08/06/1962a I a August 6, 1962 The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall on Monday, August 6, 1962 at 8 :20 P.M. The clerk called the roll and reported the following were Present: David C, Whitney, President John F. Aberson John A. S. Lindemann Maurice C. Petesch Winston S. Porter Abserit: Ira K. Hearn, Jr. James E. Mandler and that a quorum was present and in attendance at the meetings. Also present were Messts. Thomas Matthews, village attorney, Norri.s Stilphen, manager, and Robert Bowen, building commissioner. Minutes of the meeting held July 23, 1962 were approved as submitted. Village -Town Hall Parking The manager reported that analysis of the Lot Transfer $90.62 low bid, including alternates, submitted by Mayer Paving Company and accepted by the Board, showed that the Township's share of the parking lot improvement cost was $3,734,38 and the Village's share $6,590.62, exceeding by $90.62 the amount budgeted for this improvement. He proposed that $90.62 be expended from the Village Hall budget allocation of $250 for building and grounds maintenance, Trustee Lindemann moved, seconded by Trustee Petesch, that $90.62 be taken from the Village Hall maintenance allocation for the parking lot improvement. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Petesch, Porter (4) Nays: None (0) Ordinance Tax Levy (0- 62 -31) Trustee Porter moved, seconded by TrLs tee Lindemann, that the Ordinance levying taxes for the year May 1, 1962.- April 30, 1963, be adopted. Roll call resulted as follows: Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Petesch, Porter, Whitney (5) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. Ordinance St. & Brdge.Levy Trustee Porter moved, seconded by Trustee (0- 62 -32) Lindemann, that the ordinance be adopted relating to tax levies for street and bridge purposes. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Retesch, Porter, Whitney 15) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof, Ordinance - Abating Mun. Bldg. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Porter, Bond Tax (0- 62 -33) that the ordinance be adopted abating the 1962 tax levy for Muncipal Building Bonds. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Petesch, Porter, Whitney (5). Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. In connection with the abatement of the levy for Municipal Building Bonds, through the use of sales tax funds, and a.question regarding the proposed utlli.�y_tax, Trustee Porter stated that, if the Village were to continue to provide services at the present level, it might become necessary i:n 48 to 60 months to enact a 5% utility tax to secure sufficient revenue for such services. He stated proposed business licensing would increase revenue by appro¢imately $1,500, an amount insufficient to pay for necessary services. Appoint Elmer KraseFire Fire Chief Elmer Krase was appointed Fire Marshal Marshal- Electric Commission and member of the Electrical Commission by President Whitney. Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that the appointment of Mr. Krase be confirmed. Motion carried unanimously. The manager reported on a meeting with Fire District-.officials, who stated it was not within the financial abilities of the Fire District to establish a Fire Prevention Bureau, nor could a full -time paid department be afforded. The President stated that when the-growth of the Village required full -time paid firement, a Village Fire Department should'- -bey considered, which would require a referendum. If a Village Fire Department were to be established, the Fire District would remain in existence, and would pay for c611s outside the Village. The President directed the manager to write to the various boards and commissions reminding them to submit reports on the year's activities. He was also directed to ask•when the report on the Sign ordinance might be expected. Petitions were received from residents requesting that the Board of Trustees L_ take no action on a utility tax. IT- X) Trustee Aberson estimated it would be three months before the committee's ' report on excess facilities water and sewer rates could be completed, since Baxter ic, and Woodman were not satisfied with their earlier review, and had requested more accurate data from Kitchens of Sara Lee; Inc. The report of the committee investigating the feasibility of a Youth Commission will' -be ready shortly, Trustee Aberson reported. The Audit for the year ending April 30, 1962 was received, and the Auditor and Treasurer will be requested to attend the next meeting for discussion. lst Presentation - Sale First presentation was made of an ordinance of Real Estate authorizing the advertisement and sale of a tract 33 ft. x 150 ft. adjacent to Briarwoods Vista Subdivision, as heretofore recommended and approved by the Plan Commission. Ordinance - Central Ave. An ordinance was presented establishing a speed Speed Limit 25 mph (0- 62 -34) limit of 25 miles per hour on Central Avenue from Wilmot Road to Nonquil Terrace, and setting penalties for violations thereof. Trustee.Petesch. moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the rules be waived to permit action on the said ordinance at its first presentatcon. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Petesch, Porter (4) Nays: None (0) Trustee Petesch then moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the said ordinance be adopted. Upon roll call, the ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Petesch, Porter (4) Nays: None (0) The President signed the ordinance indicating his approval thereof. A proposal by Mr. Louis Klein that he meet with the Board to discuss his property west of Wilmot Road was referred to the Plan Commission. Sidewalks - Walden School A lengthy discussion was had on the plan for construction of walks in the - .vicinity of Walden School. A number of property owners objected to the proposal, pointing out they had It was decided that the Safety Council be contacted for suggestions on speed limits on other stretts. The manager reported on a meeting with the manager of Highland Park regarding the construction of the North Avenue - Berkeley Road extension and bridge as a joint community porject. He stated it was Highland Park's opinion the project should be constructed by the County, since opposition would be less as a County project than if the construction were undertaken by the municipalities. It was the consensus of the Board that the Village, Highland Park and the High School Board should push for action by the County. A proposal by Mr. Louis Klein that he meet with the Board to discuss his property west of Wilmot Road was referred to the Plan Commission. Sidewalks - Walden School A lengthy discussion was had on the plan for construction of walks in the - .vicinity of Walden School. A number of property owners objected to the proposal, pointing out they had 186 not received proper notification, and there was no continuity between sidewalks and carriage walks.in the proposed plan. They stated child safety was not increased by the construction of a comparatively few lengths of sidewalk when the major part of the area was improved with carriage walks. Trustee Petesch stated that, at the time the sidewaa.k.ordirnancq was adopted, it was his under - standing that carriage walks would be permitted in areas where only a few lot s were unimproved with walks,and he was opposed to any deviation from the policy stated at that time. It was decided that the residents discuss the matter with the Building commissioner in the conference room to see if some agreement could be reached, and report to the Board later in the meeting. The meeting was recessed at 10 :00 p.m. and reconvened at 10 :15 p.m. Resolution - MFT $14,000 - Walnut St. Funds, for the improvement of adopted appropriating $14,000 Walnut Street between Chestnut engineer's estimate of cost. