02/16/1970 (2)1() February 16, 1970 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the clerk, in the absence of the President, in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, February 16, 1970 at 8:16 p.m. The clerk then called the roll and reported that the following were Present: Jayman A. Avery, Jr. George Kelm George.P.- Schleicher Stephen iM., Slavin M. Jay Turner, Jr. Absent: BernardtForrest, President Charles R. Bootz and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. . Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher,:that Trustee Kelm be appointed President pro tem. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the regular meeting held February 2, 1970 were approved as sub- mitted on motion by Trustee Slavin, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, and carried unanimously. Approve Warrant No. W -70 -2 Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Avery, that Warrant No. W -70 -2 - payment of bills, including fund transfers and reimbursements, be approved. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Avery, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) Re: Petition to Rezone Minutes of the Plan Commission showed a recom- 500 Block- Deerfield Rd. mendation to.deny the petition .to .rezone property on the south side of Deerfield Road in the 500 block.' Decision was-made that no action be taken until the Plan Commission report is received. The matter will be kept on the agenda. Re: Ace Hosts Sub. The Plan Commission re- affirmed its previous Mallin Property recommendation for denial of the Ace Hosts Subdivision located adjacent to the northeast corner of Waukegan and County Line Roads, with frontage on both streets. The Village attorney stated that it was his understanding that the Plan Commission was not con- cerned about the Ace Hosts proposal,.but rather the development of the remainder of the property owned by Mr. John Mallin, and that a proposed planned unit amendment which could be applied to the.Mallin pnd- l6r_hpr business zoned property had been pre- pared and sent to the Plan Commission for consideration. The Board approved Trustee Slavin's suggestion that the matter be held on the agenda since there were many quesions to be resolved before action is taken. S.C. Report - Sidewalk In connection with the request of the Cadwell Snow Removal School PTO for sidewalk snow removal on Pine Street, a report from the Safety Council recommended that all school walks should receive the same treatment in snow removal, and the Village purchase equipment if necessary to accomplish such removal. Review of the entire snow removal program was also recommended. Discussion - Salting & Snow The manager reported that Director of Public Removal from Sts. & Sidewalks Works Klasinski is preparing a report on the costs of salting all streets and complete snow removal from all streets and sidewalks, but some difficulty had been encountetied.iin obtaining information on equipment costs. Several members stated that, although the matter had been referred to the Finance Committee, a policy on salting and complete snow removal should be determined by the Board before the matter is considered by the Finance Committee. Mrs. Joan Allen, Cadwell School PTO Safety Chairman, presented petitmons signed by 231 residents who requested snow removal from carriage walks on at least one side of Pine Street for the safety of children who must now walk in the street. She pointed out that Pine Street is a through street with heavier traffic,.and if carriage walks are cleared there, most people would be satisfied. She urged immediate action on this particular problem area, rather than a delay for a policy decision. fl. Discussion was had on the hazards of carriage walks with their close proximity to vehicular traffic. The replacement of carriage walks with 5 ft. sidewalks 1 ft. from the property line was suggested, or as an alternative, construction of the 5 ft. sidewalks leaving the carriage walks in place, on streets where a supplemental walk is necessary for the safety of children. It was suggested that this proposal be studied by the Safety Council, and the Village attorney was requested to check into who would pay for the additional walks. Mrs. Laura Lee Christoph, a member of the Safety Council, stated she had talke with representatives of neighboring municipalities, and all Ore doing something about sidewalks. However, she pointed out that the children walk in the street whether sidewalks are cleared or not, and urged parents and the PTOs to undertake an educational program stressing the responsibility of children tor, abide by safety rules. Mrs. Christoph has written a- letter regarding snow removal, copies of which will be sent to the Board. President pro tem Kelm stated the matter will be continued on the agenda and taken up when the report on salting and snow removal costs is received. S.C. Report - Deerbrook A letter from the Safety Council recommended that Shopping Center Walks sidewalks be constructed