01/18/1971I_ 44 January 18, 1971 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, January 18, 1971 at 8:05 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Charles R. Bootz George Kelm George P. Schleicher M. Jay Turner, Jr. Absent: Stephen M. Slavin and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the minutes of the regular meeting held January 4, 1971 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Warrant No. W -71 -1 Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee �+ Bootz, that Warrant No. W -71 -1 - payment of N bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following vote: QAyes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) I 1 Bids - 4 Squad Cars Sealed bids for four. -v.4r --door sedan police squad cars, with trade -in of 3 -1968 Chevrolets and 1 1967 Dodge were opened and read as follows: BIDDERA- MAKE BIDA Sessler Ford Ford $14,200.00 Libertyville Shore Chrysler Plymouth Plymouth 13,212.00 Highland Park Grant Spaulding Auto Sales Dodge 13,548.00 Chidago Sunniday Chevrolet Chevrolet 13,457.48 Highland Park TRADE IN $1,400.00 2,250.00 1,850.00 1,400.00 NET BID $12,800.00 10,962.00 11,698.00 12,057.48 Accept Bid -Shore Chrysler- Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, Plymouth $10962.- 4 cars that the low bid of $10,962.00 submitted by Shore Chrysler Plymouth for four Plymouth 4 -door sedans for the Police Department be accepted. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) Request BZA to Review The manager stated that the report of the Board Sign Ordinance of Zoning Appeals regarding amendments to the sign ordinance was the final report. He proposed that the report, which had been received at the last meeting, be referred to the Plan Commission for a public hearing. He stated copies of the report had been sent to all service stations, and no comments, either pro or con, had been received. It was the consensus of the Board that the ordinance provisions for all signs should be reviewed in addition to service station signs. The manager was directed to notify the Board of Zoning Appeals that a review of the entire sign ordinance was desired. Prices - Photogrammetric The manager reported that price quotations had Topo Map Discussion been received for a photogrammmtric topographical map of the Village from two- firms, as follows: Chidago Aerial Survey: Maximum $34,650.00; Minimum $27,820.00. ti TS-0 R. H. Ludwig and Co., Inc.: Maximum $23,905.00; Minimum $13,660.00 All..ggotations are for maps with a scale of 1" = 100', 2' contours. As an alternate, R. H. Ludwig and Co. will prepare app with a scale of 1" = 2001, maximum cost $10,245.00, minimum $6,830.00. The flights must be made when there are no leaves on the trees and no snow on the ground. The minimum price quotations are applicable if the flights are made this springs later the maximum prices will apply. The manager stated that the photogrammetric topographic map which Consoer, Townsend Associates Eonsider necessary for a sewer survey had been mentioned to Dr. Hal Sundin, who had stated the map would be a great help, but he felt that Baxter & Woodman had sufficient data to make the survey without it. Discussion was had on whether the additional expenditure should be made, the map and post card survey specified by Consoer, Townsend.!`dAssociates being the major difference in estimated costs of the sewer survey. The manager stated the map would be helpful to the Plan Commission and engineering department, but pointed out it would probably be August before the map is delivered to the Village if it is ordered now. Trustee Schleicher suggested, and the Board concurred, that the matter be held over for a decision at the next meeting. Re: Flodstrom Annexation Discussion was had on the proposed annexation of the Flodstrom property on the south side of County Line Road. Mr. Flodstrom indicated he would like to annex, but the planned expansion of his building would not be permitted under the more restric- tive zoning regulations of the Village with respect to front and side yard set- backs and the minimum site area of five acres. He can obtain a building permit for the additirn from Cook County. After reviewing site plans showing possible locations for building expan- sion, Trustee Kelm suggested that Mr. Flodstrom petition for annexation listing the variations he seeks for his building. The matter would then be referred to tte Plan Commission for consideration, and the necessary variations would be covered in the Annexation Agreement. Decision was made that the matter be removed from the agenda until the petition for annexation is received, which will then be referred to the Plan Commission. Ordinance- Mun.Code Amend. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trusteep Sec. 20.203(b) Stop Signs Turner, that the ordinance be passed amending Kingston & Kenton Section 20.203(b) of the Municipal Code by (0 -71 -4) adding Kingston Terrace at Kenton Road to the list of stop streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Sign Box Contract As previously authorized, President Forrest R.R. Parking Design signed the contract with Paul Box & Associ- ates for design of parking facilities at the Milwaukee Railroad station. The contract included changes recommended by the Village attorney and accepted by Mr.. Box. Report -Ill. Zoning Laws Com. The manager submitted a report on the meeting of the Illinois Zoning Laws Study Commission held on January la at the Bismark Hotel in Chicago. A public hearing on the Commission's recommendations will be held in Springfield on February 7th. He reported the Manager's Association had passed a resolution outlining constructive criticism and changes in the Commission's .recommendations. It was pointed out that the Village attorney and Senator Karl Berning of Deerfield are members of the Commission. 