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that the resolution adopted July 23, 1962, appropriating $7,000 from Motor Fuel Tax Walnut Street be rescinded, and a resolution be from Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the improvement of Street and Forest Avenue, this amount being the Adopted by the following vote: Ayes:. Aberson, Lindemann, Petesch, Porter, (4) Nays: None (0) Add Walnut St. & Hazel Ave. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee To MFT Streets Lindemann, that the President be authorized to execute forms adding Walnut Street between Chestnut Street and Forest Avenue, and Forest Avenue between Deerfield Road and Hazel Avenue to the list of arterial streets under the Motor Fuel Tax program. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution - MFT - $10,000 Trustee Lindemann moved, seconded by Trustee Deerfield Rd. Resurfacing Aberson, that the Resolution adopted July 23, 1962, appropriating $34,000 for the resurfacing of Deerfield Road from Waukegan Road to the Railroad underpass be rescinded,, and a resolution be adopted appropriating $10,000 for this work under the Motor Fuel Tax program, this amount being the Engineer's estimate of cost. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Petesch, Porter (4) Nays: None (0) Approve Contract - Baxter WoodmanrDeerfield Rd. Work for plans and specifications Road to the underpass, under vote: Trustee Aberson moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that the President be authorized to execute the contract with Baxter and Woodman for the resurfacing of Deerfield Road from Waukegan the Motor Fuel Tax program. Adopted by the following Ayes: Aberson, Lindemann, Petesch, Porter (4) Nays: None (0) DGS Traffic Light Trustee Lindemann moved,seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the President be authorized to execute documents relating to the installation of traffic:lights at Deerfield Grammar School using Motor Fuel Tax Funds. Motion carried unanimously. Petitions - Radio Towers.. Petitions were received from residents asking that the Board take legal action to prevent the construction of radio transmission towers on National Brick Company property. Mrs. Ruth Koral, Forestway Drive, stated the special permit was granted on the basis of a public utility, and a commercial radio installation did no qualify as such. She further stated the cost of legal action to oppose the radio towers was prohibitive for individuals, and these towers, when constructed, could be used as the basis for rezoning adjoining property to non- resideebtial uses. The Village attorney was requested to write a letter to the Board regarding this matter, and the manager was directed to check if this permit has been issued. 1 1 187 Approve Partial Bldg. Permit The Building Board of Appeals recommended approval Sara Lee of a partial buildiing permit to Kitchens of Sara Lee for pilings, footings, foundation walls and related sub -grade structural elements, as shown on Plans E -1 to E -5, and C -1, C -2 and C -4. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that the partial building permits be issued in accordance with the recommendation of the Building Board of Appeals. Motion carried unanimously. Carriage Walks - Walden Funtherdiscussion was had on walks in the Walden School area after the report on results of the conference of property owners and the building commissioner. Trustee Petesch moved, seconded by Trustee Lindemann, that the Board approve 5 ft. carriage walks at 1104 and 1116 Wincanton Drive, 3 ft. carriage walks along Colwyn at Oxford and Warwick, with bushes in the parkway to be removed. Motion carried unanimously. Trustee Petesch then moved, seconded by Trustee Aberson, that bids for side- walks and carriage walks be called for. 10 ,a-- Motion carried unanimously. GO In Trustee Petesch requested the manager to get estimates of cost of a blade for plwoing carriage walks to be attached to snow plows. Trustees Petesch and Porter left the meeting. Water -Lot 2, Lunde's Resub. A report was received from the building commissioner Temporary Connection regarding a request from the owner of lot 2, Lunde's Resubdivision, to permit a temporary connection across a temporary easement to the water main in Cherry Street. It was the recommendation of the building commissioner that installation of a water main on Wilmot Road be required, the property owners affected to pay the cost of a 6 in. main, and-the Village to pay the difference in cost between a 6 in. and the 8 in. main which would reinforce the water system. ;Ae further reported the Plan Commission had under consideration a resubdivision of Lot R,.Owner's Division, and could require extension of a water main on Wilmot Road as a condition of approval. It was t,ie consensus of the Board that the water main should be extended in Wilmot Road, and the temporary connection be permitted after recording the letters of agreement relating to the temporary easement. The village attorney reported the Village had lost the Humble Oil CO.- Trinity Church zoning case in County Court, and stated the case could be appealed. No decision.was made on this matter. President Whitney stated the Plan Commission had been studying this area, and directed that a copy of the attorney's letter be sent to the Plan Commission. He also requested that the Plan Commission give consideration to increasing the building setback requirement in the Business District to provide more parking, and to increasing the height limitations with less coverage of lot area by buildings. Village.officials were invited to a meeting at Wilmot School on August 13th, sponsored by the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, regarding the future land use,of property west of Wilmot Road and South of County Line Road. No action was taken on a resolution - pertaining to a Lake County Public Works Department, proposed by the County Board of Supervisors. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :45 p.m. APPROVED: President ATTEST: Village Clerk