09/19/1966133 September 19, 1966 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was•called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, September 19, 1966 at 8 :20 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: H. Ross Finney, President Raymond L. Craig Bernard Forrest Charles H. Raff George P. Schleicher Ellis W. Smith James M. Wetzel Absent: None and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Moved by Trustee Smith, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that minutes of the regular meeting held September 6, 1966 be approved as corrected, and minutes of the adjourned meeting held September 12, 1966 be approved as submitted. 11� Motion carried unanimously. W U Approve Bills - Payroll The payroll•for the month of August and the following bills were submitted for consideration. August 1966 Payroll $ 30,084.-07 Flynn, Harrison, Conroy 169.00 Albert Sonnenberg 14.02 Village of- Deerfield 10.98 Bearing Headquarters Co. 9.92 Bell & Gustas, Inc. 18.30 Fred G. Breitling 224.70 Carolyn A.-Jones 224.70 Bowman Products 176.98 Robert E. Bowen 8.75 B.A.T. Inc 129.60 Jeffrey Colby 25'.00 Conrad Clinical Lab. 12.00 Commonwealth Edison 2,213.29 Frank Conner, Jr. 9.30 Criminal Research 34.56 Village of-Deerfield 10.98 Deerfield Commons Service Center -2.45 Deerfield Disposal Service 3.50 Deerfield Electric Co. � 94'.04 Deerfield Oil Co. 5.20 Deerfield Paint & Glass 131.14 Deerfield State Bank 315.07 Deerfield Stationers, Inc. 2.97 Dewyer, Inc. 30.88 E & H Utility Sales 802.46 Evanston Review 13.20 Flynn, Harrison, Conroy 7,993.59 Charles B.•Foelsch, M.D. 7.50 Ford Pharmacy 15.61 Carl L. Gardner 505.00 Gerber Mfg. Co., Inc. 369.52 Gilmore international 20.46 Lewi Gulbrandsen 886.80 George Hall 9.25 Hamer Hargrave Tree 1,129.25 James Hayden 20.44 Village of Deerfield 4.56 Hayes Paving &. Supply 40.00 Hetlinger Tire & Supply 591.60 City of Highland Park 32,127.35 Highland Park Chrysler 113.84 Lloyd Hollister 12.00 Holy Cross Church 27.63 41- Home Iite $ 77.65 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 442.90 Indianapolis Badge 20.60 International Harvester 28.15 Irv's Fire Extinguisher 4.50 Joboul Publishing 7.20 Phil Johnson, Inc. 2.90 Joseph Lumber 14.98 K.A.Steel Chemicals 252.00 Kale Uniforms 215.58 Lake -Cook Shell Service 2.20 Leader Newspaper 7.00 Lien Chemical Co. 40.01 Joseph J. Mahon 25.00 Martin Oil Service 1.65 Mrs. L. M. McCabe 25.00 Menoni & Mocogni 564.67 Milton Merner 7.20 Meyer & Wenthe, Inc. 36.00 Motor Parts & Machine 5.37 James Murphy 4.25 Mutual Services 13.20 National Chemsearch 566.69 National Tea Co. 17.76 North Shore Gas Co. 43.79 North Shore Group Newspapers 332.55 O'Brein Mfg. Corp. 24.75 P. B. Enterprises 267.98 Pedersen & Houpt 909.25 Petty Cash 88.85 Pickus Construction 95.90 Postmaster 100.00 Press Publishing Co. 4.00 Leroy M. Raupp 45.00 Recorder of Deeds 30.00 J.'A. Renaldi 85.55 Donald E. Roach 25.00 Sanfax Corp. 32.54 Wm.' Schroer 16.42 V i 'l l age of Deerfield 8.58 Sears Roebuck & Co. 7.96 Shore Line Blue Print Co. 1.84 Sinclair Mineral & Chemical 596.30 Charles Smalley 2.25 Stannard Power Equipment 23.76 The Star 52.20 Wm. I. Staton 25.00 Stephenson Corp. 38.31 Sunray DX Oil Co. 117.24 Traverse City Iron Works 173.46 Verako Products 273.03 Village of Deerfield 25.00 Village of Deerfield 25.00 Village of Deerfield 37.24 Village of Deerfield 25.00 Village Hardware 63.61 Robert Vollen 25.00 Edward Walch1i 556.00 Waukegan Blue Print 4.04 Westminster Office Machine 115.08 645 Wheeling Road Sales 4.95 Harold H. Winer 415.00 wolf & Co. 715.67 Donald Belgrad 7.72 Village of Deerfield 17.28 Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that the payroll for August 1966 be approved, and the bills as listed above be approved for payment. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzdl (6) Nays: None (0) Appoint George Hall Chief of Police to ill health, and it was in the Police be appointed. He read a of service to the Village. 135 President Finney announced that Chief of Police David Petersen had applied for and been granted a disability pension as of August 1, 1966, due best interests of the Village that a Chief of tribute to Mr. Petersen,'lauding him for his years With regard to the appointment of Lt. George Hall, a resident of Highland Park, the Village attorney stated that the Statutes provide that an officer of a municipality shall be an elector and resident of the municipality, but this provision did not apply to offices requiring technical training or skill, and a Chief of Police need not be a resident. President Finney recommended the appointment of Lt. George Hall as Chief of Police. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the appointment of George Hall as Chief of Police be confirmed. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel, Finney (7) Nays: None (0) Chief Hall thanked the Board for their confidence in him. co Approve Preliminary Plat In connection with the proposed Morton Development M Morton Development Sub. Company Subdivision, Mr. Shapiro stated that he R!t had talked to Mrs. Donald Clark regarding the W V purchase of her property, or the dedication of 20 ft. for street purposes. He %.