on both Waukegan and County Line Road at the Deerbrooki.Shopping Center, the entire cost to be paid by the owner. The Village attorney stated that, while the project could be done by special assessments, the matter of benefit to the property, which would determine the amount paid by the owner, should be checked into. N Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the matter be referred to the Village attorney. Motion carried unanimously. S.C. Report- Stop:•S gncat=i.,_n A report from the Safety Council recommended the Carriage Way & Millstone erection of a stop sign on Carriage Way at Mill- stone. Trustee Avery moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the recommendation of the Safety Council be approved and the Village attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance to authorize the erection of the stop sign. Motion carried unanimously. $?C. Report- Waukegan- County A letter from the Safety Council urged that plans Line Rd. Intersection for the widening of County Line Road include a fully signalized intersection at Waukegan and County Line toad. Inquiry was made regarding temporary left turn signals pending full improvement of County Line Road. The manager stated he had reviewed the plans and the schedule for the widening of County Line Road with the Cook County Highway Department, and had asked that a fully signalized intersection be included. He stated that $20,000 had been first estimated as the cost of left turn signals,,,it was later determined that the acquisition of -necessary additional right -of -way would bring the cost nearer to $100,000. Mr. Avron Ketch, Hyacinth'Place, stated that residents of the Briarwood Vista Subdivision Yaere, extremely concerned about the hazardous intersection where one bad accident has occurred and had discussed the problem with State Senator Karl Berning. The matter will be on the agenda for the March 2nd meeting. We -Go Stork Drainage The manager reported that maps of the sewer system had been sent to the Board. He proposed that the 10 ft. utility easement at the rear of the south lots in We -Go Park Subdivision be utilized for the installation of a 24 inch storm sewer to carry away excess water from the Toll Road culverts which now cause flooding. With completion of the 24 inch storm sewer now being installed on Wilmot Road, the proposed additional line which should serve to alleviate if not eliminate flodding in the We -Go Park area. Both sewers would drain into the Laurel Avenue storm sewer which is adequately sized to take care of storm water from crest of Wilmot Road. He estimated the cost of the 24 inch line to be $27,000 which would be expended from Street and Bridge funds. Trustee Schleicher suggested this project be included in the 1970 -71 budget. March 2 Workshop Meeting A lengthy discussion was had on proposed amendments Re: Scavenger Service to ordinances pertaining to scavenger service and licenses. The manager had prepared revised speci- fications for scavenger service for consideration by the Board, as well as a report on charges for scavenger service in nearby communities. Mr. Van Der Molen, owner of Deerfield Disposal Service, stated that he had contracted to purchase the Gastfield Service, but the sale could not be consummated until he knew whether he would be permitted to conduct the business under the two existing licenses or whether the Board would reduce the number of licenses to one which woulddbe issued to him. The Village attorney recommended that the Board determine what kind of service should;be provided by scavengers, and amend the ordinance; then, if Mr. Van Der Mol &n buys out Mr. Gastfield the Board could decide whether the ordinance should be amended to provide for only one license. The manager stated that before Mr. Van Der Molen would purchase Mr. Gastfield's business he would want to be sure the Village will not go out for bids on scavenger service. Decision was made that the matter be discussed at a workshop meeting on March 9th, both scavengers invited to attend. At the request of Dr. William Burns, action on the Ordinance rezoning his property at the southwest corner of Waukegan and Central was delayed until the next meeting. Re: Ace Hosts Sub. Mr.AAlbert Brust, Chairman of the Plan Commission, stated that problems regarding the proposed Ace Hosts Subdivision and the remainder of the Mallin property had not been re- solved, and therefore the Plan Commission could not change its previous recommenda- tion for denial. He said Ace Hosts has been most cooperative and offered to give up plans for the driveway to County Line Road, but although Mr. Mallin had orally agreed that the remainder of the property would be sold as one parcel, he was un- willing to give a covenant to that effect. He added that Ace Hosts is eager to start construction of the Roy Rogers restaurant on the property as soon as possible. Mr. Brust stated that the proposed B -3 Planned Unit development is being considered by the Plan Commission as a possible solution for