12/19/1966pr- 168 December 19, 1966 The regular meetingcof the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, December 19, 1966 at 8 :20 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported that the following were Present: H. Ross Finney, President Raymond L. Craig Bernard Forrest Charles H. Raff George P. Schleicher Ellis W. Smith James M. Wetzel Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Moved by Trustee Raff, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that minutes of the regular meeting held December 5, 1966 be approved as corrected Motion carrl.ed unanimously. Approve Bills- Payroll The payroll for the month of November, 1966 and the following bills were presented for consideration: November Payroll $ 31,677.37 Mrs. Elsie Sass 1,055.00 J. Stromfeld 1,055.00 Shaw McDermott & Co. 527.50 Shaw McDermott & Co. 1,055.00 Shaw McDermott & Co. 527.50 Beyer - Rueffek & Co. 527.50 Shaw McDermott & Co. 527.50 George W. Kennedy Construction Co. 57,233.05 Baxter & Woodman 881.39 Midwest Diesel Power 5,877.00 Arthur Blong 25.00 Village of Deerfield 22.24 David Stockburger 2.76 Robert E. Bowen 75.00 Nanci Brewster 25.00 Suburban Building Officials Conference 7.00 David A. Stirsman 18.14 Village of Deerfield 6.86 Raymond Albert 2.86 American Chemical Society 3.50 Atar Chemical Co. 80.50 Auto Body Rustproof 54.75 Badger Meter Mfg. 53.91 Beco Business Equipment 76.38 Bell & Gustus, Inc. 73.84 Blodgett Service Station 24.30 Robert Bordenave 4.16 Village of Deerfield 20.84 Robert E. Bowen 52.18 Bowman Products Division 96.72 Fred G. Breitling 224.70 Carolyn A. Jones 224.70 B.A.T. Inc. 59.52 Burris Equipment Co. 25.00 F. D. Clavey Nurseries 530.00 A. M. Cleven 7.40 James B. Clow & Sons, Inc. 96.10 Colrad Clinical Lab. 10250 Commonwealth Edison 1,950.84 County Treasurer 720.12 Dahl's Auto Reconstruction 21.00 Deerfield Animal Hospital 22.50 Deerfield Disposal 3.50 Deerfield Electric 9.50 Deerfield State Bank $ 315.07 Deerfield Stationers 2.70 Village of Deerfield 833.33 Village of Deerfield 416.66 Village of Deerfield 28.15 Village of Deerfield 10.06 E & H Utility Sales 395.73 Engelhardt,'tnc. 3,964.99 C. B. Foelsch, M.D. 7.50 Fragassi TV 5.26 Frost Hardware 4.30 Gilmore International 269.97 L. Gulbrandsen 16.25 C. P. Hall Co. 14.88 George Hall 14.30 Hautau & Otto 43.23 Helander's Inc. 4.45 Hetlinger Tire 233.00 Highland Auto 20.16 Highland Park Hospital 20.00 M Illinois Association Police 11.00 Illinois Bell Telephone 323.95 International Managers 75.00 W Interstate Electric 9.00 Joseph Lumber Co. 11.86 Kale Uniforms 285.41 George W. Kennedy Construction 1,421.85 Lake Cook Shell Service 9.45 Lakeland Redigas 381.89 Landfill Engineering 48.00 F. Landon Cartage Co. 4.70 Lien Chemical Co. 57.51• Dick Longtin's 75.60 Lutz Construction 90.00 Masterbilt Fence 62.00 John McManus 15.76 Village of Deerfield 9..24 Menoni & Mocogni 1,271.04 Milton Merner 10.00 Meyer & Wenthe, Inc. 67.40 Moore Business Forms 217.89 Morton Salt Co. 1,251.20 Motor Parts & Machine 13.33 Municipal Clerks of Illinois 5,00 Mutual Services 106.70 National Cash Register 30.00 National Fire Protection 3.15 Northern Trust Co. 1,206.80 North Shore Gas Co. 310.80 North Shore Group Newspapers 35.03 Northwestern University 227.00 William O'Donnell 73.00 Panama - Beaver, Inc. 152.83 Pavl i k Bros. 12.63 Paymaster Corp. 69.50 P.B. Enterprises 862.30 Pedersen & Houpt 1 , •1, 16.25 Petty Cash 68.69 Pickus Construction 1.24 Postmaster 100.00 Powell's Camera 202.25 Catherine B. Price 11.15 Reliance Elevator 90.00 sanfax Corp. 72.14 Savage Gas Heating 55.75 Schuster Equipment 33.94 Allan Solmor, M.D. 7.50 Southern Illinois University 200.00 Sparkling Mineral Water 7.25 The Star 12.00 K. A. Steel Chemical, Inc. 252.00 Sunray DX Oil Co. 376.72 Robert L. Thorne 74.25 1.7 0 Tri -Test Munitions $. 75.00 Verako Products 27.20 Village Hardware 98.17 E. J. Walchli 270.00 Walgreen Drugs 7.35 Wayside Farm 20.00 Harold H. Winer 620.00 Yeomans Bros. 2,104.06 Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the payroll for November, 1966 be approved and the bills as listed above be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) 1st Presentation The first presentation was made of Zoning Amendment an ordinance amending the off - street Off- Street Parking .& Loading Parking and loading requi remaits of the Zoning Ordinance. Discussion was had and several changes were suggested and approved. The ordinance will be re -typed to include approved changes for action at the next meeting. Veto Ordinance-Sign Variations President Finney read a statement Bulk Oil Co. Ord. No. 0-66-38) giving reasons for hips veto of the ordinance passed December 5, 1966 granting variations for signs at 663 Waukegan Road, as requested by Bulk Petroleum Corporation. He stated his veto was prompted by a desire to afford the Beard an opportunity to reappraise the possible results of a tacit denial of the variations in driveway width requested by the company,'and recommended by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Ordinance - Variations for Signs Trustee Smith moved, seconded by ivew ys- u Petroleum r . Trustee Forrest, that the ordinance Waukegan R d. (0::66--41) be adopted granting variations for signs and two driveways