1st Presentation- Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance Adopting Comprehensive Plan adopting the Comprehensive Plan prepared by Discussion & Map Changes Carl A. Gardner Associates, as recommended by the Plan Commission. Mrs. Lloyd Rudolph, 717 Wilmot Road, whose property is designated as a park site on the Comprehensive Plan map, stated that the Park and School District 1i 1 1 12 had been interested in acquiring their property several years ago to tie in with the Wilmot School -Park site, but other property had been purchased and at preseii.t neither the Park or School Boards have any need for or interest in acquiring their property or the Teeter property at 677 Wilmot Road which is also designated as a park. While the Rudlphs or Teeters have no.plans to sell either property at this time, the park designation on the map would cause a.� needless delay if either family decided to sell. She asked that the map be amended to show a residential designation on both properties. Plan Commission Chairman Dan Stiehr.s.tated.that both properties had been shown on the Comprehensive Plan map of two years ago and had been merely carried forward, but the Plan Commission had no objection to a designation of low density residential if the School and Park Boards had no interest in acquiring the properties. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Rudolph and Teeter properties be shown as low residential on the Comprehensive Plan map. Motion carried unanimously. President Forrest reported that a letter had been received from the owners of eight properties from 521 through 557 Deerfield Road who have asked that the Plan map show their properties for multiple family use. They stated the property had been zoned in 1924 as a "B" district which included multiple family dwellings, and had been changed in 1953 to the single family residence classification without notice to the owners. He pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan map does not change zoning, and rezoning can only be done after a public hearing. Plan Commission Chairman Stiehr stated these properties.had been discussed at some length by the Plan Commission who felt the single family classification should be retained to prevent a creeping encroachment of greater density uses. Mrs. Herman Schempf, 535 Deerfield Road, stated the original Comprehensive Plan map prepared by Carl Gardner Associates had shown a multiple or office designa- tion for this area, and the planner, Mr. Abel had recommended offices; however, the map was changed two weeks later to show single family use. She added there were several non - conforming uses in this area, and stated that since Deerfield Road was widened to 4 lanes, it was no longer a nice place to live, and owners can not get a fair price for their homes as single family residences. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the fiap'b.e changed to show multiple family for the eight lots. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Turner (3) Nays: Schleicher (1) President Forrest stated that the designation of commuter parking for the area south of Deerfield Road between Chestnut Street and the railroad had been questioned by the owners, as well as the park designation for properties on-then§outh side of Hazel Avenue adjacent to Jewett Park. The owners feel that these designations pre- clude the sale of their property. Mr. Stiehr stated a commitment should be made to these owners that the Village will purchase their property at the fair market price as it becomes available, and funds should be set aside for this purpose. Trustee Schleicher stated it was his opinion the plan should be adopted without further changes, and the Plan Commission be relied upon to recommend any changes that seem desirable in the next review period. Trustee Turner stated he had certain reservations about some aspects of the plan, but also recommended adoption. Mrs. Willard Loarie urged that Mr. Paul Box be requested to review the plan before any decision is made by the Board. She suggested that all Village owned property be shown on the map, and that reference to previous plans be made in the preamble to the adopting ordinance to show that .planning has been a continuing concern of the Village. She queAoned the. "Business" designation shown on the municipal parking lot at Deerfield Road and Rosemary Terrace. Trustee Turner moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Village attorney revise the ordinance to include previous plans and dates in the preamble. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was recessed at 9:45 p.m., and reconvened at 10:05 p.m. Approve Family Day Solicitation Discussion was had on the request of Mr. Roy with Village Bills Kissling of the Deerfield Family Day Committee thtt the Board approve the solicitation of funds 1R- for Family Day with the Village bills for water, sewer and refuse services. The committee will furnish the pre -- stamped window envelopes for the mailing and will enclose the bill with the solicitltion letter. He stated this method has been very sudcessful in Wheaton where.approximately 85 per cent of the resi- dents have contributed. Lack of manpower for house to house solicitation, as had been done in the past, make some other means of raising funds necessary. Trustee Kelm stated it was his opinion that approval of this request could set a precedent for similar requests, and to include a solicitation with official bills could be misconstrued by residents as being a compulsory contri- bution. Mr. Kissling stated that DeerfiKld.Family Day was the only activity participated in by all organizations, and therefore no precedent would be set. He stressed that all contributions are voluntary. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Family Day Committee be allowed to add a solicitation for funds to utility bills sent in March, April and May, with contributions by separate check, which he would prefer, or as an additional amount added to payments for utility bills. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Schleicher, Turner (3) Nays: Kelm (1) Approve Payment $5103 to Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, Wanzenberg & Co. - Pump that payment of $5,103.00 he approved to William Wanzenberg & Co. for work completed on the installation of a sludge pump at the sewage treatment plant, as recommended by the engineers. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) Authorize Bldg. Permit Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, Montgomery Ward that the issuance of a building permit for the Montgomery WArd store in Deerbrook Shopping Center be authorized, as recommended by the Building Board of Appeals and the building commissioner. Motion carried unanimously. Renew 1964 Highway Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Permit Resolution Schleicher, that the renewal of the 1964 Highway Permit Resolution be approved for the year 1971. Motion carried unanimously. Re: Transi -Plan The manager reported on the status of the Milwaukee Railroad's Project Transi-Plan and the request that the Village of Deerfield.pass an ordinance for partici- pation in the plan. Discussion was had on the blan, and it was the consensus that the manager keep the Board informed on any developments. Reports The manager reported that the Village would observe certain holidays on Mondays as designated by State and Federal authorities, but July 4th falling on Sunday created some problems for Family Day, since there was objection to parades, etc. on Sunday. The Village will observe the July 4th holiday on Monday, July 5th, which will be satisfactory to the Family Day Committee. Decision was made that a written request be made by the Family Day Committee for celebration of Family Day on Monday, July 5. Meetings of the Board in February will be held on the first and third Tuesdays due to Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays falling on Mondays. The Board directed the manager to proceed with plans for the improvement of Kates Road, Allis Chalmers having agreed to.dedicate right -of -way for part of the street if the Village installs and pays for the improvement. The Village attorney stated there would be no problem about payment for the improvement adjacent to the Sackheim property by the owner, with the Village paying the remainder of the cost. Authorize Transfer $5000 The manager reported that a bill for $4,363.75 to Plan Commission Account had.been received from Carl Gardner Associates for planning services, and there were insufficient funds in the Plan Commission budget to pay this bill. fl d� G� I -1� Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Board authorize the transfer of$5,000 from the General Office Salaries Account to the Plan Commission account. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) Approve Payment $44.363.75 to Carl Gardner Associates by the following vote: 12W Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that payment of $4,363.75 be approved to Carl Gardner Assoiates for planning services. Adopted Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) Reports The manager Chamber of. adopt a "going out of business" ordinance. The requires a license. reported that Mr. Robert York of the Commerce hdd asked that the Village Village attorney stated the State The manager reported that a resident had requested the Village to adopt Flood Insurance provisions, since she has been unable to get flood insurance coverage. Trustee Schleicher suggested the manager discuss this matter with the insurance company. The Village attorney stated the ordinance regulating solicitors made no provisionsfor a waiver of the registration requirement for residents who wish to solicit for such groups as the United Fund. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Village attorney be authorized to draft an amendment to waive requirements for sppltatidns for registration under such circumstances. Motion carried unanimously. The manager reported he had discussed the Highway Safety Award of $1745 with the Chief of Police, who had suggested that the award and matching funds be used for an additional squad car or video equipment. The matter was referred to tle Finance Committee. A report was received from Charles Greengard, engineer, on the sidewalk installed by Mr. James Tiffany on his property on Laurel Avenue. The Village treasurer will be authorized to ajjust payments for the special assessment on the basis of this letter. The President stated the Comprehensive Plan will be Liven final consideration at the next meeting on February 2nd, and asked as many members of the Plan Commission as possible to attend this meeting. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Bootz,ssecoriddd by Trustee Turner, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. ATTEST: 0 73 12,, , Village Clerk APPROVED: President