11/16/19701.0 3 November 16, 1970 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall on Monday, November 16, 1970 at 8:20 p.m. The clerk called the:-r611 -.arid reported that the following were Present: Bernard Forrest, President Charles R. Bootz George Kelm George P. Schleicher Stephen M. Slavin M. Jay Turner, Jr. Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Minutes bf the regular meeting held November 2, 1970 were approved as sub- mitted on motion by Trustee Slavin, seconded by Trustee Bootz, and carried un- animously. Approve Warrant No. W -70 -11 Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that Warrant No. W -70 -11 - payment of bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the Q following vote: Ayes: Boot, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) P.C. & Box Reports A report from the Plan Commission regarding Lake -Cook Rd. Imgrovements the widening of Lake -Cook Road recommended the Authorize Resolutions following: the closing of Forestway, Willow, Fairview and Kenmore, as shown on the Planning Consultatn's design study "C "; the vacation or relocation of Huehl Road ; left turn b.ayssat= Wilmot, Birchwood, Pine, Carlisle and Ellendale; left and right turn lanes and pedestrian crosswalks at the WaukeganARoad intersection; a pedestrian walk on the bridge over the west fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River; right turn deceleration lanes at Wilmot, Birchwood and Pine; provision for future signalization at'Wilmot, Birchwood, Pine, Pfingsten, Carlisle and Ellendale; provision for a future grade separation crossing at the Milwaukee Railroad; and a study by Paul Box to determine priorities for signalization and feasibility of right turn lanes. A report from Paul Box and Associates on right turn lanes at the Lake -Cook- Waukegan intersection estimated the cost of the north /south lanes at $10,000, ex- clusive of right -of -way, and the estimated cost of eastfwest lanes at $15,100, also exclusive of right -of -way and construction easements. Mr. Box recommended proceeding with all four lanes provided the Village attorney can expect to obtain rights -of- way and construction easements by March 1971; Cook County will accept Mr. Box's cross section designs; and no major controversy develops over the northeast corner sidewalk. Trustee Schleicher stated that closing streets would affect homeowners and suggested that resolutions covering recommendations be prepared and given adequate publicity in order that homeowners may make known their position. He then moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare such resolutions to be considered by the Board at a future meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was had on driveways for the seven houses in Hovland Subdivision which front on Lake -Cook Road. Trustee Slavin pointed out that most lots in Hovland fronting on EakeleEookrRoad have not been subdivided and it was extremely unlikely that future houses would be built on the 36000 sq. ft. lots, and any re- subdivision would come to the Plan Commission and Board. Plan Commission Chairman Dan Stiehr stated that the vacation or relocation of Huehl Road to align with Birchwood Avenue was of prime importance, and recommended that someone from the Village attempt to bring this about. ' The manager suggested that, as an inducement to relocation, the Village offer to pay the full cost of future signalization of the proposed Huehl- Birchwood intersection. The manager proposed that he be authorized to contact Lake County with regard to the recommended right turn deceleration lanes, to request their participation in the project by aaViring the additional right -of -way. 104 The manager was directed to prepare an analysis of Motor Fuel Tax Funds and commitments for the Board. ' S.C. Report - Signalization A report from the Safety Council recommended Deerfield- Petersen- Hoffman, the resignalization of the Petersen- Hoffman- Kipling & Wilmot- Deerfield Deerfield Road intersection, as well as the Kipling - Deerfield installation. The signalization of the Wilmot- Deerfield intersection was also recommended. The manager reported that Baxter and Woodman had studied the Petersen - Hoffman- Deerfield resignalization and proposed three alternate solution to the signalization of Petersen Lane, but pointed out that signalization of Petersen Lane would mean less "green time' on Hoffman Lane. The Safety Council will study the Box and Baxter and Woodman reports and report its findings to the Board. S.C. Report - Woodland Pk. A report from the Safety Council recommended Crossing Guard, Wilmot Sidewalks the employment of a crossing guard for the Woodland Park School to be stationed at a location to be designated later. The Council also recommended that sidewalks be constructed on the west side of Wilmot Road from Greenwood Avenue north to School Street, an area outside the Village at the time of the Wilmot sidewalkF Special Assessment. The manager reported that the Police Department is doing an evaluation of all crossing guards in the Village and it might be advisable to await this report before any action is taken on the Safety Council's recommendation. Trustee Slavin stated the Safety Council's report did not give sufficient information on which to base a decision, and proposed it be sent back to the Council with a request for a more detailed report. Mr. Barker French, 1663 Pear Tree, representing the Woodland Park PTA, stated the school had made a survey which showed that 160 children must cross Wilmot Road, 90 ccoming from south of"Greenwood and 60 from north of Greenwood. The request for a crossing guard and sidewalks was based on the results of the survey. President Forrest proposed a meeting with the Safety Council to discuss its reports and recommendations, and the manager was directed to arrange a', meeting, Monday, November 23 at 8:00 p.m. being suggested as a convenient time. