08/19/19631 7.) if J U v 1 J 5 Approve Bldg. Permit The Building Board of Appeals recommended the American Oil Co. issuance of a building permit for a service station to the American Oil Company. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Smith, that the Board authorize the issuance of the said permit. Motion carried unanimously. A letter was received from the Safety Council regarding Traffic Safety recommendations made by the Chief of Police and Building Commissioner. The manager reported a complaint had been received regarding refuse burning. There being no fut;ther:= business, the meeting was adjourned at 12 :05 a.m. APPROVED: � V President ATTEST: Village Clerk P August 19, 1963 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, August 19, 1963 at 8:25 p.m. The clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: Ira K. 'learn, Jr. James E. Mandler John A. S. Lindemann George P. Sc.i le i cher James M. Mandler Absent: David C. Whitney, President Ellis W. Smith and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meeting. Also present were Messrs. Seymour Axelrood, representing the Village attorney, and Robert Bowen, as acting' Vi l ]age manager. Trustee Mandler moved, seconded by Trustee Schleicher, tnat Trustee Hearn be appointed President pro tem. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Trustee Mandler and seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that minutes of the regular meeting held August 5, 1963 be approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Approve Bills - Payroll July Payroll City Sanitary Service Recorder of Deeds C. 0. Ferguson Grace M. Lee Pamela A. Lord Katherine Martin V. B. Schoeffmann Ruth J. Snyder B. H. Wooley Thomas W. Kwant The following bills and payroll for the month of July were presented fro consideration: $ 22,504.19 675.00 1.27.50 24.05 13.77 21.42 44.37 67.32 35.74 32.02 84.92 Dora Keening X43.82 F. :. Enenbach 47.06 Iiarie B. :Vrnaks 28.28 Grace :_. Lee 35.12 C. 0. Ferguson 52.40 V. B. Schoeff,lann 38.18 n. H. '.Vooll(-,y 32.66 1�1'anci R. Lerner 51.44 Ruth J. Snyder 36.42 Joanne E. Lee 64.88 Karen L. Str7Tker 44.18 Katherine B. i''artin 26.t70 Janis Laidley 7,6.38 Corrie °ae Bruce 45.20 Elizabeth 54.80 Larossa S. : "ilner 27.56 ' J . F. Brandrie i n 82.88 Pamela An-,) Lord 51.56 Dana Fari e Jensen 52.16 Grove Dodge Sales 3736.92 Carolyn Breitling 224.70 Fred. G. Breitling 224.70 Deerfield Par? :District 175.00 Suburban Bldg. Offic. 7.00 Seely of State 7.00 23072.5 �1 ^r. Mexican Pet. ' 901.80 Antot Sign Co. 39.50 Auto Laboratories 44.62 KKeter E -fg. 2379.07 P PtP,r Baker L Son Co. 249.94 .Baxter Cc '.Voodnlan- 226.33 ,3d. of Supervisors 75.00 ;�. `.J. Boehm 3.95 B. A. T., Inc. 56.32 H. R. Byard 25.00 See 177 of State 2.00 Chandler's, Inc. 5.85 Couat,r Line Shell Cro :m. Temp. 'Eng. 743.00 Dahl' s Auto Co. 28.00 '7eerfi eld Oil Co. 84.00 Deerf!_eld Pure Oil 3.00 Decrfiel,1 _review 244.72 Deerfield State Bank 236.7,2 F. :'J. Dorrtian �� Co. 390.00 J. �. T)i ckiglson 2 r � •0 0 71. S. Duncan 25.00 L. L� Kb. Uti 1-1 ty S -.le:. 197.45 Etherid -es Re�lt. rlexible Safet�T Co. 22.93 C. . Foelsch, Jr. 1 '2.50 ::7orc? Phanna cy 3.56 Fra-assi TV L Appl. 115.50 General Bod,r Sal ^s 243.40 Gerber slanuf . Co. 40.52 Gremle- z Biedermann 45.00 Grimm- Hans en- Trel�nd 179.61 Grover ;'Jelding Cora. 54.91 John Harrin -ton 25.00 . lielanders Inc . 19.10 :'i ;hland P^ rk, Ci. t�T of 18909 .24 '- rrr -eland Par -. He<ati nF 10.00 TIi Jhl2nd. P�.r' TTosp . 18.75 Iiorle A:eraspapers, Inc. 1.00 Illinois Bell Telephone 376.49 Jewel Tea, • Co., Inc. 25.00 Joboul Pub-1. CO- 15.00 Joseph Lumber Co. 02.15 Loll i s Kalber 25.00 Sh=rnan Krane 25.00 31ne r K, -,a s e 114.00 r Lake Count; Lacy Office 50.00 1 D. S. Lavigne, Inc. 13.59 T. A. 