� said no agreement had been reached because the pric6 of.-the property was too high, and she was unwilling to dedicate. He had discussed the effect of a full street dedication from the Dover property with several realtors and had been advised that the reduction in size would create a real hardship in the sale of Lots 1 and 2. He proposed that he dedicate an additional 5 ft. with a 10 ft. easement for utilities, which will permit a standard 27 ft. street pavement, with parkways and sidewalks except on the east side of the street across from Lots 1 and 2. Mr. Houpt stated that executed agreements had been received from all owners except Mrs. Clark, whose property is not involved in the subdivision, and from Mr. Norris, who has joined in the petition. Escrow funds for improvements and condemnation will be deposited when the final plat is approved. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Craig, that the preliminary plat of the Morton Develbpment Company subdivision be approved with a 35 ft. street dedication and a 10 ft. easement as heretofore discussed, agreements regarding other properties having been received. Adopted by the'following vote: Ayes: Craig, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (5) Nays: Forrest (1) Ordinance - Mun. Code Amend. Trustee Raff moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, Sec. 12.001 -False Info that the ordinance be adopted amending Secti on License Applfcations 12.001 of the Municipal Code pertaining to 0 -66 -36 applications for licenses and permits to provide fbr.':revocation or suspension of any license or permit for which false J nfo"rmation has been given in applying therefor; such revocation or suspension to be in addition to all other penalties. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Trustee Forrest moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that the ordinance be published in pamphlet form. Motion carried unanimously. Report - Downspout Disconnections The manager reported that 44 houses in Woodland Park had been found to be contributing storm water to the sanitary sewer system. Of these, 15 have been disconnected, 7 owners are doing the work themselves, 13 rel.6ases have been signed for Village employees to do the work. Two of the remaining 9 are partially completed, and the remainder will be called on and if no cooperation is r *.cW,vbd, they will be turned over to the prosecuting attorney for the Village for Court action. 136 Discussion - Vehicle License Fees Trustee Smith stated that at the time Revenues the Budget was being prepared, dis- cussion was had on the need for additional revenue, and an increase in vehicle license fees had beep considered. He stated it was his opinion that no increase is necessary at this time, since it appears that there will be a small surplus in the General Fund at the end of the fiscal year, after major capital expenditures, and there would be only a very small deficit in Street and Bridge.F.unds if budgeted expenditures are reduced slightly. He recommended that there be no increase in vehicle license fees and the matter be discussed when next year's budget it being prepared. Trustee Wetzel stated he was opposed to an increase in the cost of vehicle licenses unless the money is needed solely for street purposes, and he would oppose an increase for transfer to the General Fund. Trustee Craig stated it was his opinion that it was unjust for any governmental body to take funds not needed for the current year's expenditures, and to accumulate such funds for future expenditures. Trustee Raff stated he favored the accumulation of surplus funds for capital-improvements, and pointed out that the purchase of the Broege dot and its improvement, sewage treatment plant improvements, separation of sewers and the water reservoir haue'beenaor would be financed from surpluses. Presi=dent Finney expressed agreement with Trustee Raff. The manager stated that the financing of capital improvements from accumulated surplus funds resulted in the saving of interest costs if such improvements were financed by the sale of bonds. President Finney stated it was apparent that the Board held divided opinions, that there would be no increase in vehicle license fees this year, but the increase would probably be necessary next year. Refer Bulko Driveway Application A representative from the Bulko Petroleum to BZA Corporation requested a permit for the c- construction of two 35 ft. driveways at 671- Waukegan Road, where the company proposes to construct a gas station. He stated there would be an 8 ft. separation between the driveways on properties to the north and south, and that this width and separation were necessary from the standpoint of both safety and sales. Mr. Calhoun of the State Highway Department stated the proposed driveways met the requirements of the State. The building commissioner pointed out that the Zoning Ordinance limits driveways to 27 ft. in width, and this width would permit 3 parking spaces between driveways. Only one parking space would be available if 35 