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Safety Council be requested to resubmit its report after further study and amplification. Motion carried unanimously. Zera & Greengard Reports A report from Zera Construction Company Hovland Improvement S/A 108 was read on the progress of Hovland Improve - ments,.Special Assessment No. 108, listing the following items to be complete: Sidewalks where power poles have not been moved and in the area between Kenmore and the Tiffany property on the south side of Laurel Avenue which cannot be completed due to bad,ground and surface water conditions; Intersection returns on Rosewood west of Birchwood where a pole must be moved and on Laurel Avenue west of the Tiffany property where there is a bad ground condition and surface Hater. They recommended that these installa- tions be completed in early spring 1971 as soon as soon as weather permits. If cores from sidewalks crossing driveways show that replacement of walks is necessary, the company recommended that this work also be delayed until next spring in order that homeowners may use their driveways during the winter. to Zera Construction A copy of the letter sent/by Charles W. Greengard Associates, engineers, stressed their, requirement for a time schedule for completion of Hovland improvements, as well as a request to the Village Board for a time extension. A report on sidewalk and pavement cores was attached. The manager reported that relocation of the power line poles had been started. With respect to the bad ground condition complained of, he reported the engineer had asked for prices on pumping the excess waterbbut-rx'&je'tted`.'th1s idea because of high costs. He suggested that Village equipment be used to put in drain tile to be connected to.the storm sewer. He stated he saw no other alternative than to permit the contractor to complete the work next spring, since cold weather will preclude the.poufi:ngo6fceonere�e. He reported parkway 10-1101 work is being done and will probably be continued and completed this year, but it is evident that Zera will ask for an extension of time for.completion of.other-"work. President Forrest noted that cores taken from sidewalks across dirveways showed that approximately 85 percent were deficient and must be replaced. The manager stated it would be better to delay this replacement until spring, but work is going forward on the punch list of corrections. He stated sufficient funds are being retained to complete the work. It was the consensus of the Board that Messrs. Greengard and Zera should be present at the next meeting for a thorough discussion ofthe matter. Re: Sewer Survey In connection with the request for contract proposals for the proposed storm and sanitary sewer survey, the manager reported a response had been received from Baxter and Woodman. Decision was made that the matter be tabled until Consoer, Townsend and Associates submit a proposal. Sump Pump Inspection Report A report on the sump pump inspection program showed an additional 107 houses inspected and 21 corrections to be made. To date, of the 531 houses inspected, 31 have been corrected, 54 were correct when the house was built, and 42 must be reinspected. Ordinance - Longfellow Regarding the proposed ordinance providing for IV Sidewalk S/A Failed the construction of sidewalks on the north 61 side of Longfellow Avenue by special assessments, Mr. Richard McCallister, spokesman for Longfellow residents, stated the proposal i, had been discussed at a ndighborhood meeting at which the first consideration was the safety of children. Counts of school children had been made on two dayswhich had shown conclusively that the sidewalks were not needed. He presented a petition signed by 23 owners of property on Longfellow who objected to the improvement as unnecessary and undesirable °. He also read a letter from the Board of Education of School District 109 which stated that both the administration and Board did not feel qualified or well enough informed to recommend the installation of the pro- posed sidewalk. A letter from the president of the Kipling PTA supported the Board's position. Mr. Jack Liske stated his previous letter regarding speeding on Longfellow had been misunderstood. The letter's reference to picking up injured children had not been intended to imply the children had been hurt on Longfellow, but in other locations where he had assisted as a member of the Fire Department's rescue team. No child pedestrian has been injured in a traffic accident on Longfellow. He stated that with the help of the Safety Council and Board improved safety had been accomplished through the lowering of the speed limit, more police surveillance, no truck traffic and stop signs. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the ordinance providing for the construction of sidewalks on the north side of Longfellow Avenue be adopted. The motion failed, the following vote being recorded: Ayes: None (0) Nays: Boot ;, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Discussion of the proposed flammable liquid storage tank testing ordinance was tabled for further information. 1st Presentation - Ordinance Qideyard Variation 145 Birchwood ( Denley) Avenue,'as requested by Mr. bulletin board in the lobby, Flag Illumination & Placque from Rotary Accepted The first presentation was made of the ordinance granting a variation from the side yard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance with respect to the property at 145 Birchwood `Reginald Denley. The ordinance has been posted on the Mr. Roy Kissling of the Rotary Club stated the Club wished to provide 24 hour illumination for the flag at the Village Hall, and a placque honoring those who have served this country. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the generous offer of the Rotary Club be accepted with thanks. