09/16/1963 + 09/23/19631 tf� U U 1 1 BW that '_,he vl_lla` -e vats pxcoparod to c;o ahe ,d on a special side : calk tax if the offer is not accepted. The nana;;er was r„nue ,sted to report to t11e Board at the next The rnana�; )r °.gas as!--_e(1 to chec'.ti on the settled si•?e.r ^7_l. slabs _'n fr:nt of Vnc new anartment by °_ld _- g oil Deerfield - nd Chestnut. The manager reported the :'andemer apartments on :,worth gan ild. viere now propc,rl-�T connec�,cd to the see:! (,r sirs (hems. There being; no further business, the i eet`.nr' ems ddlournof�. at 11 :50 -:.n. APPROVED: President ATTEST: Village Clerk September 16, 1963 The regular meeting of the Board of Trust-es of the Villar-o of Deerfield :ias caller?. to order b th o Villa( n clerk in the Council Chai -lbers of t'Ze Villa ,,-T Hall on - onda --, September 16, 1967 at p.T.1. Yo members being present, at 8 :05 p.m. the meetinf; 1aas adjoLirned to NondaJ, September 23, 1963 at 8 :W p.m. ATTEST: -� Village Clerk �C1 c APPROVE' President r September 26, 1963 The adjourned helot_ n[, of the President ,:_nd Bo.. -,,d of Trustees of the Villa-;^ of Deerfield -.Jas called to order b -T t'.e P.- e.sdient in tlzo Council Chu,;lbors of the Villac-o Ilall on 'onda T, Sc ptera'oe 19,33 at 8 :15 p.Yi. T'he cleric c,'.11ed tho roll and ro-orted t'_10 f ollowing aere Present: David C. rhitnel -, President John A. S. Lindemann Jar,?es E. : "andl or George P. Schleicher James ':letzol Absent: Ira K. Heorn, Jr. Ellis W. 5..J.th. and th'i t a quori?i,l ,..gas present anti i?1 �.t i FT1:�:a_nCG :'. i; i;rtt? v1 ?lam . ,;l'�- l tl° - ti;.' r'� a Je% �'1�.��'� I' "_r_i l f' 1,� �, i-'£'.,) -­;s antin.g the Also pint;,z _J ,.( "t: - Village AttorneT and Norris Stilphen, manager. Trustee Schleic) -or moved, seconded by Trustee '7etzel, th t the minutes of the adjourned neeting ft:'.�l September C, 1963 and the regular meeting on September 16, 1963 be ar? ?roved as submitted. I °otion carried unanimously. Approve Bills The following bills wore subn tted for consideration: August Payroll � ?22,105.32 Eric Bolandor Const. 7,526.97 Deerfield Review 41.40 Doris Neri 100.00 Natl. Cash Reg. Co. 6, 224.'73 Village Cleaners 7.21 David J. Petersen 250.00 Stuart Assoc., Inc. 350.00 Stuart Assoc.,, Inc. 600.00 Karl Berning 6.64 Fred S. B.reitling 224.70 Carol,?n Breitling x24.70 Deerfield Park Dist. 175.00 .Recorder of Deeds 29.00 3obert A. Fellows 16.52 State of Illinois 10.00 Amer. Pulic Yf(5rk Ass. 15.00 Roger Ne:itzel 25.00 University of Ill. 30.00 Antes Sign Co. -44.00 Automotive Lab. 14.95 Adams Art (0� Design 48.00 Badger Mieter Nfg. 11607.13 Bearing Headquarters 9.63 Kenneth Beduhn 7.66 Village of Deerfield 17.34 Bell &. Gossett Co. 143.65 Bosler Supply Co. 12.31 Robert E. Bowen 110.00 Breakwell's Dec. Sup. 16.20 Erwin Bryll 25.00 Burgess, Anderson Tate 562.53 Callaghan & Co. 22.50 Central Scientific Co. 25.60 James B. Clow & Soils 101.61 Crown Temperature 9.40 C. L. Davidson �� Co. 172.80 i.,. D. DelGado, Jr.. 25.00 Deerfield Bicycle Shop 3.50 Deerfield State Bank 236.32 Deer. Disposal Service 17.50 Deerfield Oil Co. 45.54 Deerfield Electric Co. 93' >.15* Deerfield Camera Shop 3.00 Deer. Stationers, Inc. 1.50 60.06 Deerfield Review 31.79 D?. Pietro Plumbing 10.00 Everett Garage 3.60 Bill Emery's Standard Ralph Elson, I:.D. .00 39.50 39 12ar jorie Emery 42.07 Fairchild Optical 6o. Ford Pharmacy 4.30 25.00 M. D. Gross, T:i.D. Richard J. Gilmore Inc. 7333.40 R. J. Gilmore Inc. 1,766.99 65.10 Garlock Inc. 116 . 