).) Trustee trust moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the rules be waived to permit action on the above ordinance at its first presentation. Motion carried unanimously. o Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the Consent Agenda be approved, including passage of the ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Kelm, Neuman, Slavin, Stiehr (5) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Human Relations Commission A report from the Human Relations Commission Report Re: Housing Statement recommended approval of a statement of policy from PUSH which would endorse low -rise low and medium priced housing in suburbs. Discussion was had on the proposed statement. Trustees Kelm and Slavin stated they agreed with the sentiment of the statement, but Trustee Slavin said he did not feel it was appropriate for a municipality to make a statement on be- half of a private- organization such as PUSH. Mrs. Norma: Gavin of the League of Wnmen Voters stated the League is continuing to work on housing for senior citizens, 21 people are now registered, but 90 are required. The League's official position on low cost housing is practically the same as that proposed by PUSH, Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the Board communicate to the Human Relations Commission that, while they agree with the objectives in the statement, they feel it would be inappropriate to make a statement on behalf of PUSH, and if the Commission wishes a statement of Village policy on this matter, one should be submitted for the Board's consideration. Motion carried unanimously. 79 P.C. Report- Amendments to A report from the Plan Commission recommended Zoning Ord. & Munr.. Code approval of amendments to Section VI -B and XXIII u Qr:Kze vrajuanEe of the Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 9 of the Municipal Code, pertaining to notification and affidavit requirements. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the report be approved and the Village attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. BZA Report -U.C. Corp. A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals recommended Temporary Sign- 300 Wilmot the issuance of a permit to United Conveyor Corp- oration for a temporary sign at 300 Wilmot Road, the said sign not to exceed 60 sq. ft. overall, with a time limit of 18 months, and a setback of 15 ft. Approve Blood Donor Plan Information on the proposed Blood Donor program was received from Dr. Russel Clark of Highland Park Hospital. President Forrest expressed concern about costs after the program has been started. Dr. Clark stated members -of the Women's Auxiliary of Highland Park Hospital had volunteered to accept responsibility for all clerical and administrative work required to get the program started, but he could not guarantee that the work could be continued on a volunteer basis. At some time in the future, it may be necessary to ask participating municipalt ies for clerical help. Trustee Neuman stated it was difficult to get parttime blenical help, and suggested the Hospital employ clerical help with the costs shared by participating municipalities on a per capita basis. Discussion was had on the technical aspects of carrying on the program and the need for local cooperation. Dr. Clark suggested that Mr. James Russell be designated Deerfield Chairman. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, th9t the Board agree in principle to join the Blood Donor program and authorize the volunteer work to get started, the contract to be reviewed and, working with Dr. Clark, any changes made that are agreeable to both parties. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance Failed President Forrest stated that all food stores in Transparent Meat Packaging the Village had been notified that an ordinance was being considered by the Board which would require that all meat packaged by the food dealer shall be in transparent packages. Mr. John (Phil) Nylen of the Jewel Food Stores was present. Trustee Kelm questioned whether it was appropriate for the Village to specify type of packaging, but Trustee Stiehr pointed out the proposed ordinance covered only items packaged by the dealer. Trustee Brust stated there were practical problems - without trays there may be leakage, and an ordinance should not be enacted without providing means of enforcement. Mr. Nylen of Jewel Foods stated the Chicago ordinance on which the proposed Village ordinance is based, was enacted without consultation with food dealers, and leakage was a problem, but compliance was required from all stores. Transparent packaging was tried in one store in Deerfield, but sales declined because competitors did not change packaging, and when Jewel went back to trays, sales went up. The City of Chicago has given permission to use a pad folded in a 1 inch square to absorb moisture for specific items where leakage would be a problem. He also stated the price label limited to 5 per cent was a problem since the usual' label would cover approximately 614 percent on a one pound package of ground beef. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the ordinance be changed to allow label coverage of not more than 10 per cent. Motion carried un- animously. Trustee Neuman stated the ordinance was desirable since the stores themselves had created the problem by packaging meat and produce so the less desirable portions are at the bottom and cannot be seen.LNo hazdship would result from enactment of the proposed ordinance since transparent packaging is required in Chicago. He pointed out no other store had felt it was important enough to appear. President Forrest pointed out that enforcement would be no problem since purchasers would do the policing. Two additional changes were made in;the proposed ordinance: the phrase "on the premises?' added following " -- packaged by the food dealer ", and the word "displayed" to replace the word "exposed ". Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph, Evergreen Place, stated she had recently bought meat in Glenview in,--a transparent package, and there was not problem with leakage nor was an absorbent pad used. A representative from the Deer- field Park Civic Association offered to get a consensus of residents of the Deerfield Park area on the need for the proposed ordinance, and could report to the Board in a few weeks. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Stiehr, that the ordinance be passed. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Neuman (1) Nays: Brust, Kelm, Slavin, Stiehr (4) Table Preliminary Engineering The manager reported that Mr. Paul Box had Piersen Property & Park Ave. been contacted regarding preliminary engin- Realignment eering on the Piersen Property parking and realignment of Park Avenue, but Mr. Box was unwilling to submit a bid because another firm had already quoted a price. Kessler, Merc"and Lochner have given an estimated cost of $1,500 to $1,600 for preliminary engineering with the Village paying 60% of the cost, the Park District 40 %. He recommended the Village pay the full cost in order that grades would be established to properly tie in with the relocated street. Trustee Stiehr moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that Paul C. Box & Associates be authorized to do the preliminary site plan engineering on the relocation of Park Avenue and Petersen Lane through the Piersen property at a cost not to exceed $1,600. After further discussion of what would be included in the preliminary engineering plans, Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Neuman, that the matter be tabled until the next meeting, at which time the Board will have a copy of the site plan and estimates from those firms wishing to submit quota- tions. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Neuman, Slavin (3) Nays: Kelm, Stiehr (2) Village to Continue Van Der Molen Disposal Service Co. quoted Leaf Pickup a price of $15,000 for pickup up leaves placed in containers at the curb if the Village continues to vacuum the loose leaves at the curb. If the Village discontinues this service and the company picks up all leaves placed in con- tainers at the curb, the rate will be $21,000. The manager recommended that the offer submitted by Van Der Molen not be accepted, since the Village has the men, equipment and trucks to do the job, no " funds have been allocated for this purpose, and he was sure that not all leaves would be placed in containers. Trustee Brust moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the manager's recommendation be approved and the Village continue to pick up leaves as in the past. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Eerie Kieft, manager of the Van Der Molen Company, stated most leaves were bagged, and the company had helped the Village by picking up many bags of leaves last fall, but he wanted to go on record that they could not help out - this_; year by picking up bagged leaves. Trustee Neuman stated he had no objection to leaf pickup by Public Works employees, but street maintenance was an item of highest priority and had been authorized by the Board last spring because many streets were in very poor condition. He stated replacement of deteriorated pavement would cost much more than the costs for picking up leaves. There has been no report on the percentage of streets repaired and how much remains to be done, and objected to the apparent change in priorities. The manager stated there has been no change in priorities, but wet weather this summer bas prevented work on streets on many days. If there is good weather this fall, it may be possible to complete the street maintenance program. 81 Complaint on Scavenger Service Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph, Evergreen Plave, brought to the Village Hall two cardboard cartons, one empty and one filled with tissue paper, which had been placed next to the garbage can but were not picked up last Thursday by the scavenger. If boxes are not to be picked up, she stated she does not need scavenger service. Mr. Reft stated the contract does not provide for pickup of miscellaneous waste, but had the boxes been placed at the curb, the driver would undoubtedly have taken them. Mrs. Christoph stated the contract provided for discontinuance of service for non - payment of bills, and she would not pay for service that was not satisfactory. She pointed out they have little garbage and no grass or leaves which her husband composts. Mr. Kieft stated the driver has been notified to discontinue service. Mrs. Christoph also objected to the Village's profit on scavenger billing. President Forrest stated the Board had decided to do this billing in order to reduce costs of scavenger service to residents, and if Mrs. Christoph objected, she should bring up.this matter at the time the hext Budget is being prepared. Re: Animal Petting Farm- Miss Pat Bertram and Mr. Barnhardt requested per - mission to set up a fenced area in Deerfield Commons for 30 to 35 animals and birds which can be fed and petted by children, on Tuesday through Sunday, October 3 - 8. Evidence of insurance coverage has been submitted, five parking spaces would be used, and children would not be required to cross the parking lot but would enter the farm from the sidewalk. The Board approved Trustee Slavin's suggestion that the manager hadnle this matter administratively. Approve Family Day Solicitation Mrs. Norma Gavin of the Deerfield Family Day with Water & Sewer Bills Committee requested that solicitation for funds for Family Day be sett out with water and sewer bills, the Committee to pay all additional costs, as was approved last year. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Brust, that the Board authorize this solicitation as was done last year. Trustee Slavin stated be objected to the Village acting as a collection agency for any group. The motion was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Brust, Neuman, Kelm, Stiehr (4) Nays: Slavin (1) , President Forrest was presetted with a placque and made an honorary member of the Explorer Scouts. Authorize Atty. to Defend President Forrest reported a suit had been filed Plagge Law Suit in connection with the denial of a zoning change for the Plagge property on Elm Street. Trustee Neuman moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Village attorney be authorized to appear and defend the Village in this matter. Motion carried unanimously. Reports - Communications The manager reported a letter had been received from Wing Tree Experts, stating they oould no longer haul away the diseased elm wood they have cut, but would continue to cut down trees at the bid price. He stated he would like the company to continue to take down trees, and Village employees haul the wood to the landfill. A meeting will be held next Monday night, October 9th, to discuss sewerage system improvements. Trustee Slavin stated flooding in the Warrington Road area was caused by drainage from Walden School and asked the attorney to check whether the Village can require disconnection of downspouts from the storm sewer to alleviate flooding problems. President Forrest suggested that regrading might solve the problem. President Forrest reported he, Trustee Brust and the manager had attended a meeting of the Flood Control Steering Committee, and a new map showing flood plain areas had been displayed. He proposed that the flood plain ordinance be amended to include the new map. The manager stated the mapppespnted showed flood areas in the year 2000 if flood retention is not required. The Village attorney will check on this matter, as well as Trustee Slavin's inquiry on a moratorium on building. Trustee Brust stated a member should be appointed to the Real Estate Review Board, and asked that this matter be put on the agenda for the next meeting. He added that he hoped there will be a chance to discuss this appointment at some length. (72 President Forrest stated the proposed reciprocal parking agreement for the Northeast quadrant would be on the agenda for the next meeting. Trustee Neuman stated Baxter & Woodman had been authorized to prepare specifications for an experimefit on water infiltration into sanitary sewers from footing tiles, but no report had been received. The manager will ask Baxter and Woodman for a progress report. Requests for a, meeting with the Board have been received from the Chief of Police and the Fire District. The manager was asked to try to arrange a meeting for Thursday night, October 5th. ' There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Neuman, and seconded by Trustee Slavin, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. ATTEST: . -/-0 1 q""-L Village Clerk APPROVED: President i1I �J 1