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9 :35 p.m., all members present. Report -Lake Eleanor Improvements The manager submitted a report on Lake Eleanor Subdivision improvements to be completed or corrected, as follows: Hydrant on Montgomery Drive to be raised and painted; hydrant between Lots 17 and 18 to be raised; bridge to be grouted and paved with 1116 asphalt and the south bridge approach to be paved. After payment of a $300 bill for engineering services, there will be insufficient funds (approximately $1200) in the escrow account to pay the cost of paving the bridge approach. Discussion was had on whether Mr. Ronald Waytula can be required to pay additional funds to make up the deficiency. P?resident Forrest asked the Village attorney to investigate the matter and report to the Board. Re: Like Subdivision Mr. Marshall Patke, attorney for Mr. Glenn Likes, stated the Plan Commission had appm7ed a preliminary plat of Likes' Subdivision subject to a bond or escrow agreement for the installation of sewer and water improvements on Broadmoor Place and the dedication of the north 30 ft. for a future street. Mr. Likes will comply with these conditions and will meeti_' Code requirements for improve- ments, but asked the Board to approve a recapture agreement to reimburse Mr. Likes for part of the cost of the improvements. Plans and specifications for sewer and water improvements were presented. The manager stated these plans would be reviewed and a report prepared for the next meeting. The plat was given to Chairman Dan Stiehr for review by the Plan Commission. Bids -Snow Blower, Accept Bid Stanton Equip. $5700 Stanton Equipment Co. Bid A Bid B Illinois Truck & Equipment Bid A Bid B Sealed bids for a rotary snow blower were opened and read as follows: $5,596.00 5,700.00 7,285.00 5,895.00 The manager stated none of the equipment met bid specifications, but recommended the acceptance of the bid of StantomiEquipment on a Good Rodds Model A80124 at a price of $5,700.00 which most nearly meets specifications and does comply with the weight limitations required by Village equipment. Trustee Turner moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the bid of Stanton Equipment be accepted at the bid price of $5,700.00. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) _ Nays: None (0) Authorize Attorney to Defend Trustee Schleicher stated that the Board Sackheim Suit had agreed to take up the Sackheim rezoning request within six weeks after receipt of the Plan Commission's report on October 5, 1970, but a suit for a declaratory judgment had been filed. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Village attorney be instructed to file anetanswer and to defend the Village in the Sackheim vs. Village of Deerfield suit. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Boot ;, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) Letter Re: Flood Control A letter was received from the President Committee of the Village of Glenview regarding plans of the North Suburban Flood Control Committee who wish to retain a consultant. The employment of a competent con- sultant from the Metropolitan Sanitary District who is experienced in the area is proposed. In order to pay the consultant, contributions from municipalities are requested which were estimated to be not more than 30c to gOG per capita. President Forrest suggested the letter be .referred to the Budget Committee. Trustee Schleicher pointed out the letter Vas addressed to Public Works Director Ed Klasinski, and proposed that Mr. Klasinski.be authorized to acknowledge the receipt of the letter, calling attention to the efforts made by the Village to acquire the brickyard property to be used in part as a flood retention basin,_ and assuring the Committee of the Village's continued cooperation but stating that no commitment for financial aid can be made at this time. Discussion -RR Parking Lot A letter from the President of the Riverwoods & Design Contract Residents' Association stated he was puzzled by newspaper articles ttta'at :implied there was insufficent parking at the railroad station because of non - residents. He 10T. pointed out that most non - residents have Deerfield addresses, they support local merchants and schools, etc., and equal consideration should be gi:van to al , users of the railroad. President Forrest will answer the letter, stating it was apparent there was a misconception about the Board's discussion of parking lot improvements since the Board had always recognized there can be /differentiation between residents and non - residents in the uee of the parking facilities on railroad property. The contract with Paul Box and Associates for the design of the parking lot improvements was presented. Trustees Kelm and Schleicher suggested that all references to architecural design for improvement of the railroad station should be deleted and the Board approved this deletion. Discussion was had on payment for services rendered in the design of the parking lot improvements. The manager stated all expenditures would be reimbursed from the proceeds from the sale of revenue bonds including any interest and maintenance provided by:-the Village, such as the servicing of meters, snow plowing and similar work. The Village will be reimbursed for all expenditures from parking income before the railroad receives any revenue. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the matter be tabled until a new contract has been prepared deleting all references to architectural design services. Motion carried unanimously. No Livery License Necessary In connection with the public hearing to consider for IVI Travel Service the request of I.V.I. Travel Consultants, U Northbrook, for a Certificate of Public Con- venience and Necessity to operate a limousing service in the Village, as requested by Mr. Lawrence Incandella, Trustee Slavin - questioned whether the operation could be considered a public conveyance since it provides a service limited to customers of the travel agency and is not a public lievery service. Mr. Incandella stated he does not want business from the general public as it is operated only for com- panies and the travel agency, and complies with all licensing and insurance require- ments of the State. He pointed out that many livery services for Deerfield residents are advertised in the telephone book classified section, but no licenses have been issued. The Village attorney recommended repeal of the ordinance if it is not enforced. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Board determine that the livery service provided by I.V.I. Travel Consultants and described by Mr. Incandella is not covered by the provisions of the livery licensing ordinance, and no license need be obtained. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Schleicher then moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance calrifying the provisions of the ordinance regulating livery services. Motion carried unanimously. Box Report Re: Hazel Ave. Receipt was acknowledged of the report of Referred to S.C. Paul Box Associates, Traffic Consultants, on Hazel avenue school crosswalks. The recom- mendations were described briefly. The report will be referred to the.Safety Council for study and recommendations. Discussion -Mail Box Trailer A request was received from Mr. David E. Chapman at Deerbrook for a temporary permit to park THE MAILBOX trailer in the Deerbrook Shopping Center for a three month pilot operation. A'scale model of the facility was available for inspection. The trailer would be used for a wrapping, packing, mailing and shipping service and would be parked at the south end of the Shopping Center. Several members stated they' -were opposed to such temporary.facilities. Trustee Slavin stated he was not necessarily opposed to-the issuance of the temporary permit, but would like a more detailed presentation. The Board approved Trustee Slavin's suggestion that Mr. Chapman be invited to attend the next meeting to answer any questions. Approve Gottlieb The Building Commissioner asked that he be Bldg. Permit authorized to issue a building permit for the Gottlieb "incubator" factory on the tract formerly known as the Cullman Wheel property south of County Line Road adjacent to the west drainage ditch. Plan Commission Chaitman Stiehr stated that, although there was compliance with all ordinance provisions, the Commission had asked that certain features of the site be brought to the attention of the Board. The truck s ® A4 t it maneuvering area may be flooded from time to time with up to 18 inches of water; the long narrow driveway could become.blocked, leaving no way for emergency vehicles to get around the south end of the building. He also stated that the number of employees should be checked from time to time to insure compliance with parking requirements. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by:fCruspee commissioner be authorized to issued the permit Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Slavin, Turner (4) Nays: Schleicher (1) Turner, that the building for the Gottlieb building. Reports - Communications A letter from the Milwaukee Road stated that idling diesel locomotives were now being parkkdZinnaaneval3oation which is remote from any residential property. Notice was received from the City of Highland Park that a public hearing will be held November 21, 1970 in the City Hall to consider an amendment to the Highland Park Code that would prohibit the sale of soft drinks in non- returnable containers within the City of Highland Park. . The manager reported onia meeting with Messrs. Ramsay and Willut of the Deerfield State Bank who wish to locate a drive -in banking facility at the railroad station. The manager reported that Mr. Ramsay had indicated the bank would be interested in financing parking lot improvements and other property the Village may acquire for parking. He stated that consent for the banking facility must first be obtained from the Railroad, and a public hearing must be held by the Plan Commission before any action can be taken by the Board. Receipt was acknowledged of a report from the manager on the meeting at Libertyville where operation Transi -Plan was discussed. The manager reported he had met with Park Superintendent Don Pilger to discuss the acquisition and use of the present library building for a Park District Community Center. The Park Board is concerned about the lack of space for expansion of the building, since the Library Board plans to use the temporary building site for parking. If no space for expansion is available, the building would not be suitable for a Community Center. President Forrest stated he had discussed this matter with Park District President Charles Allen who expressed interest in renting the building on a temporary basis for offices, who asked for inforamtion on how long the building could be rented and what would be the rental charge. Specifications for a sound reinforcement system for the Villgge Hall have been prepared by Trustee Schleicher, and bids will be received until December 7, 1970. The manager reported that Trustee Slavin's suggestion taht a stop sign be erected at Kenton and.Kingston had been referred to the Safety Council. A report from the Plan Commssion recommended revisions to the Zoning Ordinance with respect to side and rear yard encroachments of accessory buildings in residential districts. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the Village attorney prepare an ordinance in accordance with the recom- mendations of the Plan Commission. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Schleicher will attend the dinner meeting of the Northeast Illinois Planning Commission at the Holiday Inn on November 18th. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Bootz, seconded by Trustee Slavin, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. APPROVED: Presid t ATTEST: Village Clerk