ft. drive- ways are constructed. The Bulko representative stated that all other service station driveways in the Village are at least 35 ft. wide, and the company would have to give up its plans if they were denied similar driveways. The applicant was advised that a variation was required.for 35 ft. driveways, and a petition for a public hearing on a variation should be filed With the Board of Zoning Appeals. The meeting was recessed at 10 :00 p.m. and reconvened at 10:10 p.m., all members present. Refer Hertel Ln. Improvement A report from the building commissioner to Bd. of 'Local Improvements stated that Xhe.,-owners_of -,70.9% of the property on Hertel Lane favored the construction of improvements on a cash basis, there being no response or a desire for special assessments from the remaining owners. He recommended the improvements be constructed under special assessment proceedings. Condemnation of additional right -of -way will be necessary. Decision was made that the matter be referred to the Board of Local Improvments to be placed on the agenda for ameeting on October 3, 1966, and the property owners be notifed that the matter will be discussed at that time. Accept Bid G.A.Davis $2035 Sealed bid's for a leaf collector unit Leaf Collector Unit were opened and read as follows: •1 iftl George A. Davis, Inc. Illinois Truck & Equipment Co. MAKE Giant Vac $2,035.00 Good Roads Leaf Col. $2,563.05 does not meet specs.) 137 Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the bid of George A. Davis, Inc., the low bidder, be accepted, subject to review for compliance with specifications. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith (5) Nays: None (0) Pass: Wetzel (1) Approve Carriage Walks Mrs. F. G. Hastings, 671 Wilmot Road, requested Hastings- Central Ave. permission to construct carriage walks on the Central Avenue side of her property instead of the five ft. sidewalks now required.by ordinance. She stated there was a carriage walk on the adjoining property to the east, as well as on the south side of Central Avenue across the street from her property. A 5 ft. sidewalk on her property would-not only be more costly but also unsightly. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Raff, that a variation be granted for a carriage walk as requested by Mrs. Hastings. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith, Wetzel (6) Nays: None (0) lf� W Reports - Communications A letter regarding an additional heat exchanger U at the sewage treatment plant was received U from Dr. Hal Sundin, Baxter and Woodman, who stated the present unit could be replaced with a larger unit or a second heater could be installed with little difference in cost. Trustee Raff stated-he favored two smaller units since one could be shut down for repairs or maintenance without interfereing with plant operation. Decision was mfide that the matter with the Supt. of Public Works and plant employees and report at the next meeting. A statement in the amount of $335.00 was received from the Illinois Municipal League for dues and subscriptions. The Board approved continuance of membership and ppyment of the annual dues and subscriptions. A letter from the Safety Council reported that parents in the Clavinia Subdivision had requested the employment of a school crossing guard for the Dartmouth - Wilmot intersection. The council recommended that school zone signs be erected on Wilmot Road near the school, a traffic count be taken at this intersection, and a squad car be stationed near the intersection whenever possible to enforce the 20 mile per hour speed limit. The manager reported that the school zone signs had been posted near both South Park and Woodland Park Schools, and there was no reaction from the parents. The principal at Woodland Park had called to express appreciation for the signs in that area. A letter from Mr. Edward Walchli, architect, suggested that ah- :adjourned meeting be held October 24, 1966 to receive bids for the Village Hall addition. The Board approved this suggestion. The manager reported the Police Department had reviewed the Village attorney's letter regarding an ordinance to restrict loitering at drive -in restaurants, and had recommended;,-there be no change in present ordinances. A letter from the manager to the Safety Council was read, reporting on what has been done to improve safety in the Village, including repaving, lights, sidewalks and signs. The manager reported the Park District has asked for the large evergreen tree on the Broege property. Mr. Beinlich will proceed with the wrecking and removal of the house, and will also remove the old car. President Finney reported he had received a copy of a letter to the West Skokie Drainage Ditch Commission regarding rats in the vicinity of the ditch. The manager stated they were probably muskrate, but employees would check and put out poison if necessary. No action was taken on a letter regarding a proposed meeting on Federal Grants for sewer and water facilities. Notice was received of a meeting of the Lake County Soil and Water Conservation Di. strict, at 8 p.m. on September 26th.