each 35 feet in width at 663 Waukegan Road, as requested by Bulk Petroleum Corporation. Discussion was had on the question of driveway width. The meeting was recessed at 9:25 p.m. and reconvened at 9:40 p.m., all members present. Upon roll call the ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Raff, Smith, Wetzel (4) Nays: Forrest, Schleicher (2) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Refer Driveway Provisions Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee to Plan Commission Craig, that the provisions regarding driveway width in the Zoning Ordinance and Municipal Code be brought to the attention of the Plan Commission with a request for consideration and clarification of what is intended. Motion carried unanimously. Appointments - Donn B. Wright- Youth'Councii Kearney Bartoli -Elec. Commiission Herbert Neil -Human Relations Youth Council. TrusteeuRaff moved, ment of Mr. W�i'ght be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The Manpower Commission having submitted recommendations for appointments ::to fill vacancies on Boards and Commission, President Finney proposed the appoint- ment of Mr. Donn B. Wright to the seconded by Trustee Smith, that the appoint- The President recommended the appointment of Mr. Kearney Bartoli to the Electrical Commission. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest that Mr. Bartol i 's appoi ntment to the E lectriczi f C;ommi ssi on be approv&W... Motion carried unanimously. 171 President Finney recommended the appointment of Mr. Herbert Neil to the Human Relations .Commi ssforj. Trustde',$mi th moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the appointment of Mr. Neil be'approved. Motion carried unanimously. lst Presentation -Mun. Code Amend. The first presentation was made of an Sec. 9.114 - Variations ordinance amending Section 9.114 of the Municipal Code pertaining to the granting of variations. The ordinance was read in full. 1st Presentation- Zoning Amend. The first presentation was made of an Sec. V.4 - Variations ordinance amending Section V, subsection 4 of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to lot size and width variations to eliminate referral to the Board of Zoning Appeals. The ordinance was read in full. Report- Downspout Disconnections The manager read a comprehensive report on the downspout disconnection program, showing that 2,295 homes have been tested, infiltration from 344, 520 have been corrected, and of the 24 remaining 7 have been referred to the village prosecutor,�6-owners: will sign releases, 7 owners have signed releases, 1 poses a difficult problem, and 3 will be checked the next day. 355 homes M remain to be tested, and 650 homes should be splashblocked. He stated the 11� program should be completed next summer. di W Accept Resolution Re; A resolution passed by the Village Library Library Tax Abatement Board was read, requesting that the Village abate the tax levy for the Village Library. Trustee Craig moved, secombd by Trustee Forrest, that the resolution be accepted. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance - Abate Library Tax The Ordinance was presented abating the 0 -66 -42 Village Library Tax for 1966 in the amount of $122.500.00, certified copies of the said ordinance to be filed with the County Clerks of Lake and Cook Counties. The ordinance was read in full. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the rules be waived to permit action on the said ordinance at its firet presentation. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Raff then moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the ordinance be adopted abating the Village Library Tax for 1966. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Accept Surface Improvements Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Clavinia Sub. Unit #3 Schleicher, that surface improvements in Clavinia Subdivision Unit #3 be accepted, subject to one year's maintenance, as recommended by the Building Commissioner. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) Authorize $1350.85 NCR Overhaul available in the budget for this Craig, that the Board authorize of the machine as recommended by following vote: The manager reported the older,.-of the NCR bookkeeping machines-needed an overhaul at a cost of $1,350.85, and funds were purpose. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee the expenditure of $1,350.85 for the overhaul the manager and the treasurer. Adopted by the Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) Table S.C. Recommendation A letter was received from the Safety Crossing Guard -South Park Council recommending the immediate School - Wilmot Rd. employment of a crossing guard for the South Park School crossing on Wilmot k:pad. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the recommendation be accepted and the Village manager be authorized to hire a crossing guard as soon 172 as possible. Discussion was had on the employment of additional crossing guards, Trustee Craig pointing out that if one request is granted, there will be other requests. At $2,000 per year per guard, substantial amounts are involved, Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the Safety Council's recommendation be tabled. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Smith, Wetzel_ (4) Nays: Raff, Schleicher, (2) Trustee Schleicher asked the manager to acknowledge receipt of the Safety Council's letter, and proposed that the Safety Council be requested to submit a comprehensive appraisal of locations where other crossing guards may be needed in the future. Discussion -Sara Lee Contract Sewage Treatment A preliminary draft of a contract with Kitchens of Sara Lee for sewage treatment was presented and discussed. Thb addition of an automatic renewal clause was proposed. The manager was directed to arrange a meeting to discuss the contract, Monday, January 9, 1967 being suggested as a possible date. Re: Greenwood Improvements The manager reported the t easements were being acquired where needed for the construction of improvements on Greenwood Avenue, and that sidewalks would be put in at driveway crossings as part of the construction. He stated that Baxter and Woodman had checked out costs and were found to be $15,000 less than the original estimate of $160,000 which had been requested from Motor Fuel Tax funds. Trustee Craig requested that residents of Greenwood Avenue who have agreed to construct sidewalks on a cash basis be given as much notice as possible on the timing of the improvement. Report -St. Light Evaluation The manager submitted an excellent and complete report on street lighting evaluation, including objectives, methods of financing, and a comparison of maintenance and operational costs of gas and electric lights. Approximately 142 lights would be required, although this number could vary by about 10 percent if lights are added in the middle of blocks. The manager reported the power company would submit a proposal in about a month on a program to upgrade existing lights. Discussion was had on the matter, and decision was made that the report and map showing present and proposed lights be referred to the Safety Council for comments. Reports- Communications The Board approved the treasurer's report on the closing out of Special Assessment Warrant No. 90, Hackberry Avenue improvements, and the transfer of $36.46 to the Corporate Fund, and $307.72 to the Public Benefit F und, as provided by law. The Board approved and the President signed the Light Up and Live Proclamation. The marager reported that tests of Sara Lee sewage by the Village, the company, the North Shore Sanitary District and an independent laboratory showed comparable results, and no further action was necessary. He said State tests on the West Fork at County Line Road showed better water than Lake Michigan. He also reported that the State had approved the heat exchanger. A letter was received from the State Sanitary Water Board stated an inspection of the sewage treatment plant had been made and the plant was well maintained, operating properly and the effluent was satisfactory. Recommendationsswere made that all storm water flow to the stowage plant be discharged throughi the lagoon; all floating material be removed at the East lift station and flows be disinfected; and the Village continue strict surveillance at the sewage treatment'plant in order that plant capacity not be exceeded. The manager was directed to acknowledge receipt of the report and advise that the Board is studying the recommendations. � 1� 173 Receipt was acknowledged of a petition signed by 100 percent of abutting owners for the vacation of the south half of North Avenue. The manager pointed out that must maintain easements for sewer and water mains. Trustee Raff stated it was his opinion that the fee of $5:00 per 100 feet was too low and suggested that appraisals be obtained and the matter placed on the a genda for the next meeting. ApprovePlans & Specs. Trustee Wetzel moved, seconded by Trustee Clavinia #4 Improvements Smith, that plans and specifications for improvements in Clavinia Subdivision Unit #4 be approved, as recommended by the Building Commissioner. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) The President reported that Mr. Dillingham had resigned from the Parking Committee since he is moving from the Village. He said he and the manager were meeting with the Communications Commission on Tuesday, December 20th, and Trustees were welcome. M A Christmas message was received from Herr Vos, mayor of Luedinghausen, 10 Germany, Deerfield's Sister City. Lz.7 Bids for the addition to the Village Hall will be received Wednesday, January 4, 1967. V An invitation to a Christmas Open House at Zion Lutheran Church on Wednesday, December 21, 1966 was acknowledged. President Finney reported a letter had been received by Chief of Police Hall commending the Police Department and particularly Officer William Wood. Mrs. G. F. Clampitt, 1455 Greenwood Avenue, asked that residents of Greenwood Avenue who will be required to construct sidewalks be given as much inforrration as possible on timing and estimated costs. Trustee Craig proposed that a letter be sent to all residents involved giving pertinent information. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Wetzel, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, the meeting was adjourned at 12 midnight. APPROVED: C/ " %�' . V�� v,•�OZ President ATTEST: t �9— Village C 1 e,rk