'Ma tthec; s 575.00 1.1a;; er Paving Co. 595.E >2 Lenoni cc Mocogni 672.77 Arnold Beyer 20.00 !,:id State Aviat. 10.44 1.:otor Parts 3; _=ach 4.90 1 utual of �I. P., I,zc . 3.20 To-Li Trurray Co. 4C8.90 A. Porehad 25.00 National Tunic. Lea"uP 5.09' Arthur O'Brien 100.00 0l Brien Nanufacturing 3554.05 :inn S. Olesak 4.25 Olson Print .n- Co. .65 ex Bow Rektaurant 5.23 Pat Parrano 560.75 Pavlik Bros 4-.51 P. B. :Enterprise. 128.00 D. J. Petersen 18) .75 Pettir Cash 135.41 Pi chus Constr. 1400.00 Postnaster 100.00 Precision Lab. 148.50 �1 Public Service Co. 1540.29 Reiland 'c Bree, Inc. 221.09 Cyr Charle- Rogers 4-0.75 Nicholas Seif 7.18 Villa,,-,c of Deerfield 17.82 Service Fa or Co. 9.1i0 Shoreland Totors, Inc. 2.On Sinclair :;inc_,, l 8. 0 Alvin Singer 24.00 A. L. Stewart `;J. Stilphen 7.65 Sub. Bld` . Off. Con. 17.00 Sunra,, DX Oil CO. 2500.33 P. A. Thompson 0.10 Village of Deerfield 115.82 Treasurer, State of Ill. 5.`-0 Tri Test :uni tions 125.00 Tropical Paint Co. 8.01 Verako Products 519.73 Ville. "c of Deerf _-eld 25.00 Villa ge of eer_field "-5.00 Villa -(- Hard :!are, Inc. �':^ •91 Visi Plaslz Rentals 0` 5 '.'N. '.Jillnan 95.00 Zander- Orr,ien, Inc. 175.x` 54.3.25 mrus'i eE .:an'_lcr i?oved, secencicd 'riiste ; i ^tz-1, that t)�e pa7Troll for tine , ionth of J>>1TT c.,), tl- e b'.11s .. _^ ;: above. be In �-�roV d for pa�n.ient • Adopter, r. the f ollowln vote: Ages: "Lmirn, Linrl,enann, liandlr,r, Schleich^ "fetzel (5) 'c,_,rs: 1!one (0) Contract - `later 1'ain T'r. Bowen. re? ,)orted the follm-ni.ng 111ward Extension -ILola ;16,051.80 bids ''?.acl been recc .veri for the Count-, Line ��oa(1 ,.later rie_In extension fron east of the Railroad to RCA, In accorclance �,!ith plans prepared by Baxter and 'Joodnian: DIDDER CAST IRONT ASBESTOS C ,;T °FAIT BC T!) --,I CiF T,'cla Sewerage Contractor "16, 442.40 ',16, 051.60 x E. Robinson Construction 26,9 0.00 25,120.00 x much & Inr-ran, Inc. 20,044.00 7o bid x Rossetti Contracting Co. 201 528.:,0 19,1 -) x E6 BIDDER CAST IRON O C. B. Construction Co. q'181078.50 I"orth.wost Skokie Corp. 23,000.00 Freston Woodall 26,980.00 J. Giannini C'. Son 17, 955.00 Feter Ciconne 21,995.00 Yeri Bros. 20,400.00 Scullv, Hunter Sculyy 17,120.80 Bo` °filer 8c DiPaolo 20, 245.00 AS3TySTOS C�i:iE!TT BOND OR CnXK 683.50 x 21$800.00 x 25,120.00, x No Bid x 21,995.;0 x 199700.00 x 16,972.00 x No bid x Duch & "latson 19,490.00 17,875.00 x Latrobe Engineering Co. 21,447.00 20,364.20 x A letter, was received fro -n. Baxter an(-i "Joodman reco- ,-onend _nr; t'-:e contract be a iarderl to the low bidder, ITola Se, :io-rage Con- tractor, at the-Lr bid --rice of r16, 442.40 for cast iron pipe, s9 -nce the conpan t has limited experience ,:iith the installation of asbestos cement pipe. i::r. Bowen reported the coi,niany had a^:reed to install ca t Iron pj_pe at the same price bid for s ,e tos cement, 051.00. Trustee, : "andler moved, seconder? b,T Trustee letzel, t',,-.-t the con- tract be a •Tarded to i':ola SeiJerar�e Contractor for installation of u.�e cast iron :rater rnai n at a price of $16,051.P0. Adopted b:- ttze follor�in.s vote: Ages: Hearn, Lindemann, iandler, Schleicher, ",etzel (5) F. a71 s : i�one ( O } Award Contract C. B. Constr. N39,067.80-Count- Line Mr. Bowen reported the followinS Sewer "later Extensions bias had been receiver from -the installation of sanitary sewRr and viater ma 7_ns in CountIT Line road: PDIDDER Sli;'.MER C.I. PIPE A.C. PIPE RD.CROSST! "C ALT Lowler DiPgolo X19019.50 25 300.14 No bid No bid C. B. Construction 15603.50 25796.50 23464.30 1000.00 Peter Ciccone 18890.25 27079 .88 27190.58 Yo b L(I Ciccone 3ros. 32052.00 26289.00 26243.20 3720.00 J. iiannini 29445.50 27485.00 Yo bid 1500.00 iaici, 1s In rails 20252.50 20264.06 25636.73 4500.00 Kuch - Jatson 19722.50 28999.20 25998.50 1000.00 Latrobe Ensineering 22446.00 31983.70 28870.00 4800.00 1,"ola Sewerage 16593.30 262G6.20 25483.36 1320."0 Yorthwest S.iokie 17461.