24 Gar 'flood- Chicago 16.24 R. D. Paul Grimm - Hanson- Treland 52.80 Grove Dodge Sales 6.00 531.60 L. Gulbrandsen 1,10 Hanson Scale Co. 21,50 'Islanders Inc. 253,75 HighWay Supp17T Co . Highland Park 13 190.88 ' Ci t-, of 346.22 ill. Be.. Telephone `?40.00 Ill. T, unicipal 2.35 Phil Johnson 83.17 Joseph Lumber Co. 14.50 Edmund Klasinski 1 1 I 21 Elmer Krase 01.00 L. C. Lewis 25.00 Lien Chemical Co. 36.59 Lakeland Redigas 25.80 Lindemann Pharmacy 13.06 IM. Lawrentz 1,; etal Work 19.30 Tadison Chemical 66.74 P ,,iaringer cw Co. 17.32 Jack Martin 25.00 Masterbilt Fence Co. 10.50 Thomas A. Matthews 220.00 Menoni & irlocogni 829.73 Arnold T,leyer 69.00 Mever & iWenthe 5.25 T.Ziher Brothers 60.50 Montgomery lard 227.42 Motor Parts & T,lcn 5.40 Tom TMurray Co. 26.75 Olson Printing.Co. 21.35 Arthur R. O'brien 265.00 Pavlik Bros 6.30 Perma -Line 1,777.50 M Catherine B. Price 7.60 r-4 Public Service 11412.22 -� Petersen Pontiac 10.40 U Reiland & Bree 3.83 V J. A. Renaldi t Co. 34.50 Roseman Ecruip. Co. 8.41 Sanfax Corp. 157.90 Fred Seitz 516.00 Sinclair �Mlin. Chem. 215.10 Alvin Singer 30.00 Sunray DX Oil Co. 393.45 Transo Envelope Co. 49.18 Valenti Bldr. Inc. 42.60 Valenti Bldr. Inc. 360.00 Village of Deerfield 20.18 Village of Deerfield 25.00 Village of Deerfield 25.00 Village of Deerfield 25.00 Village Hardward Inc. 41.07 Police Pension Fund 56.,4 Veral. o Products 19.40 :Jest Chemical 13.20 Ludwig 'Nilson Co. 42.45 Wolf & Co. 3, 064.46 Frank Wagner 6.75 Peter Bak ^r & Son Co. 6,610.49 Trustee Handler moved, seconded b,T Trustee Schleicher, that the bills as listed above be a--.proved for payment. Adopted by t`,e following vote: Ayes: Lindemann, P:andler, Schleicher, ;Jetzel (4) Nays: None (0 ) Adopt Iiunicipal Code Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded of Deerfield - 1963 by Trustee Wetzel, that the 0 -63 -447 Toiunicipal Code of Deerfield of 1963 be adopted as published. Adopted b,- the following vote: Ayes: Lindemann, 1:= andler, Schleicher, `Nctzel (4) flays: !None (0) 1st Presentation -Ord. n, .. The first presentation was nade the 6F the ordinance abating Abate n�^ 4 >15 OOO S ��_.j= lev7 of s 15, OOO principal on the Imn rove znen 1 BQMLa total 1963 levy of $35.,362.50 for Sevier improvement Bonds of 1960. 22 1st Presentation - Ordinance A15ating i.`un. Bldg. Bond Levy 1.7unicipal Building Bonds. The first Presentation was made of the ordinance abating the 1963 .tax levy of $13,225 for Ordinance- Acepting Trustee ;.,andler roved, sec- Pine St. Dedication onded by Trustee Schleicher, 0 -63 -45 that the ordinance be adopted accepting the dedication of part of Pine Street. Adopted by the-following vote: Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Wetzel (4 bays : None (0) . The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. In a brief discussion on crossing; gates, the manager reported the gates no longer needed for the North Shore - Railroad 4iere for sale at x'600 for a complete gate installation. lie stated he had contacted the I:Mwaukee Railroad and the official had expressed interest in the price. Ordinance - Zoning; Amendment Trustee 14andler gloved, seconded Sec. X1i3 -B -1 Dist. and by Trustee "detzel, that the Sec. XIV -B -2 Dist. ordinance be adopted amending (0-63-467- the zoning Ordinance: to provide that Section XIII of the said ordinance shall contain only the language set out under the heading; "Section XIII - B -1 Neghborhood Business District" and Section XIV ©f -th.e "said ordinance shall contain only the language set out in the heading; "Section XIV - B -2 Central Business Dis- trict" and there by.deleting the B -3 District from the said ordi- nance. Adopted b7T the following vote: Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, Wetzel (a) Days: bone (0) The President signed the ordinance indicatinfl his approval thereof . Ordinance - Sign Variation CD Deerf , el State Bank & 13ilson1 s the Zoning Ordinance to permit sign advertising the Deerfield vice ^tith an illuminated clock clearance, location height and by the following vote: Trustee Mandler gloved, seconded by Trustee letzcl, that an ordinance be adopted granting a variation from the terrns of the erection of ,a directional State Bank and ',`1ilson' s Food Ser- and sett. _ forth maximum area, hours of illunina,ti.on. Adopted Ayes: Lindemann, Mandler, Schleicher, tIetzel (9 ) Nays: hone (0 ) The President signed the ordinance indicattng hi -s approval thereof 1963 Traffic In.ve-,ntory The manager reported the 1963 Traffic Invcntor�r prepared by the Yational Safety Council, based on 1962 data, showed ir'prove- r_ent %n all categories. A graph was shown clea��ly sho.nring; the rercentao of increase in all phases of enforcement, education and e_n�ineeri.n•;. Trustee Schleicher spoke of the increase in arrests in uul7T and August this gear, and asked the reason. The manager 1 c'leck .rith the Chief' of Police for this inform�.tion. and report to the Board. Deng Kennedy Petition A report was received fror:l o_ Variation the Board of Zoning; Appca.ls recommendinc th,,. t the, petition of r nevelopriqent Co. for ^ sideyard vr.riation for the ccnstruction of 4 residence on Lot 5, Scatte3,00d Subdivision be denied, on the basis no hardship was shown. Trustee landler 1 1 1 z .. 