09/21/197015+ September 21,1950 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the.Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, September 21, 1970 at 8:15 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Presetn: Bernard Forrest, President Charles R. Bootz George- Kelm George P. Schleicher Stephen M. Slavin M. Jay Turner, Jr. Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Mr. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Mrs. Marjorie Emery, representing the manager. Moved by Trustee Bootz, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the minutes of the adjourned meeting held August 31, 1970 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Warrant No. W -70 -9 Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that Warrant No. W -70 -9 - payment of bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0)- P.C. Report - R.R. Station The Plan Commission's report on the Mil - Parking Proposal waukee Road's parking proposal was read in which they agreed that more and better parking is needed. The comprehensive plan will propose two new parking areas, one east of the tracks and one on the south side of Deerfield Road Wiest of the tracks. Pay commuter parking was approved if necessary to finance the improve- ments rather than a tax supported program since many residents do not use the railroad parking facilities, but many non - residents do. If the Board decides 1tq,proceed with the proposed improvements, they recommended that provision be made for pedestrian safety by the construction of a catwalk across Deerfield Road and a safe crossing from the east. They further recommended improvement of the present depot. Discussion was had on the proposed transit district and the improvements to be made when the district is organized. Mr. William Waldman of the Milwaukee Road stated there would be many demands for improvements in service and facilities, and the Transit Board would establish priorities. He reported he had made a survey of the Deerfield station parking lot, and although he had not checked 40 to 50 cars, he had found there were 135 cars owned by Deerfield residents and 147 vehicles; of non - residents. He estimated that not more than -50 percent of the parking space is used by Deerfield residents. He stated that the railroad might approve construction of the catwalk if the Board decides to acquire additional property for parking, and he will present this request to the proper department. Mr. Waldman reported that Northbrook had approved the lease of the rail- road parking facilities effective last Thursday, and will have space for 575 cars. He could give no information on the ratio of resident and non - resident parking. Trustee Schleicher asked for more bicycle racks at the Deerfield station, there being an insufficient number at present. Mr. Waldman stated additional racks would be furnished. The Village attorney will research the question whether parking on muni- cipply owned property can be limited to Deerfield residents. Authorize Offerr to Purchase Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Favelli Property- 859 Deerfield Rd. Turner, that in response to the offer of Mr. Favelli to sell the triangular piece of property at 859 Deerfield Road, the Village attorney be authorized to submit an offer to purchase the said property in accordance with the appraisal secuued by the Village. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) Authorize Negotiations R.R. Parking Lease by Trustee Turner, that the Village able provisions of the lease with the Motion carried unanimously. rill In connection with the Milwaukee Road's pro- posal to lease commuter parking facilities to the Village, Trustee Slavin moved, seconded attorney and manager commence negotiations on suit - railroad, to be submitted to the Board. P.C. Report - Marshall Zoning A report from the Plan Commission stated that Hearing 1/22/70 Nullified a public hearing had been held January 22, 1970 on the request to rezone the Marshall property at 190 Waukegan Road from the B -4 to the B -1 classification, and that the attorney for the petitioner had not filed an affidavit of notification to adjacent property owners. The Commission requested that the hearing be declared null and void. The Board approved the Village attorney's suggestion that the petitioner be advised that, by reason of failure to comply with notification, a new petition must be submitted. P.C. Report - Comprehensive Plan The Plan Commission reported that the revised Comprehensive Plan is approximately 98% complete and will be reviewed by the Commission on October 22. A public hearing on the Plan will be held in November or December, 1970. ltr BZA Report -Union Oil Sign A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals Variations -836 Deerfield Rd. recommended that variations from the provisions Authorize Ordinance of the Zoning Ordinance be granted to permit the erection of an interior illuminated non- revolving spherical sign 6 ft. in diameter located 37� ft. from the center line of Deerfield Road and 331 ft. from the west property line at 836 Deerfield Road, as requested by the Union Oil Company, with a further stipulation that the advertising on the sign remain as shown on the model. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Bootz, that the recommendations of the Board of Zoning Appeals be approved and the Village attorney be directed to pre- pare an ordinance granting the variations in accordance with the said recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. BZA Report -Dr. Offices & Apt. A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals 956 Deerfield Rd.- Variation recommended that a variation be granted amending Authorize Ordinance the variation heretofore granted by Ordinance No. 0 -63 -1 with respect to the building at 956 Deerfield Road to permit one apartment and two offices each to be occupied by one doctor or dentist, but eliminating the condition that the variation be continued only so long as Mr. Bendinelli (now Mrs. Bruggman) or her daughter remain in occupancy and ownership. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the report of the Board of Zoning Appeals be accepted and approved, and the Village attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance granting the variation as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. BZA Report- Library Sign A report from the Board of Zoning Appeals stated that permission had been granted to the architect for the new library building to erect a small temporary identification sign on the building site, and the request for a 96 sq. ft. sign identifying the library had been denied. S.C. Report -No Parking A report from the Safety Council recommended North Ave'. & St. Light that parking be prohibited on both sides of Authorize Ordinance North Avenue in the vicinity of the Trinity United Church of Christ and a street light be installed in the area. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance to prohibit parking on North Avenue between Portage Pass and Woodvale Drive. Motion c4'7 ed unanimously. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of an ordinance Gasoline Service Stations amending the Municipal Code by adding a new A±ticld XI - Gasoline Service Stations to Chapter 17, providing for licenses, fees, testing of storage tanks,.drainage and 1 . ti r waste disposal and penalty for violations. The ordinance has been posted on the bulletin board in the lobby. A suggestion that only fiber glass tanks be permitted for the storage of flammable liquids was referred to the building commissioner and the fire depart - ment.for their recommendations. Ordinance- Mun,.Code Amend. Sec. 20.323- 25 mph Speed Longfellow & Kipling (0- 70 -43) hour on the following streets: by the following vote: Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Slavin, that the ordinance be ddopted amending the Municipal Code by adding a new subsection (a) to Section 20.323 to establish a maximum speed of 25 miles per Longfellow Avenue and Kipling Place. Adopted Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Report- Hovland Improvements It was reported that recent rains had brought all work on Hovland improvements to a stand- still. President Forrest stated he had asked for letters from Hovland residents listing items to be completed and damages to property, but he had not -recdived as many as expected. He asked that this matter-be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Trustee Schleicher strongly urged that the'manager`be dir�cted-to 'notify the contractor that the soil placed on parkways was unsatisfactory and should be removed and replaced.with topsoil as snecified_ President Forrest stated that Mr. George Kennedy had filed to submit a written request for release of all payments on Special Assessment No. 107 except $5,000 for a one year guarantee of work, not was there any report from the engineer, Charles W. Greengard Associates. This matter will be removed from the agenda until such time.as all reports have been submitted, including settlement of claims. Accept Bid W. Wanzenberg & Co. Trustee Bootz moved,,seconded by Trustee Sludge Pump $7370 Schleicher, that the low bid of $7,370.00 submitted by W. Wanzenberg & Company for a sludge pump be accepted, as recommended by the engineers. Adopted by the following voter Ayes: Bootz, Kelm, Schleicher, Turner (4) Nays: None (0) Pass: Slavin (1) The meeting was recessed at 9 :25 p.m. and reconvened at 9:35 p.m., all members present. Discussion - Sewer Survey In connection with the proposed survey of sewer flooding problems, the President re- ported letters had been sent to Baxter and Woodman and Consoer and Townsend. Baxter and Woodman suggested a ^melting with the Board to discuss the type of survey desired, and Mr. William Townsend will meet with the manager Thursday. Mr. Alan Schultz, 241 Forestway, proposed that letters be sent to a number of firms in the area, indicating something about the Village and the nature of the problem, and asking for suggestions as to how they would proceed. On the basis of these suggestions the Board could select a firm. He pointed out the work would be done in phases to be determined by budgetary limitations, but after the investi- gatory work is completed, the Board would have an idea of what should be done and how much it would cost. Discussion was had on whether additional firms should be contacted. The President suggested that the matter be discussed further at the next meeting after the manager has talked with the two firms. In answer to Mr. Richard Buerger's question, he stated that no emergency relief was