£5 25359.40 22080.40 500.00 Preston 7100dall 17979.50 29698.94 26057.40 2 -00.00 Robinson Constr. 19651. 210 31030.02 I?o bid 400.00 Rossetti Contracting 29215.50 32469.20 ;2409.20 151,'0.00 Scully Kiinter °� 22015.55 26694.02 2522.:).5. 1000.00 Scully 1 7 9 A letter was received from Charles Greengard Associates reco-n- mending the contract be @_i.-rarded to the lour bidder for the conbined sewer and water project, C.F . Constrn.ction Co. with a total bid of ";41,399.56 for cast iron v!ater rain, and "')39..067.80 for asbestos cement. Trustee T,'andler state" Er. Greengard had said the village would be rrell advised to take the lo7 :inr of the taro bids. Trustee Schleicher moved, seconded .blT Truste„ 71otzel, that bi,'. of C.B. Construction_ be accepted at the bicl price of ;,39,067. for sewer and :rater main construc i_on in Count7l-r Line Road, i,rlth asbestos cement p 7pe . Adopter? b=- tr.Ze folloJ1ri ig vote: Ayes: yearn, Lindemann, 11andler, Schleicher, Vetzel (5 ) Nays: Tlone (0) The Agreement beti�reen the Village of Deerfield an,1. Carl G. Schmidt (Volksyragen) relating to seder and --at ^r main cons true tl_c>n and costs, rates to be charge;'_, zoning and annexation was read in full by Trustee ':'letzel. It was the consensus of the Boa--d that a paragraph "f" be added bzT the attorrelT to s ,ate that all recapture funds shall go to the Village of Deerfield. A chanSe in :iordiiiC will be riarle to clarif -T rates to be paid by Volkswagen. F =. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentat_l_on ^.s ma de Authorize Execution of VW Agreement of an ordinance approvir- the agreement wi-t), Carl G. Sc:hrl�dt for :rater rncl sovrer service and authorizing tfle President cnd cleric to execute said agreement on behalf of t7,.-.l VillaE -e, of Deer- field. It �J JS T)Ointed out that the County Line sanitary sewor would serve only a s1:2a ll Dart of T.ovland Subdivision, the IT,ckl; err- Road sanitary server having been oversized to serve the major pert of the subdivision. 1st Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation rm.s rl,lde Annexation Tract. on v'Vilr'Ot of an ordinance ,.nnexi �" a 'craft of land t:Test of 1.7il-1-,iot Road north of Green7ioocl extended. Truste•- 7andler nov,,(l, seconded ley Truste- Lindemann, that this presentat_ton constitute a first readin- of the said ordinance. Iiotion carried unanimously. President pro tmm Hearn suggested that,. Inasr. ch )s the Bo ard had agreed on changos in language in the agreement vrit?z C..rl ScYa:lidt a_­.!1 in the light of deadlines Volksr:,a�;e:n mist . ; for services, the Board give consideration to approvinr, the ­;;reenen.t and enactrdent of the ordinance authoriz5_n,,7_ the execution of sail agreement. The meeting, was recessed at 9:25 p.rn. and reconvene(? at 9:45 p.m. Authorize Re- O2,enin Receipt was acknowledged of I 4 letters and three petitions FTe egra R.R. Crossing signed b -,T several hundred resi- dents, all opposing the closing of the Telegraph Toad Railroad crossing. Tf:r. Leroy ball, President of Bannockburn, presented petitions sir-nod by 129 residents objecting to aturesoand�l�tters crossin Ile stated on the basis of theee sit na received, the board of Trustees of Bannockburn would undoubtedl7T officiall�T oppose the closin,; of