the Ace Hosts - Mallin property, as well as other problem areas; however, some time would elapse before the Plan Commission's report would be ready for consideration by the Board. He suggested that Ace Hosts be asked if they would accept the B -3 zoning classification if the amendment is adopted. Trustee Slavin stated he did not see how the Board could hold up Ace Hosts Subdivision and therefore variations should be given, rather then wait for possible adoption of the B -3 amendment. March 9 Workshop Meeting The Plan Commission's report on the Compre- on Comprehensive Plan B -2 Dist. hensive Plan for the Central Business District was discussed briefly. The Board approved Trustee Slavin's suggestion that the matter be taken up at the workshop meeting on March 9th after the discussion of scavenger specifications and licenses. The meeting was recessed at 9:55 p.m. and re-convened at 10:10 p.m. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation was made of the ordinance Red Balloon Sign Variation granting variations from the provisions of the zonilgrordinance for the erection of a sign for the Red Balloon restaurant as requested by the AdCraft Company. The ordinance was read in full. Resolution Reducing Rentals A resolution was presented and read geducing WAter, St. & Brdg. & Sewer rentals charged the WateV, Sewer, and Street (R -70 -3) and Bridge Departments for the use of the Village Hall to the following amounts: Water Department $`O; %- -! $ 500.00 Sewer Maintanance & OPeration 1,000.00 Street & Bridge Department 1,000.00 Total $2,500.00 Trustee Slavin moved that the resolution be adopted. and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Avery. Kelm, Slavin, Schleicher, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) Seconded by Trustee Schlei@hql!, Ordinance -Mun. Code Amend. Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Sec. 23.105a Water Connection Schleicher, that the ordinance be adopted Fees & Charges amending Section 23.105a of the Municipal (0 -70 -8) Code establishing water connection fees and charges; the said ordinance to be published in pamphlet form. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Avery. Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) 1 F__j 13 Approve Payment $16,522.80 Trustee Avery moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, Keno Const. Co. Odor Domes that payment of $16,522.80 be approved to Keno Construction Company for work completed nn the odor control domes at the sewage treatment plant, as recommended by Baxter & Woodman, engineers. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Avery, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) Nays: None (0) Appoint L. Leichentritt President pro tem Kelm reported that President to Plan Commission -3 Yr. Term Forrest proposed the appointment'of Mr. Louis Leichentritt to the Plan Commission for a three year term. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the appointment of Mr. Leichentritt to the Plan Commission be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Payment $698.67 to Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee B & W, Odor Dome Engineering Turner, that payment of $698.67 be approved to Baxter and Woodman for engineering services in connection with the construction of odor control domes at the sewage treatment plant, subject to approval by the Village treasurer. Adopted by the following vote: 1+ Ayes: Avery, Kelm, Schleicher, Slavin, Turner (5) �y Nays: None (0) t-i Reports- Communications A letter from Baxter and Woodman stated that Qsewage from the proposed 30 acre Shopping Center would be equivalent to a population of 300 if developed as residential. This would not include.laundromats, car Rashes or similar uses. A letter from Baxter and Woodman gave estimated costs for routing storm water flows to tpe polishing ponds. A letter from the Village attorney reported that properties on the west side of Wilmot Road outside the corporate limits had been assessed for the Laurel Avenue storm sewer, Special Assessment No. 107. The manager reported that letters had been received from Representative Dan Pierce and} Senator Karl Berning, and both had agreed to take up the matter of pushigg cars on Village streets, presently prohibited by statute. The Illinois Municipal League has referred this matter to the Legislative Policy Committee. The manager reported that the problem of engine switching at Osterman Avenue had been resolved. He was directed to write a note of appreciation to the Milwaukee Road. In connection with a problem of alignment of sidewalk on south Waukegan Road at the Shell station, Trustee Slavin moved, seconded by Trustee Turner, that the Village.attorney be authorized to seek a 50 ft. dedication for Waukegan Road right - of -way from Mr. James DiPletro. Motion carried unanimoulsy. There ebing no further business, on motion by Trustee Slavin, seconded by Trustee Avery, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. ATTEST: AL Village C lerk APPROVED: ✓� Preside at