planned except the sump pump in- spection program which would take six to nine months to complete. Mr. J. K. Willman, Hazel Avenue, reported that his basement had not been fflodded in recent rains after correction of sewer connections at Maplewood School but three neighbous had been flooded as well as houses on Waukegan and Westgate Roads. He stated that the west drainage ditch was far from full during these rains. I. ST. Brand Lane Storm Drainage Mr. Malcolm Poland, 905 Brand Lane, stated and Easements the residents of Brand Lane desired to install a storm sewer at their own expense to relieve drainage problems in the area, and for that purpose he and his neighbor had prepared grants of easements for the sewers,! After construction, the sewers would be accepted and maintained by the Village. Decision was made that plans and specifications should be prepared and reviewed by the engineer before action is taken to accept the easements. Approve Fragassi Pennants A letter was received from Mr. Mel Fragassi Oct. 1 -3, '70 requesting permission to fly a group of pennants in his parking lot at 803 Deerfield Road on October 1, 2 and 3, 1970 to advertise a merchandising promotion of a new product. Trustee Turner moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that Mr. Fragassi's request be approved. Adopted by the following vote, Trustee Schleicher "Pass" vote being counted with the majority: Ayes: Kelm, Turner (2) Nays: Bootz (1) Pass: Schleicher (1) Abstain: Slavin (1) Atty. Represent Village Trustee Schleicher left the meeting at 10:00 p.m. Ill. Bell Rate Hearing In connection with Illinois Commerce Commission 41+ hearings on the Illinois Bell Telephone Company's CV request for rate increases, Mr. Werner Neuman stated the Board had authorized and the manager had presented the Village's objection to the rate differential between Highland Park and Deerfield. Oral arguments will be heard on September 30, 1970 and Qhe requested that the,Village affirm its previous objection to this differential. A representative from the telephone company stated the proposed increase was the first in 17 years, and greatly expanded service is being proposed at a very nominal cost. 1 Trustee Slavin pointed out that the Village is not objecting to the rate increase but only the rate differential. He then moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that Mr. Werner Neuman be appointed a committee of one to attend the hearing and present the Village's opposition to this differential. The motion failed, the following vote being recorded: Ayes: Kelm, Slavin (2) Nays: Turner, Bootz, Forrest (3) Trustee Slavin then moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, that the Village attorney represent the Village at the hearing. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Kelm, Slavin, Forrest (3) Nays: Bootz, Turner (2) Trustee Schleicher re- entered the meeting at 10:12 p.m. and was present thereafter. Authorize Ordinance A letter was received from High School District D.H.S. Fire Lanes 113 requesting that fire lanes be established at Deerfield High School as shown on the attached diagram. Trustee Kelm moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Village attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance as requested by the School Board. Motion carried unanimously. Authorize Bldg. Permit 1st National Bank Road, as recommended by the building Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the issuance of a building permit be approved for the First National Bank at 725 Deerfield commissioner. Deny Chesterfield Bldrs. Sign Chesterfield Builders requested a special permit on Public Property for a sign on public property to direct people to their development. It was pointed out that numerous requests for such signs had been received and denied, and that a precedent would be set if this request were granted. Trustee Bootz moved, seconded by Trustee Kelm, htat the request be denied and the manager be directed to explain to,�Ches.texfield Builders the reason for the denial. Motion carried unanimously. Lk Reports & Communications The President reported that plans for the bridge on County Line Road are available and will be chekced by the manager. President Forrest stated that changes had been made in procedures for billing for scavenger services and bills would now be sent after the service has been rendered. A letter from the Lake County Health Department stated that no odors had been detected in the vicinty of the treatment plant, brickyards and Sara Lee plant, but inspections will be continued. Mr. Robert York of the Chamber of Commerce suggested that consideration be given to a change in the abrupt curve in Waukegan Road where the new bank building will be constructed. The matter will be referred to the Public Works Department. Trustee Slavin stated that traffic congestion at the Waukegan Road entrance to the Commons was a hazard to pedestrians and cars and proposed the installation of a traffic light at this location. President Forrest stated a traffic survey is underway and this proposal will be brought to the @onsultatita'attention. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Turner, seconded by Trustee Bootz, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. ATTEST: 9 � � �fC1c -tip Village Clerk APPROVED: Presi ent