the crossing °. In an.,..er to Trustee T, Schleicher's cuestion, sir. Hall stated the Bannockburn Board eroul be to discuss protection for the crossing; on a shared cost basis with Deerfield. Several residents of Deerfield and Bannockburnpoke Of`rt e inconvenience caused by closing the crossing, particular ith access to the High School; traffic cong;est3on in other locations; hardship to the two bus -i.nesses at Point Comfort; and the fact that the a;pparentl7T hazardous ono�aiPn by the esersmof'STth�`f crossin.g� rate due to extre_Ze caution 1,rn c e It was pointed out the crossing n,eded for fire protection. After further discussion, Trustee 10letzel moved, seconded blT Truster; Schleicher, that the manager be directod to renove the barricades at the Telegraph.Road railroad`crossing as soon as possible. T'otion carried unanimously. Ordinance - Approve er The Agreement; between the Villao Authorize Execution - VjV Agree. and Carl G. Schmidt of Volks- 0 -63 -36 wa en having been corrected to incorporate a?-)proved changes, Trustee I7andler moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that the rulEs be ":7aived to permit action on the ordinance aw provi ,-.g the a gree- merit with Carl G. Schmidt, and authori.zi_n_ execution of t'-ie agree - rlent b- the President and clork. Adopted b�T the following vote: A�Tes 'learn, Lindemann, handler, Schleicher, ',Ietzel (5) i Ts , hone (0) Trustee "andler then moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, th,-t th^ ordinance be adopted. Upon roll call the ordinance pa:,�ecl b.- the following. vote: AiTes : Hearn, L'i ndemann, I�I andler Schleicher, "Ietzel (5 ) N! !ITS : ! one (0 ) The President pro tern signed the ordinance 1.nclicat.nI"; his approval thereof . Approve SiUn - Deerfield State Discussion -:cas had on the Bank kc '.Vi lson Inc. Clock petition of Outdoor Advertising for a sign for the Deerfield Sta-'Ge Ba.n': and 1.1ilson1 s Frozen Foods to be located at the "iaukecan Roc.d entrance to the par'cing lot sery _ng these businesses. The Boc.rd of Zoning Appeals recor.imended a variation to per_'nit the sign of a directional nature not more than 16 ft in hei.Cht a.ncl 52 se. fir in area. Several Board members expressed approval of the clot'; at the to --) of the sign, increasi -ng the height of the sign to 17 ft. 2 inches. Trustee. Lindemann moved, seconded by Trustee Fancll. ^.r, t'oa.t the 3oard approve the variation for the si Gn in accordance vrit', t'ie -plans presented, including the :'cords "Founded in 1920" Mic! the eloe'� to remain illuminated at all ti_ -!es, and the atto-1ne"T be clirected to prepare the Ordinance `ranting saic_ variation. Adopted b,r tl'!e follo-�ring vote: A;Tes : a Lindemann, Fandler, Jetzel (4 ) i';al s: Schleicher (1) I�r. Howard Kane, Attorne,7 for the Deerfield. State Bane, stated he felt rnich ti.iie vrould have been saved if he had been I •iven an opportunity to discuss the Board of Zoning Appeals suggestions reCarding the sign prior to their submission of the recommendation, since most Changes s,,,g-ested b­ the Zoning; Boar(`. were acceptable to his client. A ,'prove Iilla,-e Contribution A report vra s recei_vecl . �Y, t_�.e Iolice Pension Pa�nront for manager rpcormen,'inF that the C11'.