23 moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, th ^t the Board approve the recommendation of the Board of Zoning Appeals, and the petition be denied. Notion carried unanimouslV. Approve Flood Plain A report was received fro_.i the District P.C. Report Plan Cog- mission recoruncnd:� �.� the ado.- ti. -)n of anendmen.tc to the Zoning Ordinance C.nd the Subdivision Ordinance to rnm,,,lr--i e con- struction., elevations and fill in a Flood Plain district, with a r1 ,zy:) attached s-io.A-Ag areas to be designated as flood nlaj.n. Trustee Schleichor t:ioved, seconded b,r Trusted I:andler, t'-,c:t -the recor:mnondati.on of the Play. Commil-,sion be approvocl, and the Village attorney be directed to prepare the necessarzT ordinr,ncos. Motion carried unanimously. 1st Presentation Ordinance The first p.resentat7.on v!,--.s rv.f c of residont as I:avor an ordinance authorizing rcfcrrinC, to tie Villa�-o Pres- _de-it as Va7Tor. lst Presentation Ordinance The first prosentat7 on ryas n ldc of Part of cn ordinance annex4.n7 port of ?J 'Naukogan Rd. t7aukeFlan ;'load. Action on the t!� ordinance will be deferred until r the Villa o hoard of Bannockburn disconnects the rord. T V The man<igor renorteCl the I1ortlneastr,r:_? Illinois Fetro}-�olitall V Pla.ln _j Coill:iiss on s.ro�zll 'sold a conference on Sept,--,,"b -r. 2:)th ;rhi_c'-. stlould be of into -Ft to trustoo:. IIe statC:i�. hr ;end the ;Zt co1.1:r °,._ssionor ::o.1ld attond ;_f the "oarcl (iesirea. Approve Tali -J_n,, rids The nanz er reported Kitcl,.ons of 2 St. L�_ nts Ja> >'ieTan. Rd. Sara Lee Inc. :m1i1� Instlo ?.J_ 7 str ^et lights aloilr t '.7a111J e a �o .d- fronta; of the ,plant. IIe proposed the 'Doaald consider Lj t'.-,e exienditu.,e of approximatel-y 71x00 for two street lights to close the unlif;hted ga;; beti:foen the -•ortlh. end of t.1:e Sar;? Lee propert -= and t':).e busincs-, list- -ict. OiscusrJ.on. wr.s '2• cl o-n V. e possibil7_t • of Sara Lee contributing• the t�:ro r.d'�_t3.,�n �7_ 1.1 7h_t, s, but the manar- er pointe :l out the severoal cl)anr,os at t'•-ie r-.-uest of tbn villa,-o and .- roll.lr i-)al, for t',e electri.c poi--ier used for 11- 1- -ting. Several rlember^ r� isr,rl the - liost1 e��� of crheth.er the 1�_, °hts �toiild be disturbing to neighbor, but it :rs.s stated t',e li `hts acre desirable iron the sta ndnoi_nt of sa''et:T r nd esthetics. Triast�,e Schleicher therit riove(., seconded b- Trustee T'anllor, th;,t the Board aut'-orize ta'.ci.rg bids for tho t-.-.-o lights. Approve by the fo]_lo-.ri _ -1- vote:: Ayes; Lindemann, 1,11andler, Schleicher, ".Jetzel (4-) Yays : ;: ?one (0 ) The -:Zana,;er reported the Illino .s l unicipal Lea •lie conference Vrould be held in Springfield startinE; October 20th. iic sur,mcsted the villa; - ;e take a 1ilore active y,r_rt in Lea lie of airs to present constructive proCrails to tlie le gislatnre . Authorize Ordinance A letter .gas received fro: i the Increasin; =; Yenalti.es to tii500 villar e attorne T stat�_ng rccont lef,islation porrnitte�l -i.ncroas nC penalties .p(,r violation to `,1500. Trustee : °Jatzel roved, seconded by Trust Lindemann, that the attorneTr be r. e:uesto(I to :^repay. e an ordinance to increase penalties for violations to 5 500. T•'.otion carried unanimously. A letter was received from the Villa' .e - ttorre7T rocomflendin`; thL.t a public hearin` bo held on the ciiost_io,ZnofhI chna, nro�osec< zonin ordinance so as to set up a l %,:t� °ct Co�.u:lunitTT Unit P1 ail .:ould bF: le-al. The riana.;o-° s tat,, ' a hear n" would be held.