04/25/196667 Apr i 1 25, 1966 SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant to notice thereof, the special meeting -'of therPresident and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order.by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, April 25, 1966 at 8 :30 p.m. The clerk called thce-roll and reported the following were r - Present: H. Ross Finney, President Raymond L. Craig Bernard Forrest Charles H. Raff George P. Schleicher Ellis W. Smith Absent: James M. Wetzel and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Richard Houpt, Village attorney, and Norris Stilphen, manager. Canvass Election The clerk announced that the judges of election in each precinct had duly delivered the ballots, returns and tally sheets in connection with the special election on the question: "Shall'a free public library be established and maintained in the Village of W Deerfield, Counties of Lake and Cook, State of Illinois ?" and on the election Vof six Library Directors held on the 23rd day of April, 1966. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the clerk open and read the returns. Motion carried unanimously. The clerk then opened and read the returns on thequestion: "Shall a free public library be established and maintained in the Village of Deerfield, Counties of Lake and Cook, State of Illinois ?" which showed the following votes cast: Precinct No. 1 Yes 150 No 7 Invalid 0 Total ballots cast in Precinct No. 1 157 Precinct No. 2 Yes 87 No 16 Invalid 2 Total ballots cast in Precinct No. 2 105 Precinct No. 3 Yes 105 No 14 Invalid 0 Total ballots cast in Precinct No. 3 119 Precinct No. 4 Yes 114 No 29 Invalid 2 Total ballots cast in Precinct No. 4 145 Summary of votes cast in special election on the question of establishing and maintaining a free public library in the Village of Deerfield: Yes 456 No 66 Invalid 4 TOTAL BALLOTS CAST ALL PRECINCTS - 526 The clerk then read the returns which showed the following votes cast for the persons indicated: For Library Directors Precinct No. 1. 2 3 4 Total Arthur A. Martin 141 94 104 124'..': 463 Melvin J. Pulver 143 92 104 120 459 Mary G..Mazur 142 96 104 120 462 J. Robert York 140 87 103 126 456 Patricia C. Horne 145 98 105 120 468 Allen L. Root 141 93 105 123 462 Robert Mazur 1 1 Herbert Neal 1 1 Catherine B. Price 1 1 Elizabeth Schleicher 1 1 Jacques Goldstucker 1 1 Baskett Mosse 1 I Louis Leichentritt 1 1 Robert McCarthy 1 1 Robert Salzmon 1 1 Laura Lee Christoph 1 Arno D. Wbhle 1 1 Hilton Wolf 1 1 Lucille Loarie 1 1 Ruth Vetter 1 1 Alice Rahn 1 1 TOTAL VOTES CAST A57 '1.05 119 145 526 Ordinance Canvassing The ordinance canvassing the results of a Election (0 -,66 -13) Special Election held April 23, 1966 was presented and read in full declaring that the proposition to establish a free public library in the Village of Deerfield was carried affirmatively and that a free public library is established, and the following parsons were elected to the office of library directors for the terms set opposite their names: For Library Director to ) Arthur A. Martin serve until April 18, 1967 ) Melvin J. Pulver For Library Director to ) Mary G. Mazur serve until April 15, 1969 ) J. Robert York For Library Director to ) Patricia C. Horne serve until April 20, 1971 ) Allen L. Root Trustee Craig moved, seconded by Trustee Forrest, that the sai.d ordinance be adopted. Upon roll call the following vote was recorded: Ayes: Craig, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith (5) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Mrs. Horne, Mazur and Mr. Martin and York were present and took the oath of office administered by the clerk. Approve Payment for Judges Trustee Smith moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, that payment of $25.00 be approved to each of the 20 judges who served in the April 23, 1966 special election. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Gr4fg, Forrest, Raff, Schleicher, Smith (5) Nays: None (0) The Village attorney reported that Mr. Mark Finfer, owner of the RCA property, was not willing to accept the deletion of the provision authorizing a 10 ft. sideyard along the East property line. There being no motion to reconsider the Annexation Agreement with the 10 ft. sideyard, the property will remain in the unincorporated area of Cook County, and the other properties will be annexed at the next meeting. M in d� W V .V Public Hearinq -H.P. Deerfield Limousine Service Application for License byV the President. The applicant, Highland Park, was not present. The public hearing on the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to the Highland Park - Deerfield Limousine Service was called to order Mr. Anthony G. Harris, 3553 Buena Road, MIR Mr. Don Replogle, 1834 Lehigh, Glenview, owner of Amms Airport Service, expressed stvong opposition to the licensing of all livery services picking uh persons who have ordered their service. He stated that if Deerfield required a license fee of $10 per vehicle from every operator of a livery service, other municipalities would follow suit, and they would be forced out of business. if only Deerfield charged a license fee, the cost to Deerfield residents would be increased or service discontinued. He added that taxicabs can not take the place of limousine services since they will not accept appointment pickups. Mr. and Mrs. Egan, owners of Midway Limousine Service, LakeForest, stated they were licensed and inspected in Lake Forest, where they maintain their place of business. They do not obtain licenses in any other municipality, although they pick up people in 12 to 14 cities and villages. Mr. Sylvester, another owner, also objected to the Deerfield ordinance, and the legality of the ordinance was questioned. A lengthy discussion ensued. The manager was requested to inquire whether nearby municipalities license all livery services providing service to residents or only those who maintain offices in the municipality. The owners stated they were licensed only in the municipality where they operate their business, are registered with the State, and carry insurance in excess of that required by law. Copies of the livery service ordinance will be sent to the operators. The manager was directed to call Mr. Harris, the applicant, to discover if he planned to open his business office in Deerfield or only to pick up persons who request his service. President Finney and Board members assured the operators it was not their intentl:6n.i to deprive Deerfield residents of a useful service, but only to protect residents. The matter will be taken up at the regular meeting on May 2, 1966. There being no further business, on motion by Trustee Raff, seconded by Trustee Craig, the meeting was adjourned at 9 :45 p.m. ATTEST: °7 Village Clerk APPROVED: President