-cer R. L. Davenport Jr. Village palT ?)oli -ce pension fund contributions for officers fizl- fillin; their obligation for service yrith the U.S. armed forcr:s for the period of service, as sugC,ested bTT the >�oc.rd of Trustees of the rol-ice Pension Fund. It yeas no _nted out that if a national e�. :er enc�? occured, and all officers subject tn $(- elective s vi_co refs i_rer�ents rere called u- , such contributions could constitute a substantial amount. Truster: 77th --zel i-ioved, seconded b, Trilstee Lir(leia -?n, that the )oard approve the payment of the regl�l�?r 7 � f 1'ce pension fund nurnoses for Office-- Robert L. de0.1.Ct1'.!1 _.or p0 1 p , rP,�'lil�e - Davonrort Jr. during the period he is fulfilling h_1-s service Tients clurin- 19,'i3 -64'. Adopted by the followin vote: es : ITOarn, Linderann,, = andle= , Schlelcher, ,'letzel (5) ilia-, s I L, LO -f. U V 1 11. Accept Deed -Agroo ent The agreement and Deed for Lot Lot 1-0, We -Go Subd. (I'lein) 40 (formeIrly Lot 9) in the pro- posed We -Go Subdivision .wns receivedd, said w- rcement relatin` to the us^ of the lot for street purnoses and the transfer of all or part conditioned upon future use. Trustee 111andler moved, seconded by Trt?st�,e Linder.i ann, that the a reement be approved and executed, and the Dood be accepted.. Lotion carried unanimously. Broceed with Annexation-RCA The attorne-? reported it appaarod North Snore Gas,, P.S. Co. and the Gun Club T-r, ^_s unwillinr* to Soil Testing annex to the Village. Trusto , 'Jetzel i:lovoci, seconded b-r Trustee Eandler, that the attorne'v be directed to proceed *ri.th the preparati en of the necessary ordinances for the annexation of RCA, Mort' Shore Gas, Public Servico and Soil Testing Laboratories properties. 11otion Carried unanir. ousl�r. Proclamation - Constitution `+°leek - Sept. 17 - 23, 1963 nesting the week of September 17 - the Villa ,-e of Deerfield. Potion carried unaninousl7r. Trustee Schleicher -moved, second- ed by Trustee Mandler, that a Proclamation be adopted desirr- 23, 1963 as Constitution in The manad-;r's report on sewerat;:-:: s-%Tste_: i.--prove onts was hold ov::r for discussion upon his return. No Holida�r - Columbus Dag A report ti ^r<as received from the manager recorl:-lendinm that gel= - bus Day be established as a legal holiday for villar:e employees, ns observed b -,. the StacP. Trustee Schleicher r_oved, seconded b7r Trustee Hearn, that villaF;e employees be granted Columbus Da7r Os a holida. -r. The .lotion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Schleicher (1) Nays: Hearn, Lindemann, Mandler, ,Vetzel (4) lst Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation :w-s made Abate Levy Fun. Bldg. Bonds_ of the ordinance abating the lever for I:Iuniclnal Building Bonds, funds being; available from Sales Tax receipts for payment of principal and interest on the said bonds. Resolution - Permits State Tim, h r. y Department applicat'_on to be nnade to the for t]ie installation of sever I; otion carried unani- :iousl y . Trustee Iandlor moved, seconded by Trustcc :'Ietzel, that a resolu- tion be adopted authorizing; State MGhwa,T Department for perr ^its and water mains on Count77 Lino roa(:. lst Presentation - Ordinance The first presentation rrr-s 1-:::de of ar ordinance establisIting Stop Signs cortai_n stop streets. A ouestion was raised regarding the proposed sto-•, sign at Contra! an(' Eln, Ind the Safet -\- Council vii-11 be reouested to checi-I this location. lst Presentation - Annexation The first presentation �-•ras made Ordinance - J)art of Deerfield Rd. of an ordinance annexing, th^t portion of Deerfieldt Road lyi'ng adjacent to the proport- recentl7T annexed at the northwest corner of Deerfield and �Iilnot Roads. lst Presentation - Ordinance The first pros ontati_on nm i made La'.�e Eleanor Sub. Zonini; of an ordinance anend,.r?r; the zoning; ordinance to provide for automatic classification upon annexati -on of the pro -nosed La'-,e Eleanor Subdivislon as an R -1 District under a Cony:iunit7 Unit Plan heretofo 7c presented and arnroved.